
OHR BiH Weekend Round-up, 12-13/6/2004



Radio Herceg-Bosna  (18,00 hrs)

BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30 hrs)

BH Pres. supports auditors

Srebrenica report

Srebrenica report

Srebrenica report

Pensioners will protest

FBiH Army difficulties

Situation in FBiH Army

RS cooperation with ICTY

ElJihad threatens Mikerevic

HR statement

Privatisation of Natron

USA/BIH agreement

Srebrenica report finished

Official cars stolen

Case of Agrokomerc

ElJihad threatens Mikerevic


Ntv-Hayat  (18,55 hrs)

BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS  (19,30 hrs)

Interview with HR

Diaspora will invest in BIH

Cavic on Srebrenica

Del Ponte’s statement

Serbian elections

Constitutional changes

Donors cards promoted

Political parties in RS

2nd Diaspora Congress

Donor cards promoted

Del Ponte’s statement

Missing persons in RS

Donor cards promoted

EFC started today

Diaspora Congress

BIH officials visit USA



A few thousand of Bosniaks executed in Srebrenica

Dnevni Avaz

Donald Hays on public companies: Deals based on family relations are being abolished

Dnevni List

Visit: Croatian Ambassador Vrbosic and Consul Maricic in HT Mostar

Vecernji List

Todoric is buying Hercegovacka bank

Slobodna Dalmacija

Duvno’s Stonehenge hides Roman forum?

Glas Srpske

Decision on tuition fee next week – Price of index will stay the same

Nezavisne Novine

Commission’s Report on events in and around Srebrenica July 10-19, 1995 – In 32 mass graves several thousands bodies of killed Bosinaks; Affair – Radomir Njegus forgets investigation on 2.500 illegally registered vehicles in Banjaluka



Ian Cliff: Politicians from RS will pay for Karadzic

Dnevni Avaz

Reis announced a test for Bosniak politicians

Dnevni List

Coalition: Ashdown’s Statute unifies Mostar Croats

Vecernji List

Diseases throughout BiH


Srebrenica report

RS Government adopted final Srebrenica Commission report













Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS on Friday, Saturday’s Oslobodjenje cover page ‘A few thousand of Bosniaks executed in Srebrenica’ SRNA – The commission for investigating events in Srebrenica has confirmed that a few thousand Bosniaks were killed, from 10 to 19 July 1995, in Srebrenica and that the perpetrator, amongst other things, undertook measures to cover up the crime by transferring the bodies. In the commission’s conclusion of the final report on events in Srebrenica during the period of 10 to 19 July 1995, it is pointed out that the Bosniaks were killed in a manner that represents a severe violation of international human rights. The commission revealed 32 new, until now, unknown mass grave locations, four of which are primary. “Accepting and facing the fact that some members of the Serb people committed crimes in Srebrenica in July 1995 could have a positive effect on creating conditions for the investigation of other crimes perpetrated in BiH and punishment of the perpetrators,” the commission said in its conclusion.

Nezavisne novine  page 2 and 3  ‘RS Government accepts Commission’s Report’; Glas Srpske  page 2 ‘Light on truth’, Vecernji List, Sat, pg 2 ‘Positive outcomes for Republika Srpska’, by bs, Dnevni List, Sat ‘Bacon: Report without negative consequences for Republika Srpska’, not signed – The Republika Srpska Government on Friday adopted the final report of the Srebrenica Commission on events in and around Srebrenica between July 10 and July 19, 1995, and sent it to the relevant institutions as defined by the decision of the BiH Human Rights Chamber. RS Government concluded that the relevant bodies of the RS have made a considerable contribution to the work of the Commission, expecting that the final report would help shed a light on events in and around Srebrenica. According to a member of the Commission, Gordon Bacon, the final report “will not have negative consequences and connotation for RS, on the contrary, the report will have a positive influence of the events in the RS”.

