Радна група за реконструкцију и повратак (RRTF)
Need For Emergency Accommodation To Implement The Property Legislation
Need For Emergency Accommodation To Implement The Property Legislation
PLIP – Non Negotiable Principles In The Context Of The Property Law Implementation
PLIP-Non Negotiable Principles In The Context Of The Property Law Implementation
13 December 1998 CONTENTS Summary Context Policy Considerations Operational Plans (Draft) Resources Needs Delivery Mechanism Timelines Maps Annex 1 RRTF Media/ Information Strategy (Other annexes will be produced during Phase 1) 1.
Sarajevo Declaration Quarterly Implementation Review
Sarajevo, 12 December 1998 Compiled by the Reconstruction and Return Task Force Executive Summary Implementation of the Sarajevo Declaration has been marked by continual problems. It is vital that the limited momentum which built up during the Summer should be reinstated, and in particular that no changes be made which might reduce the efficiency [...]
Sarajevo Declaration Quarterly Implementation Review
Sarajevo, 11 August 1998 Compiled by the Reconstruction and Return Task Force Executive Summary Housing/Property Legislation, including Multiple Occupancy Implementation of the new Federation property legislation is proceeding. Administrative obstacles to the filing of claims to repossess private and socially-owned property have diminished, but p [...]
Sarajevo Declaration Quarterly Implementation Review
Sarajevo, 6 May 1998 Compiled by the Reconstruction and Return Task Force Executive Summary Housing/Property Legislation, including Multiple Occupancy The Deadlines for the adoption of the Legislation have been missed. The Laws have been finally adopted in a form acceptable to the High Representative.
BANJA LUKA 28 APRIL 1998 CHAIRMEN'S CONCLUDING STATEMENT Contents Introduction Displaced Persons and Refugee Groups Return Movements Legal, Administrative and Social Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina General Legal and Administrative Framework in Croatia Steps To Be Taken To Encourage Returns from Yugoslavia Conclusion INTRODUCTION Government r [...]
RRTF: Report July 1997
Annex 7 UNHCR's "Open Cities" Initiative July 1997 The UNHCR "Open Cities" initiative aims at encouraging cities or municipalities, where reconciliation between ethnic communities is possible, to declare publicly their willingness to allow minority groups to return to their former homes and participate as full members of the community.