RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Cro/BiH Interstate Council | Djeric on Karadzic’s arrest | Cro/BiH Interstate Council | Cro/BiH Interstate Council |
Ashdown in Belgrade | Ashdown in Belgrade | Ashdown in Belgrade | Ashdown in Belgrade |
Humphreys statement | Cro/BiH Interstate Council | Explosion in Doboj | Djeric on Karadzic’s arrest |
Protest of Tuzla residents | World news | Trial of E.H. and A.K. | Solana in Kosovo |
Oslobodjenje | Ashdown called Sarajevo and Belgrade to cooperate: To break drugs mafia jointly; Mesic: We will have Ploce port agreement by the end of this year |
Dnevni Avaz | Ashdown in Belgrade: Two weeks for RS to arrest war criminals; Interstate Council: Guidelines for future |
Dnevni List | Disputable: Ploce Port, passage through Neum and double citizenship |
Vecernji List | 89 lottery facilities sealed up |
Slobodna Dalmacija | In BiH 300 000 Catholics less |
Glas Srpske | A BAM 1 million as compensation: Coffee bar to close City Hall! |
Nezavisne Novine | Inter-state council: Refugee returns by the end of year of 2004; Paddy Ashdown visited Belgrade: Cooperation with The Hague is pre-requisite for entry of SiCG and BiH in Europe; Doboj: Bomb thrown in the courtyard of house owned by Milan Ninkovic; SIPA: Nothing from SIPA this year |
Blic | Every tenth young person in Banja Luka is abusing drugs |
Vecernje novosti | Paddy Ashdown for “Novosti” on situation in BiH and RS: Serbs, do not waste time |
PfP admission, war crimes, defence, security | |
Ashdown meets Kostunica, Draskovic, Jovcic on DPA, cooperation with ICTY, combating crime
| RHB, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘The Hague is pre-requisite for entry of SiCG and BiH into Europe’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Following the tunes of Dayton’, Vecernje novosti, pg. 2 ‘To respect the Dayton’ not signed, Nacional Belgrade daily, pg. 3 ‘Kostunica and Ashdown on the Dayton Agreement’ not signed – On Monday Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica met with the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown in Belgrade, and stressed that it is necessary to respect the Dayton Accords as a key to BiH’s stability, adding that its implementation has produced good results, especially in combating all forms of extremism. FTV, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 6 ‘Two weeks for RS to arrest criminals’ by B.Bosko, Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Together against crime’, pg 2 inset ‘Two weeks deadline for RS’, inset ‘Draskovic: Cooperation with the Hague is a defence of Serb honor’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Draskovic: Cooperation with The Hague is national interest and defence of honour’ by Nina, Vecernje novosti, pg. 2 ‘Hague as national interest’ not signed, Blic, pg. 3 ‘National duty’ not signed – During his visit to Belgrade, Ashdown met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro Vuk Draskovic and they concluded that the only obstacle on the BiH and SCG way towards European-Atlantic integration is the fact that obligations towards the ICTY are not being met. After this meeting the HR stressed that BiH institutions, and first of all the RS authorities have 2 weeks to give clear and concrete evidence that they are ready to accept their international obligations towards the ICTY. BHTV 1 – ”I thing that meeting our obligations towards the ICTY after all is our national duty,” said Draskovic.” Mood in Europe is being changed, the new door to East are opening but Balkan needs to understand that window to Europe mayb not be opened as much as we want” underlined Ashdown. RTRS “It will be truly a dangerous situation if RS, which relies on international law in protecting its competencies, shows that it cannot respect the international law regarding the cooperation with ICTY”, indicated the High Representative. Ashdown reiterated that since the end of the war in 1995, the RS authorities have failed to apprehend a single war crime suspect. Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Together against crime’, pg 2 ‘Sarajevo and Belgrade have to combat drug smuggling’ by S. Numanovic – OHR Communications Director Julian Braithwaite stated that Ashdown also met with Serbian Interior Minister Dragan Jocic, in which focus was drugs smuggling. Braithwaite added that HR will encourage Sarajevo and Belgrade authorities to cooperate in fighting crimes: “BiH and SCG are on the front line of this fight and it can be successful only if we fight together.” |
VN: Interview with Ashdown during Belgrade visit | Vecernje novosti, pg. 2 ‘Time is not on the side of RS’ by Roman Petrovski mentioned on cover ‘Serbs, do not waste time’ – High Representative Paddy Ashdown gave an interview for Vecernje novosti on Monday, during which he stated: ‘I had very good talks with Prime Minister Kostunica and Minister of Foreign Affairs Draskovic. I informed them on my concern over the possibility that RS is becoming an obstacle to reforms. I told them time was running out. My task is to make BiH a functional state. However, there are persons that obstruct this process and things can quite change if there are changes in the American administration. Therefore, I will tell to colleagues in RS: Do not waste time, accelerate reforms’. Ashdown also state that BiH would join the EU process of stabilization and association and it will become a member of PfP some time this or next year. HR Ashdown complimented RS regarding the efforts taken in defense reforms but he also emphasized the necessity for RS to prove it complies to obligations towards the international community. |
