
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 8/7/2005



Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 8 July


(12,00 hrs)


(12,00 hrs)

London : 52 dead so far

Srebrenica March

London tube up and running

DRC in session

Meeting of Catholic associations

London terrorists attacks


TV news broadcast on 7 July


(18,00 hrs)


(18,00 hrs)


(19,00 hrs)

Terrorist attacks in London

Terrorist attacks in London

Terrorist attacks in London

BIH on London terrorist attacks

Reactions on Londonbombings

NATO detained Karadzic’s son

Oil prices drop

No info about BiH citizens in London

Potocari case update

NATO arrests Karadzic’s son

Karadzic’s son detained

RS delegation in Srebrenica

NTV Hayat

(19,00 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)


(19,30 hrs)


Terrorist attacks in London

Terrorist attacks in London

Reactions on Londonbombings

Rycroft condemns attacks in London

BIH on London terrorist attacks

BiH doctors ready to go to London

No data on BiH citizens in London

NATO arrests Karadzic’s son

Karadzic’s son detained

World leaders on attacks in London

SIPA on Potocari explosives



Terrorist attack in London , hundreds of victims

Dnevni Avaz

Barbarian crime [ London terrorist attacks]

Dnevni List

London under attack

Vecernji List

Al Qa’ida: Panic and death in London

Slobodna Dalmacija

London targeted by terrorists

Nezavisne Novine

Al Qaida carried out a series of terrorists attacks against London

Glas Srpske

The trade mark of Al Qaida


Bloody day in London

Vecernje novosti

Al Qaida hit London

Srpski Nacional

Kidnapping [of Sasa Karadzic]

Slobodna Bosna

Adnan alike Mladic, EUFOR alike UNPROFOR


Ten years of solitude [on Srebrenica anniversary]




‘March of Death-way to freedom’ started


RHB – The ‘March of death – way to freedom’ to Srebrenica and Potocari started this morning at 0700 hrs. Some 1000 people have started the march. RTRS – RS MoI provides escort to March participants

Jelavic trials in ‘Croat self-rule’ case postponed


RHB – Trials to Ante Jelavic in the ‘Croat self-rule’ case before the BiH Court , which was to take place today, has been postponed for September 30, because Jelavic is busy with the trials in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case

Search after missing persons in Dariva locality halts

RTRS – The RS Office for search after missing persons will today halt search at the locality of Dariva in Sarajevo, since the original information on mass grave of Sarajevo Serbs at this location proved to be false, stated Milan Bogdanic, Office Director.



Terrorist attacks in London

Terrorists attacks rock London


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pgs 26-28 ‘Barbaric crime’, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 15-16  ‘Terrorist attack in London, hundreds of victims’, Dnevni list cover splash ‘London under attack’, Vecernji list ‘Al Qa’ida: Panic and death in London’, Slobodna Dalmacija cover splash ‘London targeted by terrorists’,Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘The trade mark of Al Qaida’, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Al Qaida carried out a series of terrorists attacks against London’ and pgs 2-3 by Agencies, EuroBlic cover pg splash, pgs 8-9 ‘Bloody day in London’, Vecernje Novosti coverpg splash and pgs 24-25 ‘Al Qaida hit London’ – All newspapers [except Srpski Nacional] and eletronic media featured London blasts as their top/cover splash story. They carry that the world leaders and organisations, including BiH Council of Ministers, strongly condemn the terrorist attacks that killed 37 and injured over 700 people in London [total casualties by morning, 8 July].

BiH authorities condemn attacks


RHB, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Ivanic condemned attacks in London’ by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Harsh condemnation of terrorism in London’ by D. Pasic, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Terzic condemned attacks in London’ not signed– BIH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic commented in a statement for RHB that this attack was similar to the one that occurred in Madrid last year adding it is significant that the attack happened during the meeting of G8 group that is being held in Scotland. Ivanic concluded that terrorism is the greatest evil of modern civilisation and is making everyone to stand firm in fight against terrorist.

