TV BiH News Headlines:
- Petritsch acts to establish Public Broadcasting Service, creating three independent companies that will work together: PBS, RTV BiH Federation and RTV RS (02:10)
- BiH Presidency holds special session Monday to discuss BiH delegation preparations for Skopje Summit (00:50)
- BiH Federation House of Peoples adopts supplements and amendments for the budget of institutions and law on access to information at Monday session (01:10)
- Radisic positive on Kostunica visit after meeting Deputy High Representative Johnson
- “Kostunica informed us that new federal government will be formed in a few days after which issue of establishment of special relations with BiH will be a priority” – Radisic (01:16)
- “Kostunica achieved historical victory” – Petritsch on Kostunica visit to BiH (01:11)
- Serbian Parliament holds session to elect new government
- World news
- RS teachers strike, unsatisfied with salaries
- As criminal violence in Tuzla streets increases, local citizens protest recent incidents among street bands
- Una-Sana Canton Government discusses illegal border crossings of foreign citizens to third countries in this area
- Abu Dhabi economic delegation visits BiH to investigate investment possibilities
- Trial of Edin Garaplija, interrupted 15 days ago, continues Tuesday
- Energopetrol open new gas station in Sarajevo
- Bomb threat causes evacuation of Vitez hotel where SDP election rally took place
- Exhibition of Halil Tikvesa photos opens in Sarajevo – TV BiH cultural news
- Lack of respect for PEC Rules and Regulations discernable among certain political parties and candidates calling for abolishment of entities or holding referendums – PEC (00:24)
TV BiH News Election Chronicle:
- Jelavic states that all-Croat congress will adopt declaration on Croat position in BiH on October 28 in Novi Travnik; Mesic and representatives of Croatian state institutions to be invited (01:10)
- Croat party representatives meet in Mostar, call PEC decision on election of delegates to BiH House of Peoples unconstitutional and perpetuating Croat people’s lack of constituent status and ask that the decision be withdrawn (00:49)
- HSS against Croat referendum as since it is illegal if called by a single political party (00:41)
- NHI declines to participate in Novi Travnik all-Croat congress (00:38)
- Latest PEC decision taken without respect for Constitutional Court decision on constituent status of BiH peoples – SDA (00:36)
- LDS calls Kostunica’s Sarajevo visit “forced” and a concession to the Yugoslav president that cannot lead to diplomatic relations between BiH and Yugoslavia (00:18)
- Party for BiH warns that Kostunica did not speak of recognition that previous Belgrade regime committed mass crimes in BiH nor did he apologize for that (00:18)
- SDP holds election rally in Busovaca, presenting its candidates for Central Bosnia Canton Assembly (00:22)
TV BiH News Summary:
NHI declines to participate in Novi Travnik all-Croat congress (00:38)
The NHI has declined to participate in the Novi Travnik all-Croat congress scheduled for October 28 since the party considers the event to be no more than compensation for past HDZ failures in dealing with other Croat parties in BiH. The NHI’s decision is based on the recognition of what they call a well-known game being played by the HDZ in which the party tries to secure a public forum just before the November elections as a means for announcing a referendum on the establishment of third entity.
Latest PEC decision taken without respect for Constitutional Court resolution on constituent status of BiH peoples – SDA (00:36)
The SDA considers the latest PEC decision on the election of BiH Federation House of Peoples delegates to be in disregard of the Constitutional Court’s resolution on the constituent status of the BiH peoples. This is because no mechanisms for the protection of the national interests of Bosniaks and Croats were anticipated for the RS area. The SDA also claims the PEC decision involves election engineering in the BiH Federation that will secure 20 additional seats for the SDP.