DA editorial said Ashdown could not chose better place than Belgrade to warn RS
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Ashdown’s decisions’ by Edina Sarac – Author writes that HR Paddy Ashdown could not have chosen better place to send a message to RS authorities that it was a final time from Belgrade. Referring to his current visit and statement given above, author argues that RS authorities anyway listen to Vojislav Kostunica better than the authorities in Sarajevo. Noting that due to such short time before NATO summit there are plenty of space to speculate what is going on [especially having in mind recent visits of Dragan Cavic and twice of Dragan Kalinic to Kostunica], however underlines that no matter which information is true, the fact is that RS was never is this kind of situation, which is just further stressed with Ashdown’s warning made in Belgrade. “It is up to leaders in smaller BiH entitiy to chose – whether they are to play for draw or they would lose a party of their life in chess-mat position,” concludes editorial. |
Djeric on possibility for RS authorities to arrest Karadzic | BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘RS will not arrest Karadzic before summit’ by Onasa, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Cooperation with The Hague by the end of year’; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘The Hague is the hardest exam’, Blic, pg. RS7 ‘Arresting of indictees is crucial issue for RS’ by J. D. – RS Interior Minister Zoran Djeric stated on Monday that even after the NATO Istanbul summit and regardless of whether BiH would be admitted to the Partnership for Peace then, the issue of cooperation with the ICTY would remain outstanding for the RS. After meeting Srpsko Sarajevo Public Security Centre, Djeric told journalists in Pale that the arrest of ICTY indictees is the key issue at this moment and that RS will, “with more concrete activities”, contribute to it being resolved by the end of the year. Asked whether Radovan Karadzic would be arrested by the end of the month, Djeric said: “I wouldn’t link this issue just to 28 June, because the issue of [cooperation between the RS and ICTY could not be resolved by that date. But we expect help from other institutions.” RTRS – Djeric added that RS Interior Ministry would do everything to demonstrate that it is determined to implement activities which would raise cooperation with the Hague tribunal to a level which enabling BiH to be admitted to the Partnership for Peace. |
Humphreys on arrest of war crimes
| RHB, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS authorities given names of 3 people that have to arrest’ – Media refer to a brief interview by Michael Humphreys, the Head of EC delegation to BiH, published on Monday in Banja Luka newspapers Nezavisne Novine. In the interview, Humphreys expresses his belief that RS authorities will soon undertake activities aimed at arresting war crimes suspects. Owing to this reason, he does not exclude the possibility that the claims of some recently removed police officers of RS that international community had given a list with three names of the Hague indictees to RS authorities, whom they need to arrest by Istanbul Summit of NATO are true. [For more details, please see BiH Media Round up for 7 June] |
Radovanovic in UK | Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘We are talking about preparations of BiH admission to PfP’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘British to be Commander of EU forces in BiH’ by De. L. – Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Positive results in defence reform’ – Nikola Radovanovic, BiH Defence Minister, during his visit to United Kingdom, held separate meetings with Geoffrey Hoon, British Secretary of Defence, and Barones Simmons, Minister for International Security. According to press release issued by the Information Service of the BiH Defence Ministry, the meeting between Radovanovic and Hunn discussed the process of preparation of BiH for the admission into PfP, with special attention on the so far positive results achieved in the defence reform process. The meeting concluded that possible BiH admission into PfP would be of great importance for further reform processes in BiH. This meeting also discussed the transfer of NATO forces in BiH onto EU forces, in which Great Britain will play an important role. During the meeting with the British Secretary of International Security, Radovanovic talked about the reforms processes and their overall importance for the security in the entire region. |
