
OHR RTRS News Summary, 22 November 1999


News Headlines

  • Djokic meets with Farrand in Brcko to discuss Brcko District Statute
  • Dodik meets with delegation of citizens from Pelagicevo, Samac and Bijeljina
  • Deputy High Representative Ralph Johnson meets with municipal officials and IC organizations in Srbinje (Foca)
  • Johnson meets with associations of refugees and displaced persons in Srbinje
  • Refugees and displaced persons now living in Yugoslavia will receive 2,000 Yugoslav Dinars in humanitarian aid – Yugoslav Red Cross
  • BiH HDZ states RS Government decision on BiH Permanent Election Law unacceptable
  • Tuzla Canton Union of Refugees and DPs condemn adoption of Citizenship Law in RS National Assembly – ONASA
  • HDZ Central Bosnia Canton requests OHR discuss new territorial structure of Travnik Municipality
  • Rough weather reported in northern RS
  • Bildt supports canceling sanctions against Yugoslavia
  • Clinton to visit Kosovo on Tuesday
  • Kosovo Albanian killed near Urosevac – KFOR spokesperson Jirgens
  • Two KFOR soldiers injured in car crash near Kosovska Mitrovica – Jirgens
  • Only 15 Serb families remain in Urosevac – Gnjilanje Church National Board
  • KFOR tanks kill one civilian near Zubin Potok – KFOR spokesperson Lavoir
  • New candidates for Kosovo Protection Force
  • Bureaucracy in Yugoslav judiciary
  • World news
  • Five RS banks to give 3 million KM for reconstruction of Sase mine in Srebrenica
  • 2,290 workers of Banja Luka factory Incel hold protest
  • World Health Organization and Miroslav Zotovic Institute open Center for Rehabilitation in Society in Banja Luka
  • RS economy and privatization
  • Serbia will take its place in Europe when it chooses path similar to Bulgaria – Clinton
  • Kosovo Albanians unblock road to Orahovac after three months
  • Serbian National Council meets with UN Administrator for Kosovska Mitrovica Garrod
  • 12,000 Kosovo Albanians return to Kosovo – Swiss Justice Ministry
  • Yugoslav Ambassador to Russia Borislav Milosevic condemns Kouchner for violating UN resolutions on Kosovo
  • SFOR Operation Harvest destroys mines near Modrica
  • Football match between Banja Luka Borac and Tuzla Sloboda postponed due to rough weather
  • Sports and weather

News Summary

BiH HDZ says RS Government decision on BiH Permanent Election Law unacceptable

The HDZ BiH of considers that RS Government assessment that the BiH Permanent Election Law draft is in accordance with the BiH Constitution is unacceptable. The BiH HDZ considers that the BiH Permanent Law offered by the OHR and OSCE contains several unacceptable solutions because those solutions are not in accordance with the BiH and entity Constitutions. Distribution of authority between BiH and entity institutions, and the BiH Federation and Cantons are controversial, the HDZ BiH concluded.


Tuzla Canton Union of Refugees and DPs condemns adoption of Citizenship Law in RS National Assembly – ONASA

The Union of Refugees and Displaced Persons of Tuzla Canton held a press conference in Tuzla. The Union condemns the adoption of the Law on RS Citizenship by the RS National Assembly and considers this act as legitimizing the policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing in BiH. Director of the Union Fadil Banjanovic states that the Union requests that High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch bring a decision to revoke controversial regulations of the Law on RS citizenship. The Union requests the IC organize a special conference on the status of refugees in BiH and create clear programs for return, ONASA reported.
