News Headlines
- RS Government adopts project on construction of 10,000 flats for refugees, war veterans, war invalids, expert cadres
- Dodik and Deputy RS Minister for Veterans’ Issues meet with RS War Veterans’ Organization
- Mesic participates in session of Interstate Council for BiH-Croatia Cooperation; Mesic and Izetbegovic sign agreement on border rail traffic
- Anniversary of NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia denoted in Serbia
- Requiem for victims of NATO air strikes held in all churches in Serbia
- Students’ Otpor (resistance) movement organizes protest rally against NATO air strikes and violence of Belgrade regime
- World respects Yugoslav resistance to NATO – Yugoslav Prime Minister Bulatovic
- Concert in Belgrade to mark anniversary of NATO strikes on Yugoslavia
- Solution for Kosovo can be found through economic and political stabilization of entire region – EU leaders during meeting in Lisbon
- Kouchner says that political discussion on status of minorities in Kosovo is important for Kosovo
- Wesley Clark and George Robertson visit Kosovo
- Sadako Ogata visits Kosovska Mitrovic and Pec
- NATO decision to bomb Yugoslavia was unavoidable – German Foreign Minister Fischer
- Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini comments on NATO strikes on Yugoslavia
- One year is not enough for democratic change in Kosovo – US State Department spokesman James Rubin
- UNMIK has failed in practical terms – Union of Russian-Belarus Parliamentary Assembly
- NATO attack on Yugoslavia is unprecedented act – Russian Duma speaker Gennady Seleznov
- NATO military intervention did not resolve problems in Kosovo and region – Slovene Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek
- Protest rallies against NATO strikes on Yugoslavia to be held in New York, Denver, San Francisco, Indianapolis and Chicago
- Several thousand Yugoslav and Russian citizens hold protest rally in Moscow against NATO action on Yugoslavia
- European Investment Bank envoys meet with Dodik, Bank gives 20 million euros toward reconstruction of RS roads
- New computer center opens in Banja Luka post office
- Construction of 26 new flats to begin in Bijeljina Municipality on Monday
- Several thousand refugees hold protest rally in Prijedor
- 14 new justices and prosecutor swear oath in presence of National Assembly speaker Djokic
- Livno Canton authorities did not do anything to implement Dayton Agreement – UN/IPTF spokesman Alun Roberts
- Sarovic sends greetings to Greece on 25 March, Greek Independence Day holiday
- ICTY increases sentence of BiH Croat Zlatko Aleksovski from 2.5 to seven years
- World news
- Serb Party for RS Main Board calls on Serb electorate to participate en mass in upcoming elections and vote for SDS
- Mine clearance action in BiH starts on Friday with seminar in Slatina
- Sports and weather
- 2,000 Serbs hold protest rally in Gracanica on anniversary of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia
- Monument to children fallen during NATO bombing inaugurated in Belgrade Tasmajdan settlement
- Robertson and Clark meet with Kouchner and KFOR Commander Reinhardt
- Novi Sad citizens hold protest rally
- Pancevo citizens hold protest rally on Pancevo Bridge
- Kumanovo citizens hold protest rally
- Protest rallies in Berlin and Rome on anniversary of NATO strikes against Yugoslavia
- Rumanian Government prohibits organization of protest rallies in Bucharest on anniversary of NATO strikes
- NATO made DM 4.7 million in direct damage to Montenegro, DM 500 million indirectly
- Belgrade police arrest 50 activists of student Otpor (resistance) movement in Belgrade
- Mladen Naletilic ‘Tuta’ enter plea at The Hague, states that he does not feel guilty
- Farrand announces holding of first session of Brcko District Interim Assembly
- Serb Sarajevo Assembly representatives adopt 2000 budget
- Culture
- Sports
- Radical Party of RS condemns Mesic statement that Croats must be constituent people throughout BiH
- SNSD holds public forum in Laktasi settlement of Slatina, press conference in Banja Luka
- PDP RS holds press conference, says Bosniak deputies in BiH House of Representatives did not condemn Izetbegovic’s statement on Chetnicks and Ustashes – PDP RS Vice-president Dokic
- SDS holds public forum in Banja Luka settlement of Laus, says incumbent Banja Luka authority is not doing its job well – SDS Vice-president Cavic
- SDP BiH requests official position of authority on threats raised during protest rally in Sarajevo in support of Chechnya and Chechen citizens
- SPO RS holds public forum in Trebinje
- SPRS Trebinje Municipal Board holds press conference, party official Risto Gojsin comments on current situation in this municipality
- RS citizens must take responsibility for their future – Democratic Party of RS General Secretary Gavrilo Antonic
- Serb Patriotic Party supports development of all Banja Luka settlements
- SNS holds public forum in Srbac, Plavsic says general election is absolute necessity for RS
News Summary
Several thousand refugees hold protest rally in Prijedor
Several thousand refugees held a protest rally in Prijedor to express dissatisfaction with the current situation in which they are unable to remain in this town. The demonstrators’ fundamental demands are the right to exchange or sell their (former) property, as well as adequate accommodation for persons who do not have alternate accommodation. They also requested the allotment of land and loans for home construction. Their final demand was for the RS National Assembly and Prijedor Municipal Assembly to immediately hold sessions to find a solution to their problems.