
OHR BiH Weekend Round-up, 21-22/8/2004




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HB Sume, Finvest blocked

Chief of PBC BL replaced

HB Sume, Finvest blocked

Karadzic’s surrender

Muratovic on 3rd entity

Trial of drugs dealers

Mostar City Admin

Chief of PBC BL replaced

Karadzic’s surrender

Exhumations continue

SFOR searched “Secerana”

Car dump Bluz

Importing from Croatia

Feature on mass graves

Chief of PBC BL replaced

SFOR’s weapon search



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(19,30 hrs)



Two killed in Iraq

Koricani massacre anniver.

Koricani massacre anniver.

Car accident

Minister Solaja in Japan

Trials outside ICTY

Exhumations in BiH

BIH&SCG war crimes team

BiH in EU after 2013?

Oil prices will go up

Brcko judiciary

Feature: SDA in RS Govt

Slovenian border issue

Less of mixed marriages

Fights in Iraq

VAT introduction



Annually about 5000 citizens renounce BiH citizenship; Croats returned Herceg Bosna flags on masts; Case Prlic and others: Trial in Croatia – speculation!

Dnevni Avaz

Terzic: It is clear that VAT will cause disturbance; Mass grave 200 meters away from detention centre; Companies owe 538 million KM of taxes

Dnevni List

Announcement: Biggest rise in prices of fuel to date

Vecernji List

Dramatic testimony of Croat writer from Uskoplje: Josip Mlakic: They wanted to kill me

Slobodna Dalmacija

Andjelko Barun denies Minister for Defenders: Zagreb will give aid to HVO

Nezavisne Novine

10th Sarajevo Film Festival was opened; Radomir Njegus suspended Zeljko Spasojevic; SFOR raided Sugar Factory; “Fininvest” of Marijan Filipovic was blocked

Glas Srpske

Deceit through back door


Radomir Njegus: My professional and personal conscience is clear



Terzic: Tihic and I do not think the same; Herceg Bosna flags arrested state’s?

Dnevni Avaz

At the opening of medresa [school] in Cazin: Youth will learn to restore trust

Dnevni List

Documentation is in state archives

Vecernji List

Key documents for The Hague in Zagreb

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines




War crimes

Anniversary of Koricani crimes: families of victims demand justices and truth


BHT 1 Sat, FTV Sat – Families of people shot at Koricani cliff on Vlasic mountain 12 years ago gathered to pay respect to the victims. Over 250 Croats and Bosniaks from Prijedor, previously held in Trnopolje concentration camp, were executed at that location, however bodies of most of them haven’t been found yet. FTV says that during exhumations it became clear that the bodies have been removed. On the occasion of this anniversary, families of victims demand justice and truth. Only former policemen Darko Mrdja, who ordered execution, has been prosecuted by ICTY for this crime. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 17 years of jail.

BHT 1 Sat – BHT 1 also brings separate report with detailed account of the crime that occurred in August in 1992, when out of convoy of 1000 persecuted Bosniaks, a group of 265 were taken to cliffs and executed. 

Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 3 ‘Mrdja’s unit shot and thrown over the cliff 253 war prisoners from Prijedor’, mentioned on cover ‘While criminals walk, families search for bones’, by A. Dzonlic – DA article gives accounts of a survivor of the execution and members of victims families.

Oslobodjenje Sun pg 3 ‘Judiciary and police do not investigate crime committed in Koricani cliffs’ by Besima KahrimanovicFatima Fazlic, a member of Prijedor women association ‘Izvor’, addressed those who gathered saying that they offered names of those responsible for this crime on several previous occasions, however that nobody listens to them. Article carries that ICTY verdict reads that next to Mrdja, that a number of other people were present during the execution [Dragan Knezevic, Sasa Zecevic, Zoran Babic, Zeljko Predojevic, Branko Topola, etc], however that local judiciary never processed cases against them despite efficient evidences. 

