RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1(19,00 hrs) | FED TV(19,30 hrs) | RT RS(19,30) |
Vandalism in Stolac | Jasenovac anniversary | Jasenovac anniversary | Probe into Pale explosion |
Old Bridge ceremony | Meeting in Mrakovica | ICTY news | PDP on Police’s action |
Strike of MoI employees | Sanctions vs. HDZ, SDS | Return to Srebrenica | SNS on Police’s action |
HR visits Mostar | Terzic on reforms | Law on Higher Education | Property issue in Vlasenica |
Oslobodjenje | Ministers fought for poverty; Financial flop of FBiH Privatisation Agency: Neither for sale nor it earns; BiH HoP: Minorities in municipal councils? |
Dnevni Avaz | Veterans are don’t know their rights; Ramiz Salkic: We will leave RS Govt if they dismiss Hafizovic |
Dnevni List | Colak: Party will not be putting up with mavericks any more; BiH has no perspective if RS were to be abolished |
Vecernji List | City seals in Mostar are illegal |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Features Croatia related headlines |
Glas Srpske | Law on farms in Republika Srpska: Refugees get no discount |
Nezavisne Novine | In front of kindergarten in Zenica: Ill baby left on the street and in the rain; Research: 55% of BiH citizens pro early elections; Donja Gradina: Memory on victims in Jasenovac |
Blic | Test of professor of nice behavior: Kostunica does not know how to walk; Dispute: which war was more important; Consequences of floods: water took away heating wood and chicken, fishermen fish for carp in gardens |
Political issues |
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Mrakovica meeting to discuss reforms process
DL int with Mladen IvanicSDA says it would leave RS Govt if RSNA dismisses Hafizovic | BHTV 1, FTV – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic has invited Entity Prime Ministers Ahmet Hadzipasic and Dragan Mikerevic, Ministers of Finance, Economy and Trade in the Council of Ministers, as well as the Entity governments and District Brcko to hold a meeting today in Mrakovica near Banja Luka. Aim of the meeting is to review the results in fulfilling 16 priorities from the EC Feasibility Study for commencing with the negotiations on signing a Stabilization and Association Agreement. Participants of the meeting will also attempt to define a set of measures for structuring the intern market in BiH. Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Harmonization of regulations and more efficient budget filling’- DL adds that PDHR Donald Hays is also expected to attend.
Dnevni List, front page splash and page 3 ‘Colak: Party will not be putting up with mavericks any more’, by Miso Relota – carries the President of HDZ BiH, Barisa Colak, as commenting on initiative of member of HDZ Main Board, Stefo Masatovic, who called for organization of inter-party elections in HDZ BiH. According to Colak, the HDZ BiH is a democratic party, therefore any discussion must take place within the party institutions. Barisa Colak adds: ‘The party bodies will in future have to consider such attempts, because there will be no place in the party for those behaving like mavericks’.
Dnevni List, front and pages 6 and 7 ‘BiH has no perspective if RS were to be abolished’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – carries an interview with the BiH Foreign Minister, Mladen Ivanic, which he opens by a claim that BiH institutions are not doing enough to promote BiH as a normal country, which could attract possible investors, arguing that many people abroad still view BiH as a land of war, conflicts and problems. Questioned whether BiH will manage to join the EU by 2009 and whether the Republika Srpska will exist until then, having in mind numerous requests aimed at new internal organization in BiH, Ivanic says: ‘I will be happy if BiH joined the EU between 2009 and 2012, which foremost depends on readiness of BiH institutions to meet the set pre-requisites. As far as the Republika Srpska goes, it can cease to be exclusively and only against the will of the Serb people, and then BiH has no perspective or chance’. Asked to comment on arrest of war criminals in BiH, Ivanic says: ‘After indictments that happened recently, and more being expected, it is clear that the number of cases The Hague Tribunal has started is no longer concentrated on one, but on all three peoples. In such circumstances, it is not something that we want or do not want, it is an obligation, especially if we want to be a part of European integration (…) Any given minister at any level must cooperate with The Hague and that is an issue for all institutions, without which BiH as a whole has no possibility to join Euro-Atlantic integration’.
