
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 9/1/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 9 January


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Inspectors start controls in FBiH

Casevic: VAT without problems

Bird flu inTurkey

FBiH TA collected 10% more taxes

Assassin on Pope John Paul out

World News

TV news broadcast on 8 January


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Prices to be monitored in FBiH

Witness in Abazovic case

New cases of avian flu in Turkey

Possible strake in Srednja Bosna

RS MoI on EUFOR action in Rogatica

SNSD, Cavic on RS Government

Matijasevic on Abazovic’s arrest

RS MoI priorities in 2006

Bank robbery in Sarajevo

Regional News

Feature on import and export in BIH

Police inefficiency in HNK


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Turajlic’s death anniversary marked

5 new plants to be opened in Zenica

Crisis in RS Government

BiH PoW on war crimes trials

Reception on the occasion of RS Day

RS MoI results

Kilibarda, non wanted persona

RS Helsinki Committee on Kilibarda

RS day marked in Brcko

Matijasevic on Abazovic’s arrest

13th anniversary of Turajlic’s murder

Xmas reception



[Reis Ceric] To put things in Islamic Community in its proper place

Dnevni Avaz

[Reis Ceric] Europe must open itself towards Muslims

Dnevni List

Distributors importing bad fuel?!

Vecernji List

Thousands of inspectors in actions because of VAT

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines

Nezavisne Novine

Nobody knows what to do

Glas Srpske

Glas Srpske was not issued today due to Orthodox Christmas


Witness: they started shooting immediately [report on EUFOR action in Rogatica]

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related titles


[Reis Ceric] To put things in Islamic Community in its proper place



Cavusevic presents first VAT results, says no problems occur





BH Radio 1 by Mili Papic– Director of Indirect Tax Administration, Kemal Causevic told press conference in Mostar that at least 3,5 billion KM would be collected on the single account untill end of this year. Causevic presented the results of the first week of VAT application in BiH stating that no problems in implementation of the VAT Law have occurred. He also stressed that there were not technical problems with import. Deputy ITA Director in cha4rge of taxation affairs, Dinko Corluka, told that BiH has approximately 32.000 registered VAT payers. Corluka admitted that some problems have occurred at the beginning with merchants being confused about a method of calculating the prices now including the VAT. They emphasized that inspectors would start price monitoring soon, and would undergo training organized by EC.

FBiH Tax Admin. collects 269 million KM more than previous year

BH Radio 1 – Director of the FBiH Tax Administration, Midhat Arifovic, confirmed this institution has collected 10% or 269 million KM more of public revenues in 2005 in comparison to the previous year.


Political developments

SNSD announces launching vote of no-confidence to the RS Government; VN int with Dodik: I am willing to assume duties of RS PM-designate









BHT1 by Zorica Lolic – In the next few days, the SNSD will launch the initiative of a vote of no confidence to the RS Government. Party’s leader Milorad Dodik confirmed that SNSD has already collected enough signatures for the start of procedure. “We will put it on the agenda, and we will vote for no-confidence in the Government. Who else would vote? I have no idea. It’s up to other political parties to decide. We are not asking anyone to vote no-confidence,” said Dodik. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Milorad Dodik is not making arrangements with parties – Dodik added the SNSD has no concrete deals with other parties on how the new Government would be elected. Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘I will be new Prime Minister’ by Dubravka Vujanovic – in a page-long interview to VN, Dodik says RS is facing election of new Government and adds RS President must decide who he would appoint PM designate. He notes he would be interested to accept this duty only if he got the support to introduce radical changes in RS, reiterating the stance on the necessity of revision of privatisation, dismissals of people close to MoI who are involved in criminal activities etc. He says possible future partners of SNSD are SDP and PDP and he notes he does not think the overthrowing of RS Government would aggravate the position of RS in talks on constitutional changes. With regard to constitutional changes, Dodik thinks BiH is not ready to have a single president because such a position would only cause new tensions to occur. He also opposed the lawsuit of BiH against SiCG by saying at least half of BiH thinks Serbia was not acting as an aggressor, he noted Croatian troops were present in BiH too and he wondered: ‘How is it possible that nobody had raised the issue of Croatian aggression in BiH’.

