
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 28 May 2000


News Headlines

  • Bulatovic says Milosevic will soon visit Montenegro
  • Montenegrin public disturbed over increasing tensions between citizens and Yugoslav Army
  • US extends sanctions against Yugoslavia
  • US will not sanction Dodik, but extends sanctions against Bosnian Serbs
  • Returnees to Foca say they do not have conditions to return to their pre-war homes and announce they will return to Sarajevo if situation does not improve
  • Reconstruction of houses for returnees in Trnopolje, Brezicani, Kozarusa and other Prijedor municipalities starts
  • Approximately 500 pre-war citizens of Kiseljak return and open mesdzid (Islamic school)
  • Circle 99 holds session on topic “Do We Need Culture”
  • BiH Debate Seminar takes place at Sarajevo Second High School Institute
  • Forum of Tuzla Citizens organizes meeting of support to Muhamed ef. Lugavic, recently replaced as head Tuzla imam by BiH Islamic Community
  • World news Sports