BHT 1, FTV – “Terrorist won’t win,” stated British Ambassador in BiH, Matthew Rycroft, “Thursday’s bomb attacks won’t weaken our intentions to support principles on which our society is based and to defeat those who want to intrude fanaticism and extremism,” he said.  Hayat, FTV – BiH Presidency Chair Ivo Miro Jovic, as well as the Council of Ministers has addressed a telegram of condolences to the British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

No reports on injured BiH citizens

RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic – BIH Ambassador in London Tanja Milasinovic has no information on possible BIH casualties in the terrorist attacks that took place in London on Thursday. Milasinovic stated over the telephone that they will have more detailed information on Friday. FTV – “We were all day in contact with the official institutions in London, trying to get some information on BiH citizens. We are contacting police, hospitals in order to find out any details” said Milasinovic.



NATO arrests Sasa Karadzic

NATO arrests Sasa Karadzic; Karadzic’s family outraged


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘NATO arrested Sasa Karadzic’, mentioned on cover, by Aj. Delic – The son of ICTY indictee Radovan Karadzic, Sasa Karadzic, was apprehended by NATO on Thursday morning at his apartment in Pale, under suspicion for supporting the persons indicted for war crimes. DA article features his sister, Sonja Karadzic, stating that NATO has set up her brother later taking him away in direction of North with the helicopter. She confirmed that he contacted family several hours after apprehension by phone. Article carries comment by Karadzic’s brother, Luka Karadzic, urging Radovan never to surrender and expressing fear that both him and his son will be killed. RTRS, RHB, BHT1, Hayat, PINK, Oslobodjneje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘NATO arrested Sasa Karadzic’ by Antonio Prlenda – all reported on arrest. Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Sasa Karadzic arrested’, mentioned on cover ‘Karadzic’s son arrested in Pale’ by I. Glibusic, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘I wish all worst to enemies’ by dja, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 ‘Sonja Karadzic: My brother was kidnapped!’ by Z. Sagolj – all carried statements by Sonja Karadzic. Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Radovan must not turn himself in’ not signed  – carry Luka Karadzic. FTV wrongly reported EUFOR carried out arrest. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘He offered juice – got hand-cuffs’ by S.Sekara-S.R.Todorovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Son of Radovan Karadzic arersted’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic pgs 4-5 ‘NATO took away son of Radovan Karadzic’ by D.Stankovic-D.Vukelic, Vecernje Novosti pg 23, announced on cover ‘Karadzic’s son arrested on deceit’, Srpski Nacional cover pg splash ‘Kidnapping’ by U.Mrdic – also covers. 

NATO Commander, Schook: ‘We think [Sasa] has important information on his father’


BHT1, RTRS, PINK, FTV, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘We think he has important information on his father’ by Aj.D., Oslobodjneje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘NATO arrested Sasa Karadzic’ by Antonio Prlenda, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Sasa Karadzic arrested’, mentioned on cover Karadzic’s son arrested in Pale’ by I. Glibusic, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Sasa Karadzic arrested’, mentioned on cover ‘Karadzic’s son Sasa arrested in Pale’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9, mentioned on cover ‘NATO arrested son of Radovan Karadzic’ by A. Macanovic – Commander of the NATO HQ, General Steven Schook, on Thursday told a press conference that the apprehension of Aleksandar Sasa Karadzic, the son of Radovan Karadzic, was in accordance with the NATO’s mandate, adding it had nothing to do with the marking of the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre. Schook explained that this apprehension is  “a result of significant efforts over the past two months to apprehend the remaining persons indicted for war crimes, including the searches of houses of Radovan Karadzic’s relatives in Serbia and Montenegro.” General adds that NATO has not informed the RS MoI in order to ensure ‘operational security’, and concluded he doesn’t know when will Sasa be released. RHB – NATO said Aleksandar is at a safe location and that he will be treated fairly with Red Cross representatives allowed to visit him.

