News Headlines:
- PEC adopts rules for election of delegates to House of Peoples at BiH and BiH Federation levels
- Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamed on official visit to BiH; he meets with BiH officials and says Malaysia is ready to provide economic assistance to BiH
- TV BiH journalist interviews Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir on economic situation in BiH as well as this country’s economic perspective
- Second international conference “Reform of Banking System in BiH” takes place in Sarajevo, Central Bank Governor Nicholl opens conference with address to participants concerning domestic banking system (01:44)
- OHR calls on BiH Council of Ministers and BiH Parliamentary Assembly to adopt draft law on establishment of state court; a pre-condition for attracting foreign capital (00:24)
- BiH Federation Chamber of Commerce holds session and discusses economy problems and proposes acceleration of privatisation process in this entity
- Day seven of prison riot of Zenica KPD inmates demanding their immediate and full pardon; Bicakcic recommends certain measures to resolve this situation
- The Hague Tribunal expects Yugoslavia’s full co-operation and extradition of all indicted war criminals – ICTY officials
- DOS official Zoran Djindjic says Serbian people have become favourites of entire world
- Russian Foreign Ministry says its has no information concerning Milosevic’s possible presence in Russia
- World news
- RS Government holds session in Banja Luka; discusses possibility and necessity of signing agreement on special relations with Yugoslavia
- RS Government spent 900,000 DM for reconstruction of houses of Bosniak returnees to Brcko (01:26)
- Three authors complete First Bosnian Grammar & Language Book that will be officially promoted in Sarajevo on Thursday
- Live report from Tel Aviv on World Cup qualifier between BiH and Israeli national teams
- OSCE informs voters that all candidates have submitted statements on their property assets and financial status; all reports are available to public on OSCE website
Election Chronicle
- Lagumdzija meets US special envoy for Balkans democratisation James O’Brien to discuss recent elections and change in Yugoslavia (00:33)
- Silajdzic meets UK Ambassador to BiH Hand to discuss economic and other reforms in BiH as well as change in Yugoslavia (00:29)
- “When SDP comes to power it will ensure BiH membership in Council of Europe and NATO Partnership for Peace Program” – Tokic (00:33)
- Silajdzic press conference; says his Party for BiH advocates privatisation at state level, adding that entity and ethnic privatisation on scene now are ‘anti-developmental privatisation processes’ and will have consequence of destroying capital (00:29)
- SDA considers refugee and property return in RS going too slow
- BOSS considers OSCE invitation to hold consultative session of political parties on “Preparations for Upcoming Elections” as being hypocritical (00:32)
- Spahic welcomes scheduling of BiH Parliamentary Assembly session to discuss BiH membership in Council of Europe (00:25)
- SNSD condemns politicisation and privatisation of transfer of top post in RS Elektroprivreda power utility in Trebinje (00:31)
- Sports
- Weather
News Summary:
SDA considers refugee and property return in RS going too slow (00:26)
The SDA considers that refugee and property return in the RS are being undertaken too slowly due to obstruction by the RS executive authority at higher levels of government. According to the SDA, this claim can be backed with the example of the imposed resignation of the RS Minister for Refugees and DPs, who is still performing his duties in his capacity as resigned Refugee Minister. The SDA asks how much pressure and how many requests are needed in order for a new minister to be appointed.
BOSS considers OSCE invitation to hold consultative session of political parties on “Preparations for Upcoming Elections” as being hypocritical
00:32 The Bosnian Party (BOSS) considers as hypocritical the OSCE invitation to hold a consultative session of political parties called “Preparations for the Upcoming Elections.” The BOSS considers the PEC adopted unconstitutional rules for elections, as well as its decision on entering the electoral process because they did not discuss these adoptions with the consultative council of political parties prior to adopting them. The BOSS calls on all BiH political parties not to participate in the consultative meeting with the OSCE. “The behavior of the PEC has shown that the OSCE is running an undemocratic campaign in which there is no place for objections and suggestions on the harmonizing rules and regulations in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement” the BOSS-party explained.
SNSD condemns politicization and privatization of transfer of top post in RS Elektroprivreda power utility in Trebinje (00:31)
The SNSD condemns the politicization and privatization of the issue of the transfer of authority in the RS Elektroprivreda power utility in Trebinje, where this utility has its head office. The engagement of the SPRS and RS National Assembly delegates in this issue have brought it down to the level of street demonstrations, which tells us enough about the strength of this party [referring to SPRS]. The SNSD considers Petar Djokic allegations of Prime Minister Milorad Dodik’s self-will and creation of an atmosphere of intolerance to be a cover to order to hide the real truth behind the SPRS street action in Trebinje.