Srebrenica Commission Chair Bogdanic on the body’s report

FTV, RTRS on Friday, Saturday’s Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Report based on evidence’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Bogdanic: The has come for us to face ourselves’, FENA – The Srebrenica Commission’s final report has 41 page and contains proof on 32 new graves in the area of Srebrenica believed to contain the bodies of Bosniaks who lost their lives in the operation of the RS Army in the area of Srebrenica. Commission Chair Milan Bogdanic told journalists Friday that these are secondary graves and that he does not know how many bodies they contain. He said that the Commission gathered important information, but that none of the Commission members can evaluate the report. “This is certainly a historic fact of bringing us to face ourselves”, Bogdanic said. Asked if responsibility for events in Srebrenica would be established based on evidence presented in the report he said that there would certainly be activities that other relevant institutions will have to take based on the report. He said that the work of the Commission does not end with submitting the report and added that the Commission had another month to provide additional information and findings on events/sites, which have been mentioned by relevant FBiH institutions and the information of which had not been forwarded to the Commission so far.

HR Ashdown sends letter to Solana and Scheffer re Srebrenica report

Saturday’s Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Bloody Krivaja operation in Srebrenica’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘There are clear evidence that mass killings of men were planned in Srebrenica’, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 6 ‘Ashdown: Obstructions replaced by greater cooperation?’, not signed, Nezavisne novine  page 3  ‘Progress does not substitute co-operation with ICTY’ – carries an OHR press release which says that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, on Friday sent a letter to the European Union’s High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Dr Javier Solana, and NATO’s Secretary-General, Mr Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, enclosing and reviewing the RS Srebrenica Commission’s report, published on Friday. The High Representative noted that final judgment of the report rests with the BiH Human Rights Commission. The report indicates “some progress” in the RS authorities’ willingness to help establish the truth about Srebrenica, the High Representative writes. “Provided that this continues through the remaining stages of the report, it may be possible to say that a dynamic of obstructionism on war crimes issues is being replaced by a dynamic of greater cooperation.”  The Srebrenica Commission’s final findings are to be delivered to the RS Government by mid-July.

Nezavisne Novine: Facts from the report

Nezavisne novine  cover and page 2 and 3  ’32 mass graves which are believed to hide several thousands bodies of killed Bosniaks discovered’; Srebrenica Commission discovered 32 mass graves which are believed to hide several thousand bodies of Bosniaks killed in July 1995, claims Srebrenica Commission report which is in possesion of Nezavisne novine. All information were given by Republika Srpska sources, RS Government institutions an witnesses on the spot at the first place. “This is the first time that information were given by them”, report reads. Investigation discovered 28 secondary mass graves, meaning that bodies have been removed. Four mass graves are primary. Although Report does not state how many people died, according to it several thousands people were killed. Killings represent violation of international law. According to experts’ opinion, exhumation will have to wait for couple of years. It is hard to work at location of the graves and they are covered with garbage. Commission did not want give legal qualification of the events in Srebrenica but considered ICTY sentence to General Radovan Krstic. 20-25 thousand people have searched rescue at Dutch base in Potocari. On July 12 and 13 males ‘fit fore military service’ were separated and taken to Zink factory and so-called White Building behind Transport. Among them were lot of under-age male and those who were not fit for military service. Couple of days later they were taken to Bratunac and executed. 6.000 people were captured at Pobudje village. Some of them were executed on the banks of Jadar river. 149 men, age 14-50 were killed in Cerska. 147 of them wore  civilian clothes. More than 1.000 men were killed in storage in Kravice when one of prisoners had killed a policemen. They were executed by anti-tank rockets, bombs and bulltets. On July 14, 2.000-2.500 thousand men were captured. A thousand were killed in Orahovac and 1.500-2.000 at Petkovci dam. On July 16, 1.000-1.200 people were killed in Branjevo, 500 in Pilica and 500 in Kozluk. There is no relevant evidence that police units from Republika Srpska Krajina and Serbia participated in captures.

Gordon Bacon: Srebrenica report to have positive impact on RS


SRNA – A member of the commission for investigating events in the Srebrenica area from 10 to 19 July 1995, Gordon Bacon, told SRNA that the final report on the events in Srebrenica “will not have negative consequences and connotations for the RS”. “I believe the opposite will happen, that this report will have a positive effect on developments in the RS,” Bacon said. He maintains that the results of this report will represent a huge relief for the RS, especially “in light of a recent statement by RS President Dragan Cavic”. Commenting on the report on the events in the Srebrenica area, Bacon said that this was a very important day for the whole of BiH and other countries in the region. He did not want to comment on details in the report, pointing out that the information on the existence of 32 mass graves and the relevant documentation in connection with the period under investigation had come from sources in the RS. “The work on this report shows that with the political will and political pressure it has been possible to provide answers to families about the fate of their loved ones,” Bacon said. “I think that this trend and the positive practice applied by the commission should be pursued further and that a similar practice should be applied to the whole of BiH, to examine all other events and not just Srebrenica in 1995,” Bacon emphasized. Sunday’s Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Commission’s report is a positive step forward’ also carries Bacon’s statement on the issue given to FENA.