Dnevni Avaz cover ‘We will leave RS Govt if they replace Hafizovic’, pg 4 ‘In case of Sefket Hafizovic’s dismissal, SDA ministers will leave RS Government’ – Vice President of the Regional SDA Board in Podrinje, Ramiz Salkic, stated for DA that if RS National Assembly at its next session dismisses RSNA Vice President Sefket Hafizovic, SDA would withdraw all of its ministers from RS Government. He adds that in that case SDA would not propose new candidates for the position of RSNA Vice President. The initiative to dismiss Hafizovic was launched by the RS Socialist Party after he supported the returnee Fata Orlovic, in whose yard Orthodox Church was built.
Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘OHR should not impose certain laws’ by H. Orahovac – Talking to DA, new Speaker of the BiH House of Representatives, Martin Raguz said that he believed that BiH HoR “made significant steps forward in implementing the fundamental tasks posed to the House by the Constitution.” Describing the work of the OHR he says that there are a number of things in relationship between the HoR and international community that should be more clear: “For a longer time now I have been talking about us lacking clearly defined role of the international community in BiH. In addition, it responsibility of the international representatives has also been defined in rather unclear manner. Those things should be clarified… With a serious discussion all this should be solved… We need OHR expertise, but not in the sense of imposing certain legal solutions. When that would be solved, with a time the role of the international community would be significantly changed, which is my principle ambition.” Raguz also emphasized the need for better coordination of the work between the parliament and CoM.
BHTV 1 by Ratko Kovacevic– OHR confirmed that process of analysing SDS financial report has still been underway, while sanctions imposed by the High Rep Paddy Ashdown are still in force. According to the BHTV 1, the sanctions regarding financing might be further extended when it comes to HDZ. Although deadline for harmonisation of cantonal Laws on primary and secondary education with the framework law on the state level expired yesterday, Herzegovina-Neretva and Central Bosnia Cantons have not fulfilled this obligation and therefore the sanctions will stay in effect as longs as cantons do not carry out unification of the so called “two schools under one roof”. OSCE Mission spokesperson, Zinaida Delic confirmed although HNC Assembly adopted changes and addenda to the framework BiH Law, these changes are not in accordance with the European standards. As for SDS, they still have no official news from the HR. “Simply, you ask me to guess what HR will do next. I can not tell you that when he is unpredictable”, said Dragan Cavic.
BHTV 1 by Gvozden Sarac – Referring to the BiH’s path towards the accession to the Euro-Atlantic integrations, BHTV 1 claims that BiH – due to slow implementation of the reforms – is staying behind, although BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic optimistically prediction that BiH will join EU by 2009 and promised to resign if obligations are not implemented in 2004. BH TV1 reminds on the statements given by Terzic during the past four months. “By the end of the year BIH should fulfil 16 conditions laid down by the European Commission in order to start negotiations on signing Stabilization and Association Agreement. CoM created an action plan for implementation of these obligations, which has to ensure beginning of the negotiations with EC by the mid-year,” said Terzic at certain occasion. Reporter says that since meanwhile BIH authorities fulfilled only two conditions by establishing BiH Defence Ministry and Indirect Taxation Administration, two months later PM Terzic seems to have changed his opinion somewhat. “What we have now, is [set of] these 45 measures for EU, [which] we will implement with probably many difficulties, [but] we will finish this,” said Terzic.
Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 4 ‘Ministers fought for poverty’ – Daily carries that there is no agreement in the Council of Ministers as to which ministry will incorporate the service for coordination of economic researches and monitoring of the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan [PRSP], which was the reason for halting the session on Friday. Oslobodjenje says CoM Chair Adnan Terzic initiated establishment of this service, proposing that the office is lead by the director at the level of an advisor, which is opposite to regulations. According to the initiative the service would be established within Terzic’s office, however this was not supported by Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic and Foreign Trade Minister Dragan Doko. Article cites a source claiming that the real reason for this dispute between the ministers was an issue of money, as PRSP will certainly have allocated resources.
Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Petar Kunic chairman of Democratic Forum’ – A new party – Democratic Forum (DF) – was formed on Saturday in Banja Luka. The chairman of the Democratic Forum is Petar Kunic, one of founders of the PDP, who is also a delegate in the BiH House of Representatives in this mandate. The deputy chairmen of the party are Drazen Brdjanin and Spasoje Camura. “The main program goals of the party are the preservation of political and territorial capacity of the Republika Srpska, the creation of conditions for functioning of rule of law and the continuation of reform processes in all fields of social regulation,” Kunic told reporters.
Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Blagojevic: It is better to be in jail than free in Kalinic’s terms’ – Representative of the Serb Radical Party Dr. Vojislav Seselj to BiH HoR, Mirko Blagojevic, still claims that RSNA Speaker Dragan Kalinic and RS President Dragan Cavic have ordered for Milan Lukic to be killed during the operation in Visegrad. Blagojevic stated on Sunday that they used “their people installed in the Special Unit of RS Interior Ministry.” In Blagojevic belief, this was done to “show OHR that they were ready to cooperate with ICTY and to further substantiate their financial report they submitted to OHR day after [the action] in order to have their sanctions lifted.” Commenting announcement by Kalinic that he would sue Blagojevic for defamation, Radicals rep said he preferred prison to the ‘freedom in Kalinic’s terms’.
Oslobodjenje cover, pg 3 ‘National minorities in municipal councils?’ – BiH House of Peoples at the session today will discuss the Law on amendments the BiH Election Law already adopted by the House of Representatives. The amendments refer to the participation of members of national minorities in the forthcoming municipal elections, and a possibility of paid advertising for political parties. If the HoP adopts the amendments in the identical text as adopted in the House of Representatives, it will be possible to implement them in the local elections scheduled for October 2.
Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Nadir Kovacevic and Ljubo Pravdic main favourites’ by M. R. – DA carries that the decision on appointment to the leading positions in the FBiH Pension Fund and FBiH Road Agency has been postponed for the next session of the FBiH Government that is likely to be held on Thursday. It is most likely that Nadir Kovacevic is appointed the Director of the FBiH Pension Fund, Ljubo Pravdic from Kiseljak is to be appointed Director of FBiH Road Agency while Nevenko Barbaric from Vitina is supposed to be appointed the President of the Supervisory Board of the FBiH Road Agency.
Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 5 ‘55% of BiH citizens in support of early elections’ – An opinion poll conducted by an eminent international organisation for the purposes of the OHR showed that over 55% of BiH citizens supports the initiative for early elections. 32% oppose to the initiative, while 14% abstained from voting. The sample was conducted in March on the sample of 1545 citizens. | |
Mostar issues |
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Ashdown visits Mostar today
Jahic, Merdzo on unification process
VL says seals in Mostar City administration are illegal
DL against 10 million KM for opening of the Old Bridge | RHB – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown visits Mostar today, where he will meet with Mayor Hamdija Jahic and Deputy Mayor Ljubo Beslic. During the talks, they will discuss the progress in implementing the Mostar Statute imposed by the High Rep on January 28. OHR press release reads that a particularly positive development in the implementation of the Mostar Statute has been the unification of fire fighting services in the city, which will be visited by Ashdown. During his visit HR will also meet with representatives of Students Association of Mostar University.
Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Jahic satisfied with the progress, and Merdzo criticises administration’ – Following difficulties at the beginning, the process of Mostar unification according to the Mostar Mayor Hamdija Jahic goes without obstructions and with speeded dynamics. “After my warnings that the integration process has to be speeded up, that really happened and today we already have the drat budget which should be adopted by 31 May and we are working on the Decision on organisation of the City Administration,” says Jahic. However, the chair of the HDZ Cantonal Board Josip Merdzo says he was not entirely satisfied with the process: “It would be the best to ask citizens what they think about administration after abolishment of municipalities in Mostar. We expect improvement, because the administration must function.”
Vecernji List front splash, pg 3 ‘City seals in Mostar are illegal’, by Tomislav Kvesic – According to the President of Mostar City Council (MCC), Ivan Musa, the seals that are being used by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar and several departments of the City administration of Mostar are illegal. Musa explains it all started on March 15, with the start of application of the new Mostar Statute, when new seals had to be in place. According to Musa, the first seals, which were of very poor quality, were withdrawn, after which a second batch of seals were made, but not according to the rules. In that context, Musa explains the seals are illegal because no tender was invited, there is no decision of the competent ministry and finally the seals were not made in authorized shops. According to VL, the Secretariat of the Mayor should be taking care of this absurd problem.
