
OHR SRT News Summary, 5 August 1999



  • Schoolteachers’ salaries paid in;
  • Montenegrin Government announced the platform on future relations with Serbia;
  • KOSOVO – 3 people killed in the last 24 hours;

The RS Ministry of Finance stated that salaries for workers at the Ministry for refugees and DPs and Ministry of Education had been paid in. The money was allocated by the US Government and the payment will be supervised by OHR.

Montenegrin Government adopted the document on redefinition of relations between Serbia and Montenegro. The document is called “The basis for new relations between Serbia and Montenegro”. – BETA

Reactions of Serbian politicians on the document adopted by Montenegrin Government. SRT carried the statements of :

Ivica Dacic (SPS spokesman) who said that Serbian Government had not received the document on redefinition of relations between Montenegro and Serbia, adding that he had no idea of today’s session of Montenegrin Government;

Vojislav Seselj (SRS) who assessed the document as nonsense adding that according to the FRY Constitution none of the federal units are allowed to separate from the Federation and if one of the federal units tries to separate in a violent way than it is very well known what will happen to it;

SRT also carried the statements of Goran Svilanovic (GSS) and Filip Vujanovic (Montenegrin PM);

SRT carried the items on incidents in Kosovo, 3 people killed in the last 24 hours, 105 houses and 1 church burned down in the vicinity of Prizren, village Smuc and one more village in Prizren surroundings also burned down, one man succumbed after Albanian attack on convoy of Serb refugees who were leaving Kosovo, figures of Serb refugees who left Kosovo, figures of Albanian refugees who returned to Kosovo, Trajkovic calls Rugova to join UN Interim Council.

Besides the standard news on Kosovo situation, SRT carried two more items: 1) statement of Goran Matic, FRY Minister without portfolio and 2) statement of Ivica Dacic (SPS spokesman).

SRT correspondent from Belgrade (Draga Grubic) reports on Bulatovic’s proposal for the reconstruction of the FRY Government, including statement of Ljubisa Ristic (JUL). SPO and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians did not attend the meeting. DPS (led by Djukanovic) refused to attend the meeting because they treat “Bulatovic’s Government” as illegitimate.

SRT also carried the statements of Zoran Lilic, Vojislav Seselj (SRS), ND, Zoran Djindjic on future opposition rallies.

HR Wolfgang Petritsch calls BiH to work on self-sustainable economy, because the IC will not be able to pump in unlimited amounts of money. Petritsch added that he would closely work with Bodo Hombach.

Robert Barry suspended verification of local election results in Drvar municipality. According to Federation media, Croat deputies do not agree with the decision and intend to remain at their posts. SRT correspondent (Slavisa Sabljic) reports on situation in Drvar explaining the situation in Drvar after the elections saying that local authorities did not work which caused Barry’s decision. SRT carried the statement of Mile Marceta (Drvar mayor) who said that all deputies (Serbs and Croats) should comply with Barry’s decision and that people from Drvar should return to Drvar. Marceta said that Barry’s decision will not have any impact on return of Serbs to Drvar and he is sure that the IC will do anything in its power to speed up the process.

International organisations held a press conference in Sarajevo. The main topic was return of refugees in Drvar. Besides Drvar, OHR began the return of 30 people to Vecici and expressed satisfaction regarding the behaviour of the Police in this town.