Solana supports Sasa Karadzic’s detention

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Solana supports operation in Pale’ – Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, expressed his full support for the detention of the suspected Indicted for War Crimes (PIFWC) supporter Aleksandar “Sasa” Karadzic who is one of the persons on a list of individuals subjected to an EU visa ban. “I fully support the action taken by.. [NATO] in BiH detaining the suspected PIFWC supporter Aleksandar “Sasa” Karadzic. All those indicted by the ICTY have to be in the Hague in front of the tribunal where they will stand a fair trial. In BiH as well as in all the Balkans region there can be no reconciliation without justice”, Solana said.



Explosive in Potocari / Srebrenica anniversary

SIPA detains two persons suspected of planting explosive in Potocari


PINK, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Hayat, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘2 persons arrested with regard to Potocari case’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Another 2 persons brought in’ by emEmir Kreho, head of the criminal office at the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), said that two persons were detained on Thursday over the explosives found near the Srebrenica memorial in Potocari. At a news conference held in Sarajevo, Kreho did not want to reveal the identity of these two persons. Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘SIPA confirms two persons were arrested’ – According to Avaz, these are Neskovic and Petrovic.

Media speculate Sreten Neskovic, weapons smuggler, detained


Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘2 suspects released’ by M. Herceg – The RS Police brought in Bratunac on Thursday Sreten Neskovic, who is well known to the police as a smuggler of explosive. SD says that Neskovic was still in the police station Bratunac on Thursday afternoon, although the competent authorities did not want to confirm this information. Oslobodjenje pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Sreten Neskovic arrested in Bratunac’ – Daily also carry that according to the source close to RS MoI, Sreten Neskovic was arrested in Bijeljina. Neskovic was arrested in 2002 in Belgrade for smuggling weapons. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Sreten Neskovic detained in Bratunac’, announced on cover Sreten Neskovic detained over placement of explosive at Potocari’ by A.Sisic-J.Sarac – Daily writes that Neskovic is close to Serb Radical Party “Dr Vojislav Seselj”, since he was a companion of leading officials of this party. He was allegedly arrested in Belgrade in 2002 carrying 30 kg of explosive. Daily writes it remains unknown who arrested Neskovic.

FBiH MoI confirms release of person it detained under suspicion of planting explosive


BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Sreten Neskovic arrested in Bratunac’, Dnevni List ‘Person suspected of being involved in case of Potocari explosive released from detention’ by NINA– FBIH Ministry of Interior spokesman Robert Cvrtak confirmed that a person detained by police in Tuzla after the discovery of 35 kg of explosives in Potocari was released on Thursday afternoon as there was no reason to continue his detention. He declined to disclose the name of the person. Media have been reporting that this Sabahudin Salihovic, a friend of Naser Oric. [Note: Oslobodjenje and Dnevni Avaz say that the public was misinformed about suspect’s surname which is allegedly not Salihovic, but Muhic. Please see article below] Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 ‘Wartime Bosniak and Serb Commanders first brought in and then released’ by A. Macanovic and last pg ‘2 suspects released’ by M. Herceg – According to SD, two suspects for Potocari explosion – a Bosniak and a Serb – detained two days ago were released.

Suspect for Potocari explosive Muhic says he was framed by RS MoI


Dnevni Avaz, pg 3, mentioned on front ’This is propaganda frame-up by RS Police’, by E. Muharemovic – The person who was arrested two days ago, and subsequently released, by the Tuzla Canton MoI in relation to the planting of the explosive at Potocari, one Sabahudin Muhic AKA Mrco, resolutely denies that he had anything to do with it. “I think this is a propaganda frame-up by the RS MoI. They needed to have in the media that a Bosniak planted the explosive”, says Muhic.

Returnees in Podrinje, SB say planting explosive was orchestrated by Andan


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Explosive represents an Andan’s game’ – Article carries inset which says that Bosniak returnees in Potocari believe that planting explosive was orchestrated by the RS Police Director, Dragomir Andan.

Slobodna Bosna cover splash ‘Andan alike Mladic, EUFOR alike UNPROFOR, pgs 6-9 ‘Devious plan of Mladic’s bodyguard, Dragomir Andan’ by Mehmed Pargan and Suzana Mijatovic – SB’s leading story also carries that returnees believe that the explosive was planted by “criminals hired by Andan.”

