
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 9/5/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 9 May


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Rajic sentenced to 12 years in prison

Main hearing Kravica case begins

UHSP on poor return of Croats in Mo

ICTY indictees transfer toSarajevo

Commission for Refugees’ session

Main hearing in BiH vs SCG to end



TV news broadcast on 8 May


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

ICTY to pronounce sentence to Rajic

McElhaney on const. amendments

ICTY sentences Rajic to 12 years

The trial of Milan Martic

Ivanic on expansion of CoM

Nikiforov on Rahic’s sentence

Weber on Mladic, Karadzic, terrorism

Colak on audit of citizenships

Trial to Dominik Ilijasevic postponed

McElhaney on constitutional reform

Colak on police reform

Issue of police reform in BiH


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Ivica Rajic sentenced to 12 years

Rajic sentenced to 12 years

Tadic visits Banja Luka

Trial of ‘Prlic and others’ before ICTY

Trial to Dominik Ilijasevic postponed

Robbery in Sarajevo

BiH lawsuit against SCG for genocide

BiH vs. SCG lawsuit, update

Case of paedophilia in Brcko

Suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo issue

Tadic in visit to Banja Luka

Report on police reform



[Islamic Community leader] Reis Mustafa Ceric wavered minister [Kebo]?

Dnevni Avaz

What was [Serbian President] Boris Tadic doing in Laktasi?

Dnevni List

Repentant Rajic gets 12 years (ICTY sentences former HVO commander from Kiseljak)

Vecernji List

Chain of car Mafia smugglers broken (police raids in Zenica and Siroki Brijeg)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Taxi drivers ‘blocked’ Citluk (taxi drivers in Citluk protesting against illegal taxi drivers)

Nezavisne Novine

A girl and an old man got killed [traffic accident in Prijedor]

Glas Srpske

Tighter cooperation with Srpska [Serbian Minister of Economy visiting Banja Luka]


They are either bluffing Mladic or all of us

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles



Main court hearing in Kravica case begins on Tuesday



BH Radio 1 by Vanja Ilicic – The main hearing in the ‘Kravica case’ has begun before the BiH Court on Tuesday. Eleven indictees [Milos Stupar, Milenko Trifunovic, Petar Mitrovic, Brano Dzinic, Aleksandar Radovanovic, Slobodan Jakovljevic, Miladin Stevanovic, Velibor Maksimovic, Dragisa Zivanovic, Branislav Medan and Milovan Matic] are charged with participating genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995. Four of the indictees were performing duties of police officers up until the moment of their arrest. Kravica case is the first case involving genocide charges being processed before the BiH Court. All suspects pleaded not guilty on February 3. RHB – also reporting.

ICTY indictees to be transferred from the Hague to Sarajevo on Tuesday

BH Radio 1– BiH Court confirmed that the ICTY indictees Zeljko Meakic, Momcilo Gruban, Dusan Fustar and Dusko Knezevic are to be transferred from the Hague to Sarajevo on Tuesday. They have been accused of crimes against Bosniaks and Croats in concentration camps Omarska and Keraterm [in Prijedor region] in the period May trough August 1992.

Main hearing in BiH lawsuit against SCG before ICJ ends on Tuesday

BH Radio 1 – Main hearing in the BiH lawsuit against SCG for genocide before the International Court of Justice [ICJ] is to end on Tuesday. SCG legal representatives are stating their final arguments, once again arguing the Court is not authorized in the case of the lawsuit, as SCG was not the UN member state at the time charges were raised. Main hearing began on February 27, and sixteen judges would have couple of months before announcing the verdict.


War crimes

ICTY sentences Ivica Rajic to 12 years by ICTY for crimes against Bosniaks in village Stupni Do







