- Final Results of Elections in RS and BiH Federation by the End of Next Week
- Russian Duma Considered Kosmet Situation
- Westendorp Announced Law on BiH Telecommunications
- Conflicts in Albania Continue
The Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, Robert Barry, informed the press today that the final electoral results will be released on September 23rd and 24th and he added that there will be no preliminary results. Barry stated that the reason for such a decision are complaints from the RS political parties. He said that many voters sent their votes by mail, or voted on tender ballots or voted in absence and that this will be of great significance for the final result in the RS. Commenting on the public discussions on Nikola Poplasen’s violation of electoral silence and appearance of Mr. Seselj in the electoral campaign, Barry said that both cases were submitted to the EASC.
The HR, Carlos Westendorp, in accordance with his authorisations under Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement and Article 11 of the Bonn Document, made a decision that the Law on BiH Telecommunications that was delivered by the CoM to the Parliament is to enter into force on September 11th of this year on a temporary basis, until adopted by the Parliament in the regular procedure. The existence of three operators is recognised in the meantime, as they provide services with a standing public telecommunication network. “I expect all the relevant sides to agree on a framework memorandum of understanding on re-organisation of the sector for telecommunications, including the internal system of numbering, by November 1st” states Westendorp’s decision.
A joint team of international military experts today conducted a military inspection in the area of Srbinje (Foca). After this first inspection in the RS, the same kind of inspection will be conducted in the BiH Federation in the coming days.
Three bombs were found by pupils in the immediate vicinity of an elementary school in Srbinje, one just next to the window of a classroom, another one in the school-yard and one in the gutter, connected to 40 dinars by a nylon fishing line. Fortunately, none of the bombs exploded and they were removed by SFOR soldiers.
The RS PM, Milorad Dodik addressed the press for the first time since the elections. He addressed remarks to rumours based on pre-electoral campaigns of certain parties. The PM said that the OSCE activities on organising the elections were insufficient because they made complicated ballots for which extra education of voters was necessary. “Such ballots were an unnecessary experiment of the OSCE, created a lot of problems which produced a situation where certain political parties are creating an inappropriate post-electoral situation”, said Dodik. He also said that the SDS and the SRS, by proclaiming themselves to be the winners, are creating such a climate in which any other result would be used for manipulation.
The SDS and the SRS requested the EASC and the OSCE to approach identically all the problems which appear before these bodies. Dragan Cavic, Vice President of the SDS, at today’s press conference in Banja Luka, made objections to yesterday’s conclusions of the Media Experts Commission, claming that the approach of this Commission is selective and tendentious. “We will request the EASC to take good care in passing the decision, because we will not react by silence” said Cavic. The Coalition of the SDS and the Radicals, as Cavic announced, will address a package of complaints to the EASC, on a whole line of violations of electoral silence by the Coalition “Sloga”.
President of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic, addressed a protest letter to the HR, expressing his disbelief that Mr. Westendorp could, during the electoral silence, approve or order transmitting of a programme on TV BiH, in which an opposition leader suggested that theft, relatives and war profiteers connected to the current authorities were ruling the BiH Federation.