
OHR Local News Issues, 18 March 1997


Sarajevo: BiH Federation Assembly House of Peoples, on suggestion of the House of Reps, has chosen Vladimir Soljic as Federation President and Ejup Ganic as his Deputy for the period until 31 December when they should change their roles. The both took oath.

Most time in the session was lost in an attempt to agree upon an Agenda; Zubak rejected to submit his Working Report for the past period and it was irrelevant for Ejup Ganic, as his Deputy, to do the same; the sides were accusing each other of being against Federation and the Deputies demanded a special meeting to discuss the questions of Federation functioning; they defended the honor of their people, offended in discussion by other the side’s representatives; yet there were declarations of a better future for the country; Ganic thanked the International Organizations for their co-operation and help, especially the US, Germany, and of course the OHR. Regardless of some criticisms we direct against them, the fact is that they are a key for peace in BiH.

Related to the forthcoming local elections, Haris Silajdzic, CoM Co-Chair informed Niels Helweg Petersen, Danish Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman at today’s meeting of dissatisfaction with the OSCE Mission and its team work in BiH, headed by Ambassador Frowick. Silajdzic insisted upon the need and obligation of OSCE to state and announce which side hadn’t co-operated in creating the pre-conditions for the elections, which had to be postponed. As matter of fact the whole problem consists in equalizing of the sides.

A first, expanded meeting of the Federation and RS Government representatives arranged by the US Embassy in Sarajevo focused on discussion which covered three Ministries: Energy, Industry and Mining, Trade and Internal Affairs. They agreed on a start to co-operation as of today. The first result should be a joint presentation at the Donors Conference. The other questions will be discussed between department ministers.

Edhem Bicakcic, Federation Premier told a Press conference today that the Government work had been de-blockaded and the next session would be held on 20 March. He optimistically hoped the Donors Conference could be held in April. By that time the question of the Central Bank should be solved. Bicakcic derives moderate optimism from the conclusions of the talks he had with the highest American Administration Officials while visiting US.

HSS party and Napredak, Croatian Association for Culture, as well as HDZ President Bozo Rajic (at the Fed. Parliament session) slammed the explosion of mosque in Stipanici.

The last of 8 mosques on the left side of the Neretva, has been destroyed in the settlement Celjevo. The local authorities do nothing to prevent such acts, reads an information release of Capljina municipality.

The work of the Cantonal Government is blocked, since the Croatian side do not participate in the realization of the FF conclusions of 3 and 12 February, reads a Statement issued after the meeting of Fatima Leho, Neretva-Hercegovina Canton Governor with the members of the Bosniak members of the Cantonal Government.

In the frame of its mandate SFOR has decided to step up its presence in overviewing and securing free movement of civilians in the region of Mostar. This important news was announced at the Press Conference of the International organizations in Mostar.

Answering the Hague Tribunal question relating to the arrest of Mladen Naletinic, BiH Ministry for Justice could state that he is a Croatian citizen and under its jurisdiction.

Summary SRT News

Gacko – the RS delegation, headed by Prime Minister Klickovic talked with representatives of Serb Herzegovina municipalities about the current situation in that region.

Sarajevo – the RS delegation, headed by Prime Minister Klickovic met a Federation delegation, headed by Prime Minister Bicakcic to discuss implementation of joint institutions, the QSP and holding of the donors conference. After the meeting, Klickovic said that they agreed to influence their representatives with regard to joint co-operation with the WB. They also discussed putting trade under the Entities’ control. The Entities will have joint projects which will be presented at the donors conference. They discussed the infrastructure, freedom of movement, security on the roads and joint industry issues[starting with manufacturing in factories located in the ZOS].

Banja Luka – RS Minister Banjac talked with deputy speaker of the FRY Peoples Assembly, Bogdanovic about the RS-FRY relations and ratification of the Agreement on Special Parallel ties which present joint interests of the Serb people.

Different Media Opinion: Swedish state radio from Helsinki reported that UN troops helped foreign professionals, who took part in the BiH war, to enter the country, providing them with food and accommodation. These information is based on recently published book, written by one of the professionals. UN Special Envoy for Human Rights, Elizabeth Rehn said that this book should be used as a material in the Hague Tribunal. France Press reported that only the military aspect of the DPA was successfully implemented, whereas the civilian part doesn’t have any chances, because of Tudjman’s recent visit to west Mostar and the agreement between the RS and FRY.

World News: Sarajevo – At a session held today, the MPs of the Federation Parliament elected Soljic and Ganic for the President and Vice-president of the Federation, respectively. Commenting on a speech by SDA member, Irfan Ajanovic given at today’s Federation Parliament session, former Federation President Zubak said that it was ‘a ultra-nationalistic speech, which supports obstruction of this body’s further work’. Representatives of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton sent a letter to OHR deputy, Steiner warning him that the current situation in the Canton requires urgent action and a permanent solution, Muslim radio Sarajevo reports. Paris – BiH Ambassador to France, Nikola Kovac puts the ‘Republika Srpska’ under quotation marks, and criticised the DPA because it clearly supports the RS ‘independence’, and divides BiH. He used to be a Serb, but from the beginning of war in BiH he changed sides and became Izetbegovic and a Muslim ‘son’.