Cavic: ‘No reason for removal of the Government’/ PDP’s position not yet certain


BHT1 by Zorica Lolic  – With regard to the SNSD’s announcements on launching the vote of no-confidence to the RS Government, the BHT reporter commented that it is still uncertain what would PDP do. “If SDA wants to preserve current Council of Ministers, then they will certainly find a solution with SDS. If they don’t care about the CoM, then there will probably be no solution”, commented PDP leader Mladen Ivanic of the SDA politics. RS National Assembly Speaker Dusan Stojicic commented that the procedure of eventual shifts in the RS Government would last too long. “Without SDA, SDP and Party for BiH, there will be no parliamentary majority either vote no-confidence in a Government, or to elect the new [Govt]”, reiterated Stojicic. At the same time, RS President Dragan Cavic stated that he has no reason to impeach Government led by Pero Bukejlovic. RTRS – RS President Cavic feels that it would be a bad idea to dismiss the current Government. “PDP has caused this crisis and if they were men enough to start this process than they should be men enough to solve it,” stated Cavic. Ivanicon the other hand stated that PDP would support the initiative for dismissal of Government. “Mr. Cavic hasn’t got the right to call someone a guilty party”, stated Ivanic.  Stojicic added he has not yet officially received the announced SNSD initiative for launching a vote of no confidence to Government He added that the ruling party is trying to shift blame by accusing other parties. Reporter concludes that it seems that it is up to Bosniak parties to resolve the crisis in RS. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘I have no reason to dismiss RS Government’ by V. Popovic, inset ‘Session of SDS Presidency tomorrow’ – RS President Dragan Cavic confirmed that SDS Presidency would on Tuesday discuss the crisis at RS authorities and constitutional changes in BiH. Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘I am not dismissing RS Government’ by Dj. T. – carries Cavic.  EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Dragan Cavic: No reason’, announced on cover ‘Cavic: No reason for removal of the Government’ not signed – carries Cavic, Stojicic. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Milorad Dodik is not making arrangements with parties, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘I have no reason to dismiss RS Government’ by V. Popovic – carries statements of Cavic, Dodik and Stojicic re crisis at RS Government. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘RSNA Speaker Dusan Stojicic: RSNA hasn’t received SNSD’s initiative’ – carries Stojicic.

Int with Reis Ceric: Europe must open to Muslims/ most important thing Ashdown did is raising Srebrenica issue


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Europe must open towards Muslims’, pgs 4-5 ‘It is hypocrisy to fear BiH in which Muslim are relative majority’ by Husein Orahovac – In an interview to DA on the occasion of Eid, leader of Islamic Community in BiH mufti Mustafa effendi Ceric stated he was satisfied with the reactions and acceptance on his ‘Declaration of European Muslims’ in the Western world. The purpose of Declaration is to open the process of institutionalisation of Islam in Europe, which is a very realistic demand, stated Ceric, adding that present situations has been unsustainable for both Europe and its Muslims. Speaking of present status of Muslims in EU, Ceric commented that in order for institutionalisation of Islam to occur within EU borders, it is necessary for Europe to get rid of fear from “political Islam”. With the regarding coming elections, Ceric said that Islamic Community in BiH would support any party respecting Islam and working to strength the state, adding that the Community closely monitors the talks on the constitutional changes. At the end, Ceric assess the mandate of the outgoing High Representative Paddy Ashdown as positive, adding that among a number of important things Ashdown did for BiH the most important was to raise an issue of Srebrenica. Oslobodjenje cover page splash ‘Put things in its place in Islamic Community’ pg 4 and 5 ‘Islamic Community is our most secure spiritual frame’ by Sefko Hodzic – In Eid interview for daily, Ceric speaks on Islamic Community.

New HR, Schwarz-Schilling, to begin assuming his duties in the course of this week

Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Schwarz-Schilling begins to assume duties’ by M. CubroChristian Schwarz-Schilling, the new High Representative, on Sunday confirmed he would begin assuming duties from Paddy Ashdown in the course of this week. He did not want to speak about priorities in his work until he officially assumed the duties on January 31.

