
OHR RTRS News Summary, 9 December 1999


News Headlines

  • RS Army will not participate in UN peacekeeping operations in requested manner – Sarovic
  • RS Government holds session
  • BiH delegation attends Economic, Banking and Anti-Corruption Forum in Geneva
  • Mihajlovic meets separately with ICRC, UNHCR and WTO representatives
  • Sarovic and Schwartz-Schilling discuss current political situation in RS, RS institutions and return of refugees and DPs
  • Schwartz-Schilling and RS Deputy Refugee Minister discuss return of refugees and DPs and problems of refugees from Croatia
  • RS Refugee Ministry and three Banja Luka City officials sign agreement on implementation of property laws and accelerating return of refugees to Banja Luka
  • Djokic visits Pale
  • Djokic meets separately with Pale officials, Sarajevo University representatives and Koran Company Director
  • RS institutions not ignoring economic development of Pale – Djokic
  • Incel Company employees receive back-salaries
  • RS Healthcare Minister Rodic and Prijedor Hospital Director discuss hospital problems
  • BiH Civilian Affairs Minister Asanin discusses position of pensioners with three Pension-Disability Funds in BiH
  • Agreement on position of pensioners was not signed, but will be soon – Asanin
  • RS Justice Ministry denies statement of IPTF spokesperson Roberts concerning five suicides in Tunjice corrections center
  • Conflict will resume in BiH if IC withdraws too soon – Klein
  • Jelavic and World Bank representatives discuss social programs for demobilized soldiers
  • BiH Joint Military Commission holds session to discuss situation in entity armies and mutual cooperation
  • Podgorica-Belgrade air link resumes
  • SPS spokesman Dacic denies Yugoslav Army attempting to ‘take over’ Podgorica Airport, Army has been stationed there for years
  • Milosevic should be seriously warned against initiating conflicts in Balkans – NATO Secretary General Robertson
  • US concerned over Belgrade-Montenegro relations – Albright
  • France warns Belgrade regarding relations with Montenegro
  • Serb Orthodox Church Synod comments on destruction in Kosovo
  • Two bodies discovered in Bijelo Polje and Pec
  • Bomb thrown at Roma-owned house in Djakovica
  • Bomb thrown at Serb-owned house in Lipljan, two injured
  • Bomb thrown at house in Kosovska Mitrovica owned by member of Goranac ethnic minority
  • Serbian President Milutinovic accuses UNMIK and KFOR of violating UN Kosovo Resolution
  • Kosovo on road to independence – Thaci
  • UNHCR Belgrade office spokesperson expresses concern over difficult position of Kosovo Roma refugees
  • High Representative to impose draft BiH Permanent Election Law if it is not adopted – Barry
  • Croats in Brcko Arbitration Decision Implementation Board not completely satisfied with Brcko District Statute
  • Livno Canton asks BiH Federation Government to postpone budget adoption
  • Roundtable on intellectual cooperation held in Sarajevo
  • World news
  • SPRS holds news briefing on High Representative decision to dismiss 22 officials in BiH, RS National Assembly session and Brcko District Statute
  • SRS holds press conference
  • BiH Central Bank Governor Nicholl and Royal Mint to sign agreement on producing 1KM and 2 KM coins
  • Bus transport timetable RS-Serbia will not be changed until 1 March
  • RS Government holds session on 2000 budget, treasury and restitution
  • Dodik on RS police participation in UN mission and Sarovic views on it
  • RS Government to hold session on 12 December
  • Illegal organization ‘National Eagles’ kill one Kosovo Albanian near Belo Polje
  • Serb forces killed 10,000 Kosovo Albanians March-June 1999 – US analysts
  • UNMIK and Telecommunications Commission suspend Kosovo Postal Director
  • Repatriation of refugees from BiH and Croatia and aid to Kosovo refugees to be priority of UNHCR Belgrade office
  • Police enter SPO headquarters in Belgrade
  • Munich prosecutor seeks death penalty for Serb Djuradj Kusic for crimes against humanity
  • Serb Patriarch Pavle to join celebration in Jerusalem
  • Sports and weather

News Summary

Sarovic and Schwartz-Schilling discuss current political situation in RS, RS institutions and return of refugees and DPs

On Thursday in Banja Luka, RS Vice-president Mirko Sarovic and International Mediator for BiH Christian Schwartz-Schilling discussed the current political situation in the RS, the work of the RS National Assembly and other RS institutions. Officials also discussed the return of refugees and displaced persons to the RS and BiH Federation. The discussions focused on privatization and respect of the Constitution and laws. The Rule of Law and transparent non-party affiliated privatization are the main elements for democratization and stability in the RS, they said. After the meeting, Schwartz-Schilling said he was “dissatisfied with the number of refugees and DPs who were given the possibility for return.”


Conflict to resume in BiH if IC withdraws too early – Klein

UN Special Representative to BiH Jacques Klein told the RS daily Nezavisne Novine that the conflict between the three current armies would start immediately if the IC withdrew from BiH too early. According to Klein, the IC must decrease the present armies or create some kind of territorial defense units, because no country can exist with three separate armies.


SRS holds press conference

The SRS held a press conference on Thursday in Banja Luka. SRS General Secretary Ognjen Tadic stated that an agreement on RS police participation in UN peace missions was contrary to conclusions of the RS National Assembly. The SRS rejects the Brcko District Statute, he said. The SRS will make efforts in RS institutions to change of some parts of the Statute and its conformation with the Dayton Peace Agreement. Tadic condemned the Yugoslav Dinar’s removal from the RS. He said that the SRS supports the dismissal of Banja Luka Mayor Djordje Umicevic.