BHT 1 feature on new mass graves


BHT 1 Fri by Tanja Alavuk, Boris Gagic – New mass graves are being revealed in BiH almost on daily basis. BHT 1 says that according to the Commissions for Missing Persons and difference association, this could be a result of various political events, the most important being recognition of crimes in Srebrenica. Members of RS Association of families of fallen and missing civilians believe that discoveries of mass graves are a part of pre-election campaign as well as the result of pressure imposed by the international community. Chairman of Srebrenica Commission, Milan Bogdanic said that the recognition of Srebrenica crime has changed the overall situation around mass-graves. “Unfortunately that an extremely difficult and most of all humanitarian issue… is very politicized… The families of missing persons were an object of manipulation by politics, therefore political support is an mandatory in solving of this problem”, said Bogdanic. Sead Jakupovic, member of RS Council of Peoples comments that there was also a shift in attitude: “It is no longer the betrayal of Serb people if they say were the mass grave is.”  Aleksandar Radeta, Chairman of the RS Commission for Missing Persons, said that it is a known fact that information on locations of mass graves are mostly in possession of those were directly or indirectly involved in execution of victims.

FTV Sat by Salih Brkic – FTV carried short feature on problems related to identification of bodies exhumed from mass graves.

Issue of war crimes trials outside of ICTY  


BHT 1 Sat – According to the new rules of ICTY, it should be possible to prosecute war crimes cases in BIH, Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia. BHTV 1 says that the associations of war victims and their families in BIH refuse this possibility, claiming that this would be a problem for witnesses adding they don’t believe these trials would be carried in a fair and just manner. Croatia has already demanded some cases to be that transferred to domestic judiciary. Vesna Skare-Ozbolt, Croatian Justice Minister comments: “I can’t tell any names because ICTY will make separate decisions for every case individually.” BIH authorities haven’t requested for any cases to be transferred to the BiH courts.

Oslobodjenje Sun pg 4 ‘Croatian Government did not demand Perlic and others to be tried in Zagreb’, Vecernji List, Sat, pg 10 ‘Only guarantees for Prlic and others’, by Z. B. – VL carries Vesna Skare-Ozbolt denied that Croatia requested ICTY to transfer cases of Jadranko Prlic and others, onto the Croatian judiciary.

Oslobodjenje Sat pg 5 ‘Trial in Croatia – speculation’, mentioned on cover, by A. Omeragic – Oslobodjenje also carries that information that have appeared in media that the Croatian government has requested from the ICTY to allow trial of six former Herceg Bosna officials in Croatia is speculation.

Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 4 ‘In BiH it is not set who would send demands to the Hague’ by H. Orahovac – DA writes that in BiH nobody reacted to the changed rules of ICTY regarding the place of trial. BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac comments that it has not been foreseen by the Law which institution exactly is authorised to address the ICTY with such request.

Exhumations in Foca downtown


Oslobodjenje Sat pgs 4-5 ‘Exhumations in the down town’ by Elma Kazagic – Daily carries that the FBiH Commission for Missing Persons has started with works in Foca downtown as they possesses information on possible mass grave next to city bakery, near Foca correctional centre. No bodies have been found as yet.

Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 3 ‘Velibor Ostojic most responsible for the murder of respected Foca citizens in the war’ by E. Sarac– DA also reports on the beginning of works in Foca downtown. In addition, it carries the quote of a Serb from Foca who claims that Velimir Ostojic is the most responsible person for execution of Bosniaks.

Oslobodjenje Sat pgs 4-5 ‘Genocide was committed in Foca’ by I. Trepalovac – “Finally it has been shown to be true that the genocide against Bosniaks had occurred in Foca. Search for mass graves was a long one. Through RS authorities we tried to establish the Commission for Missing Persons at the local level in Foca. However, we had strong resistance and to date did not managed to establish it,” Lutvo Sukalo, chair of Foca municipal assembly, stated for Oslobodjenje. Sukalo adds he hopes that the Commission will be formed in September. Sukalo says that 2500 were reported missing from Foca, while 750 bodies have been found.

DA says Karadzic sick and hides in Trebinje in house near city hospital


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Karadzic hides in Trebinje where he was examined by doctors from Belgrade’ by E. Sarac – DA writes that Radovan Karadzic is very ill and hides in Trebinje, where he was checked by doctors from Belgrade. According to its source – a person close of international and domestic intelligence – on Tuesday evening a team of doctors from VMA clinic in Belgrade arrived in Trebinje. Source also says that Karadzic is taken care of by Bozidar Vucurevic, small personal security and some individuals from Trebinje local police and intelligence. Apparently, the house where he is hidden is close to the hospital.

