News Headlines
- Reconstructed bridge reopens Kozarska Dubica border crossing between BiH and Croatia
- USAID gave $1.5 million for reconstruction of Kozarska Dubica bridge
- BiH House of Representatives adopts decision on status of refugees and displaced persons from states of former Yugoslavia
- Fifth extraordinary session of RS National Assembly to be held on Thursday in Banja Luka
- SPRS holds press conference in Banja Luka
- SPRS seeks cooperation with High Representative – SPRS member Dragutin Ilic
- SDS protests Petritsch decision to dismiss 22 government officials
- New York Declaration is superstructure for Dayton Agreement, not revision of Dayton Agreement – Petritsch interview to Banja Luka magazine Reporter
- New York Declaration will not diminish RS – Deputy High Representative Ralph Johnson for Nezavisne Novine
- Yugoslav dinar accounts to be replaced with KM – RS Finance Minister Novak Kondic
- Working Group for Reconstruction and Return in Northwestern BiH and Posavina holds meeting in Banja Luka
- IPTF on evictions in Drvar
- IMC on permanent broadcasting license
- Four injured by mine in Fazlagica Kula, near Gacko
- Mostar authority to give permission for reconstruction of Serb Orthodox church in Mostar and Zitomislic monastery – Safet Orucevic
- SDP considers dismissal of 22 officials to be big boost to return of refugees and Annex 7
- Mostar Deputy Mayor Safet Orucevic supports decision for dismissal of 22 officials
- Posavina Canton authorities fail to replace cantonal flag, Bosniak cantonal representatives protest to former High Representative Carlos Westendorp
- Stability Pact insists on regional cooperation between countries – Stability Pact Coordinator Bodo Hombach
- Body of civilian discovered in Leskovac, near Klina – KFOR spokesperson Lavoir
- Civilian remains discovered in Pec – KFOR
- KFOR finds body in south Kosovska Mitrovica – KFOR
- Kouchner lays wreath where Serb civilian murdered in Pristina
- Yugoslav Committee for Cooperation with UN Mission to Kosovo Head Vukicevic condemns UN Mission for permitting Kosovo Albanians to celebrate Albanian national holiday in Kosovo
- UN Mission starts with new temporary license plates in Kosovo
- 175 students start training at Police Academy in Vucitrn – OSCE Pristina Office
- Radoslav Brdjanin requests release claiming ICTY has no evidence of his guilt
- ICTY will bring new charges in former Yugoslav republics – ICTY envoy Graham Blewitt
- World news
- AIDS Awareness Day
- RS economic news
- Sports and weather
- BiH authorities and citizens should assume responsibility for future of BiH – Petritsch
- Two Serb flats burned in Vitina
- Muslims appeal to IC and humanitarian organizations to stop emigration from Kosovo
- Attacks on Serbs on 28 November in Pristina show that IC should have more police officers in Kosovo – Amnesty International
- OSCE and European Council Missions to Kosovo comment on respect of human rights in Kosovo
- Isolation of Serbia undermines security situation in Balkan – Former Finnish Ecology Minister Havisto
- Yugoslav authorities continue to block EU oil aid to Nis and Pirot at Yugoslav-Macedonian border
- Alliance for Changes and SPO organize protest rally in Nis
- 10,000 Nis citizens protest against Yugoslav regime
- World news
News Summary
IMC on permanent broadcasting license
Independent Media Commission representative Dieter Lorraine participated in a seminar on implementation of the IMC media code in Mostar. Lorraine warned that many radio and TV station in BiH would have to stop operations because they will not meet the standards for obtaining permanent licenses. “The conditions for obtaining permanent licenses for electronic media will be very strict” added Lorraine. Peru is the only country who has more TV and radio stations per capita than BiH, concluded Lorraine.
IPTF on evictions in Drvar
IPTF spokesperson Alun Roberts answered journalists’ questions regarding evictions in Drvar. Roberts stated that the Drvar Housing Commission is not functioning and citizens in Drvar do not have anyone to submit requests for return of real estate and no evictions have been reported in Drvar.