Topic with US Congressman Turner on defence reforms | RHB, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Topic: Progress achieved in BiH in defence reform’ – Lidija Topic BiH Deputy Foreign Minister, yesterday in Sarajevo, met with Michael Turner US Congressman and Vice President of the Sub-Committee for National Security at US Congress. The meeting discussed the importance of USA presence in BiH following the transfer of authorities from SFOR mission onto EU forces. According to press release issued by the BiH Foreign Ministry, Topic underlined the progress BiH has achieved in defence reform and in the fight against organised crime, “money laundering” and trafficking in people. The meeting reiterated that insufficient cooperation with The Hague Tribunal represents the greatest obstacle on the BiH path towards Euro-Atlantic relations. Regarding this, Topic and Turner agreed that “this issue is no longer issue of political decision, but rather an issue of time and method”. |
Novic and Lukac on SIPA problems | Nezavisne Novine cover and pg ‘Nothing from SIPA this year’ – Sredoja Novic, SIPA Director, claims that although this body has been established two years ago, it will not become operational by the end of this year. Dragan Lukac, his deputy, said that during the course of last year, SIPA spent around BAM 3.2 million for the purchase of equipment, uniforms and weapons. He noted that SIPA had almost a double amount than it spent at its disposal, “but this money has been left in the state budget”. Lukac stressed that 120 people are currently employed at SIPA, noting that only one out of its six departments has started to operate partially. And that is department for criminal information. Director Novic stressed that the amount of BAM 6.6 million (as planned in the budget for this year) is insufficient to support the commencement of work. On this he added: “All analyses conducted showed that the amount of BAM 28 million, or to say at least BAM 23 million, is necessary for a complete establishment of SIPA.” Lukac stressed: “Just to avoid any misunderstanding – SIPA could not have been established by now owing to absence of its accommodation.” Novic also added: “We all keep talking about the most important department within SIPA, which should be in charge of special support. Namely this department will be dealing with arrests of war crime suspects and fight against organised crime. If we all talk about this Department, it would be logical thing to establish this unit as soon as possible.” |
Appointments to BiH Army | Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Sifet Podzic to be a head of BiH Armed Forces Joint Command?’ by M.K. – BiH Deputy Defence Minister Enes Becirbasic confirms for DA that SFOR vetting procedure on four candidates, left out of 12, has still on going. Becirbasic says that BiH Presidency is expected to bring decision on the positions to be occupied by those candidates already approved some time soon. |
One of future Generals under investigation for war crimes and genocide | Blic pg. RS7 ‘Redzovic under investigation for crimes’ by J. D. – Serb Sarajevo Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office is conducting a procedure against Federation of BiH Army Colonel Emir Redzovic, who has passed SFOR vetting procedure for a General’s position, because of committing a genocide and war crimes against civilians. Chief Prosecutor Rajko Colovic explained that collecting of evidence was currently underway, because of which he could not have revealed more details. Danilo Dzeletovic, the author of the book under the title ‘Crimes in Hrasnica’, collected statements of witnesses and wrote that Emir Redzovic’s unit captured 15 Serb civilians in December 1994. According to statements of witnesses, Emir Redzovic had personally killed the captured civilians. |
Update to Doboj explosion | FTV, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘A bomb thrown in the courtyard of house owned by Milan Ninkovic’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Explosive thrown on houses of SDS representative’ by F – Doboj Police yesterday confirmed that a hand grenade was thrown in the courtyard of the house owned by Milan Ninkovic, SDS senior official and President of SDS Doboj, around midnight on Sunday. Ninkovic is living in the settlement of Plocnik near Doboj. The explosion caused the breaking of windows on the house. There were no casualties. Ninkovic was not in the house at the time of explosion. Police investigation is ongoing. Ninkovic stated: “I do now know what a motive for this may be, neither who holds anything against me. I am also convinced that a politics cannot be a motive.” He expressed his belief that police would identify perpetrators soon. |
VL on international perception of security in BIH | Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Along with Kosovo BiH is most risky area in Balkans’ by Z. Jurilj – VL argues that most countries all over the world see BiH as an area with a certain degree of security risk and for this reason they warn their citizens of possible risks in BiH. VL says that it is interesting that the Sate Department has not removed yet three years old warning issued after the riots caused by closing down of Hercegovacka Banka, when it was openly suggested to US citizens to avoid visits to Croat majority Municipalities. |
