
OHR RTRS News Summary, 28 January 2000


News Headlines

  • Dodik dismisses Gligoric
  • Djokic opinion on Dodik decision
  • Vasic office issues press release
  • Gligoric has not commented on his dismissal
  • SPRS session on dismissal of Gligoric without media presence
  • SDS holds press conference
  • RS Constitutional Court has not presented its attitude on Sarovic assuming presidential duties
  • UN HQ has not stated its official position on Sarovic decision, but will likely support OHR – Roberts
  • Institutions in RS should be established in accordance with RS Constitution procedure as defined by OHR – SDP BiH Vice-president Tokic
  • Radisic, Djokic and Dodik meet separately with British Ambassador to BiH Graham Hand
  • British Government does not support Sarovic decision to assume presidential duties – Hand
  • Dodik and German Deputy Ambassador to BiH Winkelman discuss political situation in RS
  • Dodik, RS Government Vice-president Kremenovic, RS Privatization Agency delegation and RS municipal executive boards discuss registration for privatization
  • RS Helsinki Board decides to withdraw from Sabljic case
  • UN IPTF holds press conference in Banja Luka
  • Mitar Vasiljevic pleads not guilty at ICTY
  • Deputy Yugoslav Foreign Minister Vujovic reacts to Silajdzic statement on revision of Dayton Agreement
  • Barry hopes IC and BiH parties will reach consensus on draft of BiH Permanent Elections Law
  • Mihajlovic and Sloga request for dismissal of Silajdzic from position in BiH Council of Ministers is hypocritical – SDP BiH Vice-president Tokic
  • EU to support BiH Constitutional Court with 600,000 EURO
  • Agreement on BiH participation in Expo 2000 in Hanover signed on 27 January
  • SFOR Command confirms ban on movement of Croat units of BiH Federation Army
  • Sarajevo Deputy Mayor Zelic points out great problems of Croat and Serb returnees in Sarajevo
  • Work of BiH Federation Parliament in crisis, but can be improved – Kreso
  • French Gascoigne Company gives up on negotiations regarding cooperation with Modrica Natron
  • 300 applications for return of housing rights submitted in Srebrenica
  • Two bombs thrown at gypsy house in Orahovac – BETA
  • Serb-owned house destroyed in explosion in northern Vitina
  • Albanian-owned house destroyed in explosion in Sovinja
  • All world states and UN must learn from Kosovo tragedy – Putin
  • Still too much violence, hatred and vengeance in Kosovo – Robertson
  • UNHCR, Serbian Refugee Commission and Swiss Embassy sign memorandum on registration of Kosovo refugees living in Serbia
  • Former leader of Kosovo parliamentary and KLA representatives Adem Demaci refuses to join Kosovo Transitional Administrative Council
  • Seselj’s bodyguard Petar Panic injured in Belgrade
  • World news
  • Banja Luka Assembly holds session
  • Presentation of Vilotijevic’s book ‘Didactic’ held in Banja Luka
  • Sports
  • Weather
  • Serbian opposition and RS officials meeting in Banja Luka brings positive climate for cooperation between Belgrade and Banja Luka – Alliance for Changes Coordinator Batic
  • Meeting of Serbian opposition and RS officials beginning of serious cooperation – Serbian Social Democratic Party President Obradovic
  • 49 Kosovo Albanians released from Pozarevac prison – BETA

News Summary

Dodik dismisses Gligoric

RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik dismissed RS Government Vice-president and Minister for Issues of War Victims and Labor Tihomir Gligoric. Dodik stated that this came as a consequence of Gligoric’s continuous actions against the RS Government law that stipulates that the Vice-president must assist the Prime Minister in his duties, harmonize the ministries in areas defined by the Prime Minister and perform other duties as requested by the Prime Minister. Dodik added that there has been an obvious conflict between Gligoric and a majority of ministers for a long time. According to him, he has tried to resolve the conflict, but Gligoric has not shown the will to cooperation.


Djokic opinion on Dodik decision

RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik asked for the opinion of RS National Assembly Speaker Petar Djokic on his decision to dismiss RS Government Vice-president and Minister for Issues of War Victims and Labor Tihomir Gligoric. Djokic issued a press release on this matter. He regrets that Dodik chose this option and believes that Dodik’s reasoning is unfounded and unconvincing. Djokic also believes that Gligoric is a successful minister and that he won the trust of the RS citizens. Djokic added that, according to RS Constitution Article 94, Dodik has no constitutional grounds to dismiss any minister. He is obliged to ask the opinion of the RS President, which he cannot due to well-known circumstances. Djokic pointed to the specific position of the RS Government, which currently has no mandate. Thus such actions by Dodik can only destabilize the Government and overall relations in the RS.


