
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 21 May 1998


Standing Military Committee held a session in Sarajevo in the presence of BiH Presidency President Izetbegovic, Presidency members Krajisnik and Zubak, Defense Ministers of Federation and the RS and International Community representatives. The main subject of the session was reduction of military facilities in the state territory, as well as the military registration plates and military attaches.

CoM did not consider the draft Law on Privatization, because OHR did not deliver the new law proposal. The main subject of today’s CoM session was agreement with the IMF, and liquidation of the National Bank. Director of IMF for BiH, Brown was also present at the session. CoM Co-chairman Bosic said that CoM asked the Presidency to adopt the program for the National Bank liquidation as soon as possible.

RS Parliament session continued today. Clubs of Representatives of CDU BiH and SDP BiH abandoned the session, while its presidency is established in accordance with election results and PEC regulations. Representatives of these parties asked from HR Westendorp and OSCE to implement the election results in the Presidency and thus establish its legitimacy.

RS Prime Minister Dodik visited Washington today. Dodik’s visit was announced as a private one, however, today he met with US Special Envoy for Balkans, Gelbard and director of the Reconstruction and Development Agency, Entwood. At the both meetings, the main topic was the privatization process.

Federal Government determined draft laws on Elections, Political parties and polling lists, which commenced the process of future regulation of election system, after OSCE mandate expires.

Indonesian President Suharte resigned after 32 years of dictatorship. The new Indonesian President is Habibi, Suharte’s close associate.

Serbian forces commenced a mass military operation in Klina municipality in Kosovo. About 500 shells were fired and four people were killed, three Albanians and one Serbian. Negotiations between Milosevic and Rugova are supposed to continue tomorrow.

Federation President Ganic met with UN Special Envoy, Rehn. Main subjects of their discussion were employment of policemen in police precincts and functioning of Zepce and Vares precincts, as well as finishing of the process of police reconstruction in Herceg Bosna Canton and Western Herzegovina Canton. It was concluded that work of police should be improved in Stolac and Capljina in order to prevent demolition of returnees’ houses.

US Ministry of Justice, Training Department and IPTF organized a meeting with ministers and deputies of Federal and Canton MUPs at the Police House in Sarajevo. The matter of forming of special unit for establishment of public order was also discussed.

First promotional flight Sarajevo – Belgrade was carried out today. Air Bosnia and Yugoslav Air Transport agreed to have regular Sarajevo – Belgrade – Sarajevo twice a week each company. President Izetbegovic’s advisor Hajric said that air connection Sarajevo – Belgrade does not mean announcement of diplomatic relations establishment, because BiH delegation returned from Belgrade on Monday with no results. Hajric said that everything failed, because FRY sent a new version of diplomatic relations proposal in which says that BiH should withdraw the indictment against FRY at the Hague Tribunal.