PDHR Hays calls for Change in Investor Psychology on BiH
The Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, is speaking to investors in Saajevo today at a lunch organized by the Association of Austrian & BiH Businesspeople. Ambassador Hays will draw attention to the fact that 2004 has been a good year for the BiH business environment:
Ambassador Hays will call for a “new investor psychology” to match the opportunities that are now emerging. He will argue that with the current improvements in its business environment BiH has reached the stage where it is likely to reward serious investigation by shrewd long-term investors.
But BiH needs to create a “buzz” among international investors “For that happen, we have to reduce risk aversion. We need to change investor psychology about BiH – more investors here won’t mean unhelpful competition for investors already on the ground; rather an influx of new investment will provide momentum for reform, momentum for growth, and momentum for the sort of exponential recovery that can transform a struggling postwar economy into a global competitor. That will benefit investors and it will benefit the people of BiH.”