NN op-ed on Potocari explosive case


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Media explosion in Srebrenica’ by Dragan Risojevic – Writing about Potocari explosive case, the author notes that speculations and imagination as to who is responsible for the case seem to be more attractive than the factual information on this issue. He notes those making speculations most likely do not even think about the fact that such information produce an evil blood in the state brimming with hatred.

RS Govt appoints same delegation to Potocari and Kravice ceremonies


PINK, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Members of the delegation determined’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Bukejlovic to lead RS Government’ by S.G., EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Bukejlovic to lead delegation’ – The same delegation will represent the RS Government delegation at the commemoration for Bosniak victims in Srebrenica on July 11 and the service for Serb victims in Bratunac on July 12. The delegation will be consisted of RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic, Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic, Labour and Veterans Minister Miodrag Deretic, Refugees and Displaced Persons Minister Jasmin Samardzic, spokesperson for the RS Government Cvijeta Kovacevic said.

BHT 1 by Boris Gagic – RS National Assembly is expected to be represented at the both commemorations by the Speaker and two Deputies, but Deputy Sefik Hafizovic has refused to go to Bratunac, while the Tomisljav Tomljenovic still has not decided on either. RS President, Dragan Cavic, will attend both commemorations.

SCG appoints delegation to Potocari commemoration ceremony


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ljajic to head Government’s delegation’ – SCG delegation in Potocari will be lead by Human Rights Minister, Rasim Ljajic, and will also include Director of the Directorate for Information, Slobodan Orlic, and Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Igor Jovicic. The commemoration will also be attended by the Serbian President, Boris Tadic, while Montenegrin delegation will beheaded by the Assembly Speaker, Ranko Krivokapic.

EU Parliament endorses Srebrenica Resolution


PINK, FTV, RTRS, BHT 1, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Crime in Srebrenica committed by general Ratko Mladic’s forces with assistance from Serbia’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Europe is future’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Crime in Srebrenica condemned’ by Agencies  – The European Parliament adopted on Thursday in Strasbourg the Resolution on Srebrenica, condemning massacre of Bosniaks committed by Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995. The Resolution reads that crime in Srebrenica was committed under command of general Ratko Mladic and under leadership of RS president at that time, Radovan Karadzic. The European Parliament expressed concern because Mladic and Karadzic have not yet been arrested and called on RS and Serbia-Montenegro to urgently undertake measures in order to locate those two fugitives. After the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, Bosnian Serb forces and paramilitary units from Serbia killed 8.000 men and boys, is said in this Resolution.Hayat – After the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, Bosnian Serb forces and paramilitary units from Serbia killed 8.000 men and boys, is said in this Resolution.

Silajdzic praises Resolution


Dnevni Avaz pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Silajdzic: This is clear position towards future of BiH’, by E. S. – Avaz comments that one of people, who were in past months lobbying for the adoption of the Srebrenica Resolution in the European Parliament, was the founder of the Party for BiH, Haris Silajdzic. “This resolution is incredibly valuable and it clearly determines the position of the EU towards this event, future of BiH and Dayton too”, said Silajdzic.

International academic conference on Srebrenica to commence


Hayat by Semsudin Skejic – International academic conference “Genocide against Bosniaks in UN safe heaven Srebrenica, July 1995 – the lessons for future generations” will take place in Srebrenica and Sarajevo in period July 11-15. At least 120 scientists and researchers from BiH and other 20 countries are expected to attend this meeting. PINK by Adriana Domazet –The main goal of this conference is to document, analyse and clarify genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica, said Organization Board President Smail Cekic. “We will simply try to explain how that genocide was committed”, said Organization Board member Muhamed Filipovic. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Establishing the truth’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Scientific truth about events in Srebrenica’ by E. Mackic – also covers.

French President on Srebrenica commemoration


Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Symbol of ruinous madness’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Srebrenica is an indelible blot in memory of Europe and UN’ – French President, Jacques Chirac, sent a letter to BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic expressing regrets that he will not be able to attend the Srebrenica commemoration, and naming his envoy to the event. “Massacre in Srebrenica will always remain a symbol of ruinous madness of people and irresponsible behavior of the international community,” said Chirac stressing it is necessary for all war crimes indictees to be brought before the justice.

