
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 10 January 1999


Presidency Member Ante Jelavic did not fulfil SFOR‘s deadline to withdraw decision on appointment of HVO officers. SFOR spokesman Chamberlain said that since Jelavic did not fulfil the deadline, SFOR destroyed HVO equipment confiscated yesterday. OHR spokesman Haselock said that SFOR action is in accordance with the military section of DPA, and that appointment of HVO generals was a direct challenge to the Dayton Agreement.

The Federation MUP issued wanted circulation for Fikret Abdic, and addressed a request to the Interpol to issue international wanted circulation. Federation MUP Minister Zilic addressed request to his colleague in Croatia, Penic to take measures for Abdic’s arrest and to assure his extradition.

At the press conference of international organisations, Chamberlain and Haselock said that non-readiness of authorities to extradite war criminals to the Tribunal is the cause of yesterday’s incident, when indicted war criminal Dragan Gagovic was killed. A group of 100-200 people attacked IPTF station in Foca, protesting against Gagovic’s murder, IPTF spokesperson Seidel said. Two IPTF members were injured, and SFOR evacuated the station staff to one of SFOR bases. The RS Government made an announcement and said that it is unexplainable that SFOR members neglected the fact that there were five minor children in the vehicle in which Gagovic was killed. According to RS Co-president Sarovic, yesterday’s SFOR action represents serious violation of SFOR‘s mandate and is opposite International Convention on Human Rights. “Sloga” Coalition President Plavsic said that the action was unfair and inappropriate. Alliance of Camp Prisoners of BiH collected many statements of former prisoners in Foca camp, and almost all mention Gagovic as rapist. ICTY Prosecutor Arbour expressed her regrets on the death of Dragan Gagovic, indicted for systematic rapes in Foca camp.

Kosovo Albanians Information Centre announced that Serbian forces commenced attacks on villages in the Podujevo region. OSCE Verification Mission spokesman could not confirm information on conflicts.

Representatives of the International Community and multiethnic administration in Brcko showed their opinion on the celebration of the Day of the RS by not attending the celebration. Brcko Bosniak and Croat representatives estimated this occasion as political provocation and farce, especially the claims of the RS authorities that Brcko is an example of multiethnicity. Federation Co-president Andric-Luzanski said that Brcko must be a part of the Federation, so that justice could win.

CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic commented on BiH sea-borders and said that bilateral discussions on this issue are possible only if Croatia accepts that borders of BiH include a part of the Adriatic Sea.

Federation Co-president Ganic visited Odzak municipality, and met with representatives of local authorities. One of the main subjects of the discussions were problem of damaged housing units, problem of borderline with Croatia, and necessity for more long-term credits for citizens of the area, as well as unresolved issues of education in this area.

BiH TV also brought footage on Bosniak returnees in Zepce with interviews of citizens. The interviewees spoke about the problems they face in Zepce and their everyday life.