SD on change of HR: CSS bringing his people, possible changes in BiH CoM too


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 15 ‘German ‘broom’ for Lord’s men’, by Zlatko Tulic – Writing about the changeover in the OHR between the outgoing and incoming High Representative, Paddy Ashdown and Christian Schwarz-Schilling respectively, SD claims to have learned from diplomatic circles that there will be important changes in the leadership of the OHR since the new head of political department of the OHR will be a German diplomat, Dieter Ruge, who had been working in past few years in the German embassy in London as political advisor. SD also writes that another German diplomat, Dieter Wolkewitz, who used to work for OSCE in BiH, will become the new HR’s chief advisor. SD goes on to say that the new shuffles in the OHR are clearly denying all the stories that have been planted by the British intelligence that CSS is old and senile, the aim of which was to discredit the new HR. SD also notes that the word in Sarajevo is that when Ashdown leaves, there will also be changes in the BiH CoM. SD claims to have learned from circles close to the SDA that Bakir Izetbegovic could be soon replacing Adnan Terzic.

Lozancic to appoint new FBiH Minister of Energy by mid January


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Minister of Industry by mid January’ mentioned on cover by A.Avdic – FBiH President Niko Lozancic said he would appoint new FBiH Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry by mid January. Lozancic added that in the next few days the consultation on appointing Vahid Heco to the position previously occupied by Izet Zigic [who resigned over Energopetrol co-capitalization case]. FBiH President explains he did not accept Zigic resignation earlier because FBiH Government “could not work at the time when the budget and some important laws were in the procedure of being adopted.” Lozancic denied accusations by the SBiH [both Zigic and Heco are members of this party] who said he was delaying an appointment because HDZ wanted the position for its own candidate. SBiH said it would not support the proposed 2006 FBiH budget as long as Heco is not appointed.

Avaz: FBiH Ministry of Energy and Industry completed the move to Mostar

Dnevni Avaz (Saturday), pg 13 ‘Federation Ministry of Energy moved to Mostar’, by M. K. – Notes that the FBiH Ministry of Energy and Industry has completed the move from Sarajevo to Mostar. The Ministry’s documents were transported from Sarajevo on Friday and the Ministry should start working in the new building on Monday.

Prominent member of HDZ Valjan criticizes Covic over way of running of HDZ


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 15 ‘Big leader of HDZ Covic is striking fear into bones’, by Zvonimir Cilic – Carries a prominent member of HDZ from central Bosnia, the Speaker of Central Bosnia Canton Assembly, Velimir Valjan, who heavily criticizes the HDZ President, Dragan Covic, over his way of running the HDZ. Valjan notes that he asked from Covic during the last session of the HDZ Main Board to discuss the issue of expulsions from the party, however Covic managed to avoid the discussion. Valjan reckons this could have a bad effect on the position of the Croat side in the constitutional reforms talks and ultimately the bad outcome from the Croats in BiH.

DL op-ed on HDZ: Disgrace of Croat people, position of Croats weakened


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Big disgrace of Croat people’, by Arijana Beus – Commenting on recent events within the HDZ (physical removal of Martin Raguz from session of HDZ Main Board) and series of statements that followed, Beus, without taking anyone’s side, says the events clearly show the damage that is being done to the party and the Croat people in BiH in general amid the negotiations on constitutional changes. Beus also notes that the HDZ leader Dragan Covic does not have the backing of the HDZ MPs, which shows the disunity of the party, underlining that the most problematic issues in the whole scheme is that the inter-party problems are being solved through force, which is something that cannot be used during the constitutional reforms talks.

Former HR Petritsch: Entire Balkans has to be given clear perspective of EU integrations


Dnevni Avaz pg 17 ‘EU has great responsibility for solving Kosovo status’ not signed – Austrian Ambassador to the UN in Genevaand former High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch stated on Sunday that EU has great responsibility and interest in solving status of Kosovo, adding its position has influence in entire Balkans region. He added that EU has to make special efforts, and to create clear and solid perspective of EU integrations for all Balkans countries. 


Economic issues

VL announces VAT related inspections in FBiH, zero VAT rate to be introduced in mid 2006?




Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Thousands of inspectors in actions because of VAT’ and pg 3 ‘Inspections of VAT’, by Zdenko Jurilj – Announces that inspectors in the FBIH will start ‘doing rounds’ on Monday in order to check whether the VAT-related legislation is being abided by. (for more details see OHR Media Round-up, January 7). On top of this, the article comments on the statement by the Chairman of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic, that a zero VAT rate could be introduced in 2-3 three months time (for more details see OHR Media Round-up, January 7). VL learns from conversations with Terzic’s ‘political colleagues’ that Terzic’s statement was in fact a statement aimed at encouraging poorer categories of people. However, VL learns from sources close to the ruling parties that a zero VAT rate on some basic provisions could be introduced in mid 2006. Allegedly, such scenario was devised earlier. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14 ‘Fines of 1000 KMs for steep prices’, by Emil Karamatic, Dnevni List, pg 37 ‘Inspectors hunting down VAT profiteers’, by Zeljko Marijanovic – also announce inspections in FBiH

Tuzla Economy Faculty Dean: It is not realistic to install new VAT tax rate only after three months


Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘New tax rate is not realistic three months after VAT instalment’ mentioned on cover by M.K.S. – BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic stated that it is possible to consider new VAT rate if BiH citizens would face great economic problems. Commenting Terzic’s statement, Tuzla Economy Faculty Dean Kadrija Hodzic said that this proposal is not is not realistic, adding that if there were such intentions it should have been done from the very beginning. Hodzic added that merchants are totally unprepared for VAT instalment.

BH Commission rejected proposal of BiH institutions’ budget for 2006; Majkic (MP, SNSD) warns of dubious budget expenses


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Adoption of budget of BH institutions is in question’ by N.Krsman – Daily notes it is most likely that the budget of the BiH institutions for 2006 will not be adopted at the session of the BiH HoR scheduled for 16 January, carrying the statement of Ljiljana Milicevic, SDS delegate and President of the BiH Commission for Budget and Finances, who said “SDS will not vote for this budget”. Dusanka Majkic SNSD delegate at the Commission said she did not vote for budget at Commission session either. Momcilo Novakovic, Head of SDS Caucus at the BH Parliament, claims SDS would not vote for budget proposal even if some omissions in proposal were removed. Beriz Belkic S BiH delegate at the commission, voted for the budget, noting many amendments filed represented an expression of unjustified wishes and restricted possibilities. Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘2,6 million KMs planned for non-existing employees’, by Danka Polovina-MandicMajkic, warns that an amount of 2,6 million KMs of the 2006 budget of BiH institutions has been allocated for an unknown number of employees with the Service for issues with foreign nationals. DL notes that ‘to make the situation even more absurd’, there are no plans to hire staff to aforementioned Service in 2006.

Oil distributors from FBiH suspect that some petrol stations in RS are importing bad, cheaper fuel

Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Distributors importing bad fuel?!’, by M. Zorlak – The leader of Section of oil and oil derivatives distributors, Muhidin Alic, suspects that some owners of petrol stations in the RS are importing bad fuel (with extra sulphur) the result of which is cheaper prices of fuel at some petrol stations in the RS between 8-10 fenings a litre.

NN op-ed criticizes ignoring of citizens’ opinion in reaching important decisions


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Subjects’ by Sead Fetahagic – The author notes population in BiH was taught to be obedient and, while politicians are talking about democracy they (politicians) are not even asking citizens about their opinion. Furthermore, they are even reaching decisions that are detrimental for citizens. He also notes that VAT introduction is an obvious example of arrogance of ruling circles – from Adnan Terzic to delegates who have supported such a “crooked” law and he adds even half of the CoM employees do not know what VAT is and what kind of an impact it would have.


War crimes

RS MoI shocked with EUFOR action in Rogatica




PINK– RS Interior Ministry expressed its shock with the EUFOR action in Rogatica during which Rada Abazovic, a wife of war crimes suspect, was killed. Abazovic died due to injuries sustained in an attempt of arresting her husband. RS MoI Darko Matijasevic stated in Banja Luka on Sunday that EUFOR must know that police actions in BIH must be coordinated with police institutions. “We will carry out energetic discussions after we gather enough elements and finish our investigation”, stated Matijasevic. RHB, Hayat, RTRS, Vecernje Novosti pg 10 ‘Minister was shocked’ by Sl. P.– also carried Matijasevic’s reaction.

