
OHR SRT News Summary, 19 March 1998



  • Plavsic, Dodik, Primakov – Political, But Also Economic Co-operation Between RS and Russia
  • Government Session Prepares for Tomorrow’s Session of Parliament
  • BiH CoM Again Fails to Agree on Organisation of Ministries
  • Crisis in Kosmet Threatens to Escalate
  • Kosovo Albanians Boycot Dialogue Again
  • New Automobile Cards Soon

A delegation of the Russian Federation, led by Yevgeni Primakov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his Deputy, Nikolai Afanassievski, met with President Plavsic and Prime Minister Dodik in Banja Luka today. They agreed that the new RS Government had improved the position of the RS in the world. Dodik announced that an economic delegation from the Russian Federation would visit the RS in April, and that economic co-operation with the RS would be defined then. Primakov and his Deputy received the “Njegos” decoration from the RS.

The 10th session of the RS Government, Chaired by Ostoja Kremenovic, Deputy Prime Minister, was continued yesterday in Banja Luka. The Government was considering preparatory documents for tomorrow’s session of the RS National Assembly, including proposals for various laws.

The session of the BiH CoM was held in Sarajevo today, but no decision was reached on the organisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

President Plavsic and Prime Minister Dodik met with Jacques Klein, Deputy High Representative, in Banja Luka today. Dodik stated that Klein informed them that the US Congress will decide by March 26th on the promised $5 million assistance which should be available for the RS very soon. They also discussed conditions for the signing of an agreement with the IMF. Klein emphasised that it was necessary to find a faster way of delivering IC assistance to the RS, and also announced that the new vehicle registration documents would be issued soon.

The RS Ministry of Defence issued a press release denying the statement of Aleksa Buha, President of the SDS, that the new RS Government accepts the establishment of a single BiH Army. The Ministry denied any participation in negotiations, and stated that the confusion was caused by a letter from the Hague Tribunal Deputy Prosecutor addressed to the Minister of Judiciary, Goran Neskovic. The letter asked for copies of RS commanding and headquarters manuals, allegedly delivered at one of the previous meetings between representatives of the RS Army, HVO and BiH Army. The aforementioned meeting was held prior to the establishment of the new RS Government.