Ashdown presents Srebrenica Report to the Srebrenica victims’ families


Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘New names stated of those responsible for the crime’ – High Representative Paddy Ashdown on Friday informed representatives of the associations of the Srebrenica victims’ families about the final report submitted by the RS Government’s Srebrenica Commission. “According to what we heard, the report offered much more facts than the previous ones,” said Nura Begovic from the Women of Srebrenica Association.  

VL: HR Ashdown will not take new measures against RS authorities

Vecernji List, Sun, pg 3 ‘No sanctions for RS leaders’, by Dejan Jazvic – reflecting on the events pertaining to the report of the Srebrenica Commission, the author argues that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, will not be taking new measures against the RS authorities, although it is yet not certain whether the latest report of the Srebrenica Commission will satisfy the BiH Human Rights Commission. VL notes that the story is not over yet, because the information provided by the RS institutions, on basis of which the report has been made, have to be checked out.

Cavic yet to read the Srebrenica report

FTV on Saturday, Sunday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavic has still not read the report’, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 14 ‘Cavic yet to read Srebrenica report’, not signed – Office of the RS President yesterday (Saturday) stressed that the RS President, Dragan Cavic, has not yet read the final report of the Srebrenica Commission, therefore he cannot make any comments about it.

Nezavisne novine  page 2  ‘Justice for all’; Those who committed any crime should face justice, said RS President, Dragan Cavic. “We should discover facts, not someone in the name of us, because than he can manipulate with it. We cannot manipulate facts. I think that facts should be found on that way at all locations in BiH. Time has come to stop looking for balance in crime but to start searching for balance in justice. Simply, balance of justice, not balance of crime is the way for the future”, Cavic stated.

SDA, SDU, Party for BiH on the Srebrenica report

Sunday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Commission did not call things with the real name’ – The senior officials of the SDA (Vice-president Elmir Jahic), SDU (President Miro Lazovic) and Party for BiH (Beriz Belkic, member of the Presidency) agree that the word genocide should have been obviously used when describing the crime in Srebrenica in 1995 by the RS Government’s Commission. 


Cooperation with ICTY/PfP

Ashdown, Cavic on cooperation with ICTY, PfP













BHTV on Friday – The RS could face serious consequences if it does not arrest a single war crime indictee in the next two weeks, which is the condition for BiH’s admission to the NATO Partnership for Peace programme, High Representative Paddy Ashdown told the television. After enormous progress in defence reform, in only a few days BiH has experienced two big shocks on its way to Europe and Euro-Atlantic integration: one is the report by the financial auditor indicating enormous government expenses; and second, even more difficult, the fact that we are far from the Partnership for Peace. Ashdown said on Thursday that the government would have resigned in any normal country. Since this has not happened so far, it is logical to wait and see what the High Representative does. Let us ask, for instance, if the international community and its High Representative will introduce sanctions against the RS or remove the responsible officials if the RS does not arrest war crime indictee Radovan Karadzic by the time the Istanbul summit takes place. “You’re right. They have not arrested a single war crimes indictee for years. Unless this happens in the next two weeks, the whole of BiH will suffer, just because the RS is not behaving in line with the international law and obligations”, said Ashdown. RS President Dragan Cavic does not believe the RS could face sanctions. “As for the issue of sanctions, the question is how to introduce sanctions against one part of a country. Who will introduce sanctions? How is it possible at all to introduce sanctions against one part of a country? Will BiH be glad and better-off because one part of it faces sanctions? I don’t think so,” he said. “I wouldn’t comment on that, I don’t comment on comments. Cavic and other officials should know that the position of the RS depends on international law and the Dayton Agreement. Of course it will grow weaker unless it respects the law. The RS is in the limelight and everyone knows that admission to the Partnership for Peace depends on them. If they prevent the admission, they will bear serious consequences,” said Ashdown.  The High Representative also said that Dayton Peace Agreement created this BiH and that its future set-up depends on BiH citizens and politicians and possible constitutional amendments.

