News Headlines
- RS Government holds session
- Dodik meets with CD Coalition representatives – BETA
- Dodik’s Office denies BETA reports of meeting with CD Coalition representatives
- Serb representatives in BiH Parliamentary Assemblies return to work
- BiH Central Bank opens office in Banja Luka
- BiH citizens vote abroad – OSCE
- Meeting of Working Group for Return and Reconstruction held in Banja Luka
- UN will devote most attention to refugees and DPs in 2000 – UN IPTF spokesman Roberts
- Kretschmer signs contract with Sarajevo and Zenica enterprises on reconstruction of bridges in Samac and Brcko
- BiH Federation House of Peoples adopts amended law on taxes
- OHR insists that municipal authorities provide schooling for minorities
- Head of Tomislavgrad Municipal Urban Planning Office Rados resigns – ONASA
- 90 Croat families to return to Bugojno – ONASA
- Mostar UNHCR Head announces departure for Kosovo
- Nine Serbs injured in Kosovska Mitrovica
- Albanians forcibly enter and destroy premises of Kosovska Mitrovica Serb National Council
- UN Mission in Kosovo must end as soon as possible – Milosevic
- NATO Council encourages France to send 1,100 troops to Kosovska Mitrovica
- Milosevic has already prepared coup d’etat in Montenegro – Montenegrin Deputy Premier Burzan
- Yugoslav Telecom Minister Markovic and Studio B Director Kojadinovic discuss work of RTV Studio B
- World news
- Incel to be divided into nine individual and six dependent enterprises
- RS Religion Minister Turanjanin sends Bairam greetings to the faithful
- Sports
- Weather
- RS Interior Ministry delegation visits Montenegro
- 4,400 NGO observers to monitor April elections in BiH – Center for Civic Initiatives
- KFOR intervention in Kosovska Mitrovica successful – UN Kosovo Administrator Kouchner
- France to send 150 additional troops to Kosovska Mitrovica
- Albania is not supporting Albanian extremists in Kosovo – Albanian Foreign Minister
- US National Security Advisor Christopher Hill supports establishment of interim constitution for Kosovo – BETA
- State of human rights in Kosovo is poor – Dienstbier
- SDS expects to preserve authority in 42 RS municipalities
- SPRS withdrew from Sloga Coalition because nothing was done to strengthen constitutional and legislative institutions in the RS – SPRS General Secretary Gligoric
- This next year is decisive for RS – SNSD
- Stabilization of RS institutions and development of economy are aims of PDP – PDP President Mladen Ivanic
- SDP BiH to request dismissal of RS Refugee Minister Dragicevic at next session of RS National Assembly
- No party has solution for crisis in RS – Democratic Patriotic Party President Predrag Radic]
- Liberal-Civic Coalition to run in 77 municipalities in BiH
- Situation in Banja Luka hospital poor, public was informed otherwise – Banja Luka Centar party