- Kai Eide in the RS: the reconstruction of the police as planned
- Serb Government adopted the draft Law on Companies
- To replace Gerd Wagner, a new Deputy to Carlos Westendorp, also German: Hans Schumacher
- Tomorrow: continuation of the constitutive Assembly of Brcko
- Escalation of crisis in Iraq; compliance with USA or new sanctions to Saddam Husein
The RS continues the implementation of its obligations from the DA; the reconstruction of police is one of the delayed, but nevertheless started, processes which is to be completed in the following months. A hundred Serb policemen have already passed the training according to the criteria and standards of IPTF.
This was the motive for today’s visit of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of UN, Kai Eide, to RS. He was received by the President of the RS, Biljana Plavsic, in BL.
This was one of the regular meetings regarding the reconstruction of the police in the RS.
Kai Eide has informed the President of the RS of actions regarding this plan since their last meeting.
“One of the reasons for my visit to the countries of western Europe and USA was to mobilise support for restructuring of the police, and I must say that after this trip I am much more confident than two months ago; we have asked for support: financial, material and equipment for restructuring of the police in the RS, and I must say that the reactions I have seen were very positive. The first contributions have already arrived regarding financial assistance, training and the equipment, and of course, we will continue with our efforts.”
A high delegation of IPTF, led by Commisioner Manfred Seitner, visited the Ministry of Interior of the RS in BL, namely the Centre for Education of cadre for the Ministry of Interior. They talked with the Deputy Minister of Interior, Predrag Jesuric, and the Chief of the Centre, Nedo Sevo, about the realisation of the donation from the Canadian Government to the police Academy in BL. Resources of $100,000 are assigned for improving the education process and procurement of equipment.
A meeting of the Serb Government was held today in Biijeljina. The Draft Law on Companies was adopted, which provides qualitative changes for starting the process of privatisation.
The German diplomat Hans Schumacher was appointed today as first assistant to the High Representative for BiH, Carlos Westendorp, reports France Press, according to information from the OHR.
Schumacher was the German Ambassador in Namibia and now he replaces the German diplomat, Gerd Wagner, who died on Sept. 17th in a helicopter crash in BiH.
The OSCE representative in Belgrade, Zivota de Luka, stated today that 79 polling stations would be opened in FRY for the parliamentary elections in the RS. It is estimated that there are around 28,000 voters in FRY.
The second anniversary of the signing of the Erdut agreement was celebrated today in Erdut.
With this agreement, signed on November 12th 1995, the process of re-integration of Eastern Slavonia was finalised.
“The destiny of the Serb people in the RS will be decided at the coming parliamentary elections,” said RS President Plavsic at the tribune in Samac today. The President of the RS will also attend the promotion of SNS in Brcko this evening and will meet the Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand.
“The Serb National Alliance has started its pre-election campaign for the parliamentary elections in difficult conditions, because supporters of this party are being threatened, said Ostoja Knezevic, the vice-president of SNS, at a press conference today.
The President of the Socialist party of the RS, Zivko Radisic, stated today that the municipal authorities of BL would be elected within the next 7 days if the Statute of the municipal assembly is respected.
The president of the Serb radical party of the RS, Nikola Poplasen, stated that this party will participate in the elections independently.