
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 25 October 2000


TV BiH News Headlines:

  • Bosniak children in Vitez attend classes with Croats under the Two Schools-One Building Plan, which is result of months of negotiations between Central Bosnian Cantonal authorities
  • BiH Communication Minister Gligoric presents BiH Presidency members Genjac and Jelavic with first diplomatic passports; Petritsch presented with BiH common passport in gratitude for his efforts and understanding – report on inauguration of first BiH common diplomatic passport in Sarajevo (02:34)
  • After meeting with Srebrenica associations, Ambassador Petritsch decides to have bodily remains of Srebrenica victims buried in village of Potocari, where construction of large memorial centre is planned (02:10)
  • Reconstruction of bridge over Sava river in Brcko connecting BiH and Croatia completed through EC donation
  • Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe Summit in Skopje ends by welcoming democratic change in Yugoslavia and its announced membership in pact at upcoming session in Bucharest; Radisic welcomes progress toward establishment of diplomatic relations between BiH and Yugoslavia
  • World news
  • Croatian Embassy in BiH delivers Croatian Government note to OHR demanding explanation of changes in BiH election rules regarding election of delegates to BiH Federation House of Peoples; OSCE Head Office in Vienna also receives copy
  • BiH Presidency member Jelavic in letter to Croatian Prime Minister Ivica Racan welcomes statement by latter’s deputy Goran Granic expressing concern over new rules for election of delegates to BiH Federation House of Peoples, which he asserts are in violation of BiH Federation Constitution
  • Out-of-country voting and reaction to recent behaviour of HDZ BiH officials main issues of IC press conference in Mostar
  • “If [Tokic’s fascist greeting to supporters at HDZ rally in Tomislavgrad really took place and his statement on joining Herzegovina to Croatia is true] then this represents a violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and of PEC Rules and Regulations” – OSCE Mostar spokesperson Vrban at IC press conference
  • BiH Federation Prime Minister Bicakcic, during his visit to Brcko, criticises reaction of Brcko District Assembly Speaker Mirsad Djapo to recent incident involving students there
  • Reacting to Bicakcic criticism, Djapo says he is surprised by the assessment, adding that Bicakcic is trying to destroy and destabilise district authorities
  • Tomic and Orucevic call on High Representative Petritsch and OHR to carefully observe Bicakcic’s suit filed at BiH Federation Constitutional Court on constitutionality of Mostar City Council decision regarding compensation for control over infrastructure facilities and express suspicion that the BiH Federation Prime Minster is putting political pressure on court President Ibrahimagic
  • Bosna International Bank opening ceremony in Sarajevo; bank, whose capital is $22 million, will cover entire area of Southeastern Europe
  • TV BiH poll of Zenica pensioners on Pensioners Day reveals poor living conditions
  • Report on 8th anniversary commemoration for BiH Army Commander Mihajlo Petrovic in Travnik; Petrovic [a Serb originally from Belgrade] posthumously awarded Golden Coat Of Arms with swords, highest state prize
  • Fire breaks out in building shared by different political parties in Kakanj; Municipal Court Judge Rados says fire originated in SDP office
  • US Embassy condemns fire deliberately set in Kakanj as well as burglary of SDP office in Bugojno

TV BiH News Election Chronicle:

  • BOSS calls on BiH Federation House of Representatives speaker to schedule continuation of 15th session as soon as possible so security measures proposed by BOSS can be discussed (00:18)
  • GDS considers that SDP Vice President Gojer’s statement in Zagreb that his party is only multicultural party fighting for a civil society deceives Croatian and BiH public (00:29)
  • GDS organises roundtable on property restitution in Sarajevo; participants along with owners of nationalised property hold position that restitution should be completed first, and then privatisation implemented
  • DSP President Radmanovic assesses work of RS National Assembly in past one-and-a-half-years as ‘bad’ (00:19)
  • SDP Vice President Avdic accuses Bicakcic of using post to promote SDA (00:49)
  • Citing TV OBN possible liquidation and Petritsch’s decision on constitution of PBS, LDS claims that over past five years IC has had incorrect relations with BiH institutions (i.e. on one hand, the IC has offered financial support to TV OBN and, on the other, it has marginalized RTV BiH) (00:25)
  • HDZ BiH, reacting to LDS press release concerning HDZ “Determination or Extermination” election poster, calls on voters to choose party that deserves their vote (00:23)
  • SDA held seven successful election rallies in Switzerland; candidates Ceman and Rizvan presented party platform for upcoming elections – SDA Public announcement (00:21)
  • SDS Doboj accuses SNSD activists of destroying, removing and plastering over SDS election posters in downtown area (00:29)
  • Sports
  • Weather