Brcko Prosecutor investigates war crimes

RTRS Fri, FTV Fri – First charges for war crimes in Brcko District will be press by the end of this year before the Courts in Brcko District. Charges against six persons are already in preparation, while the collection of evidences continues. Brcko District Prosecutor received 8 cases with evidence documentation from Tuzla Canton Prosecutor, which include charges against 73 individuals. Public Prosecutor of Brcko District, Zekerijah Mujkanovic, said that these cases will be examined immediately and that they will try to raise charges against those persons, for which ICTY gave clearance.



Political issues

Werner Wnendt visits Mostar: No delays in Statute implementation will be accepted


Dnevni List, Sat, pg 13 ‘OHR does not allow delays in Mostar any more’, mentioned on front, not signed, Vecernji List, Sat, pg 8 ‘OHR expects positive decision from City Council’, by M. Mu., Slobodna Dalmacija, Sat, pg 5 ‘Wnendt: Statute is being accepted slowly’, by Z. Zekic – Senior Deputy High Representative, Werner Wnendt, visited Mostar on Friday where he had talks with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic respectively, and representatives of political parties about the process of re-organization of the City administration of Mostar. SDHR Wnendt assessed that the implementation of the Mostar Statute was being carried out in a satisfactory manner, however noting that “it’s too early to pat each other on the back.”  He also stressed that the implementation of the Statute is the only way towards a full unification of Mostar, whose next step is the adoption of systematisation and book of rules on internal organization of the City administration. “I have pointed out that any delay in discussing and adopting the new systematisation of the City administration is unacceptable”, explained SDHR Wnendt. Finally, SDHR Wnendt also announced that the position of the new Mayor of Mostar would be vetted in accordance with the existing vetting standards: no criminal record, no obstruction of the DPA and no objection from the ICTY.

FTV Fri – Media in Mostar Major and his Deputy have started preparations for the vacancy announcement for five Chairman and sixteen Chief positions within the City Administration, also sending a letter to SDA and HDZ inviting them to make an agreement regarding the distribution of positions. FTV carries that this was prevented by OHR, who demanded all steps of reducing City Administration to be carried out in accordance with the Law. “We expect City Council to, early next week, accept the plan of systematization of jobs and that the process of advertising, meaning the process of selection of people for the city administration will start” said Werner Wnendt. FTV says it is interesting that this proposal was developed to adjust to the people leading parties intended to appoint to these functions, meaning that conditions for many jobs are too generalized.

RHB Fri, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘There will be no delays in selecting City Administration officials’ by N.H., Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 4 ‘Wnendt warned politicians to accelerate the implementation of the Statute’ by V. C. – also covered the visit.

Restructuring Mostar City Administration causes problems with surplus of workers


Dnevni List, Sat, pg 13 ‘OHR does not allow delays in Mostar any more’, mentioned on front, inset ‘City administration in accordance with 1991’, not signed,  – Secretary of City administration, Sead Masle, says that according to a model as prepared by the Working group, the future City administration should have between 391 and 398 employees. Masle also notes that back in December 31, 1991, the administration had 399 employees. (similar in Vecernji List, Sat, pg 8 ‘City administration sacking around 300 employees’, by mmu)

Oslobodjenje Sat pg 9 ‘Providing care for surplus [workers]’ by Onasa, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 10 ‘How to take care of 268 employees?’, not signed – announces that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar will on Monday, August 23, be meeting with representatives of Union of employees of the City administration of Mostar in order to discuss their remarks and objections related to the re-organization of the City administration and systematisation of jobs. The Union accepts the plans related to the number of positions in the future City administration, however it is not happy with terms and jobs descriptions, believing it needs to be worked on.

FTV Fri – FTV says that about 390 people will lose their jobs in the process. According to the representatives of the Union , proposal of this systematization was developed without any participation of employees and without any program of social care for those to be redundant. FTV says that the general assessment is that Mostar’s authorities have approached this issue unprepared and burdened with demands of their parties.

FTV Sat – Hamdija Jahic, Mayor of Mostar sent letter to FTV denying 390 people will be redundant, adding that not more than 220 persons would be a surplus. Letter also reads that the city authorities have resolutely entered this process, and they’ve been working on the systematisation and reorganisation process together with OHR’s Implementation Unit for past four months.