Hayatby Asim Beslija, The Hague – The ICTY has sentenced former commander of the Croat Defence Council [HVO] Ivica Rajic to twelve years in prison, for crimes committed in the village of Stupni Do in September 1993, when 25 Bosniak civilians and six soldiers have been killed, while the village was completely destroyed. ICTY has also found Rajic guilty of apprehension and torturing of more than 250 Bosniak men in Vares, two days before HVO launched an attack on Stupni Do. In October 2005 Rajic pleaded guilty on four counts of the indictment, and made an off-the-court settlement with Prosecutor’s Office, which ICTY considered as an extenuating circumstance while pronouncing a sentence. Therefore, although this is only a first-degree verdict, it is expected that Rajic would not file a complaint and according to the settlement Rajic is obligated to testify in other related cases. RHB, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Repentant Rajic gets 12 years’, by V. Soldo, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 6 ’12 years imprisonment to Rajic’ by H , Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Ivica Rajic sentenced to 12 years of prison’, mentioned on cover by A.Beslija Dnevni Avaz pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Ivica Rajic sentenced to 12 years in prison’ by not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ’12 years of prison for Ivica Rajic’ by P. K– also covered.

Serbian President Tadic unexpectedly meets RS officials in BL: discussion on ICTY fugitives


RTRS – The Serbian President Boris Tadic paid an unexpected and ‘private’ visit to Banja Luka on Monday. Tadic met the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik after which Tadic said that it is obvious that Serbian Government needs more time to arrest Ratko Mladic, war crime indictee and that issue of Mladic’s arrest destabilizes the whole region. BHT1, FTV, Glas Srpske cover pg ‘Meeting with Dodik and Ivanic’ not signed, EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Unannounced visit to Banja Lukanot signed  – also covered.

NATO’s Weber: no evidence that Mladic and Karadzic are in BiH


RHBNATO Commander in BiH, General Louis Weber, said on Monday that there is no firm evidence or clue that the ICTY indictees Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are hiding in BiH. He added that NATO would react immediately if such evidences emerge. Weber also said that the terrorism is nothing more of a threat in BiH than anywhere else in the world. We deem that BiH and her institutions are quite successful in dealing with terrorist threats, concluded General Weber. RTRS– also carried. 

Security Minister Colak: SIPA, OSA and SBS have no information on Mladic and Karadzic

BHT1- BiH Defence Minister Barisa Colak said that he received no information from security agencies in charge, namely State Border Service, SIPA and Intelligence-Security Agency [OSA], that Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic are present on  territory of BiH. RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘No information on Karadzic and Mladic’s whereabouts’ by Fena– also carried.

NATO SG Scheffer: Arresting Karadzic is condition for BiH entering PfP


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Arresting Karadzic is condition for BiH entering Partnership’ by Srna – NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated on Monday that arresting Radovan Karadzic is a condition for BiH to enter Partnership for Peace [PfP]. He added that Ratko Mladic is obligation of SCG: “In the case of Mladic’s arrest, I will presonaly take care for SCG to enter PfP as soon as possible.”

Source: ICTY Chief Prosecutor is aware Serbian authorities know where Mladic is


EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘They are either bluffing Mladic or all of us’ and pgs 4-5 ‘BIA is making a show for Del Ponte’ by Tanja Nikolic DjakovicMilan Mijakovski, a security expert from the Military Academy, is of the view that the spectacular search of anti-terrorist units for Hague indictee Ratko Mladic at several locations in Serbia was either a mistake BIA (Serbian state security agency) had made or a double game, i.e. they are getting prepared for the arrest at one location while they are conducting the searches at other locations just to deceit Mladic. A source close to the Tribunal says this is more likely a farce created with an aim to hide the true location where Mladic is hiding. The source also notes that ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte is aware the Serbian authorities know where Mladic is hiding and they are trying to persuade him to surrender, but he refuses to do so.

Osl. commentary: all Serbian law enforcement after Mladic, but not even a step closer to him


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘All services in “secret” action of apprehending Mladic’, mentioned on cover, by Branislav Boskov, Belgrade – Commenting the statement of Serbian Local Self-governance Minister Zoran Loncar, who said that all law enforcement services are searching for Ratko Mladic, author says that despite this and similar statements, there are no signs anything is happening or that they are “even one step closer to the war criminal”. Author underlines that Serbian media now ironically ridicule these actions, and adds since they gave no results, police commanders have decided to launch more decisive operations and “to keep quiet about hem until they have some serious results”. 


