
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 10 April 1998


Peace agreement was signed between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Negotiations that ended 29-year war lasted 22 months.

BiH delegation finished its visit to Slovenia. BiH President Izetbegovic thanked to Slovenia for assistance given to BiH, and main subjects of conversations were all forms of cooperation between the two countries. Special attention was paid to economic matters and governments of two countries obliged to take steps for strengthening the economic relations. Agreement on establishing expert teams for resolving the matter of “Ljubljanska Banka” debts was achieved.

UN spokesman Ivanko answered on speculations of foreign press about Karadzic’s alleged readiness to surrender, and said that ICTY policy is not to negotiate with indicted for war crimes. Western diplomats’ sources said that Karadzzic contacted moderate politicians in RS in order to bring his conditions for surrender to public. As one anonymous source said to Reuters, one of the conditions is to serve his sentence in an orthodox country.

OHR spokesman Haselock said that HR Westendorp praised the decision of the BiH Presidency to liquidate the BiH National Bank, in order to implement authorities of the Central Bank. Haselock added that an international expert, Dodley would prepare the liquidation plan, and deliver it to the Presidency before its implementation.

International Monetary Fund mission head in BiH, Brown praised the progress in conversations of BiH officials and IMF representatives in regard with signing “Stand-by” arrangement. As said by Brown, if the document is verified, this will represent the first proof that there is a huge progress in the work of joint institutions.

Sodium factory in Lukavac was reopened and 1300 workers were employed. This is one of the first factories in BiH that recovered after the war and started to produce.

more in a certain colonial position towards its neighbouring countries and in regard with economy. Import is huge and simple, while export is difficult and in small amounts. This is a consequence of extraordinary economic aggression over BiH, and complete lack of economic patriotism of BiH citizens. The International Community also has the great influence in such condition, for not even two years after Dayton BiH has the possibility to control its borders.

After the HVO members left housing facilities in Drvar yesterday, in order to enable return of Serb refugees, this step resulted in return of 131 Serbs to Drvar. HR deputy Klein visited Drvar in order to take insight in situation there. 1400 Serbs returned to Drvar in the past five months. Klein said he was encouraged with the fact that majority helps the others to neglect the past and turn towards the future. Klein also congratulated returnees on their courage and decisiveness. Drvar Mayor, Marceta asked Klein to assist in global return and to influence on the IC to put pressure on all non-cooperative leaders.

BiH Federation Co-president Soljic addressed a letter to HR Westendorp, his deputies Klein and Schumacher, and SFOR Commander Shinseki. Soljic in his letter protests against excluding of legitimate authorities of Drvar municipality from the process of Serbs return to Drvar. Soljic also said that Croatian side is fully ready to implement Annex 7 of DPA, which also covers return of Serbs to Drvar. Soljic also repeated demand of the Croatian side to the IC to enable return of Croats to Bosanski Brod, Banja Luka and Derventa and other cities in the RS.