11 January 98, 19:30
China – The natural disasters, which are devastating parts of the world lately, culminated during last weekend. An earthquake killed 48 people in China near the famous Great Wall, more than 11,000 people were injured, of which 1,250 suffered severe injuries, 20,000 people were left homeless. The earthquake measured 6.2 on the Richter scale. The temperature fell to – 20 degrees.
Australia – Around 20 persons disappeared last night in a storm which took hold of the town Townsville. Heavy rains flooded the Queensland region.
Quebec – Around three million people were left without electricity and water supplies, 15,000 people have been taken to centres organised in schools, libraries and community buildings. Canada – During the last few days 11 persons were killed in heavy storms.
U S A – Natural disasters which have taken hold of the northern part of the US resulted in President Clinton announcing a state of emergency in five regions of the state of New York.
Brcko – Peace followed the implementation of the joint multi-ethnic police powers in this BiH town which consists of 230 policemen, of which 120 are Serbs, 30 are Bosniaks and 20 are Croats. Footage was shown of the policemen coming back from Brka, Rahic and other Brcko settlements were they spent their working day. The policemen expressed their surprise regarding the wonderful and calm situation without any provocation and problems.
Sarajevo – One of the topics at the forthcoming meeting between Alija Izetbegovic, BiH Presidency Chairman and American Special Envoy, Gelbard, will be the Mostar issue, President Political Advisor, Mirza Hajric told the media today.
Mostar – A project which is going ahead in the Velez valley will renovate 139 family houses as well as the infra-structure in this region. This project, worth five million DEM is being financed by the Netherlands Government. Another project following this one will encompass 200 family houses and will also be financed by the Netherlands Government.
Zenica – Respecting the Property Law, the Zenica Doboj Canton Government is preparing the lawful grounds for its implementation. According to the Law rules, around 32,000 flat units in the 12 Cantonal communities will in a position to be purchased at the end of March.
Sarajevo – Principal Deputy HR Ambassador Jacques Klein said in Pale today that he hopes the RS will finally acquire a Government at tomorrow’s National Assembly Session with which the International Community will be able to co-operate. Hanns Schumacher, the Senior Deputy HR warned yesterday in his Press Release that the RS could be faced with economic poverty, misfortune and international isolation, if it fails to co-operate in accordance with a list of priorities given earlier.