Police reform

PIC SB Ambassadors urge continuance of police reform, support Opinion adopted by PRD SB








RHB– Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board [PIC SB] member countries emphasized that the police reform is a key prerequisite for BiH integration into the EU, adding the process has to be continued. Ambassadors underlined that BiH citizens deserve to have fully functional and effective police forces, adding that it is of a great importance that ‘all sides’ remain fully involved in the work of the Police Reform Directorate.  RTRS – PIC SB called on participants in this process to stay engaged in the work of the PRD and enable its technical part of work without inappropriate interferences. At the same time, the OHR reminded the police reform is a crucial precondition for the Stabilization and Association Agreement and warned all political sides in BiH on consequences that would follow a slow down or a suspension of the reform. BHT1 – The PIC Steering Board has also supported the Opinion adopted by the PRD Steering Board on Wednesday which says that the police would be organized on two levels, state and local, assessing the Opinion is in line with both the RS demands and three principles set by the EC on state police, functional police regions and absence of political interference. FTV, PINK, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Ambassadors: Police reform must continue’ by NINA, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Police reform, key for the EU’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Police Reform Directorate should be enabled to perform technical work’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Time for police reform is running out’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Authorities are not aware of consequences’ by D. F. – also carried.

RS PM Dodik met EUMM Head informing him of police reform; Dodik hopes that RSNA would rehabilitate the agreement on police reform


PINK By Ljubisa Davidovic – On Monday, the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik met the Head of the EU Monitoring Mission Matt Lehtonen. Dodik stressed the RS determination to go towards the EU and importance of the partnership between RS and BiH and the international community.  EUMM Chief was especially interested in issue of police reform and Dodik informed him that RS National Assembly [RSNA] would discuss the reform this week and that its decision will be obligatory to the RS Government [session is scheduled for Wednesday]. “I believe that RSNA will rehabilitate agreement on police reform by which things can be only agreed by consensus… I believe Mr. [EU Special Representative for Foreign Affairs Javier] Solana’s statement is not appropriate, if he said that we should apply outvoting. It brings us back…” said Dodik. [Note: Solana stated on May 6 for ‘Dnevni Avaz’ that police reform should be de-blocked trough majority vote]. RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘On constitutional changes after elections’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Decisions of parliament are obligatory for the Government’ by V. P., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Stance of the Assembly is obligatory’ by Z. M. – reports on the meeting.

RS President Cavic: no way we would support solutions for police regions that would cross entity lines; RS Dodik “doesn’t care” about SDA threats of leaving RSNA majority


Hayat by ATV Banjaluka – RS politicians once again emphasized that they would not support any kind of police reform that would include the abolishment of the RS Interior Ministry and RS police forces. “There is no way we would support the solution that establishes police regions outside the entity lines”, state RS President Dragan Cavic. Answering the “threats” that SDA and SBiH have made, by saying that they would withdraw support to the RS Government unless it changes it stance on the reform, the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said he does not care what the SDA would do. “SDA supported establishment of this Government. It was hard to expect that we would be able to reach an agreement on some issues, such as the police reform… I have no obligations towards SDA regarding the police”, stated Dodik. BHT1- Commenting SDA’s announcement, Dodik said that he would allow conditioning; on contrary, he announces even stricter stances regarding the reform based on consensus. “I advise them not to trouble but undertake steps immediately…it’s all the same to me whether they are going to be majority or not, I am not begging anyone”, says Dodik. “Mr. Dodik has an opportunity to prove himself as a reformist and in that sense we expect him and his party to support the three EU principles”, said RS National Assembly Deputy Speaker Sefket Dzaferovic. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS Government is stabile’ by V. P. – PDP’s Mladen Ivanic agrees that the possible withdrawal of support of SDA and Party for BiH to RS Government would not bring the Government’s stability in question. RHB, PINK – carried Dodik. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavic: crossing of entity line is out of question’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Nothing over the entity line’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Unacceptable model’ by Srna– Cavic’s statement.

