
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 23 October 1998


The agreement between Israel and Palestine was achieved, with mediation of US President Clinton. However, Israel radio announced that Israel has suspended the signature because of disagreement about the number of Palestinian prisoners who need to be released.

BiH Council of Ministers held a session in Sarajevo. The main issue of the discussion was the agreement on the strategy of appearance of the CoM, which will represent BiH at the negotiations with the Paris Club of Creditors. Vice President Tomic said that the CoM delegation will demand special status for BiH, that is, cancellation of 67% of the full BiH debts up to 1992.

US General Montgomery Meigs took over the duty of SFOR Commander from General Shinseki. US Special envoy Gelbard visited Banja Luka today. Gelbard met with RS President Plavsic and Premier Dodik. Main issues of the meeting were economic development, privatisation process, issues of the police, education and situation regarding Brcko. Gelbard also condemned media repression in FRY, adding that he still not decided whether this was a communist of fascist move, and that this is the worst behaviour as seen in the worst dictatorships. Dodik said that President Plavsic and himself informed Gelbard on actions that the “Sloga” Coalition is about to take in the future.

Nothing new in Kosovo – Serbian forces continued with mortar shelling, while the International Community addresses fruitless warnings to President Milosevic. US Mediator for Kosovo, Hill said that the International Community is not satisfied with what was done about implementation of the 1199 UN Resolution. Serbian Radical Party President Seselj said that SRS officially asked from the state authorities to start the initiative for FRY entry to the alliance of Russia and Belarus. Editors, Curuvija and Bujosevic as well as publisher Tadic were called to the court because of their criticising of President Milosevic, according to the new law on media. According to the law, the accused are supposed to pay the penalty of $80.000.

BiH Federation Privatisation Agency Steering Board did not determine the value of the General Certificate, at their session in Zenica, although it was announced so. Members of the board made decision to propose the Government the change of deadlines from the area of privatisation and their prolongation for another six months.

Bosniak village of Skradno near Busovaca became the first village in BiH where all the pre-war residents returned.

The bridge reconstruction in the place of Zeljaca, at the regional road Sarajevo – Doboj was done today. 1.300.000 DEM was invested in reconstruction and the work was finalised month before the deadline. The project was carried out by the Federation Ministry for Traffic and Communications, with assistance of the World Bank development programme department.

Yesterday’s arrest of former RTV BiH journalist Gurovic ended with the epilogue of his release. Namely the Sarajevo Municipality Court II refuted accusation against Gurovic as aged. Radio Free Europe newsroom, whose correspondent Gurovic is, held a press conference and protested against Gurovic’s arrest, estimating it unacceptable.

From sanja.jelinic@ohr.int Mon Oct 26 09:02:15 1998 Return-Path: <sanja.jelinic@ohr.int> Delivered-To: ohr@localhost Received: (qmail 30195 invoked by uid 1003); 26 Oct 1998 09:02:14 -0000 Delivered-To: allied@allied.int Received: (qmail 30187 invoked from network); 26 Oct 1998 09:02:14 -0000 Received: from localhost (root@ by localhost with SMTP; 26 Oct 1998 09:02:14 -0000 Delivered-To: mailbox-ohr@mailbox.grmbl.com Received: from mailbox.grmbl.com by fetchmail-4.5.6 POP3 for <allied@allied.int> (single-drop); Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:02:14 CET Received: (qmail 31937 invoked by uid 400); 26 Oct 1998 09:58:35 -0000 Delivered-To: gmail-allied-ohr@allied-consultants.be Received: (qmail 31934 invoked from network); 26 Oct 1998 09:58:28 -0000 Received: from bruserv.ohr.int ( by users.grmbl.com with SMTP; 26 Oct 1998 09:58:28 -0000 Received: by bruserv with Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) id <VLD2NTJ4>; Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:54:18 +0100 Message-ID: <81EC88721C56D211A21400600878C1F40C616E@bruserv> From: Sanja Jelinic <sanja.jelinic@ohr.int> To: ‘Allied Consultants’ <ohr@allied-consultants.be> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:54:16 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) Content-Type: text/plain Pictures of killed people are still arriving from Kosovo. Albanian sources reported that Serbian forces are not withdrawing but only allocating the troops, while Serbian sources said that withdrawal is proceeding, as agreed between FRY President Milosevic and US Special Envoy Hoolbroke. UN Security Council brought another resolution on Kosovo. The basics of the resolution, which does not anticipate military option, is that the Serbian side has to fulfill all taken obligations from the Milosevic-Hoolbroke agreement. Italian press reported that Serbian extremists are preparing murder of European Commissioner, Bonino, who criticised Milosevic, saying that he is to blame for war in Bosnia and in Kosovo and that Milosevic is not a solution but a problem for the Balkans.

Forensics experts team from Prijedor finished their work for this year. In almost three months of their work in this year, forensic discovered 32 mass and about 100 individual graves on the Prijedor municipality, and exhumed 346 victims, killed mostly in 1992.

9 Bosniak families return to the village of Zivojevici in the RS. This was the first return of Bosniaks to Eastern Bosnia. (BiH TV brought footage of interviews with returnees, who reported no problems about their return.)

A group of pre-war Bosniak inhabitants of the Srednja Trnova village, near Ugljevik, visited their place of origin today. 70 people visited this village and the visit went without problems. (BiH TV brought footage with interviews with visitors and present inhabitants of Serb nationality.)

The HDZ proposed Ivo Andric-Luzanski and Dragan Covic for the post of the Federation President and the Federation Minister of Finances and Vice President. This was decided at yesterday’s session held in Jajce.

Una/Sana Canton Police allocated part of its troops for protection of the border with Croatia.

European Council Department for Education, Science Culture and Sport organised a seminar in Orasje called Democracy in Education Process for primary school teachers in this place.

After the recent scandal about the election for Miss Croatia, the World Miss Directorate demanded that election should be held again, only this time, the only competitors will be dethroned Lejla Sehovic and Ivana Petkovic. Lejla Sehovic, a 22 Bosniak girl from Dubrovnik was the Miss four days only, before the Miss Croatia Competition Directorate dethroned her claiming that voting was irregular. For everybody else, the reason for her dethroning is her first and last name.