
OHR SRT News Summary, 23 November 1998



  • the B&H Presidency Chairman, Zivko Radisic, in a working visit to Prijedor
  • the Government stopped the decision of the RS President on suspension of the Secretariat of the Milici municipality
  • the plan on the new status of Kosovo and Metohija accepted in different ways both in the FRY and in the world
  • more than 50 persons lost their lives in the cold wave in the Balkans and East Europe

The B&H Presidency Chairman Zivko Radisic paid a working visit to Prijedor today and, on that occasion, held constructive meetings with the Prijedor Mayor Borislav Maric and his closest associates, representatives of the enterprise and mine “Ljubija”, representatives of the enterprise “Celpak”, representatives of the political parties and councilors of the municipal assembly. The topic of today’s talks between the B&H Presidency Chairman and representatives of the political and economic life of the Prijedor municipality were the possibilities for the revival of the economic development in the Prijeor area.

At its last session, the RS Government made a decision on stopping the execution of the decision of the RS President on suspension of the Secretariat of the Milici municipality. The RS Government decision has been explained in today’s press release issued by the Cabinet of the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. Inter alia, the press release assessed the decision of the RS President on suspension of the Secretariat in Milici as anti-constitutional.

Representatives of the Secretariat of the Milici municipality held a press conference regarding the decision of the RS President Nikola Poplasen on suspension of this body and, on that occasion, assessed the decision as non-constitutional and unacceptable if one has in mind the successful work of that body and the fact that, concerning it, the RS Government standpoint was not previously requested.

Kosovo-related news.

Representatives of the RS Government and the Spanish Government signed in Lukavica today an Agreement on allocation of $ 3 million for the reconstruction of the power system in Herzegovina.

The RS National Assembly Speaker Petar Djokic solemnly opened the Brcko Branch Office of the Bijeljina Customs Office in whose construction more than 150,000 German marks were invested.

The SDS held its press conference in Banja Luka today and on that occasion, the SDS spokesperson Dragana Beric presented the standpoints of the prime minister designate Dragan Kalinic regarding the consultations held with representatives of the political parties so far as well as underlined that the SDS is determined to form the Government of the National Unity which will benefit the RS and its residents.

The High Representative to B&H Carlos Westendorp called upon Croatia to pass the constitutional amendment which would explicitly recognize the minority status of Bosniaks in Croatia. According to Sarajevo media, in the letter addressed to the Croatian President Franjo Tudjman, Carlos Westendorp assessed yesterday’s signing of the Agreement on special relations between Croatia and the B&H Federation as a very constructive step towards closer relations of the two sides.

News from the B&H Federation.

The High Representative to B&H Carlos Westendorp will hold, as a guest of the EU Presidency, a lecture on the topic “Future of European Foreign and Security Policy on the Example of former Yugoslavia” in Bonn tomorrow. The Beta news agency reported today that the European Financial Inspection has launched an investigation into whether the HR to B&H Carlos Westendorp spends too much of the international community’s budget. Quoting the German weekly Der Spiegel, the agency reported that the European Inspection is also examining why Westendorp’s wage is 15% higher than the wage of his predecessor Carl Bildt. According to Der Spiegel, Bildt was receiving 40,000 DM per month, while Westendorp’s monthly wage amounts to 46,000 DM. Westendorp explained that he spends more because he spends most of his time in Sarajevo, while Bildt was working from Brussels. In addition, Westendorp pointed out the difference between the two men’s number of children – Bildt had two, while he has three. Der Spiegel further said that Westendorp has formed a team comprised of 500 workers who are all paid from the budget amounting to 43 million marks a year. Half of the budget is provided by the EU, while the USA provides 20% and Japan 10%. The rest is provided by other countries. Westendorp also said that the announced financial irregularities certainly do not benefit his reputation in Bosnia. According to Westendorp, forces that want to disable his future career are behind the financial inspection. The Spanish Government has proposed Westendorp for a new function in Brussels in charge of a common foreign and security policy of the EU. Despite the financial inspection’s data, Westendorp told Der Spiegel that he believes he has an excellent chance of taking over the function.

The International Seminar on democratic experiences of some European countries started in Sarajevo. Its opening was attended by the UN Secretary General Special Envoy Elizabeth Rehn, representatives of the CoM and the B&H Federation.