VL report from Srebrenica: returnees say they have abused by politicians


Vecernji List, pgs 6-7 ‘It is worse than in war’, by Vesna Leto – Carries a lengthy report that focuses on poor living standard of Bosniak returnees to Srebrenica, many of whom complaining that they are hostages of their politicians, since many of them live in unsuitable, unfinished houses, without electricity etc. VL notes it is the Head of Municipality, Abdurahman Malkic, at whom the returnees point the finger, accusing him of embezzling donations. On the other hand, VL reports that Malkic is not ‘ruffled’ by such claims. “If we say that 300 million have been invested in Srebrenica, I do not think that the Head of Municipality would be such an idiot to take 100 million. I could have embezzled 1 million the most, but one would be able to see where the money ended up”, says Malkic. Malkic insists it was international organizations that had the money at their disposal and that they were not obliged to submit reports to municipal authorities. Malkic also denies that he sold (donated) construction material in Croatia.

Serbian press on on Srebrenica

Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Serbs need the truth mostly’ by Djuro Bilbija – Writing about Srebrenica crimes, the author notes that the entire truth about Srebrenica crimes (including crimes against Bosniak and Serb people) need to be disclosed, adding Serbia and RS need it more than Bosniaks and international community. He calls on exhumation of all mass graves in BiH and Srebrenica region, so the number of victims on both sides can be determined. He stresses Serbia must do all it takes to separate its possible involvement and guilt from responsibility and guilt of Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and RS Army. He stresses that Serbs and RS cannot wash up from crimes real crime committed in Srebrenica, neither do they have a right to do so. But they do have right to establish whether the list of 8 thousand missing Bosniaks is true or not and to present its lists on missing persons. Srpski Nacional pgs 12-13 ‘The most successful western propaganda action!’ by Zeljka Aleksic Emil Vlajki, political analyst and researcher claims that “Srebrenica case is a pure construction. It is one of the most successful actions of western propaganda during the war in Bosnia, which ahs become a myth on Serb bestiality.” According to him, this was done in order to hush up for the tragedy to follow – fall of RS Krajina.



Defence and police reforms

Defence reform update: DRC to meet Friday


PINK, BHT1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Nothing has been done for Mladic and Karadzic to be in The Hague’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Army will not have entity’s commanding structures’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Authorities did nothing to arrest Karadzic and Mladic’ by D.R., EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Two-and-half-year for professionalisation’ by Mirna Soja In its report, which should enter the parliamentary procedure until the end of July, Defence Reform Commission will propose abolishment of entity Ministries of defence and the FBiH Army and RS Army general staff, as well as other solutions which will enable establishment of a single budget and professional armed forces, BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic stated on Thursday in Banja Luka. After the meeting with the RS NA Speaker, Dusan Stojicic, which was also attended by Defence Reform Commission co-chairperson Raffi Gregorian, Radovanovic stressed that recruitment should also be terminated, and the so-called active reserve – composed of professional military persons – should be established. Radovanovic said these Laws should see implementation as of 1 January 2006, while transition period would last two years. Gregorian said that Commission prepared solutions that should be acceptable for all three sides and NATO. Gregorian repeated that BiH would not become member of the Partnership for Peace until the Hague fugitive Radovan Karadzic is arrested.

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dismissal to recruitment’ by M.Dzepina – According to GS, Gregorian evaded precise answer to the question as to whether Bosniak members of DRC are slowing down reforms with their demands regarding non-abolishment of recruitment. According to NN, Gregorian stated that technical conditions for entering into NATO’s Partnership for Peace are fulfilled, while political are not since Karadzic and Mladic are not arrested yet, adding: “It has been 10 months since BiH authorities agreed to follow the European Union and to froze means of Karadzic’s and Mladic’s, but this is still not part of the law.”  GS and EuroBlic report Radovanovic announced procedure for appointment of new RS Army General Staff will be launched.