British Ambassador Cliff says RS politicians to be sanctioned if BiH is not admitted into PfP

Sunday’s Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 7 ‘Politicians from RS will pay because of Karadzic’ – British Ambassador to BiH Ian Cliff said that politicians from the RS should be aware that there will be consequences if BiH is not admitted into the Partnership for Peace because of failure to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal. Cliff told the daily that measures would be introduced against the Serb Democratic Party (SDS) and that all RS politicians would also be targeted. “The SDS is Karadzic’s party and it bears a lot of responsibility. However, the SDS is not the only problem as most of the government ministers do not even belong to that party,” Cliff pointed out.

Asked if the RS’ existence was being brought into question, Cliff replied: “No, the RS as an entity, not as a state, is part of Dayton.” Cliff said that it was possible for the RS to “do something” over the next two weeks.

Del Ponte hopes Karadzic will be extradited by end of June


TV Hayat, BHTV, FTV, RTRS on Saturday, Sunday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘I hope Karadzic will be extradited by June 29’, Slobodna Dalmacija, Sun, pg 4 ‘Karadzic will be extradited by June 29’, by H, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 3 ‘Arrest of Karadzic by end of month’, not signed – in a statement for the Swiss news agency ‘ATS’, the Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, stated that she hoped that Radovan Karadzic would be extradited by end of month. “We have good reasons to believe that Radovan Karadzic will be extradited to us by June 29”, stated del Ponte.

SFOR approves another two candidates for top military posts in BiH

BHTV, FTV on Friday, Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Milan Pavlak and Anto Jelac got ranks of general’, SRNA – The BiH Defence Ministry said on Friday that the SFOR commander had approved the appointment and promotion to the rank of general of another two candidates for the top military posts in the state defence institutions. Colonels Anto Jelac and Milan Pavlak have received SFOR’s clearance and approval. Fifteen candidates for generals have been cleared and approved by SFOR so far, of whom four have already been endorsed by the parliamentary assembly and promoted to the rank of general.


Economic/social affairs, audits

BiH Presidency on audit of BiH institutions










Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS on Friday, Slobodan Dalmacija, Sat, pg 12 ‘BiH Presidency: Sanctions against responsible’, by D. Pasic, Vecernji List, Sat, pg 3 ‘Sanctions against responsible for budget’, by dja – The BiH Presidency stresses that it supports the Office for audit of BiH institutions, therefore, as Presidency stresses, it insists that the Office, as well as other relevant institutions, process the ones responsible for illegalities committed in 2003 and earlier.

Nezavisne novine page 4  ‘Parliament powerless in the front of Presidency expenses’ also covered the issue. According to the daily, if standard procedure is followed the audit report on BiH Presidency will not be in parliamentary discussion for a long time, Nezavisne novine learns in BiH House of Representatives Budget and Finance Commission. Head of this Commission, Nikola Kragulj, said that audit reports are discussed when audit of all state institutions finishes. MP Zlatko Lagumdzija requested special session of BiH House of Representatives with only one item on the agenda – audit report on BiH Presidency.

Saturday’s Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Presidency will have to report to the Parliament’, mentioned on cover ‘Being accountable for squandering’ also covered the issue.

Covic’s Office on audit of BiH institutions

Slobodna Dalmacija, Sat, pg 12 ‘Covic’s 2417 KMs dinner at Kupres’, by D. Pasic – carries reaction of the Office of Croat member of BiH Presidency to findings of the audit of BiH institutions. When it comes to objections related to the work of Office of Croat member of BiH Presidency, the said Office notes that the decision to purchase an Audi A8 Quattro, worth 160.000 KMs, was taken in accordance with positive legal provisions, through a public tender that was carried out by the (Presidency’s) Secretariat. When it comes to the often-mentioned dinner, the bill number 79, which cost 2417 KMs, the Office is amazed why that single bill is highlighted given the cause of the dinner. Apparently, Dragan Covic was the host of the dinner organized at Kupres, which was dedicated to holding of Central European Day of Catholics at Kupres.