SDA considers withdrawing support to RS Gov; SBiH Osmancevic: Govt will not be replaced, but Serb parties homogenised; RS PM Dodik says no change in stance


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SBiH joined SDA against Dodik’ by N.Diklic – Daily carries that the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik could loose support in the RS National Assembly in upcoming period, which would lead further to casting no-confidence vote against the RS Government. The SDA and SBiH RSNA MPs expressed theirs dissatisfaction with the halt in the police reform, and announced their withdrawal of support. RSNA deputy Sadik Ahmetovic [SDA] confirmed that he would raise the issue of support to Dodik’s government at the next week’s session of the SDA Presidency. “RS Government, both this and previous one, obstructed issue [of police reform], and when we did not support the old government for that reason, it is logical that we raise this issue again.” SBiH deputy Dzevad Osmancevic shares this stance, adding that he is going to speak with Dodik: “If we estimate that Dodik is blocking European way of our state, we would withhold our support in the RSNA. Though, I do not expect removal of the Government, due to our withdrawal from majority, for I assume that homogenisation of Serb parties will take place again. ” Dodik confirmed for daily that he is not ready to change his stances: “I do not intend to make any compromise on preserving police, even if it would mean for Government to loose the support. I do not doubt that all the RS citizens stand behind it.

BiH Security Minister Colak on police reform: tensions must calm down


RTRS, RHB, PINK – BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak said that tensions around the issue of the police reform must calm down and the Police Reform Directorate should be allowed to continue its work. Assessing that pre-election campaigns are partially responsible for such turnouts in the police reform, Colak adds that politicians should not interfere with the work of PRD. “I think that we should let those persons that work in the PRD to complete their job. And then Parliament would have the chance to declare on what has been agreed”, stated Colak.

BiH HoP Co Chair Milojevic: there is a solution in police reform halt 


Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Uniformed police possible’ by Fena – BiH House of Peoples Co-Chair Goran Milojevic stated for Bijeljina based BNTV that it is possible to reach solution that would mean uniformed RS police within the single BiH police structure. Milojevic said that politicians should take part in police reform, in order to help experts coming out of dead-end they stuck. He repeated that all key issues must be solved by consensus.

Serbian president Tadic says police reform must be agreed by all three peoples 


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘What was Boris Tadic doing in Laktasi?’ by N.Diklic, Inset ‘Police reform following will of all three people’ – Commenting the police reform in BiH, Serbian President Boris Tadic told the press following his meeting with the RS leadership in Banja Luka: “I support all the reforms that ensure functionality of a country, but not in a way to endanger its stability. In order to ensure stability, it is necessary that all three peoples are satisfied.”

EC Delegation Spokesperson Maroevic, Head of Directorate for European Integrations Topcagic: next round of SAA talks would not be postponed


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Negotiations with EU will not be postponed’ by M. C. – Spokesperson of EC Delegation to BiH Frane Maroevic stated that the EC Delegation, although disappointed and dissatisfied with delays in police reform, would not postpone the next round of SAA negotiations scheduled for May 12. ‘I think this round of talks would not be prolonged, but the Reform Process Monitoring Team (RPM) will give the final assessment at a session that should be held the day before negotiations on SAA, Maroevic stated. Head of Directorate for European Integrations and leader of BiH delegation at RPM Osman Topcagic announced they would discuss the realisation of priorities in reforms of police, public administration, public RTV system and he added there are no announcements on possible suspension of negotiations as yet.


Political issues

RS officials Cavic, Dodik and Ivanovic do not believe new ministries could be established in CoM before elections











Hayat by ATV ­Commenting the statement of BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic on establishment of two new Ministries within the CoM [of agriculture, and the other one authorized for the science and technology], BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic said: “Personally, I think that something like that would be possible only after the mandate of the current CoM expires. I think it’s in the interest of the RS that Ministry of Agriculture is formed… After all, most of the agricultural production comes from the RS”. RTRS – It is not realistic in this political environment. I believe that it is a political desire, which can not be fulfilled through parliamentary procedure”, said Dragan Cavic, RS President. “I believe that adoption and establishment of new ministries is possible only with changes of the Constitution”, said Milorad Dodik, RS Prime Minister. BiH Minister of Security Barisa Colak said that still has not talked with Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair regarding this issue. “It is true that CoM can be enlarged without constitutional changes since we have already been doing it”, said Colak. RHBColak said that it would be good for BiH to have ministry of agriculture, as well as the ministry of science and technology on a state level. Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘New ministries after elections’ by V. Popovic – Cavic stated that this issue cannot be discussed nor there is any need to discuss it before elections. Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Form ministry of agriculture’, not signed –Colak noted it is more realistic at this moment to make preparations in order to enlarge the next composition of the BiH CoM by two new ministries. PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘New ministries useful for the RS’ by Fena – carried Ivanic’s statement. Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘State ministry of agriculture is needed’, by F – report Colak, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Enlargement of CoM announced’ not signed – Ivanic and Dodik. Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘New ministries after elections’ by V. Popovic – report all.

