- Milosevic – Holbrooke agreement achieved; the danger of military intervention removed
- the US negotiator Holbrooke stated NATO soldiers would not be present at Kosmet
- newly-elected members of the B&H Presidency, Zivko Radisic, Ante Jelavic and Alija Izetbegovic took up their positions
- refugees in Nevesinje moved into the first newly-built houses
After very dramatic negotiations lasting several days an agreement on the peaceful and political resolution of the Kosmet crisis has been reached. Although the situation is still very serious, the agreement between the FRY President Slobodan Milosevic and the US negotiator Richard Holbrooke obviously represents a turning point from a military to a peaceful resolution of the Kosmet issue. Regarding the matter, the FRY President Slobodan Milosevic addressed the nation through the media today, October 13. On that occasion, Milosevic announced that the Kosovo issue would be solved in a peaceful way by political means and that the agreements reached remove the danger of military intervention against the FRY. In his address, Milosevic also expressed his gratitude to all the citizens in the country and abroad who have sent their messages of firm support all the time.
Having reached the agreement with FRY President Slobodan Milosevic, the US negotiator Richard Holbrooke addressed gathered journalists at the Hotel “Hyatt” in Belgrade. On that occasion he stated the priorities as well as the fact that it had been agreed that 2,000 monitors of a verification mission would be placed in Kosovo as well as a monitoring mission of unarmed planes. However, Holbrooke also stated that the agreement is not a final one. Holbrooke underlined that not a single NATO soldier would be present in Kosovo since, if it did become necessary, the Alliance would find a way to bring its troops there in a very short period of time.
The review of the latest reactions to the agreement reached which have been reported and broadcast as “urgent” by the electronic media throughout the world.
B&H today got a new Presidency and a new chairman, Zivko Radisic. The inaugural ceremony in Sarajevo was followed by numerous journalists’ teams. The newly-elected members of the B&H Presidency took the oath at the solemn inauguration. After signing the solemn declaration, the three members of the B&H Presidency addressed the present guests underlining that the responsibility of the Presidency will be respect of the Dayton Agreement to the benefit of all peoples and in the interest of peace, progress and dignity. The Deputy High Representative Jacques Klein and a great number of other distinguished guests were present at the ceremony as well. On that occasion, Klein stated that the international community would help them in their work but in years to come its help would be reduced. The first session of the B&H Presidency, chaired by Zivko Radisic, was held immediately after the ceremony. It was agreed that the sessions should be held on a regular basis, every fifteen days, on Tuesday, starting from October 27.
The RS President Biljana Plavsic and the Swedish Ambassador to B&H met in Banja Luka today and on that occasion announced a further cooperation of the RS and Sweden. According to the Swedish Ambassador, they also discussed the situation in the RS and B&H that might occur as a consequence of the Kosmet crisis.
The RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik held a working meeting of the RS Government Collegium with the minister and administrative workers of the RS Ministry of Internal Affairs in Banja Luka today. A press statement issued by the Cabinet of the Prime Minister said that the political-security situation in the RS was analysed at the meeting with a special emphasis on the current situation in the broader region.
The RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik talked today in Banja Luka with the Hungarian Ambassador to B&H. They both expressed satisfaction with the fact that, according to the latest information, the Kosmet crisis had been solved through negotiation. On that occasion the Hungarian Ambassador announced a visit of an economic delegation from Hungary to the RS in November.
At a press conference of international organisations held in Sarajevo today, representatives of the international organisations denied the news that some of them, because of the situation in Kosovo, were leaving the territory of B&H. A report from the press conference.
The newly elected RS President and the SRS president, Nikola Poplasen, talked today in Banja Luka with Miroslav Djordjevic and Zarko Bilbija, representatives of the Congress of the Serb Unity from the USA about the activities which the representatives of Congress perform in order to ensure the survival and material prosperity of the RS as well as about the possibilities of a new cooperation of the RS and the Serbs who currently live in the USA. A need for respect and implementation of the provisions of the DA was underlined at the meeting, as well. The Banja Luka Mayor Djordje Umicevic was also present at the meeting.