RTRS feature on SDA and PDP relationship


RTRS Sat by Daliborka Predragovic – The issue of SDA ministers in the RS Government has been brought into the attention again. RTRS comments that although they are part of majority in the RS National Assembly, PDP and SDA have been racing in political outwit. If SDA Ministers in RS Government are dismissed, RSNA majority will be made of PDP, SDS and SRS. In the words of SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic, the will lead to radicalisation of situation in RS and BIH. However, PDP leader Mladen Ivanic, believes that SDA has already done so through its latest initiatives: “Request to change of the Constitution, request to abolish everything carrying prefix Srpski in RS. [There is] a fact that [SDA] didn’t distance itself from all those suspicious stories about the international humanitarian organisations financed by terrorists groups. The fact that it wants to impose “Sarajevo-sation” of BIH and that BIH should be as SDA sees it. Those are all things that are showing who is [responsible] for radicalisation. What has PDP done?” Osmanovic comments to this statement and initiatives to remove SDA ministers from RS Government: “I think it is irresponsible and tactless as SDA launches initiatives to implement constitutional amendments in both entities regarding the equality of all constitutive peoples through system of institutions, Parliaments of both entities and BIH.” Both Ivanic and Osmanovic expect a lot from the announced meeting to take place between RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic and SDA President Sulejman Tihic. “I already said that we will talk with Tihic within 7 days… On the other hand, I think I will voice my opinion on the total reshuffle Government in mid September”, says Mikerevic. For PDP, the fact that Mikerevic and Tihic will meet confirms that ‘something is going on’ and that the dismissals will occur. As for SDA, this is will a good chance to make some things clear.

Media speculate disagreements over sending BH troops to Iraq indicate rift in SDA


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 4 ‘Decision of deployment of troop to Iraq supported’ by F.M., Oslobodjenje Sat pg 5 ‘Terzic against Tihic’ by Az. Kalamujic – At the session of SDA Presidency, members supported the decision for deployment of BiH troops to Iraq. However, Oslobodjenje and DA both learnt that Adnan Terzic voted against this, while SDA Vice President Elmir Jahic restrained from vote. “The fact that the SDA president [Sulejman Tihic] was opposed in direct manner by his deputy and one of the vice presidents confirms the thesis that a part of leadership did not settle with the fact that Tihic brought such big decision in BiH Presidency without previous consultations with the party,” reads Oslobodjenje article.

Oslobodjenje Sun cover page ‘Terzic: Tihic and I do not think the same’, pg 3 ‘Sulejman Tihic in favour, Adnan Terzic ‘against’ by S. Hodzic – Following up on the Adnan Terzic opposition to sending BH Troops to Iraq, Oslobodjenje says Terzic confirmed on Saturday he objected such decision however refused to explain his reason. He added that he will respect the decision of SDA Presidency. Asked whether this caused tension between him and Tihic, Terzic answered: “No! Why it should? It is good we don’t think the same.” Author further says that regardless to such statement, Terzic’s objection are barometer of worsened relations between him and Tihic.

Oslobodjenje Sun pg 2 ‘Incident in SDA’ by Senka Kurtovic – Editorial says that the relation between Tihic and other SDA leadership members are worsened, stating that his position till election will be as it is, however after the election there will be ‘big clean up.’ Kurtovic says that the idea of change in leadership has reoccurred in SDA, whereas the strongest candidate replace Tihic would be Bakir Izetbegovic.

Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 2 ‘I have my own reasons why I voted against it’ by A.B. – In a statement for Avaz, Terzic also refused to explain why he voted against decision to send BH troops to Iraq . Asked whether finances could be a reason, Terzic said that there is a certainly an issue as to where to find money for this mission.

Dnevni Avaz Sun pg 3 ‘It is not unusual for SDA to have pluralism in opinions and attitudes’ by A.H. – Elmir Jahic also refused to discuss the reasons he restrained from voting, however added that it is normal for SDA to have “pluralism in opinions and attitudes.” Avaz also carries that it is not unusual that he restrained, as he was difficulty injured during the war.

Herceg Bosna flags again cause tensions in Stolac


Oslobodjenje Sat pgs 4-5 ‘Croats returned Herceg Bosna flags to masts’, mentioned on cover, by A. Becirovic – Oslobodjenje writes that on Friday two Herceg Bosna flags have been place on the masts in Stolac downtown, while at the same time Bosniaks attended the celebration of Mosques Day. It further claims that flags were placed in presence of police by several Croats, including chief of HSP Stolac, Mile Coko. The President of Stolac Youth forum, Nerin Dizdar stated that they are expecting the reaction from the international community, as IC “should punish those neo-fascists in authorities who support placing monoethnic symbols.”

Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘Flag of Croat people was hung’ by V. C., Vecernje Novosti, Sunday, pg. 4 ‘Again flags of Herzeg-Bosnia’ by Tanjug – Employees of Stolac Utility Company returned flags of Croat people back in place in presence of Stolac Police employees on Friday. The flags were removed on last Friday by Stolac Forum of Youth, with Nerin Dizdar on the head. A criminal charge was brought against Dizdar because of an illegal removing of national insignia. He assessed the move of Stolac Utility Company as a shameful act, blessed by the local police.

Oslobodjenje Sun pgs 4-5 ‘Herceg Bosna flags arrested the state’, mentioned on cover, by A.B. – Daily also carries feature on the issue, being very critical of placing Herceg Bosna flags in Stolac downtown.

Cavic says BH Election Commission discriminates SDS


Dnevni List, Sun, pg 13 “Cavic: That’s inquisition, not elections commission!’, by De. L.,Nezavisne Novine, pg. 11 ‘Cavic: Inquisitors at the BiH Election Commission’ by D. Risojevic, Glas Srpske, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘The Commission as an inquisition’ by G. D., EuroBlic, pg. RS2 ‘Cavic: We do not want to be silent anymore’ by T. V. – The President of SDS, Dragan Cavic, accused the BiH Election Commission of discriminating the SDS after the Commission has asked the party to amend the SDS’ financial report. Cavic stated that the request would be met, adding that the party would not put up with this any more. He also noted that he would ask the Commission whether a similar request was sent to other parties, stressing that the deadline that the party received is such that “even Martians cannot make it”. Cavic believes everything is being done under influence of a part of the IC, which wants to unable the work of the SDS.

Oslobodjenje: 5000 people annually revoke BH citizenship


Oslobodjenje Sat cover page, pg 3 ‘Annually, about 5000 people renounce BiH citizenship’ by V. Zivak – According to the BiH Civil Affairs Ministry, every year about 5000 people renounce their BiH citizenship as other countries do not allow them to hold dual citizenship. The biggest number of such demands comes from Austria and Germany , countries that do not recognize the category of ‘dual citizenship’. In order to take citizenship of another country and renounce BiH’s, citizens have to pay 1700 KM to the state. Article carries that so far BiH earned about 46 million KM this way, however losing 27.000 citizens.

Terzic on priorities of BH authorities as of September


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘It is clear that VAT will cause disturbance’, pg 5 ‘One rate [arranged] VAT is not a holly script’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to DA, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic says that the priorities of BiH authorities in upcoming period will be implementation of 40 laws recently adopted, stressing that BiH needs those reforms. He also said that he expects positive remark from Brussels in September regarding the activities carried out to meet conditions of the Feasibility Study. He also pointed out that entities government must ensure better cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, adding that it is clear that BiH, as well as SCG, cannot progress more in EU integrations as long as Karadzic and Mladic are at large.  Asked whether there will be changes in CoM, Terzic said that there is a need to create Agriculture Ministry as this issue is high of EU list, and to divide Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economcis relations.

BiH in EU after 2013?

RHB Sat, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 4 ‘BiH in European Union after 2013’, mentioned on front, by NINA – the Vienna-based Institute for international economic studies assesses that Albania, BiH and Serbia and Montenegro’s applications for full membership in the EU will be considered after the year 2013, however, regardless of that, all three countries can sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) by 2007. The Institute believes Croatia will most likely join the EU either by 2008 or 2009.



Police and security issues

Njegus dismisses Chief of Banja Luka Public Security Centre


FTV Fri, Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘Njegus replaced Zeljko Spasojevic’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 7 ‘Ljubanic new chief of Banj Luka police’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine Sat cover ‘Radomir Njegus suspended Zeljko Spasojevic’, pg. 3 ‘Radomir Njegus suspended the Head of Banja Luka Public Safety Centre’ by P. Klincov, Glas Srpske Sat pg 2 ‘“Octopus” against the police’ by M. Dizdar, EuroBlic Sat cover ‘Radomir Njegus: My professional and personal conscience is clear’, pg RS3 ‘Lies and fictions’ by Nedeljka Breberina – RS Police Director Radomir Njegus on Friday removed Zeljko Spasojevic from the position of the Head of Banja Luka Public Safety Centre and appointed Boro Ljubanic to this position instead. Njegus explained during a press conference that he has removed Spasojevic out of professional reasons, without specifying details. Spasojevic did not want to comment his removal and only said he was reassigned to the position of the Head of Department for Special Training at the Police Academy .

