
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 24 October 1999


News Headlines

  • Bicakcic sends letter to Sulejman Hrle
  • Condition of Editor-in-Chief of Banja Luka Nezavisne Novine Zeljko Kopanja improving – ONASA
  • Attack on Kopanja attack on fundamental human rights, freedom of press and speech – Circle 99 Independent Intellectual World news
  • Children’s Parliament held in Tuzla to denote 54th anniversary of UN Charter
  • Refugee association Brcko to Brcko Citizens protests in regard to Jelisic trial at ICTY
  • Workers’ protest scheduled for Monday in Sarajevo
  • Bicakcic’s threats to directors of transport companies is proof of abuse of official position – Bosniak Party of Rights (BSP)
  • BOSS demands comprehensive TV coverage of parliamentary sessions
  • Circle 99 Independent Intellectuals holds session to discuss democratization, modernization and secularism since Ottoman period
  • TV BiH investigates effects of professionalization of parliamentary delegates
  • TV BiH reporter visits Srbinje, RS 100 former Suceska returnees rebuild homes in this village
  • Central heating in winter period
  • TV BiH employee Mladen Vuksanovic dies on Cres Island, Croatia on Sunday
  • Sports
  • Weather

News Summary

Refugee association Brcko to Brcko Citizens protests in regard to Jelisic trial at ICTY

The Refugee Association Brcko to Brcko Citizens protests the acquittal of Goran Jelisic on charges of genocide in a recent verdict of the ICTY. The Association said that some 3,000 Bosniaks and Croats perished in the Luka concentration camp during the time of Jelisic’s commanded.


Workers’ protest scheduled for Monday in Sarajevo

A general protest of BiH workers has been scheduled for Monday in Sarajevo. The protest has received the full support of the Democratic opposition and BiH Alternative Council of Ministers (AMV). The concept of ruling parties is holding back the country’s transition to a market economy, implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and BiH accession to European institutions, said AMV Vice-president Sejfudin Tokic.


BOSS demands comprehensive TV coverage of parliamentary sessions

The executive boards of the Public Broadcasting Service Establishment Board and RT RS must harmonize methods of reporting all parliamentary sessions or suffer the damage inflicted by regime (nationally-oriented) journalists, who can manipulate coverage. The OHR will be responsible if such damage occurs, said BOSS in an official party release.


TV BiH reporter visits Srbinje, RS

The town of Foca, now called Srbinje, has 22,800 Serb residents. In the pre-war period, 51% of the inhabitants were Bosniak. Head of Municipality Ljubo Veljovic said that the attitude in the town has remained the same and that the attitude of the IC has changed for the better. He said that three conditions must be met for Srbinje to become an open city: international organizations must return, refugees must return and major investments. Veljovic said that Srbinje is among the most peaceful towns and is not sheltering war criminals. The intensity of refugee returns will be dictated by the economic situation in the town, he assessed.