US Ambassador McElhaney: const. reform failure a negative message that BiH doesn’t want to modernize governmental structures


RHB– In an interview to news agencies FENA and SRNA, U.S. Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney said thatfailure of the constitutional reform was a great disappointment for the U.S. Government and entire International Community, as this sent a negative message of BiH’s lack of will to modernize the governmental structures. Noting that supporters of the amendments have done ‘a lot of good things’; McElhaney believes that those parties will be able to take this process to a next level, because ‘”there will be no second phase of constitutional changes until the first one is completed’. U.S. Ambassador deems that it’s the time to start a discussion in BiH about what political leaders want to do next. Dnevni Avaz pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘I am convinced that politicians want to restart process of constitutional changes again’ by Fena and Srna – McElhaney also wonders what opponents of the reforms are doing about it now: “I would love to see if they can do any better and what is exactly that they can do.” He added the outcome of the vote in the Parliament was the greatest sanction against all people in the country, underlying some of the solutions were extremely hard to agree during the talks which made this only the first phase of the reform. McElhaney assessed he is convinced BiH politicians want to restart the process. Inset ‘Where was SBiH two months ago’ – Commenting SBiH objection that this party has its own proposal to the BiH Constitution, McElhaney said that SBiH did not take part in all the negotiations: “Isn’t it too late for new list of suggestions. Where were they two months ago?PINK, BHT1,Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘I would like to see what those that were against changes of BiH Constitution, have to offer’ by Fen, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘McElhaney: BiH does not want to modernize authority’ by F, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘A discussion on what needs to be done in BIH is needed’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Where are new proposals now’ by Srna, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘From Dayton to Brussels’ by Srna and Fena– carried parts.

DA on Tadic meeting with RS leaders in BL: Serbian President doesn’t support aspirations for separation of RS


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘What was Boris Tadic doing in Laktasi?’ by N.Diklic – Daily writes about the unannounced visit of the Serbian President Boris Tadic to Laktasi and his meeting with the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik behind the closed doors where they apparently discussed issue of the ICTY indictees. Following the meeting, Tadic was asked by media to comment statements by some politicians in the RS who link the situation in Kosovo and the RS speculating about possibility of separating the entity. He stressed he doesn’t support such aspiration: “I am great opponent of destruction and destabilisation of Balkans states, both SCG and BiH. Such solutions could only be counterproductive.” Dodik stated that he introduced Tadic with the constitutional changes process and its failure, as well as about the current work of Police Reform Directorate [PRD] and possible further developments in this process. Daily also reports that following Dodik’s and Tadic’s statements to the press, RS President Dragan Cavic and BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic also joined them. Article alleges that Dodik wanted to demonstrate this was informal meeting, while Cavic’s Cabinet informed media about it. Author comments that meeting was still ongoing by the time the article was sent to printer. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Boris Tadic in private visit to Banja Luka’ by O.V. – BiH Foreign Minister Spokesperson Nebojsa Regoje stated that Tadic was going to make private visit and that no official meetings would take place. BHT1, FTV, Glas Srpske cover pg ‘Meeting with Dodik and Ivanic’ not signed, EuroBlic pg 3 ‘Unannounced visit to Banja Lukanot signed – also covered.  

VN int with BiH Foreign Minister Ivanic: imposed solution in police reform would not function, Kosovo issue might cause consequences in region


Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘At Lavrov’s due to debts’ by D. Stojakovic – carries a short interview with BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic who said he and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov talked about BiH’s debt for gas that had been delivered to BiH and added they only shortly discussed the Hague issue, constitutional changes and police reform. Asked to comment on the stance of High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana who said consensus does not need to be reached in BiH to realise police reform, Ivanic replied anyone who thinks it is possible to reach an agreement without consensus is wrong because nothing imposed can function. Asked whether he agrees with High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who said the independence of Kosovo would not leave any consequences with regard to stability in BiH, Ivanic said Kosovo issue might cause consequences in the region unless Belgrade and Pristine resolve the issue through an agreement and he noted there would be consequences if a solution is imposed.

