
OHR SRT News Summary, 4 march 1999



  • Government States That It Still Works Unanimously With Milorad Dodik on Basis of Constitution and Law
  • In Letter to President Poplasen, HR Carlos Westendorp Warns About his Authorisations Which Include Removal of President from Office
  • Payment of January Pensions Will Start Tomorrow
  • Yugoslav Government Decided to Reduce Administrative Duties in Foreign Trade Affairs With RS by 70%
  • Dinko Sakic’s Trial Adjourned for March 15th

A press release from today’s session of the RS Government (read in full)

OHR press release on HR’s letter to Poplasen (read in full). OHR Spokeswoman, Alexandra Stiglmayer, stated that in the event that the HR, Carlos Westendorp, decides to dismiss RS President Poplasen, the Acting President would be the current RS Vice President, Mirko Sarovic, and that this would be in accordance with the RS Constitution.

Member of the SPRS Executive Board, Nebojsa Radmanovic assessed that a solution of the current RS crisis with the initiative to dismiss the RS PM can be found in a compromise. He also said that yesterday’s statement of OHR Spokesman, James Ferguson, was rushed, as the Constitution of the RS do not have a defined term of Acting PM. Radmanovic said that withdrawal of 8 Law Proposals by the Government was not serious.

SDS Presidency assessed at today’s session that the current RS Government, with its numerous violations of the Constitution and the Laws, and with the support of an unprincipled union of deputies from the “Sloga” Coalition and Coalition for Single and Democratic BiH, rose above the Constitution, RS President and RS NA. Therefore the SDS Presidency supports the efforts of the RS President to oppose the negative tendencies and to support democratic institutions of the Republic.

Head of the SNSD Caucus, Nenad Bastinac, considers that the RS President, cannot achieve anything with dismissal of the current Government, as this Government would continue its work until the election of a new Government.

Press release from the Cabinet of the RS President states that a meeting of the RS Supreme Defence Council was held today, chaired by the RS President, Poplasen. All the members of the Council attended the meeting to discuss and harmonise implementation of certain current Constitutional and legal regulations from the authority of the RS institutions and some issues from the field of work of the Council.

The SFOR North Pole Brigade Soldiers seized all the military and logistic equipment, including documents, from the 311th Infantry Brigade of the RS in Samac. An SFOR press release states that all the seized materials are stored in SFOR bases in Tuzla.

Kosovo news

Commander of NATO Rapid Reaction Force, British General, Mike Jackson today stated that NATO Land Forces will not enter FRY territory without approval from President Milosevic.

Police Officer Goran Timotijevic was killed last night in Podujevo, when Shqiptar terrorists attacked a regular police patrol.

Pristina Media Centre reports that Albanian terrorists killed brothers Ljubisa and Radivoje Mitrovic from the Village of Mijalic, Vucitrn Municipality, last night. The victims were supposed to meet Radivoje’s son, for whom the police is searching now, as it is considered that he was kidnapped by the terrorists.

According to Tanjug, Kosovo Albanians in the Village of Iglarevo are burning their houses, in an attempt to demonstrate that they are allegedly jeopardized. The OSCE mission is attending these events in the ethnically clean Albanian Iglarevo.

OSCE Spokesman for the region of Prizren, Simon Garry, stated today that there are no Albanian refugees in the villages around Prizren.

Beta reports that the FRY Government today decided to establish a border zone in certain parts of the FRY state border, in order to protect the state border and to prevent the entry of terrorist groups into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

As reported by France Press, the so-called OVK today gathered its units in the region of Drenica, in order to prevent the passage of a Yugoslav Army convoy from Kosovska Mitrovica towards Glogovac.

According to Beta, about a 100 OVK soldiers, armed with mortars, heavy machine guns, kalashnikovs and snipers, set up a barricade in the Village of Poljance, on the exit road from Srbice to the Glogovac Municipality.

Spokeswoman of the Kosovo Verification Mission, Beatrice Lacoste, today accused the Yugoslav Army of having a number of units outside military barracks, five times bigger than allowed by the October agreement with NATO. US State Department Spokesman, James Foley stated that a decision had still not been reached on the visit of the former Special US Envoy for Balkans, Robert Gelbard, to Belgrade. Heads of the Russian and British Foreign Ministries, Ivanov and Cook, today held a joint press conference in Moscow. Ivanov emphasised that his British colleague did not convince him about the necessity of foreign troops in Kosovo.

Supervisor for Brcko, Farrand called on the citizens of Brcko to accept the recent decision of the Brcko Arbitration Tribunal calmly.