Matijasevic: EUFOR action wasn’t conducted professionally; No information on whereabouts of Karadzic and Mladic


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Matijasevic: EUFOR action wasn’t conducted professionally’- Commenting EUFOR action in Rogatica, RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic stated: “From the stance of Minister of Interior this action can’t be interpreted as professionally conducted.”  Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘All indictees have to go to The Hague’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘No information on whereabouts of Karadzic and Mladic in RS’ by V.P. Darko Matijasevic, RS MoI, Sunday in Banja Luka stated that the RS MoI still has no relevant information that anybody from the public list of indictees, including Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, is in the RS, noting: “It means we must pledge extra-efforts to have cooperation with the ICTY at the satisfactory level, while in practise it means persons from the ICTY lsit must be in The Hague.” On this, he stressed the importance of the regional cooperation, most of all with SiCG.

NN: ‘eyewitness claims EUFOR shot first’


PINK – An eyewitness to the murder of Rada Abazovic, Milka Cvjetic stated for Nezavisne Novine thatEUFOR soldiers fired first shots. Cvjetic confirmed that EUFOR soldiers fired first and without a warning thus denying EUFOR’s earlier report by which Rada fired at them. EUFOR issued a statement stating that the shooting incident occurred after Abazovic tried to escape when he noticed EUFOR while his wife and son opened the fire at the EUFOR Officer and his interpreter

RS Helsinki Committee joins protests against Kilibarda’s appointment in SCG Embassy in BiH

RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘He was creator of crimes in BiH’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Investigate war history of Novak Kilibarda’- RS Helsinki Committee expressed support for the demands by the Student organizations and other NGOs in BIH and SCG to declare advisor in the SCG Embassy in BiH Novak Kilibarda as persona non-gratae. The demands were filed after the SCH Fund for Humanitarian Law warned that Kilibarda was close associate of Radovan Karadzic and great supporter of his politics. RS Helsinki Committee feels that Kilibarda was not just a common soldier in the war but rather a loud instigator of crimes committed in BIH. Hayat, FTV– also carried the statement. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Kilibarda should be tried with other criminals’ not signed – The veterans organization of former BiH Army, “Green Berets”, stating that Kilibarda should be processed together with other war criminals before BiH Court. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Kilibarda should be tried with war criminals’ Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Disputable medals’ not signed – carry statements of several organizations from SiCG, BiH, including Helsinki Committee, all demanding Kilibarda’s departure from Sarajevo.


Police, defence, crime 

Matijasevic on RS MoI priorities for 20006: tackling organized crime, corruption, ICTY cooperation, police reform






PINK – On the occasion of marking the RS Day, RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic stated that priorities of the RS MoI in 2006 would be to intensify the fight against terrorism, organised crime, corruption and to improve cooperation with ICTY. When it comes to police reform, Matijasevic expressed hope that the process would be carried out in accordance with the European standards, especially when it comes to the RS constitutional position. He stressed once again that issue of ICTY cooperation must be at the level that satisfies the international community. “All persons from the ICTY list must be in the Hague, stated Matijasevic. The RS President Dragan Cavic stressed that RS MoI achieved better results in 2005 than in all previous years despite numerous pressures. As for the defence reforms, BIH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic stated that BIH needs a defence system that is transparent and structured in accordance with everyone’s interest. RTRS, FTV, RHB– also carry similar reports. EuroBlic RSpg2 ‘First institutions then everything else’ by Zeljka Knezevic-SRNA, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘BH Armed Forces are protecting entities citizens as well’ V.Popovic, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Cooperation with The Hague a priority’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Day of Republika Srpska marked’, not signed

NN: Nobody in BiH Defense Ministry and Armed Forces knows what to do


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 6 ‘Nobody knows what to do’ by D. Risojevic and N. Krsman – BiH Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces started working on January 1 and the article reads confusion is noticeable both in Banja Luka and Sarajevo offices. Employees of former F BiH Ministry of Defense say they are only archiving documents, but they are facing quite a bizarre problem – when they needs to dispose papers there are no cleaning workers because F BiH joint services have withdrew their cleaning workers from posts in defense structures.

VL warns of smuggling of weapons from BiH


Vecernji List, pgs 4-5 ‘Terrorists are being armed from BiH’, mentioned on front ‘terrorists are being armed from military warehouses in BiH’, by Zdenko Jurilj – The article is warning of several cases of breaking into military warehouses in BiH in 2005 when several thousand of weapons and explosives were stolen and never recovered. The article also warns that in several raids conducted worldwide, arrestees had weapons that were smuggled out of BiH.

