
OHR SRT News Summary, 4 May 1999


  • Novi Sad television hit by NATO missiles today, on International Freedom of Media Day.
  • American Senate opposes the resolution that would broaden Clinton’s authority in the military campaign against Yugoslavia.
  • Diplomatic efforts for the resolution of the Yugoslav crisis enter decisive phase – remark officials and the media.
  • An RS Government delegation led by the PM Dodik visits the municipalities of Podrinje.

American President Bill Clinton, whose advisors have been talking with the Russian special envoy, Viktor Chernomyrdin for the past two days, offered a suspension of air strikes and negotiations on the peace force for Kosovo, reports “Beta”.

On International Journalists’ Day, the Radio-Television of Novi Sad was one of NATO’s targets.

Correspondent from Novi Sad: The Radio-Television of Novi Sad, a part of the RTS system, was hit with three missiles last night, but resumed broadcasting this morning. The building was empty at the time of the attack, so there were no victims.

Corespondent from Pristina: According to the Municipal Information Centre, the areas of Vucitrn, Goles and Grmija were attacked by NATO this morning. There have been no casualties.

Correspondent from Belgrade: The Mayor of Valjevo said for “Politika” that the town was again attacked today. Two wounded were reported. TV “Politika” reports of an attack on the town of Vranje. The airports near Belgrade and Kraljevo were also hit. Problems with electric power supply persist.

After meeting Bill Clinton yesterday, the Russian envoy for the Balkans, Viktor Chernomyrdin said a diplomatic solution for the Kosovo conflict was close. “Reuters” report that Clinton said he would consider the suspension of air strikes, should the FRY meet NATO terms.

The US vice-president Al Gore and the Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin met again today to discuss the Kosovo crisis.

Reactions to the latest developments in the peace initiative:

During the talks in the White House, Clinton and Chernomyrdin managed to bring the US and Russian standpoints closer together, and Clinton said he would consider suspending the air strikes and that he would be willing to discuss the composition of the peace force for Kosovo, “Reuters” report and “Srna” carries.

In today’s edition, the Washington Post reports that the US president will consider stopping the air strikes against the FRY, if he is convinced that the Yugoslav forces had stopped the violence against Albanian civilians and guerrillas and started withdrawing from Kosovo.

Russian Defence Minister, Igor Sergeyev said he hoped that a diplomatic solution would be found for Kosovo, adding that NATO countries had no moral right to become a part of the peacekeeping force.

Similar views were heard from the Russian PM, Yevgeni Primakov who met in Moscow today with the German Interior Minister, Otto Schilly.

The French President Jacques Chirac addressed the nation today, repeating aggressive statements supporting escalation of NATO attacks, “Tanjug” reports. He also spoke of French support to diplomatic initiatives, stressing the important role of Russia. He also said he would visit Russia on May 13 to discuss the situation with Russian President Yeltsin.

French Defence Minister, Alain Richard, announced an increase in French participation in the NATO campaign by a quarter.

The foreign ministers of the 7 most developed countries in the world and Russia will apparently meet on Thursday in Bonn to discuss possibilities for the cessation of war in Kosovo and NATO air strikes. The basis for talks will be the peace plan proposed by the German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.

The US Senate today rejected a proposed resolution authorising Bill Clinton to use all necessary force against the FRY. This resolution would have authorised Clinton to use ground forces.

The Bulgarian parliament decided today to allow NATO the use of Bulgarian air space for the attacks on Yugoslavia.

The FRY president Milosevic met today with top army and police officials from Kosovo, concluding that all tasks pertaining to defence have successfully been carried out.

FRY foreign minister Zivadin Jovanovic said for CNN that 1,200 people have died so far in the NATO attacks.

FRY ambassador to Belgium Nikola Cicanovic said for “Solidaire” weekly there could only be a peaceful solution for Kosovo.

FRY Defence Minister Pavle Bulatovic said Yugoslavia will certainly be able to defend itself from the unprecedented aggression.

The Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) president Vuk Draskovic accused NATO of trying to defeat the increasingly intensive peace initiatives with increased bombing. Yugoslavia will have to be ready for compromise, said Draskovic.

SRS press release states that the aggressor will never be able to defeat the Serb people.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said today that NATO will suspend air strikes once it is satisfied that Milosevic had stopped his actions in Kosovo and commenced withdrawal of his troops. He said NATO apparently was not connected with the attack on the bus travelling between Pec and Rozaje. He also stated that 11,600 refugees came to Macedonia yesterday. He added that 90% of the Kosovo Albanians had been displaced so far. International organisations interview the refugees on arrival, with the intention of using the information thus collected for future war crimes indictments. General Walter Jertz reported that one of Yugoslav planes was shot down yesterday.

Quoting American intelligence, today’s “Washington Times” claims that the separatist KLA received training in the camps run by the Islamic leader Osama bin Laden.

Protests against the NATO attacks: reports from Belgrade, Sofia, Vienna, Athens.

“Tanjug” reports that the Association for Inter-Balkans Women’s Co-operation seated in Thesaloniki issued a strong protest against the NATO bombardment of the FRY.

The RS NA speaker Petar Djokic met today with the newly-appointed Portuguese ambassador Luis Barreira de Sousa to discuss the political situation in the RS.

An RS Government delegation led by the PM Milorad Dodik visited the Podrinje area today.

OSCE commenced a 4-day seminar on building defence potentials today in Salzburg. Representatives of the RS and FBiH attended.

The RS Defence Minister, Manojlo Milovanovic met today in Banja Luka with the SFOR Commander Montgomery Meigs.

The BiH CoM held session in Sarajevo today.

Exhumations of Serb civilians resumed in Sarajevo today after a five-month break.

Report from the SNS press conference.

Report from the SNSD press conference.

International organisations held a press conference in Sarajevo today. OHR spokesman James Fergusson said there was no reason for the extension of validity of old passports. Speaking of the Donors’ Conference, Fergusson said it depended mostly on the Entity representatives.

Federation BiH-related news.

World news.