
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 20 July 1999


  • Brusssels – political dialog between European Union and BiH
  • Carlos Westendorp suspended Mehmed Alagic
  • Yugoslavia is not a member of the Stability Pact
  • Montenegro has guest status at the Sarajevo Summit
  • Kosovo – KFOR arrests Serbian policemen
  • Nato and Russia resume regular contacts
  • Disputes – Chinese army on alert because of Taiwan
  • Washington – Search for Kennedy continues
  • Cyprus – 25th anniversary of Turkish invasion of the island

The High Representative Carlos Westendorp suspended Mehmed Alagic from his post of Sanski Most mayor, RTV BiH reported as their top story of the day. TV aired an explanation of Alexandra Stiglmayer, OHR spokeswoman. Stiglmayer said there were several reasons for Alagaic’s suspension, the main ones be that he was obstructing Dayton accords and rejected the High Representatives instructions to freeze his functions while the investigation against him is ongoing. Stiglmayer added that it is normal practice in Europe that officials suspend their functions while there is a serious investigation, like Alagic’s one for the abuse of power, is ongoing. The suspension will be valid until the whole case is solved, OHR spokeswoman told RTV BiH. TV said that Alagic is on vacation and that he has appointed a replacement but added that OHR rejects the appointment and says that only the municipal parliament has the authority to name such a replacement.


Westendorp’s decision to suspend Alagic was one of his last, prior to his departure, TV said. Replacements for Westendorp and his Deputies, took over their duties today. Ralph Johnson and Matie Hoffman replaced Jacques Klein and Hanns Schumacher.


What is the fastest way for BiH to join the European Union, was the main topic of unofficial talks between EU representatives and BiH officials in Brussels on Tuesday, TV reported. TV BiH correspondent from Brussels said that BiH Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said after the meeting that improvement of the cooperation with Brussels is a priority for BiH foreign diplomacy. The Stability Pact Summit that is to be held in Sarajevo at the end of the month was also one of the topics.


As the decision that the Stability Pact will be held in Sarajevo is final, preparations for this event are intensified in the Bosnian capital, TV reported. Several thousand people are involved in the organization and their main problem is lack of time. With only two weeks to go, organizers are doubling their efforts to prepare everything for this major political gathering, TV said. Head of the organizing committee, Haris Silajdzic visited the main site – Zetra, on Tuesday and told TV that the preparations are on the right pace.


HVIDRA wants a Croat TV station and does not wish to pay for subscriptions to TV BiH, the veterans association said in a press statement, carried by TV BiH. HVIDRA wants to build their own TV station, television of the Croat people. They do not acknowledge the recent employment of Croats in TV BiH because they consider this act of the ‘Bosniak side’, as they say, to conceal their true intentions to preserve Bosniak, so-called, TV BiH.


RTV BiH is preparing for the summit as well as it will be the media host, a TV report said. For TV BiH this will be the biggest challenge since the 1984 Winter Olympic Games, it said.


RTV BiH will be one of the main topic at the Wednesday session of the Federation Parliament. The proposal for the Law on Federation TV will be discussed.


As a good example of the implementation of the Annex 7, RTV BiH said that Glamoc officials deny the intentional burning of houses. Representatives of all three, The HDZ, Serb Homeland block and SDA were present at the Municipal session on Tuesday. Bozo Jovicic, Chairmen of Municipal Council says there are no violations of the security status in Glamoc, unlike media reports suggest. Jovicic says there is no intimidation of minorities, and Croats have not set houses in the Serb village Zajaruge on fire but the fire broke out by accident. He pointed to Glamoc out as one of the few municipalities that Serbs were free to return to in 1996. The town is free for all returns are conducted in full cooperation with Canton Ministry.


Eighty two families expelled from the west Mostar after the Dayton Agreement are still waiting to return home, despite the many agreements promising their return, TV said. The most recent one was signed in the presence of international mediator Christian Schwarz-Schilling two months ago. It guarantees their immediate return, which is in accordance with the Bonn Conference. The OHR has accepted the Ombudsmen’s verified list, the first 20 documents will be issued this week for families to return, says Canton Minster for Refugees Musafir Penava. This is a result of the working group formed in this Canton. Return would encourage two-way return, which everyone has declared to be in favour of.