Dnevni List, page 2 ‘Bridge to Mostarians, but who gets ten million?’, by Ivica Glibusic – argues that the sum of 10 million KMs, which is going to be spent on opening ceremony of the Old Bridge in Mostar, should be spent on something more important, like on the poor, schools, public utilities in Mostar, economy etc. The author also argues that the poor people in Mostar do not care whether the ceremony is going to be attended by large number of heads of states or not. Dnevni List, page 2 carries in its ‘Statement of Day’, the Chairman of BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, as saying: ‘Everything we invest, it will stay in Mostar, for Mostarians’
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War crimes |
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SDS critical of Dragan Lukac re Visegrad Police Action
RS Socialists support Lukac
Ivanic on RS cooperation with ICTY SNS demand somebody to be held responsible for Lukic’s murder | SRNA – SDS issued a statement on Sunday condemning the most recent statements by Dragan Lukac, chief of the RS Interior Ministry Special Unit, saying that they both directly and indirectly aim to politicize the police operation in Visegrad in which Novica Lukic was tragically killed. “With his statements which are completely inappropriate with the nature of his work, Lukac has confirmed the SDS’s doubts about the professionalism of the police, which has previously put itself in the service of subversive elements, and now the political opposition,” a statement said, adding that “such a police officer, who, instead of doing his job, uses the media to lecture the politicians, cannot be the commander of the elite police unit.” The SDS warns the public and prosecution service, which is leading an investigation into the Visegrad raid, that in his statements, Lukac “with untruths and half-truths is making numerous contradictions in his attempts to turn to a direction which could possibly suit him“. The SDS said that cooperation with the ICTY could not be the alibi for “professional negligence.” Lukac said in a recent interview for the Nezavisne Novine newspaper that the death of Lukic is the result of “accidental circumstances“. RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDS: Lukac cannot lead special police units’; Glas Srpske pg 2 “Lukac giving lectures’– also covered.
Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Authority, not the police, is responsible for Visegrad action’; Glas Srpske pg 2 “They were just obeying orders’ – Miroslav Mikes, Vice President of the Republika Srpska Socialist Party, said that the police action in Visegrad resulted from “an inferior politics run by authority”. He also expressed support to Republika Srpska Special Police Units and its Head, Dragan Lukac, because they were just “obeying orders”.
RTRS – At the press conference on Sunday, PDP President Mladen Ivanic said that cooperation with ICTY is the last great challenge RS has to face with. According to him, the last attempts of some international organizations to reduce RS independency has been based on this argument. Ivanic said that cooperation with ICTY must be carried out with a professionalism adding that while the police action in Visegrad was politically right move, it must be said that the innocent man was killed. “Those who bare the responsibility for that move must, just like in any other country, be held responsible for that, just alike those who have made unjustified moves in action in Pale when another innocent men got injured, must be held responsible. So the relation must be identical,” said Ivanic, PDP President. He added that best move for RS would be to invite those indicted for war crimes to surrender voluntarily. He added that all countries in region have done more on that issue than RS. Mladen Ivanic pointed out that the Hague Tribunal also indicted the politicians from other peoples, meaning that it is not charging only Serbs.
RTRS – SNS [Serb People’s Union] demands somebody to be held responsible for murder of Novica Lukic, brother of ICTY indictee Mladen Lukic killed in police action in Visegrad, who was the member of their party. Condemning attempts by certain parties to politicise the case, SNS has invited RS politicians to show some dignity and stressed it expects RS officials to extend their apologies to family of Novica Lukic.
Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘By the end of the summer, the state institution for missing persons’, FENA – Designing of the protocol on the BiH Institute for Missing Persons (INO) could be completed this summer, which would create conditions for full-capacity functioning of this state-level institution with a mechanism for long-term resolving the matters of missing persons in BiH, told Fena Director of INO Gordon Bacon. Bacon said that a task force comprising the representatives of BiH Council of Ministers, the International Commission on Missing Persons [ICMP] and the Entity commissions for missing persons are working on designing the said protocol. Concerning the basic tasks of INO, Bacon said that the aim is to put the process of seeking missing persons in composition of a one state-level institution that will deal in the overall missing persons problematic, regardless of their nationality or religion. In addition, Bacon said it is necessary to establish a valid database on all missing persons, and issue an activity plan for the purpose of gaining information on locations of mass graves from persons who possess such information. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘More efficient search for mass graves’ – “As an institution, we shall be working on the process of exhumations, expertise, examining the bodies and identification. It is necessary to continue cooperating with the families of missing persons and on implementing the law on missing persons”, underlined Bacon.
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Economic and social issues |
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FBiH Privatisation Agency notes 2,3 million KM deficit
Nadarevic on Veterans Law in FBiH
Banovici Mine management demand information about appointment to supervisory board, criticise SDA
FBiH Govt looks into bids for purchase of BH Steel
ITA Director demands respect of 1991 census in staffing main office | Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 7 ‘Neither for sale, nor it earns’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘FBiH Privatisation Agency in deficit of 2,3 million KM’ – Daily brings that the FBiH Privatisation Agency last year failed to fulfil planned income from selling of companies under its jurisdiction. Previously it was planned to realize 2,5 milion KM by selling companies Velmos in Mostar, Sarajevo Insurance and Feroelektro and Hidrogradnja from Sarajevo. However, Privatisation Agency said either there were not applications, or the procedure was not completed in satisfactory way. The Agency’s report also states that due to the unsolved issue of financing the agency in 2002, transfer of obligations into next year and losses made in 2003, the agency currently has budget deficit of about 2,3 million KM.
Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Veterans are don’t know their rights’, pg 5 ‘Financial benefits are not stipulated veterans eligible to work’ by Jasna Sogolj – In an interview to DA, FBiH Minister for Veterans Issues, Jasmin Nadarevic says that criticism regarding the the FBIH Veterans Law sent into the parliamentary procedure was referring to the details: “Those unfamiliar with this sector take a right to comment and judge the law. However, this is a law which was, first of all, in public consultations for 5-6 years and whose content has been simplified to the limit.” Asked whether veterans have a reason to worry over the new law, Nadarevic answered that the Law doesn’t stipulate financial benefits for those veterans who are capable to work. Referring to the criticism regarding the use of term ‘shehid’ in the Law, Nadarevic says that the term was looked at as a more of a religious expression: “Nowhere Law says that it is obligatory to use term shehid or fallen soldier, but it is entirely up to the choice of user.”
Oslobodjenje cover, pg 5 ‘Rang list to be seen’ – The Management Board of the Banovici Mine sent letters to the High Representative, Ombudsmen, authorized authorities, and some media requesting the information related to the appointment of the new supervisory board in accordance with the BiH Information Act. In a letter signed by the chairman Enver Babajic, Mine’s management demands information on entire procedure around appointment, stressing that engagement of Emin Haracic with the Supervisory Board was not in accordance with FBiH Law on Ministerial, Govt and other appointments as Haracic performs the duty of the SDA BiH Main Board member, and member of the SDA Executive Board Kakanj. Additionally, management claims he did not respect procedure. “Prolonging submission of the information we asked shows that those involved in decision making what to gain on time to illegally replace current Banovici mine management at Assembly and bring incapable SDA disciples,” concludes the letter.
Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Estimate of offers for BH Steel completed’ – FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic has confirmed for DA that today an expert team appointed by the FBiH Government will present its proposal on the best bidder to purchase BiH Steel [Steel Factory in Zenica], and the Government will decide next week, probably Thursday, with whom to start negotiations. According to the estimate of those who participated the negotiations with different bidders last week, the entire process could take two-three months.
Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘I will resign if the central office is not staffed in accordance with the 1991 population census’ – Director of the BiH Indirect Taxation Administration, Kemal Causevic, doesn’t believe that failure to adopt ITA working materials, which should be sent as bylaws to the CoM by the ITA Management Board, presents obstruction. “I believe that the Board will finally do this on 6 May. If it doesn’t, than this issue of the obstruction would make sense,” says Causevic, also referring to still unsolved issue of ITA seat in Banja Luka. As for structure of the staff, Causevic says that main ITA office will be staffed in accordance to the 1991 Census: “All those from the international community should give up on illusion that our main offices is to be staffed with simple merger of the existing [customs] offices, which would imply that it has 60 to 70% of Serbs, and just about 15% of Bosniaks and Croats… Either I am not going to be a director, or the main office will have Bosniaks and Croats from the region of Banja Luka and will be established in accordance to the 1991 population census.”
