
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 11 May 1998


Travnik – A regular meeting of Federation and RS Governments was held in Travnik today without the presence of journalists. Delegation of the two entities were headed by their Prime Ministers Edhem Bicakcic and Milorad Dodik. Discussion focused on three key topics: Co-operation in the field of trade, energy and economy. Our aim is to strengthen legal trade flow between the entities and collect normal income from it, Bicakcic told the news. The discussion also tackled the start of joint production of the refineries in Brod and Modrica. I think that we are entering an operational phase of work which is quite new in our relations i.e. to discuss all open questions without any pressures, Dodik said and confirmed that his Government stands by the principles of a Dayton BiH. BiH Deputy Prime Minister Drago Bilandzija said that they also agreed today on a need for efficient work in implementation of the BiH Law on the Customs policy, Customs Tariffs and Foreign Trade Policy.

Zepce – The municipal authorities showed obvious optimism after the meeting with Ambassador Hanns Schumacher, Deputy HR, in Zepce today. The talks on the current questions in the functioning of the common authorities were held behind closed doors. Ambassador Schumacher told the journalists later that he was especially satisfied with the positive atmosphere and co-operation during the talks. I received a promise that the municipal deputies as well as the chiefs of the municipal departments will move into the municipal building, Schumacher said, and added that the next step is to secure the justified representation in the municipal services.

Sarajevo – Speaking at the Press Conference today, Mirsad Kurtovic, Minister of Foreign Trade expressed the countries’ gratitude to the biggest donors for their generosity at the recent BiH Donors Conference in Brussels. Rory O’Sullivan, WB Mission Head, said that the aim of the Conference which was to pledge 1,1 billion dollars has been even surpassed. This shows that the world has not forgotten BiH as many were thinking. Now follows a phase of economic and structural changes as a chance for self survival. he told the Press Conference

Djulici, near Zvornik – Collecting the posthumous remains of the Srebrenica people continued today on the plateau underneath the Zvornik dam where already 1.150 bodies were found earlier. A further nine bodies were found in just one day. There followed a lengthy report on the exhumations. All bodies show damage to the head which leads to the conclusion that they died forcibly. Srebrenica women held a calm demonstration today holding a chain of cushions on which the names of their missing relatives were embroidered

Vojislav Seselj paid Milan Lukic to organise the kidnapping of passengers from the train in Strpci and I saw that for myself. Mica Jovicic killed seven of them on the Visegrad dam. I am ready at any time to confirm it in the Hague, Dusan Petrovic, a Serb volunteer on the Visegrad front assessed in the Daily Telegraph.

Bihac – Fourteen bodies – 12 Croats and two Bosniaks were exhumed in the region of Ukljukci, Tomina, Ksapnica and Vrpoljski Most.

Reports from Kosovo. Sarajevo – Ejup Ganic and Vladimir Soljic, Federation President and his Deputy, talked with US Ambassador, Richard Kauzlarich today. Talks focused on the further activities which must be undertaken to achieve more successful inauguration of the multi-ethnic police power in the Herceg Bosna and West Hercegovina Canton.

Sarajevo – Relating to Saturday’s information on the inauguration of the police in the Canton 10, Mehmed Zilic, Federation Minister for Internal Affairs, told BH PRESS Agency that according to the information he received from the UN Special Envoy Elisabeth Rehn, the inauguration of the police powers in the Canton 10 will not take place until final agreement has been reached.

Mostar – Unknown culprits placed and activated an explosive device under the car of Dragan Vasilj, Criminal Department employee. No casualties were reported.

Sarajevo – Both HoR and HoP of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly will be held on Monday 18 May.

There follow reports from the parties’ pressers.