News Headlines
- Dodik speaks with Japanese Assembly on Dayton implementation, Sarajevo Summit and RS
- Dodik meets with Commission for Implementation of JEN Credit
- Dodik speaks with Japanese Foreign Ministry on democratic processes and situation in region
- Japanese delegation to visit RS
- RS delegation to visit Kyoto
- BiH House of Peoples not to hold session on 15 September
- RS Refugee Minister Dragicevic speaks with Zvornik officials on Zvornik status and return of refugees
- Nobody can stop return of refugees – Dragicevic
- In Hotocina and Bogovici, IC gives 28 houses to Bosniak returnees
- OSCE spokesperson McCorley on Drvar status
- International organizations hold press conference on Standing Military Commission, OSCE authorities, reforms to BiH justice and SFOR operation ‘Harvest’
- Fatima Leho ninth member of Establishment Board of RTV BiH service
- IMC rejects appeals
- OSCE supports work of 13 independent radio stations and magazines in BiH
- OSCE Press Offices to hold session on 16 and 17 September
- Inter-entity Justice Commission on reforms to justice system
- RS Justice Ministry and European Council delegation discuss prison system in RS
- Djukanovic to visit Hungary
- Kosovo Albanian Government to create six security regions within Kosovo
- Serbs protest in Kosovska Mitrovica
- Kosovo Albanians bomb two Serb villages in Gnjilane area
- Two Serbs injured in Gnjilane
- 11 Serb-owned houses burned in Prizren
- One person murdered, two injured in Raniluk
- Two female bodies discovered in Pec
- One body discovered in Prekale
- Police stop 100 Kosovo Serb refugees on their way to Belgrade
- UN police established in Pristina
- UN Mission to organize elections in Kosovo in Spring of 2000
- Russian General Ivashov on implementation of UN resolution on Kosovo
- UNHCR asks IC and Kosovo officials to fight against violence
- Temporary Kosovo Board President Andjelkovic on education
- Yugoslav Refugee Minister Morina on ethnic cleansing in Kosovo
- Serbian Democratic Party criticizes KFOR representatives’ statements on paramilitary Serb forces in Kosovo
- Croat representative in Interstate Border Commission Dobranovic on second separation phase
- Holbrooke asks IC not to recognize SDS and SRS
- SNS holds press conference on restructuring RS Government, Serbs in BiH gaols and Radisic statement on RS military delegation
- SNSD holds press conference on RS representatives in BiH institutions, Dayton implementation and return of refugees
- SPRS holds press conference on SPRS session
- Book Fair Banja Luka ’99 begins
- Brcko Main Board holds session
- Bosniak representatives on Brcko Main Board criticize Farrand decision
- Remembering helicopter accident
- Antun Ril becomes President of Working Group for BiH Vaults
- House of Representatives adopts declaration on aid to youth in BiH Federation
- Director of Tuzla Return Office criticizes BiH Federation Government activities on return of refugees
- Evictions in Sarajevo
- HDZ BiH City Board Bugojno on education in Bugojno
- BiH Federation privatization
- World news
- Sports and weather
- Refugees should decide on their property – RS Refugee Minister Dragicevic
- Serb refugees from Croatia and BiH Federation request Dragicevic suspend evictions
- ICTY should continue practice of secret lists – Arbour
- International organizations hold press conference on Drvar arbitration decision, next elections and SFOR cooperation with entity armies
- Kosovo Albanians accept principles of Kosovo democratization
- Work of Police Academy in Vucitrn
- Russia says KLA not respecting demilitarization deadline
- Alliance for Changes holds protest rally in Vranje
- Culture
News Summary
OSCE spokesperson McCorley on Drvar status
Press Officer of the OSCE Banja Luka Pierce McCorley announced the arbitration decision for Drvar. At a press conference, McCorley stated that that decision would ensure the work of local authorities and eliminate one critical point in BiH.
IMC rejects appeals
The Independent Media Commission rejected the appeals of SRT, Radio Serb Sarajevo, RTV St. George and Radio Drvar. In a press release, the IMC pointed out that these media outlets did not give any reason for changing the decision on punishing the media for violations of the IMC Codex on fair and objective reporting. These decisions are final and binding.
SNS holds press conference on RS Government restructuring, Serbs in BiH gaols and Radisic statement on RS military delegation
The SNS held a press conference in Banja Luka on Tuesday where SNS Vice-president Stanko Stanic stated that talks with the CD Coalition would continue, although the SNS has considered that RS Government restructuring was not necessary. Talks with the SDS will be intensified. Regarding Serbs in BiH prisons, Co-chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Svetozar Mihajlovic stated that he was not privy to confidential files. In his opinion, the RS Government should influence the release of such prisoners. Regarding a statement made by BiH Presidency Member Zivko Radisic on the work of the RS military delegation, Mihajlovic stated that somebody in the RS brings decisions lightly. Mihajlovic added that boycotts and obstructions could not resolve problems. Stanic said that the SNS has not discussed its participation in the next elections in the BiH Federation.
In his opinion, the SNSD and some other political parties will participate in the elections in the BiH Federation.
SNSD holds press conference on RS representatives in BiH institutions, Dayton implementation and return of refugees
The SNSD held a press conference in Banja Luka on Tuesday where Member of the SNSD Main Board Stanislav Cadjo stated that the SNSD seeks active participation from RS representatives in BiH institutions. The SNSD supports implementation of the Dayton Agreement and will fight anyone trying to destabilize the RS. Regarding the return of refugees and displaced persons, Cadjo stated that the main problem has been a lack of funding. Cadjo appealed to the International Community to allot donations for returns to both entities. Regarding the social and economic situations in the RS, Cadjo asked the RS Government and banking institutions to protect those most jeopardized.