BHT 1 Fri – Njegus added he hopes that new Chief Boro Ljubanic will be more efficient in a fight against crime, also announcing new arrests to take place as a part of action “Forgery” in which police concentrate to search for illegally registered vehicles. He also said that there are indications that some MoI staff members are connected with different organized crime groups.

RTRS Fri – Prime minister Dragan Mikerevic said that the dismissal of Zeljko Spasojevic is in accordance to the law.

Njegus says campaign against him being lead


Abovementioned articles also carried that at the same press conference, RS Police Director, Radomir Njegus said that ‘special groups of people are bringing false allegations through media’ and are accusing him of being connected with organised crime, war crimes indictees, car thieves, etc. He also said these groups were in contact with international organisations and certain Embassie, trying to get him removed.   

RTRS Fri Njegus added that such groups also ensured that the High Representatives dismissed Zoran Djeric from the position of Interior Minister. Asked who were those lobbying against him, Njegus described them as “illiterate plotters from local communities, hastily trained journalists, cheaters, masked agents, foreign mercenaries, small crocks, psychopaths, traitors and informers that exist in all larger cities. Their biggest concentration is here and BijeljinaAll said against me so far has been a lie. That is why I deny all public and secret accusations against me”.

NN interview with Momcilo Mandic: I will revoke BH citizenship


Nezavisne Novine – Revija, Saturday, cover of Revija and pgs. 4 – 6 ‘Let the trial be public and I will come to Sarajevo’ by Sonja LakicMomcilo Mandic, who is on the black lists of EU and USA over suspicion that he is helping war crimes indictees, has announced he would withdraw his capital from BiH and renounce his BiH citizenship because the international community is preventing him from working. ‘They have arrested my son and cousin and are holding them hostages in order to force me to come to Sarajevo…’, Mandic said and continued ‘Aleksandar was invited for an interview in relation to settling of debts to Zvornik, he was surrounded and arrested by special forces upon an order of OHR, as if he was a criminal or a terrorist. He is in a jail just because he is a son of Momo Mandic. This is his only mistake and fault. Lawyers and judges of the BiHState Court have confirmed this and said this case has nothing to do with law and judiciary’. Mandic emphasised that he would come to BiH if the trial in his case were a public trial, because he wants everyone to know what he stands the trial for. ‘Aleksandar is Ashdown’s private detainee. They have told him openly that he would be released if his father came’, Mandic claims. Mandic was asked to say what is the value of his business in RS, and he replied by saying ‘by the moment [Donald] Hays has blocked it, we have had 3-5 million KM of turnover per day…they have taken away and ruined a bank 50 million KM worth’. He says he was never close to Karadzic and said Karadzic has never had trust in him. He claims the issue of financing Radovan Karadzic is a complex issuethat has been resolved a long time ago. ‘Everyone who is bragging about helping Karadzic is lying. This issue has been resolved in the past, at the level of RS and Yugoslavia’, Mandic claims. He also says that the international community is in possession of documentation on this but is using Karadzic as a good excuse to settle relations in BiH and remove certain people from the authority. He commented his arrest in “Sablja” action in Serbia and said ‘I was actually arrested by Paddy Ashdown, who has negotiated my arrest with Serbian authority during the international conference on safety in the Balkans in Belgrade, because they were assured they would arrest Karadzic if they eliminated me’.  

RTRS Sat, EuroBlic, Sunday, pg. 4 ‘I was financially helping DSS’ by FoNet, Nacional Belgrade daily, pg. 3 ‘Ashdown has arrested me with help of “Sablja”’ not signed – also carried inserts of the interview published by NN.

Mikerevic on appointment of RS Interior Ministry


Dnevni List, Sun, pg 14 ‘Minister of Interior does not have to be party man’, by N.K. – The RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, told journalists in Zvornik that the future RS Interior Minister did not have to be a party official at all costs. “It is time that a professional took the baton and continued the job the removed minister Zoran Djeric had started”, stated Mikerevic, reiterating that a new Interior Minister would be appointed by mid September.