DA reports: Jelavic lives quietly in Croatia where no one is looking after him


Dnevni Avaz pg 2, ‘Ante Jelavic lives quietly in Croatia with no one looking for him’, mentioned on cover, by F.Vele – Former member of BiH Presidency and HDZ leader Ante Jelavic, sentenced to 10 years in prison by the BiH Court after found guilty in the Hercegovacka Bank case, lives quietly in Croatia, reports DA. The spokesman for the Croatian Interior Ministry Zlatko Mehun stated that Croatian police has never been looking after Jelavic, adding that, although it wouldn’t have any effect, an official warrant has never came from BiH. DA reports that SIPA and BiH Court have no official information on Jelavic’s whereabouts.

RTRS feature on controlling border crossings in BiH

RTRS by Dragana Knezevic – RTRS comments that large number of border crossings in BIH is without control. Deputy in BIH House of Peoples Osman Brka stated that according to official information border in BIH could be crossed at 430 places without control. State Border Service Director Vinko Dumancic claims that the SBS controls the entire border. Brka on the other hand says that in one border crossing about 200 tons of livestock enters BIH on daily basis. Dumancic says that control of the 800 KM of border with Croatia and SCG is questionable as its is on the water. Brka feels that more serious action of SBS officials is necessary. SBS claims that the entire border is covered and reminds that details of police tactics are not divulged in the public. Dumancic reminds that SBS had excellent results in 2005. He adds that better results could be expected in 2006 since it will employ additional 500 people.


Constitutional talks

Motehrs of Srebrenica: Talks on constitutional changes to damage BiH lawsuit against SCG




FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Negotiations on Constitution to damage of lawsuit in The Hague’, Dnevni Avaz pg2 ‘Negotiations on Constitution are damaging BiH’s lawsuit against SCG’, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Constitutional changes will be detrimental for lawsuit against SiCG’ by Agencies, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Negotiations on Constitution are moral disaster’, by ra– Citizens’ Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje” addressed an open letter with regard to the constitutional changes in BiH, warning that the main debate before the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the BiH lawsuit against SCG starts in February and that all negotiations are damaging this lawsuit. In its public announcement, the Association declares that the negotiations in Dayton and Paris have produced a “legal Nazi creation called Dayton BiH” instead of the democratic Republic of BiH. The Association deems that “Nazism cannot be negotiated, because every continuation of negotiations behind the closed doors on Nazi basis leads to strengthening of the Nazi project”.

SDU leader Avdic: BiH Gov, one President and strong BiH Parliament is not enough for sustainable BiH


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Concept of talks on constitutional changes is wrong’ mentioned on cover by S.N. – SDU leader Sead Avdic said that the Constitution by which all the decisions have to be agreed by two entities and Brcko District is unacceptable. Avdic stated this would mean that any decision would be conditioned by the will of an entity or the District. Creating BiH Government, institution of one President and strengthening BiH Parliament would be signs of progress, comments Avdic, adding that these steps are not sufficient for BiH to become self sustainable and politically stabile.

Cavic: BiH without RS unacceptable for Serbs


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Majority which brings down the RS Government has to offer a Prime Minister designate’- RS President Dragan Cavic repeated that the RSNA majority could vote no confidence to the RS Government, under condition to elect the new Government afterwards. “If there is majority only for replacement, but not for election of new Government then we are going into an agony,” stated Cavic. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Society accepts the budget, while the RSNA is brining it down’ – Cavic believes that opposition’s arguments for no-confidence vote to the RS Government, after the budget was rejected, can’t hold on and aren’t sincere. “Now we have came into an absurd situation that society is accepting the budget and the RSNA doesn’t,” stressed Cavic.

RS NGOs: RS cannot disappear

RTRS by Marina Marjanovic – RTRS comments that the NGO sector in the RS has been discouraged with reforms of the defence and police sectors. Chair of the RS Veterans organisation Savo Cvjetinovic stated that RS seems to be losing its authorities with every year. Chair of RS Prisoners of War Association Branislav Dukic stated that one must admit that RS is a part of BIH and added that RS would never disappear as an entity.