Dnevni List, page 5 ‘Programme of taking care of worker is utopia’, by Renata Radic – The daily got a confirmation from the secretary of the FBiH Parliament’s House of Representatives, Anto Baotic, that the said chamber could be next week taking a decision to postpone the application of recently adopted changes and amendments to Law on bankruptcy, despite the item not being placed on the agenda. DL also carries a professor of the Sarajevo Economic Faculty, Nikola Grabovac, as saying that the law in question is not the best solution for workers in the FBiH, because it is utopia to take care of redundant workers since there are no realistic grounds for social funds. The author also claims that the relevant bodies, such as employment bureaus at the FBiH and cantonal levels, will need at least 60 days to implement proper organizational and technical changes to be able to take care of redundant workers.
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Education |
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Colak on Education issue in Central Bosnia
FTV feature on education reforms | Dnevni List, front page splash and page 3 ‘Colak: Party will not be putting up with mavericks any more’, by Miso Relota – carries the President of HDZ BiH, Barisa Colak, as regretting the fact that the Bosniak representatives in the Central Bosnia Canton (CBC) Assembly did not support the Law on elementary and secondary education. Colak notes the law, which was prepared by the CBC Government, is almost identical to the law that was adopted in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and which was backed up by the Bosniak representatives in the HNC Assembly. Colak says: ‘We do not know against which articles and why the Bosniak representatives were against the law, but I expect a fast action in sense of adoption of the law. What the OHR’s reaction will be like, it remains to be seen, but it is evident the IC will react promptly’.
FTV – Twelve days are left until the expiration of a deadline for BIH to adopt the Law on Higher Education at the state level. Deadline was set by the World Bank as a condition for receiving a loan in amount of 42 million US dollars. Although deadline for harmonisation of the cantonal Laws on Primary and Secondary Educations with the BIH framework Law, Herzegovina Neretva and Central Bosnian Cantons still have not fulfilled this obligation. The International Community is expected to react. However, BiH Civil Affairs Minister Safet Halilovic believes that there will be enough of the political will for the Parliament to adopt the Law on Higher Education at the state level.
Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘New penalties over non-adoption of the law possible’ – The representatives of cantonal authorities, which failed to adopt the Law on primary and secondary education, have violated their obligation, stressed Zinaida Delic, OSCE Deputy Spokesperson yesterday. The final deadline for the adoption of this law was only respected by the Cantons of Una Sana, Tuzla, Gorazde and Sarajevo. The OHR Spokesperson, Kevin Sullivan, yesterday said that the OHR would announce its stance on this at the end of this week.
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Investigations/incidents |
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Jelavic case: VL says OHR interfered into work of BiH Constitutional Court back in 2002
Stolac: All crosses from the Stations of the Cross broken again | Vecernji List, front ‘Domestic judiciary under pressure’ and page 4 ‘OHR stopped Constitutional Court?’, by Zoran Kresic – VL claims that the OHR, as early as in 2002, banned the BiH Constitutional Court from taking a decision to stop proceedings against Croat officials led by Ante Jelavic that were being conducted with the Sarajevo Cantonal Court. VL says it is evident from correspondence between the Head of OHR Legal Department, Ian Campbell, with the then President of BiH Constitutional Court, Snezana Savic, when Campbell banned the proclamation of the already taken decision.
RHB, Vecernji List, front page ‘Crosses of Stations of the Cross broken’, pg 3 ‘Stolac experienced weekend of breaking crosses again’ by Frano Matic – VL reports that on Saturday afternoon, Stolac Police Station was informed on another desecration of the wood crosses of the Stations of the Cross on Krizevac hill near Stolac. VL comments that the latest of 20 such incidents, in which a memorial plaque next to the huge cross was painted in green, will only worsen the political and security situation in Stolac. The case is being investigated by the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Ministry of Interior and perpetrators are unidentified as yet.
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