RTRS Fri – Mikerevic added that the Minister should be appointed by the second half of September. “I think we are on the way to solve that matter. I will have some interviews on Monday even in Sarajevo with juridical bodies”, says Mikerevic.

SFOR raids Bijeljina sugar factory looking for weapons


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 8 ‘No hidden weapons in Bijeljina sugar factory’, Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, cover ‘SFOR raided sugar factory’ and pg. 2 ‘SFOR raided sugar factory in Bijeljina’ not signed, Glas Srpske, Saturday, pg. 2 ‘They raided the sugar factory’ not signed – SFOR Spokesperson John Turlough has confirmed that SFOR members have raided Sugar Factory in Bijeljina in search for illegal weapons. No weapons were found during the action. The Spokesperson of Bijeljina Public Safety Centre, Dragomir Peric, has stated that the action, in which ten police officers have participated as well, has passed with no incidents.

DL says BH security will be threatened if BH troops go to Iraq


Dnevni List, Sat, pgs 4-5, ‘Does BiH have strength to oppose terrorist attacks’, by Zvonimir Jukic – the author is contesting the decision of BiH authorities to send BiH troops to Iraq, believing that the decision could have fatal consequences on security of BiH citizens. Jukic warns that the Madrid and attacks in Turkey are evidences that Al Qaeda is still strong and that BiH is not fit to fight terrorism on global scale. On top of it, Jukic reminds of the forthcoming change of SFOR with EU forces, believing that the confusion, which usually happens during such handovers, could be used by terrorists to attack BiH.

Analysis: BiH should be concerned with departure of SFOR and arrival of EU forces

Vecernji List, Sun, pg 3 ‘BiH has reasons to be worried’, by Renata Radic – notes that the Centre for analysis and reporting from Sarajevo is warning that BiH has reasons to be concerned with the departure of NATO-led SFOR and arrival of EU forces towards end of the year, considering the bad experience BiH had during the war with European forces and situation in Macedonia where NATO and EU were competing each other and not acting as partners. The Centre is also warning that EU could in future focus more on the situation in Kosovo since there should be discussions on the final status of Kosovo towards end of the year. Finally, the Centre notes that the competences of the future missions of NATO and EU in BiH are not clearly devised, which will certainly result in overlapping of competences.



Economic and social issues

Prosecution probes into Herceg Bosna Forests and Finvest companies


Vecernji List, Sat, pg 22 ‘Prosecutor announces new arrests of business people’, mentioned on front, by Robert Soldo, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Ile Krezo, Mirko Mihaljevic and Ivica Cobanac in custody’, mentioned on front, by Nermin Bise, Slobodna Dalmacija, Sat, pg 16 ‘Former Prime Minister in custody too’, by B. Kristo – Members of the FBiH Interior Ministry and Drvar Police blocked the administrative buildings of the Herceg-bosanske Sume public company at Kupres (Herceg Bosna Forests) and Finvest Company at Drvar (forestry company) on Friday. According to Canton 10 Prosecutor, Milorad Barasanin, the aim of the operation was to seize documents that can help investigate into alleged abuses of office and authority, which resulted in damages to the Herceg Bosna Forests worth millions. Two days before the operation, the Cantonal Court in Livno, at proposal of the Cantonal Prosecution, placed in custody a former Chairman of Steering Board of Herceg Bosna Forests, Ile Krezo (Krezo was also a minister in the FBiH Government), whilst before that, former Canton 10 Prime Minister, Mirko Mihaljevic, and former director of Herceg Bosna Forests, Ivica Cobanac, were also placed in custody in Mostar. They are suspected of abuse of office and authority and making of detrimental contracts. Judge Nedim Begic of the Cantonal Court in Livno confirms the operation is related to a case that dates back from 4 years ago, when the C10 Government banned Finvest from felling of trees because of outstanding debts worth millions of KMs. Prosecutor Barasanin announces new arrests, without going into details.

Dnevni List, Sun, pg 2 ‘Finvest works tomorrow as normal’, mentioned on front, by Miso Relota – DL reports that the HDZ BiH Presidency requested an urgent meeting of the Canton 10 Government to discuss the situation, which caused obstacles to production process in the canton.

