
OHR SRT News Summary, 15 June 1998



  • In Banja Luka the sixth session of the RS National Assembly in progress
  • President Plavsic and Greek President Stefanopulos – support a peaceful solution of Kosmet crisis
  • Air force exercise at the southern Yugoslav border – NATO satisfied, Belgrade upset
  • NATO cannot intervene in Kosmet without UN mandate, Klaus Kinkel repeated at the European Summit in Cardiff
  • New Montenegrin Parliament with five caucuses and the old president Svetozar Marovic

The sixth session of the RS National Assembly is in progress in Banja Luka. After a four-hour discussion on the agenda, the agenda consisting of 39 items was adopted. The most discussed issue has been the legitimacy of the current leadership of the RS Parliament. The continuation of the session is expected at the beginning of next week.

On the first day of her official visit to Greece, the RS President, Biljana Plavsic, met with the Greek Parliament Speaker and the Greek President, separately. At those meetings Plavsic again expressed gratitude for Greek support to the RS. The current political situation in the region, including the situation in Kosovo, was also discussed. During visit to Greece Plavsic will hold several meetings with other Greek senior officials.

The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, and the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to B&H, Filip Sydorski, talked today in Banja Luka about details of the realisation of the credit arrangement amounting to $50 million which Russia had approved for the RS. The possibility of opening the Office of the Russian Embassy in the RS was discussed as well. The Rector of Banja Luka University, Dragoljub Mirjanic, also met with Sydorski today, when he signed an agreement on scientific cooperation between universities.

Response of Aleksa Buha, president of the SDS Presidency, to the resignation of Boro Bosic, Co-chairman of the B&H CoM, from the membership of the party. The whole text of Buha’s press statement was broadcast.

NATO military manoeuvres in Albania and Macedonia called “Decisive Falcon” lasted for five hours today. 84 military airplanes from 13 countries took part in the exercise.

The situation in Kosovo and reactions to the Yeltsin-Milosevic meeting which is to be held tomorrow.

According to an official statement of the Centre of Public Security in Srbinje, at 7:50 this morning, SFOR arrested the 58 year old director of the “Veselin Maslesa” primary school, Milorad Krnojelac, while he was on his way from his apartment to the school. Soon afterwards he was transported to the Hague, although he was not on the main list of war crime suspects. Responding to this arrest, teachers and students of the “Veselin Maslesa” primary school organised a protest meeting in the very centre of the town starting at 15:00.

A regular meeting of the joint military commission of the RS and B&H Federation took place in the SFOR HQ in Ramici near Banja Luka today. The most discussed issue was the process of demining.