RS PM Dodik with EUMM’s Lehtonen: Const. changes talks only after elections

Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘On constitutional changes after elections’, by NINA – On Monday, the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik met the Head of the EU Monitoring Mission Matt Lehtonen. RS PM Dodik repeated his earlier position that the issue of constitutional changes could be discussed after the October elections.

Politicians believe talks on constitutional changes might continue only after elections


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Constitutional changes after elections’ by M. Cubro – Following non-adoption of the constitutional amendments, PDP’s Mladen Ivanic, SDA’s Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ 1990’s Martin Raguz all share similar view and say negotiations on constitutional changes, most probably, would not be continued before October elections, while SDP’s Zlatko Lagumdzija shortly stated no progress in unblocking of the process of constitutional changes had been made. Ivanic thinks F BiH parties should ensure an additional support to the changes, i.e. persuade the two delegates that had voted against amendments to support it next time, while Izetbegovic reiterated SDA hopes the negotiations would continue as soon as possible, but the reality shows this might take place only after elections.

Former HR Wolfgang Petritsch: you must continue with reforms and EU will say if this was enough or not


Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘Reforms must not be stopped’ by R. Cengic – In an interview to Nezavisne novine, former High Representative to BiH Wolfgang Petritsch warned many were disappointed with non-adoption of constitutional amendments and added it would be quite difficult for some EU members to continue with their previous engagement in BiH. Petritsch noted: ‘…you must continue with reforms, you must not stop these, and EU will say if this was enough or not. You must improve your Constitution and institutions’. Asked whether he thinks IC might annul results of election due to non-adoption of the amendments, Petritsch stated he does not think it would do so because elections are expression of free democratic will of people.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: SBiH and its founder follow the trail of money


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Belkic’s role’ op-ed by Mirko Sagolj – Commenting the fact that SBiH’s Beriz Belkic was harshly attacked after amendments to the Constitution were rejected in BiH House of Representatives, Sagolj comments that Founder of SBiH [i.e. Haris Silajdzic] made a good choice placing Belkic on the front line of “Patriotic Block” [consisting of SBiH, SDU and BOSS], since he was never related to the scandal. Sagolj also says Siljadzic has harshly attacked SDA, which responded by saying that “all problems and affairs of this government are related only to the companies where [SBiH] rule completelyThat is the catch when it comes to SBiH– cash. Founder and his followers are to be found where there is cash … Belkic is among them as well… He is certainly aware of taking up one of the key roles in the entire story of the constitutional changes, but he only did so for his own interest. If the Patriotic Bloc gets any function after October elections, Belkic is certain it will belong to him,.” concludes Sagolj.  

Osl. op-ed on rejection of const. changes: ‘Those who truly support BiH will help BiH to preserve Euro-Atlantic course’


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Dangerous (re)routing’ by Z. Dizdarevic carries that rejection of constitutional changes was interpreted by international officials as a message that democratic transformation of BiH on the Euro-Atlantic course is not sincere and priority orientation and as underestimating of the USA and EU’ efforts to the benefit of BiH. The author also says: ‘BiH is on dangerous rerouting from the Euro-Atlantic way. It is up to those who oppose constitutional changes to collect themselves…Those who truly support BiH will help BiH to preserve the Euro-Atlantic course.’ 

Director of BiH Directorate for European integration: BiH should prepare itself for structural EU funds


FTV, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Prepare authorities for using funds’, by D. P. Mandic, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘BiH has no conditions for larger help’ by T.Lazovic, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Spain experiences for future of BiH’ by M.K.S. – A 3-day seminar entitled ‘Support to Directorate for European integration of BiH in programming and managing structural funds of EU’ that is financed by the Spanish Government started in Sarajevo on Monday. The aim of the seminar is to prepare BiH authorities when the country becomes eligible for structural funds that are being given to (new) EU member states. Director of BiH Directorate for European integration, Osman Topcagic, noted BiH was not yet eligible for the funds, however he believes BiH should be prepared both legally and administratively for the moment when it does become eligible. These funds are aimed at new EU member states getting closer to more developed EU members.