RTRS Fri, RHB Fri, FTV Fri, Oslobodjenje Sat pg 6 ‘Leaders detained’, Nezavisne Novine, Saturday, cover ‘“Fininvest” of Marijan Filipovic was blocked’ and pg. 2 ‘Police blocked forestry firms from Drvar to Kupres’ by I. Simundza – also reported on the case.

Terzic on introduction of VAT


Dnevni Avaz Sat cover page ‘It is clear that VAT will cause disturbance’, pg 5 ‘One rate [arranged] VAT is not a holly script’ by Sead Numanovic“Application of 17% VAT should start on 1 July 2005. Meanwhile, detailed analyses will be carried out to establish whether VAT truly presents ‘an attack’ on population or perhaps that is something normal. It is clear that VAT will cause disturbance, that is something that happened every where in the world [VAT] was introduced. However, it is also clear that fiscal politics cannot be lead by the social politics,” BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic says in an interview to DA. Asked whether VAT will make luxury goods cheaper, and essential more expensive, Terzic says that VAT will bring significant income to the state, but also that entity government must be prepared to assist most vulnerable categories of population.

RTRS Sat – Employers in RS feel that the introduction of VAT will be a major problem for the citizens especially when it comes to purchasing essential goods. “VAT system is solved differently in different countries of the EU but it is symptomatic that out of 25 EU countries only 2 have one rate for [VAT]. All other countries have higher, lower and zero rate of VAT which means when the system was implemented they were taking into consideration how will that affect the social status of citizens”, says Damir Miljevic Chairman of RS Employers Association.

Workers of BH Steel urge speed up of registration


RHB Fri, FTV Sat – Workers Union of BH Steel issued a statement in which they demand that procedures of registration of new Company is accelerated.  They say that this is a condition for the set of social measures, which have been agreed with new owner, to be carried out. They also said that contract on sale of BH Steel is a historical event for revival of BiH economy and their only objection is the fact that new owner has no intention to replace current General Director, Seid Kapetanovic. Company’s management pointed that registration procedures can be carried out in three months the most. Kapetanovic said that registration books in “Zeljezara” Zenica haven’t been arranged since 1945, explaining that they will do everything in their power to accelerate this, but he pointed that without help of other Institutions the registration can’t be accelerated.

RS Government discusses apartment and meat ban issues


Oslobodjenje Sat pg 5 ‘Unsolved status of 2800 apartments’ by S.S., Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 8 ‘Draft Law on apartments sent back’ by Fena – RS Government on Friday has returned the Draft Law on Apartments without Tenancy Rights for further drafting.  RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic told a press conference that the Draft was returned in order to be completed because at this moment it would not be appropriate to additionally burden the refugee population as certain articles of the law would bring into question further occupying of 1.012 apartments currently used as alternative accommodation. There are currently approx. 6.000 apartments without tenancy rights in the RS. RS Government has also considered the consequences of the Council of Ministers’ failure to issue an adequate decision on removing the ban on importing meat and meat products from Serbia .

RTRS Fri – Decision of CoM on import ban for meat from SCG is against economic interests of RS and it damaged the budget, stated RS Prime Minster Dragan Mikerevic. “I think that double standards are being implemented here that are worrying and it brings us in the situation to approach certain legal projects in a sensitive manner.”

Mladen Micic on dividing BiH to economic regions


Glas Srpske, cover page story ‘Deceit through back door’ by M. Ms.Mladen Micic, the President of RS Chamber of commerce, pointed on the possibility that an aspiration for creating of new administrative-political units might stand behind a proposal on establishing of five economic regions in BiH. Micic thinks no person is authorised to accept the proposal on dividing BiH to five economic regions and he says that the Chamber of commerce has sent a letter to Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic, asking from him to organise a round table discussion on this issue.

FBiH Tax Administration says companies owe 538 million KM


Dnevni Avaz Sat pg 2 ‘Companies owe 538 million KM of taxes’, mentioned on cover, by A. Hadziarapovic – According to the FBiH Tax Administration, the total debt of companies for unpaid taxes and obligations by 1 June this year are 538 million KM. The administration also estimates that half of this sum could stay uncollected due to inability of the some companies to be liquidated and lack of property to confiscate and sell. The biggest debts are those of public companies, especially in Tuzla Canton. Director of FBiH Tax Administration, Midhat Arifovic says that in order to collect these debts, administration has launched two process – in one, signing contract with companies on paying debts in instalments, and another of confiscating the property to sell it and collect income.