News Headlines:
- RS National Assembly adopts rebalance of budget, which is increased by 57.7 million KM
- RS National Assembly to hold continuation of sixth special session on 31 August
- RS National Assembly supports draft law on RS Pension-Insurance Fund (PIO)
- All necessary measures should be adopted so RS is legitimate to foreign investors – RS National Assembly speaker Djokic
- Economic measures decided on by RS National Assembly are not enough to meet conditions set by IMF and World Bank – RS Finance Minister Novak Kondic
- Fire on Kraljica, Mount Ozren, destroys over 800 hectares of pine forest
- Fires around Trebinje under control
- Several fires burning in Herzegovina
- No one attempting to dowse fire in Glamoc due to inaccessibility of field
- Seven car accidents reported in Banja Luka, three persons injured
- Two car accidents reported in Laktasi Municipality, RS
- Stambolic not found yet, no further information made public concerning case
- Dienstbier addresses letter to Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic concerning Stambolic disappearance
- Serbian opposition parties condemn Stambolic disappearance
- Act of terrorism and kidnapping (referring to Stambolic case) – Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO)
- Djindjic hopes that Stambolic kidnapping is not politically motivated
- Serbia is swimming in sea of violence and torture – Democratic Alternative
- Montenegrin State Information Service to prohibit election campaign through state media – BETA
- Election Commission for Montenegro Electoral Unit verifies four of ten parties for upcoming state elections
- BiH citizens must first own their property before they can exchange it (or dispose of it in any other manner) – OHR
- First mosque since end of war opens in Kozarusa, Prijedor Municipality
- Hamdija Zeric fires shot from 7.62 mm handgun 300m from Kozarusa mosque and is disarmed and arrested by Prijedor police
- DSP negotiates with Dodik and coalition parties on appointment of new RS refugee minister – DSP General Secretary Igor Radojicic
- RS politicians comment on new OSCE rule concerning financing pre-elections campaigns, defined as KM 1 per registered voter, and majority agree with it
- Granting independence to Kosovo could destabilize Macedonia because Albanians living there would demand independence, as well – ICG
- World News
- US KFOR presses charges against US soldier Nicholas Young for injuring and then murdering six-year-old Albanian on 10 July near Kosovska Vitina
- ‘Kocicevi zbor’ (cultural festival) continues in Banja Luka
- Sports
- Weather