DL’s Statement of Day: HR Ashdown

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 2, carries in its ‘Statement of Day’, the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, as saying: “Public has to say – no more wasting of our money”.

DL says HR Ashdown should have sacked BiH Presidency members

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 2 ‘Judgement day’, by Nermin Bise – Talking about the recent press conference of the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, which was dedicated to the abuse of public funds by the BiH Presidency, the author says the HR missed an excellent opportunity to be remembered and loved by citizens of BiH. Bise writes: “Instead of gathering journalists in Sarajevo and telling them to continue the fight on the road to justice, the High Representative should have handed Tihic, Paravac and Covic envelopes that should read: ‘Do not come to work tomorrow’! But he did not. The Lord is aware that in that case, he would have to assume the responsibility, then the auditors would start messing around him too, and since we in BiH have the best auditors, an embarrassment would break loose”.

Donald Hays: Deals based on family relations are being abolished

Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 5 ‘Deals based on family relations are being abolished’ – Interview with Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays. “We have, for example, cases that BiH public companies were giving donations without any criteria. We also have a case in which a husband employed by a public company was signing procurement contracts with a firm owned by his wife,” said Hays.

NHI says HR Ashdown is using double standards

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 6 ‘Paddy is hiding behind citizens and their choice’, by NINA – The NHI’s press release points out to double standards that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, is using during his mandate, stressing the example of former FBiH Deputy Minister of Refugees and DPS, Mijat Tuka, who was removed from the office by HR Ashdown. NHI notes that Tuka was removed because he breached the budget in order to reconstruct more homes for the returnees, whilst in the same time the ruling structure is using the budget to pay for private dinners, expensive suits and cars etc. NHI is unhappy because the HR declared himself as non-competent in the latter case and because “he hides behind citizens and their choice”. NHI is calling on the IC to influence the HR, who should use the authorities according to the same criteria.

DL on audit of State Border Service

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 9 ‘There was no overspending of budget, there was careless spending’, not signed – carries excerpts of audit report that the Office for audit of financial operations of BiH institutions did on the State Border Service (SBS). The audit report notes that the SBS is still using the provisional book of rules although the SBS has been operational for 4 years already; it identified weaknesses in the internal control system related to procurement procedures and inconsistencies when it comes to application of internal rules. In some cases the SBS did not spend the money in a transparent manner and pursuant to the decision of BiH Council of Ministers. Apparently, the auditors had objections to the information system, planning and execution of the budget, which albeit did not breach the limits, however it was not adequately planned. According to Head of Administration of SBS, Mustafa Ovcina, the SBS’ operations were transparent and legal, the budget was not breached, and when it comes to some contracts, there were verbal agreements with people from the BiH Ministry of Treasury, whom Ovcina did not want to identify. Ovcina claims the SBS will acknowledge the auditors’ recommendations ‘as much as they could do’.

Hercegovacke sume audit report


Nezavisne novine page 4  ‘BAM 70.000 spent as representation allowance’; On Deceber 31, 2003 Public Compani “Hercegbosanske sume” owed BAM 1.1 million for the tax, audit report writes. For the forest tax only they owe BAM 1.2 million and to suppliers more than BAM 2.6 million. In the same time purchasers owe more than BAM 15 million to Hercegbosanske sume. Drvar based privately owned “Fininvest” owe more than BAM 5 million. HB sume acting Director, Mirko Bagaric said that he is not satisfied with audit report because HB sume are one of the best compaines in the country.