RS Govt urges continuation of talks on police reform


BHT 1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘RS Government calls for continuation of talks on police reform’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Negotiations should resume’ by G.Dakic – The RS Government on Thursday called on the BiH Council of Ministers and the FBiH Government to resume talks on reforming the police structures in BiH within the institutions. Government stresses that it is necessary to resume talks in as “this is the only way to complete this process and open the negotiations on stabilization and association with the EU.

Matijasevic: police reform is a matter of political agreement 


BN TV ‘Puls’ current affairs program – Appearing as the guest in ‘Puls’ current affairs programme, RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic refused to disclose any details on the investigation in the case of explosive planted in Potocari. As for the commemoration in Srebrenica, Matijasevic declared the he personally guarantees complete security of the memorial centre at Potocari. As for the police reform, as suggested by the international community, Matijasevic said: “I am all for the reform if it implies better organized, more professional [police] with institution of higher standards and within entity borders” said Matijasevic. He added that the police reform should be a political agreement between BIH institutions with or without the assistance of IC. “Then, yes, police reform is possible” concluded Matijasevic. “It is dilettantism and naive to point at someone and say: ‘They obstruct the reforms, we should impose sanctions’ when the reforms are implemented so [a country could] willingly enter the ‘willing’ union of countries” stated Matijasevic.



Political issues and economic issues

CoM annuls its decision on

minors crossing border with Croatia


BHT1, RTRS, PINK, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘CoM declared Bosnians as foreigners’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Decision on crossing border with Croatian annulled’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Decision on crossing of border with birth certificate withdrawn’ by E. Mackic, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘To liberalize visa regime when entering BiH’ by D. Pasic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Decision’ by D.M., Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Minors can go to Croatia with passport’ by N.K. – At the session on Thursday, the BiH Council of Ministers has also annulled the decision issued two days before that, according to which the juveniles from BiH could cross borders with Croatia and Serbia-Montenegro only with schoolbook reports or birth certificates. According to Terzic, nobody will bear the consequences for such mistake. “We corrected that today (Thursday) and I hope that will be good lesson for us not to make such mistakes in the future”, said Chair of CoM Adnan Terzic. The session was also attended by Mladen Ivanic.

Terzic on CoM crisis


FTV by Anisa Setka – Only ill-intentioned persons can state that BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) is in crisis, BiH CoM’s Chair Adnan Terzic told press conference on Thursday following the session of the BiH CoM.  Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Terzic condemned attacks in London’ not signed – Asked whether there are problems in the work of the BiH CoM, Terzic stated that there are no problems and that the decisions of BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic, who has technical mandate, are the OHR’s job. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Government functions without problems!’ by V.Z. –  Following question by journalists as why the parties meet to discuss the crisis if there is none, Terzic stated: “We have to make agreements on people that will get the position of the state border service director and on reforms ahead of us.”

OBN ‘Telering’ interview with Ashdown on work of CoM


OBN ‘Telering’ current affairs programs – In an interview to Telering current affairs programme, the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, said that the CoM has had a number of successes in past 2,5 years but also noted that there are still issues that could have been solved in a much better way. These included issues related to the fiscal policy, higher education and public broadcasting system. According to Terzic, collection of direct taxes also must be organized in better way, as well as preparations for introduction of VAT. Terzic stressed that essential issues to deal with as police and reform and PBS system, as they are preconditions to commence negotiating the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU.  CoM Chair believes that negotiations may start in November.

Grahovac in Avaz: It is honourable that FBiH Government resigns


Dnevni Avaz, pg 4 ‘Grahovac: It is more honourable that Government resigns’, by M. Kukan – Commenting on the position of the FBiH Government i.e. its relation with the ruling majority in the FBiH Parliament, FBiH Deputy Prime Minister, Gavrilo Grahovac, explains that he proposed that the Prime Minister submits the resignation of the whole FBiH Government to the FBiH President because the relation between the Government and Parliament is not an appropriate one. In that context, Grahovac notes the Government did not enjoy the support for its proposals and solutions. “It is far better and more honourable that the Government offers resignation (…) Before the session of the House of Representatives, there will be an ‘inventory’ of all legislative solutions, decisions, amendments, changes to the law that were adopted and not adopted in the past period, which were proposed by the Government or which were adopted in spite of Government’s proposals. Let the Parliament either remove the consequences or appoint a new government in which it could trust”, says Grahovac. The session of FBiH HoR, which would discuss the issue of confidence in the FBIH Government, is scheduled for July 19.