Vasic office issues press release

The office of RS Information Minister Rajko Vasic issued a press release explaining the dismissal of RS Government Vice-president and Minister for Issues of War Victims and Labor Tihomir Gligoric. The release reads that Gligoric acted several times without authorization from the RS Government and performed duties that were outside his area of responsibility. He did this, for example, during his visits to Russia and Bulgaria, where he took part in negotiations on economic cooperation and other issues outside the realm of his duties. Vasic added that Gligoric did not achieve the expected results in the areas of labor and employment, which he confirmed in a statement this month, saying that there are 40,000 workers in the RS without established employment. According to Vasic, Gligoric self willingly initiated a change of the RS budget at a session of the RS National Assembly, which opposed the attitude of the RS Government. Until the appointment of a new minister, the present deputy minister will perform the duties of Minister for Issues of War Victims and Labor.


SDS holds press conference

The SDS issued a press release stating that they are shocked with High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch‘s attitude on RS Vice-president Mirko Sarovic’s decision to assume the presidential duties. The SDS stated that on 28 October 1999 the RS National Assembly requested that the High Representative propose a way of un-blocking the RS presidential function, but that Petritsch did not respond to this. They also held a press conference, at which party Vice-president Dragan Cavic invited the High Representative and other IC officials in BiH for a dialogue on disputable issues regarding Sarovic’s decision. Cavic added that the SNS and SNSD initiated Sarovic’s decision at the last RS National Assembly session. The SDS requests that SNS and SNSD presidents Biljana Plavsic and Milorad Dodik state whether they recognize Petritsch’s decision or not and whether they think it is constitutional or not. Cavic stated that Sarovic would take into account all public statements in the RS and BiH and have a clear vision by the next RS National Assembly session. Commenting on Petritsch’s statement that he would hold all those who assist Sarovic responsible, Cavic said that the SDS fully supports Sarovic. In his opinion, Dodik’s Government has the support of 16 or 17 representatives and, in this situation, Dodik behaves as if he were untouchable. According to Cavic, his cynicism has equaled that of government officials in South America.


RS Helsinki Board decides to withdraw from Sabljic case

The RS Helsinki Board issued a press release stating that it decided to withdraw from the case of the suspension of RT RS journalist Slavisa Sabljic. According to the release, in accordance with the protection of journalists and the media in the RS in 1999, the Board issued an announcement in mid-December 1999, announcing free legal aid and protection for Sabljic. After legal experts spoke with Sabljic and received new, objective information, they concluded that the case does not present a violation of human rights and does not obstruct the freedom of media, which is why they decided to withdraw.


UN IPTF holds press conference in Banja Luka

UN IPTF spokesperson Alun Roberts stated at a press conference in Banja Luka that the IPTF spoke with Nezavisne Novine Editor-in-Chief Zeljko Kopanja regarding a threatening letter that he received. An investigation is underway. Roberts added that the police have intensified security around Kopanja’s home. The results of the Scotland Yard investigation into Kopanja’s car bombing are expected in February. Roberts expressed concern over the frequent threats to journalists and said that the International Community will help create a legal act in order to protect BiH journalists. He also quoted information from the UN Human Rights Office on the number of evictions in the Banja Luka region, saying that there were 130 last year. In 85 cases, the people voluntarily left the flats they illegally occupied. Compared to the 11,000 requests for the return of property in the Banja Luka region, the number of evictions is very small, concluded Roberts.


Vujovic reacts to Silajdzic statement on revision of Dayton Agreement

Deputy Yugoslav Foreign Minister Assistant Nebojsa Vujovic held a press conference in Belgrade and stated that events in Kosovo encouraged BiH Council of Ministers Co-chairman Haris Silajdzic and BiH Presidency Member Alija Izetbegovic to make statements on an initiative to revise the Dayton Agreement. According to him, the RS is not a creation of genocide, but an expression of the will of its people, who have the same rights as the people in the BiH Federation. Vujovic concluded that this moment was not accidentally chosen for the affirmation of the idea for unitary BiH.