Croatian Ambassador visits HT Mostar, talks on Eronet shares

Dnevni List, Sat, front pg ‘Visit: Croatian Ambassador Vrbosic and Consul Maricic in HT Mostar’ and pg 3 ‘HT Mostar and Eronet in partnership approach’, by Jurislav Petrovic – Croatian Ambassador to BiH, Josip Vrbosic, and Croatian Consul General in Mostar, Ratko Maricic, visited the ‘Croat telecommunications Mostar’ (HT Mostar) yesterday (Friday), when they discussed issues pertaining to transfer of ‘HT Zagreb’s’ (Croatian telecommunications Zagreb) shares in ‘Eronet’ onto ‘HT Mostar’ with principals of ‘HT Mostar’. According to general manager of ‘HT Mostar’, Stipe Prlic, ‘HT Mostar’ wants to have a partnership relation with ‘Eronet’ and approach the BiH market as partners. Moreover, DL learns from sources close to ‘Eronet’ management that the Provisional Administration for ‘Hercegovacka Bank’ has requested on behalf of ‘Hercegovina Osiguranje’ an access to ‘Eronet’s’ premises and company’s documentation, as well as financial reports for years 2002 and 2003 and business plan for next 5 years. Apparently, the ‘Eronet’ management rejected the request by the Provisional Administrator and manager of ‘Hercegovina Osiguranje’, Robert Gavranovic.

Finally, DL learns that co-owners of ‘Eronet’, namely ‘Hercegovina Osiguranje’, ‘Alpina Commerce’, Municipality of Grude and ‘Hercegovacka bank’ have sent ‘HT Zagreb’ a letter informing it that they would use lawsuits in order to stop the transfer of shares from ‘HT Zagreb’ onto ‘HT Mostar’ because ‘HT Zagreb’ did not observe the right to pre-emption. (brief reports also in Vecernji List, Sat, pg 2 ‘Ambassador Vrbosic visits HT Mostar’, by rd, Slobodna Dalmacija, Sun, pg 11 ‘Fight for third GSM network continues’, by M. Landeka)

DL: FBiH to agree to transfer of Eronet shares onto HT Mostar

Dnevni List, Sun, ‘Transfer of ownership over Eronet onto HT Mostar acceptable!?’, mentioned on cover, not signed – The daily leans from sources close to the FBiH Government that the proposal of transfer of ‘HT Zagreb’s’ shares in ‘Eronet’ onto ‘HT Mostar’ is more than acceptable to the FBiH Government.

VL: Talks on sale of Hercegovacka bank entering final stages

Vecernji List, Sat, front and pg 3 ‘Todoric is buying Hercegovacka bank’, by Zoran Kresic – notes that the sale of ‘Hercegovacka bank’ and its subsidiaries to the Croatian consortium is entering final stages, stressing that the final details pertaining to the deal are being discussed between the Provisional Administrator for ‘Hercegovacka bank’, Toby Robinson, and representatives of the ‘KPGM’ consultancy house, which represents the consortium. VL learns from the Provisional Administration for HB that the signing of the contract could take place in Sarajevo in two-weeks time.

US Ambassador Bond on introduction of VAT in BiH

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 5 ‘Pressure on EU in order to introduce VAT in BiH’, by NINA – the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, who was attending a lunch at Siroki Brijeg, which was organized by the US Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham BiH), was questioned as to when the VAT would be introduced in BiH, to which he replied: “The process of introduction of VAT is not run by either the US Government or US Embassy, it is run by the EU, but we will exert the pressure that the VAT gets introduced as soon as possible”.

FBiH pensioners want meeting with FBiH PM Hadzipasic


Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV on Friday, Dnevni List, Sat, pg 7 ‘Pensioners announce rigorous measures against Federation Government’, by Erna Mackic, Saturday’s Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘Pensioners threaten to organise mass protests, block roads’ – According to President of Association of Pensioners of FBiH, Jozo Ljiljanic, the Association wants an urgent meeting with the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, otherwise there could be protest rallies, petitions etc. According to Ljiljanic, the FBiH authorities are postponing the payment of an overdue pension from October 2000, despite the fact that the (FBiH) envisages the payment of the overdue pension. On top of that, the pensioners are unhappy with changes and amendments to the Law on pension-disability insurance, which will, according to Ljiljanic, result in growing number of pensioners.

Fuad Kasumovic froze membership in ITA Steering Board

Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Fuad Kasumovic froze membership in Steering Board’ – According the daily, Fuad Kasumovic froze his membership in BiH Indirect Taxation Administration Steering Board only a few days following his appointment to the post by the BiH CoM. The reasons are fresh objections coming from the international community.