Public discussion on Amendment 1 to BiH Constitution


Dnevni List pg 3 ‘It is still too early for constitutional changes’ by E. Mackic – A proposal of the BiH Council of Ministers to delete though Amendment 1 the provision of the BiH Constitution on the ground of which reducing of salaries for civil servants is banned was the topic of the public discussion, which was held at the invitation of the Constitutional Legal Commission of the BiH House of Representatives. Legal Advisor in the RS Government Milan Dupora said that it is still too early for the change of the BiH Constitution. Chairman of the aforementioned Commission Mirsad Ceman believes that the change of the BiH Constitution should take place. Representative Tihomir Gligoric claims that this issue can be resolved through changes and amendments to the law on salaries. Another member of the Commission Beriz Belkic supports adoption of the Amendment 1 and says that none should be protected  in the state, including the officials in BiH institutions.

EU Parliament urges DPA changes


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 inset ‘Dayton’s Constitution unacceptable for EU’ – EU Parliamentarians on Thursday endorsed the Resolution on Srebrenica, which also raises the issue of the Dayton peace agreement. The instead carries that the Parliamentarians concluded that DPA stopped the war, however was not adjusted to the context of BiH’s future in Europe. They supported amending of the Dayton peace agreement. Resolution reads: “European Parliament pledges to EU Council and all sides to support initiatives aimed at reaching a consensus to change that agreement.

Ferhadija mosque reconstruction to commence


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Ferhadija reconstruction to commence tomorrow’ by V.Popovic – NN learns at Islamic Religious Community that a symbolic commencement of Ferhadija mosque reconstruction will be marked tomorrow (Saturday) with the press conference of Community officials in Banja Luka . No official of Religious Islamic Community could give exact date on beginning or completion of reconstruction, speculating it may be middle July.

Trebinje: Reconstructed mosque to open on Sunday


Oslobodjenje, pg 3 ‘Reconstructed Osman-pasa’s mosque to be opened’, by Onasa – Announces that the reconstructed Osman-pasa’s mosque in Trebinje, which was destroyed during the war, will be re-opened next Sunday, July 10. Mostar Mufti Seid Smajkic says the BiH Presidency, RS and FBIH authorities, the IC and diplomatic corps have been all invited to attend the ceremony.

Farmers continue the protests


Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ’16 tons of vegetables distributed (to Sarajevo citizens for free)’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘9 tons of potatoes and cucumbers given to citizens’ by M. Zorlak– Representatives of the BiH Association of Farmers (UPBiH), who have been protesting in front of the BiH Institutions building for the past 13 days, on Thursday announced that they would leave this location only after the state-level ministry of agriculture and rural development has been established. Members of the Association on Thursday have handed out about nine tons of potatoes and seven tons of cucumbers to the citizens of Sarajevo as a sign of gratitude for supporting the farmers. BHT 1 by Mirela Cosic –BiH Council of Ministers Chair, Adnan Terzic, reiterated on Wednesday that protests won’t solve problems in agriculture sector. “We can’t reach solution here, at least as long as I am the CoM’s Chair,” said Terzic.

Oslobodjenje: CoM sets end of year as deadline for Law on restitution


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘End of the year a new deadline for drafting the law’ by V.Z. – Daily learns that the BiH Council of Ministers issued a deadline to the Government’s Commission on restitution to draft the new proposal of the law on this issue by the end of this year. Chair of the CoM, Adnan Terzic, on the other hand said that the Law on restitution just needs some “technical details” changed, adding the RS Government demanded the authority of this Commission to be reduced.