DL: HDZ’s Covic starts criticizing Catholic Church after losing their support


Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Covic’s HDZ goes against Church?!’, by Zvonimir Jukic – DL claims to have learnt from dissatisfied members of the HDZ of Grude that the HDZ of Grude heavily criticized the Catholic Church in BiH at its session held on May 5. Allegedly, some members of the HDZ of Grude loyal to HDZ President, Dragan Covic, foremost the Head of Municipality Grude, Viktor Maric, claimed that the Church in BiH, the bishops to be exact, only cared for their own interests, neglecting interests of the people. DL argues that this sort of tactics is conducted by Covic since he has lost the backing of the Church and now he wants to diminish the importance and influence of the Church among HDZ officials.

VL: Former HDZ BiH members Andric and Madunic join Croat Bloc


Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Madunic and Andric moved to Croat Bloc’, by ljd – VL notes that now already former members of HDZ BiH, Filip Andric and Ivan Madunic (MPs in BiH and FBIH parliaments respectively) have joined the Croat Bloc of BiH. On top of this, VL says negotiations on transfer of some 10 HDZ BiH MPs at state and FBIH levels to the Croat Bloc are ongoing. Madunic argues the HDZ BiH has no clear platform and that the HDZ BiH, by running issues related to constitutional reform process the way it does, confirms it runs ‘servile-like policy’.

DL interview: Friar Dzolan calls for equality for Croats


Dnevni List, pgs 8-9, mentioned on front ‘It is not easy to be Croat politician’, by Resad Dautefendic – carries a page and a half long interview with the provincial of Bosna Srebrena (head of Franciscan order), friar Mijo Dzolan, in which he claims that the voice of Franciscans contributed that the proposed constitutional changes are not adopted, and that the Franciscans warned that the proposed changes did not protect equality of the Croats at all levels of authority. In the rest of the interview, friar Dzolan argues that only the constitutional solutions that guarantee equality to the Croats will lead BiH to Europe , saying he has a lot of objections to the work of Croat politicians. In light of that, Dzolan notes it is not easy to be a Croat politician since they do not have enough manoeuvring space, calling for homogenization of the Croat policy in BiH about certain fundamental issues.

Islamic Community leader Ceric invited BiH Minister for Refugees and Human Rights Kebo to reconsider his resignation from Srebrenica Foundation Steering Board


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Reis Mustafa Ceric wavered minister?’ by Avdo Avdic – The members of the Srebrenica Foundation Steering Board and leader of the Islamic Community in BiH, Mustafa effendi Ceric,stated he has not accepted resignation of the BiH Mister for Refugees and Human Rights, Mirsad Kebo, from his membership in the Board. Kebo submitted irrevocable resignation month and a half ago, noting that such move would enable someone from Srebrenica to actually enter the Foundation. Kebo stated that he cares about Ceric’s opinion and that he is going to meet him and reconsider his decision. Article also carries statements of Srebrenica Intellectuals Club President Ilijaz Pilav, Srebrenica Mothers President Hajra Catic and Srebrenica Municipality Assembly Co-Chair Sadik Ahmetovic, all assessing Kebo should resign and have Srebrenica person instead. “We are especially worried with the announced that the OHR is to leave the Foundation soon. I believe that before OHR withdraws, there must be someone from Srebrenica in the management structures in the Srebrenica Foundation,” concluded Pilav. 

President of BiH Commission for refugees Marinovic accuses SDA of abusing return funds for sake of election campaign


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Tihic is buying votes through budget’, by Dejan Jazvic – the President of BiH Commission for refugees and DPs, Ivica Marinovic, openly accuses the state and entity ministers for refugees, Mirsad Kebo, Omer Brankovic and Edin Music, of undermining the Commission since it failed to meet in last two months. Marinovic points the finger at the ministers’ party leader, Sulejman Tihic (SDA), saying Tihic does not want to appoint Brankovic to the Commission, arguing that the SDA in fact does not want to sign agreement that would merge entity and state funds, which would co-finance projects supported by the IC. By doing this, says Marinovic, the SDA wants to maintain control over the funds and re-route them towards area that can be of interest to the SDA in the pre-election campaign.