Political developments

FBiH Bar Association to HR Ashdown








Vecernji List, Sun, pg 4 ‘Protests of lawyers’, by ap, Dnevni List, Sat, pg 4 ‘Ashdown goes against independence of lawyers’, by NINA – the FBiH Bar Association have sent the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, an open letter reminding him of provisions of the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, which says that the FBiH Bar Association gets to appoint one member to the 15-member HJPC. “Based on your call, the FBiH Bar Association has unanimously appointed Zarko Bulic, an attorney-at-law from Sarajevo, to the HJPC, since he is a person of our utmost trust and highest expertise and moral qualities. We were appalled with the news that you did not accept our appointment and that you chose a different attorney-at-law”, reads the letter, adding that by doing this, the HR has gone against the independence of attorneys like nobody had done before. Slobodna Dalmacija, Sat, pg 9 ‘Ashdown ‘eliminates’ Prce’s lawyer’, by Zlatko Tulic – notes it is hard to believe that HR Ashdown crossed Bulic’s name out because he is representing former FBiH Defence Minister, Miroslav Prce, in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case before the BiH Court. Saturday’s Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Ashdown illegally prevented appointment of Zarko Bulic’ also reported on the issue. It says that, without any explanation, Ashdown appointed lawyer Danka Vucina in place of Bulic.

Kalinic to Ceman: RS representatives not to take part in talks on changes to Constitution

BHTV, RTRS on Saturday, Dnevni List, Sun, pg 8 ‘RS parliamentarians will not participate in discussion on changes to BiH Constitution’, not signed – The Speaker of the RS NA, Dragan Kalinic, sent the President of Constitutional-Legal Commission of BiH Parliament’s House of representatives, Mirsad Ceman, a letter informing him that the RS parliamentarians would not be taking part in discussion dedicated to changes to BiH Constitution, which is scheduled for June 15 in Sarajevo. Kalinic notes that positions of representatives of the RS regarding the matter are well known from before.

Tihic, Raguz, Kalinic on initiative for introduction of a BiH president


Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘All for a president and against the presidency’, mentioned on cover ‘Tihic supports changes: The state need one and not three presidents’ – “BiH need one and not three presidents. This is not just for financial but also for functional reasons,” said BiH Presidency Chairman Sulejman Tihic. According to Speaker of the BiH House of Representatives Martin Raguz, the issue of the number of the BiH Presidency members is a marginal one since BiH need more fundamental constitutional changes. RS National Assembly Speaker Dragan Kalinic is against the introduction of the BiH President since it is very important for mutual confidence amongst the constituent peoples that the institution of the tripartite Presidency remains in place.  

Minister Ivanic in Berlin: Changes to DPA could lead to new divisions and conflicts

Dnevni List, Sat, pg 5 ‘Change to Dayton agreement could lead to new divisions and conflicts’, not signed – The BiH Foreign Minister, Mladen Ivanic, stated at lectures entitled ‘BiH – our road towards EU’, which were held in Berlin, that, at the moment, he was against discussions aimed at changes to the Dayton Peace Accord, because careless opening of big political issues could lead to new divisions and conflicts.

US Ambassador Bond on changes to DPA


Dnevni List, Sun, pg 23 ‘Armies in BiH from three years ago were potential instigators of new war’, by Milan Vego – carries an interview with the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, which was originally aired by the Radio Herceg Bosna. Responding to the journalist’s claim that the IC is persistently defending any revisions of the DPA, whilst in the same time, the IC changes the DPA when it suits it, Ambassador Bond says: “In due course, people from BiH will have to decide which are the fundamental changes that needs to be done regarding the Dayton agreement. I think we all agree that the structures of authorities in BiH are very inefficient. Most people believe that the levels of authorities that need to be strengthened in some areas are the State authorities and municipal levels. What happens to the entity and cantonal levels, I think there should be a debate about it (…) You can have a serious debate about how to change the Dayton agreement once you have politicians and parties that will truly take best interests of BiH into consideration”.

BiH Parliament invites Ashdown for talks

Saturday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘BiH Parliament calls on Ashdown for talks’ – According to the daily, Sead Avdic, an independent deputy to the BiH HoR, has proposed holding of a meeting in the next ten days of the BiH parliamentarians and representatives of the executive authority with High representative Paddy Ashdown. The initiative has been supported by yet 12 deputies. According to Avdic, on the agenda would be relations between the international community and the BiH legislative and executive bodies.  

