
OHR SRT News Summary, 23 August 1998



  • in Doboj and Trnopolje a requiem for the victims of the Ustasha terror in the World War II
  • NATO again considers the possibility of the military strikes against Kosovo and Metohija
  • new investments of the RS Government for closing the refugees collective centers in the Eastern Herzegovina and water-supply in Trebinje and Brcko
  • US attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan and monetary crisis in Russia have marked the world scene
  • on domestic political situation – in Elections ’98 of the Evening News tonight

The news of the day comes from Russia. President Boris Yeltsin discharged the government of Sergey Kirienko and appointed Victor Chernomirdin the acting Prime Minister.

In Doboj and Trnopolje near Prijedor the survived and the descendants of the Serbs who were killed in 1941 gathered on the places on which Serbs were killed in order to commemorate the anniversary of the Ustasha terror against Serbs and to hold a requiem. The RS Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Veterans and War Victims, Tihomir Gligoric, attended the commemoration in Doboj.

The review of the situation in Kosovo. The destiny of the journalists team, who were making reports from the territory affected by the war in Kosovo and Metohija and who got missing the day before yesterday, is still uncertain. “Macedonia and Albania hail the optimistic announcements of the continuation of the dialogue between the representatives of the political parties of the Kosmet Albanians and the state delegation of Serbia and support all the efforts that lead towards the peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis”, is said in a joint statement of the Prime Ministers of Macedonia and Albania.

The RS Government approved DM 6,225,000 for accommodation of the refugees in the collective centers in the Eastern Herzegovina, was stated by the RS Government Office in Trebinje.

The RS Minister of Refugees and Displaced Persons, Miladin Dragicevic, visited Siprage today. Namely, at the end of July of this year, 150 Moslems, who moved to the territory of the B&H Federation as refugees during the war, returned to the area of the Kotor Varos local community of Siprage. The majority of them are men and at the moment they are accommodated in tents and containers. During his visit to Siprage, Minister Dragicevic said that the activity of the return of Bosniaks to Siprage was not a coordinated one and on this occasion, he reiterated the official standpoint of the RS Government that there will be the returns to the RS under the condition that they are performed in a planned and organized manner with a notice in advance to the responsible institutions of the RS which was not the case this time. He said that this way of return was a political act.

The RS Minister of Information, Rajko Vasic, sent a letter of gratitude to the previous SRNA director Branislav Ilic and the staff of SRNA for the successfully conducted transfer of duties after the RS decision on discharge of SRNA editors and appointment of the acting editors as well as the decision on the change of the seat of SRNA.

The RS Government and the Norwegian Government made an agreement on financing the projects of water-supply in Trebinje and Brcko amounting to US $ 680,000.


  • Independent Social Democrats – a tribune in Kotor Varos, a tribune in Teslic, a public tribune in Ostra Luka, a public tribune in Prijedor
  • Socialist Party of the RS – a public tribune in Donji Vijacani near Prnjavor, a pre-election tribune in Modrica
  • Social-liberal party – a public tribune in Prijedor