Association ‘Choice is ours’ organizes petition for separation of RS from BiH, 42000 signatures collected


Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Signatures for separation from RS’, not signed – Association of citizens ‘Choice is ours’ organized at Doboj on Monday collecting of signatures the aim of which is to separate the RS from BiH. According to the Association President, Dane Cankovic, Monday’s collecting of signatures is continuation of last year’s action when 3.857 citizens of Doboj signed the initiative, adding that in total more than 42.000 citizens of the RS signed the initiative.


Security and judiciary

BiH Security Minister Colak: Commission for audit of citizenships works hard to carry out revision of 1500 citizenships in six months







RTRS by Sladjana Jasarevic- BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak stated that this Ministry “works hard” on carrying out the audit of the citizenships granted in BiH. Commission for audit of citizenships in BiH has six months deadline to check 1500 citizenships that were granted to foreigners in period April 6 1992 to January 1 2006. This audit refers to persons that did not have SFRJ [Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia] citizenship. Illegal citizenships will be taken away and holder would be deported. Imad Al Huseini, known as Abu Hamza said that they will use all resources in order not to be deported, stressing he doubts impartiality of the audit process. SIPA, OSA, BiH Ministry of Security and FBiH Ministry of Interior informed that police would act in accordance with decisions brought by the Commission. BiH Prosecution is informed about Abu Hamza’s threats and Zoran Tesanovic, Deputy BiH Minister of Civil Affairs said that there is no reason that Commission stops its work under pressures. Commission did not give any comment except that works in accordance with Law. PINK- Colak said that terrorism presents world threat and that BiH is endangered as all other countries. “I am convinced that in contrast to earlier two tries, this job will be completed now on good quality way. I believe that audit will include all citizenships that are under suspicion of being illegally obtained. I expect citizenships to be taken away as well as deportation of holders”, said Colak. Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Illegal citizenships will be taken away’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Serious audit’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘There is no Al Qaeda in our state’ by N.D – also carried.

BiH Justice Minister Kovac: BiH courts have million of unsolved cases and that is what associations with EU depends


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Million of unsolved cases obstacle to the EU as well’ by S.Skuletic– In statement for DA, BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac said that Ministry can’t ignore the fact that there is over a million of unsolved cases in BiH, because “entrance to the Europe depends on that”. Kovac further said that over of 60% the cases in courts should be dealt with by the agencies or services, which would deal with unpaid utility bills. Commenting the recent Donors’ Conference at which about 7.7 million euros was gathered for judicial reform, Kovac said that he expected more, since total amount of 60 million euros is necessary for the reform. “It is up to Adnan Terzic, Chair of the Council of Ministers, now. He would send invitations to Ambassadors of countries, which are potential donors, for continuance of the conference…” said Kovac, adding that the HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling has announced participation at the meeting scheduled for 17 May. Inset ‘To process crimes in countries they were committed in’- Kovac said that BiH is still advocating for war crimes to be processed in countries they were committed.


Economic issues

ITA Director Causevic: Incomes and export in increase, import reduces


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Incomes and export still increasing, import decreased by three per cent’ by T.L. – Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] Director Kemal Causevic stated for daily that in the first quarter of this year BiH export has increased by 42%, comparing to the same period last year, while the import decreased by 3%. He explained that this means that the heaviest burden for BiH economy, foreign trade deficit, was also decreased. Causevic also stressed that taxation income was increased by 20% comparing to the same period last year.

BiH HoR Comm. to discuss first effects of VAT, changes proposed by SBiH, SNSD on 17 May


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Belkic: we would not back down from exempting of young people of VAT when buying first apartment’ by Fena – SBiH deputies in BiH House of Representatives have submitted a proposal of the Law, according to which young people [20-35 years] would be exempted of VAT when purchasing first apartment. Even though ITA has rejected the proposal, SBiH’s Beriz Belkic said as this is about young people the party would not give up on it. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Stance on VAT missing due to lack of quorum’ by A.T.– The BiH HoR Commission for Finance and Budget did not hold the session on Monday after four its members haven’t showed up. The Commission was supposed to discuss first VAT effects and SBiH’s proposal, as well as the demands by SNSD’ Nikola Spiric to exempt basic groceries from the VAT. Commission would discuss these issues on May 17.