VL: Arifovic and Krizan to stay in leading offices in FBIH Tax Administration

Vecernji List, pg 8 ‘Arifovic and Krizan stay in offices’, by Miso Relota – VL unofficially learns that the current Director of FBIH Tax Administration, Midhat Arifovic, and his deputy, Vinko Krizan, should remain in their respective offices, owing to insisting on it by the FBIH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic. The rest of the article deals with representation of peoples in the FBiH administrative bodies, saying that the Bosniaks are dominating the FBIH Financial Police and Tax Administration (both led by Bosniaks) as well as administrative bodies in general.



SIPA, security and judicial issues

Novic: ‘SIPA does not have enough agents’


FTV, PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Police officers giving up on working at Center for War Crimes’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ’18 of 53 war crime cases resolved, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Powerlessness of SIPA in search after war criminals’ by M. Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘SIPA does not have enough agents’ by E.M., Glas Srpske pg 4 ‘Crime is the first target’ by N.Z., Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘SIPA in charge of 53 investigations on war crimes’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘A lot of work at SIPA, not so many staff’ by D.S.  – At the SIPA press conference held in Sarajevo on Thursday SIPA Director Sredoje Novic stated that during the last 6 months they have received so many requests from the BiH Prosecution that it is impossible to respond to them even if SIPA had two times more employees than it has at the moment. Novic added that without the SIPA’s full support the War Crimes Chamber with the BiH Court will not be able to accomplish its tasks. According to Novic, the interest of people in work in this Agency was much bigger at first. Novic also said that there is small interest of people for the places of work, which are in charge of the investigations on war crime suspects and civil servants who are related to operative activities. Head of the SIPA’s department in charge of protection of persons and facilities, Dragan Lukac, added that even those persons who passed the selection for these positions, gave up meanwhile.   

BiH exported arms of BAM 2.7 million worth to China in 2005


Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘BiH is violating USA and EU embargo’ by D.Muminovic – Daily writes referring to BiH Foreign Trade Chamber that in spite of USA and EU embargo, arms of BAM 2.7 million worth has been exported from BiH to Republic of China in 2005. BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, one of BiH institutions which must give its assent to such affairs, is now aware of any single export case to China since no licences for this has been issued.

A sophisticated tapping equipment detected near Embassies of USA and China in Sarajevo


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘They are spying on 4500 Sarajevo people’, announced on cover ‘Transmitter placed can spy on 4500 Sarajevo people’ by D.Muminovic – Daily writes that voer the last 50 days in the settlement of Kosevsko Brdo, unknown persons have used sophisticated technical equipment, which makes it possible to corrupt all computers in the Sarajevo settlement of Centar, who use cable internet. Seval Tomic, Director of Cabel Operator HS, confirmed this Thursday to NN, noting people in the area complained to this company about TV interruptions and akin, while police did not react at all, but instead once told tenants of the building (where transmitter is placed) “not to dare touch anything. This is not a concern of yours.”

Bukejlovic receives death threat


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Bukejlovic “passed judgment on”’ by M.Dz. – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic received a threat letter sent from Chicago threatening him death because of “cooperation with the Serb enemies, approving persecution and arrests of RS patriots”. The RS Government’s Press Office confirmed to FENA that Bukejlovic received the threat letter, which was delivered to the RS MoI and the US Embassy in BiH. It was signed by Marko Kacavenda, who signed himself as the President of the Trial Chamber, and Juror Judges Jovan Govedarica and Simo Jovic.

NN claim Dokic, Pavic reached plea bargain with Prosecution


Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Dokic and Pavic fined with BAM 35 thousand and six months probation’ by S.Karic – NN learns that Branko Dokic and Marko Pavic have reached a plea bargain several days ago with the Prosecutor’s Office regarding charges against them for office abuse. As daily learns, plea bargain was reached on 1 July and Panel of Judges will discuss it one of these days. According to this bargain, Dokic and Pavic are now charged with negligence suit, and they would be sentenced to six months probation and fined with BAM 25 thousand each. Also they should return amounts of cc BAM 10 thousand each.

BiH prosecution took over Srpske Sume case


Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘BiH Prosecutor’s Office took over investigation on crime at “RS Forests” by P.Klincov – Special Department for organised and economic crime and corruption within BiH Prosecutors’ office took over the case of Srpske sume from the Banjaluka District Prosecution.