Mostar Budget


Dnevni List, Sat, pg 11 ‘Headless OHR Mostar’, by Zvonimir Jukic – reminding that the City of Mostar did not get the budget, although the deadline expired on May 31, the author says the fact that the OHR South is yet to get its new Head during the crunch time, when it comes unification of Mostar, shows that the whole process is in a deep crisis, and it also shows the confusion within the OHR. Jukic goes one better by saying that the fact that the OHR has failed to appoint a new Head of OHR South is perceived by many analysts as confirmation that the OHR, in reality, does not care about the real unification of the city. The author argues that the previous two Heads of OHR South did not do much for citizens of Mostar, recommending that the new Head of OHR South care more about interests of citizens, rather than for his diplomatic CV.

Sunday’s Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Problem of Mostar Budget to be resolved by Paddy Ashdown?’ – The daily unofficially learns that High Representative Paddy Ashdown is to get involved in resolving the problem of the Mostar City Budget.


Other issues

Reconstructed mosque opened in Kopaci






Sunday’s Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 3 ‘Reis announced a test for Bosniak politicians’, SRNA – A ceremony to open a reconstructed mosque in Srpsko Gorazde’s (RS part of eastern BiH town of Gorazde) village of Kopaci. Following a religious ceremony, the mosque was opened by Reis-ul-Ulema (BiH Islamic Community head) Mustafa Ceric. People attending the ceremony were addressed by Srpsko Gorazde Mayor Ivica Jagodic. Besides representatives of the Srpsko Gorazde local administration, the ceremony was also attended by representatives of the Gorazde Municipality as well as representatives of the FBiH Bosnia-Podrinje Canton.

This is the second mosque that have been reconstructed in the Srpsko Gorazde Municipality. The reconstruction of a mosque in the district of Ustipraca was completed at the end of 2003.

Second Congress of World Alliance of BiH Diaspora takes place in Sarajevo

TV Hayat, BHTV, FTV on Saturday, Sunday’s Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Diaspora brings 1.5 billion dollars in BiH annually’, ONASA – The second congress of the World Alliance of Diaspora BiH started on Saturday in Sarajevo, under the auspices of the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees. President of the Alliance Namik Alimajstorovic opened the meeting, saying that the Alliance has achieved significant results in the past two years. “In this period, we have connected more than 1.3 million Bosnians and Herzegovinians, and we have included in our work, in different ways, a huge number of individuals and organizations from Australia, U.S. and Europe, and from this congress, even Asia,” Alimajstorovic said. BiH Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Mirsad Kebo, Senior Deputy High Representative Werner Wnendt, BiH Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Lidija Topic were among those who addressed the meeting. “According to official data, around one million refugees and displaced persons have returned to BiH, property laws are 99 percent implemented, and security of returnees is at the highest level. Return is no longer dominantly a security issue, today it is mostly economic,” Kebo said. “No one in BiH is expecting the diaspora to send some massive humanitarian assistance. We are now expecting serious activities related to investing of capital into BiH,” he added. Wnendt said that the Office of the High Representative is carefully monitoring the process of return and estimates that significant results have been achieved. BiH has not yet created an environment for sustainable return and what is necessary now is progress in economy and opening of new jobs, Wnendt said.

Illegally registered vehicles


Nezavisne novine cover and page 5  ‘Njegus forgot investigation on 2.500 illegally registered vehicles’; Djordje Mirjanic is under investigation for buying a stolen jeep and using a false documentation for registering. Djordje’s father is Dragoljub Mirjanic is Head of Banjaluka University. A jeep which Mirjanic bought in January from Miroslav Dragojevic was stolen in Slovenia on December 30, 2003. Nezavisne novine source close to RS Ministry of Interior considers strange that investigation stopped when name of key person was discovered. At the AoR of Banjaluka Public Security Center 2.500 vehicles was registered with false documentation in last three years. “At the beginning of this month RS Minister of Interior, Zoran Djeric, ordered RS Police Director, Radomir Njegus, to remove urgently Head of Banjaluka PSC, Zeljko Kovacevic, as well as Commanders of Police stations I and II, Miroslav Delic and Sasa Misic. Djeric requested information that can discredit them. Njegus ordered investigation on previously suspended investigation of illegally registered vehicles. RS Police Director formed commission which did not start working.”, Nezavine novine source stated.