Political issues | |
BiH-Croatia Interstate Council held in Zagreb
| RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Mesic: By the end of year agreement on Polce port’ by Husein Orahovac, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Two agreements and Guidelines for future’, mentioned on cover ‘Guidelines for future’ by Darijan Zadravec, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Refugee returns by the end of year’, Dnevni List front and pg 5 ‘Ploce Port, passage through Neum, double citizenship are still disputable issues’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 7 ‘Fundamental issue – return of refugees’ by T. Klauski– The Interstate Council for Cooperation between BiH and Republic Croatia held a session in Zagreb on Monday. After the meeting, representatives of the two countries signed the Contract on mutual fulfilling of court decisions in sanctioning matters, the Contract on Evading Double Taxation, as well as the Guidelines for future cooperation between BiH and Croatia. BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic stated that the guidelines for future cooperation have a special political meaning: “[It] is very important document for us and its brings the quality in the relations between these two countries, its establishes strategies for these two states in the area of investments, energy, traffic infrastructure of free zones, etc.” He added that the governments of both countries have been tasked to operatively resolve the matter of refugee return by the end of the year. “All three ethnic groups must be respected as constituent. Croatia will continue to help Croatian community in BiH and to advance cooperation with entire BiH “, stated Croatian President Stjepan Mesic. RTRS, BHTV 1, FTV – “We agreed that by the end of this year we had to make a progress in solving rest of questions opened. We are ending all formal activities in order to submit agreement on State Borders for ratification and that is what we talked about today. After Agreement on Succession comes into force, we have to accelerate procedure on solving property-legal questions, by which we can improve economic cooperation” –said Stjepan Mesic. Vecernji List pg 12 ‘Agreement on Ploce and Neum by end of year’, mentioned on cover ‘Agreement on Ploce by end of year’, by V. Moskaljov – Sulejman Tihic as saying that the solution for the issues of Ploce Port and passage through Neum, which would satisfy both sides, should be prepared by the end of this year. VL also says that in cooperation with the OHR a comprehensive program for return of refugees will be prepared. The next session of the Interstate Council will be held in late November or early December. |
VN: Ashdown on Dayton Peace Agreement | Vecernje novosti, pg. 2 ‘Time is not on the side of RS’ by Roman Petrovski mentioned on cover ‘Serbs, do not waste time’ – High Representative Paddy Ashdown gave an interview for Vecernje novosti on Monday, was asked whether he was promoting the policy of the international community that diminishes the competence of RS with an aim to change the Dayton Agreement and abolish RS, HR Ashdown stated that was not true. ‘RS must understand it is an entity and not an independent state. The Dayton Agreement is a two-way street. One part of the Dayton Agreement protects the entities and the other part deals with development of a joint state. RS does only what is suitable for strengthening of the entity and it avoids things in relation to a joint state. I have clearly said to RS I would not change the Dayton Agreement, only people of BiH can change it. Nevertheless, should RS or anyone else in BiH makes the state non-functional in relation to the Dayton, then it must be changed as well’, HR Paddy Ashdown stated. |
Comments to new Croat Block party | Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Croat Block represents decayed ideas’ by A. Terzic – The President of the NHI Kresimir Zubak says that the establishment of new Croat party – Croat Block – is further division from inside HDZ. He adds that the party’s appearance on BiH political scene is nothing new, adding that his party would not go into Coalition with the Croat block. HDZ Spokesperson Pero Pavlovic comments: “We see nothing bad in establishment of Croat block. All those who want to organize politically in a different way have a right to do that. However if somebody tries to build political career by burying HDZ and to make voters body by telling lies, than that will be only bad for them.” Author comments that other Croat, especially moderate ones, are not ready to cooperate with newly established party. |
NN editorial on Croat Block | Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Opportunism or radicalism!?’ by Josip Blazevic – The author is writing about the establishment of new political party – Croat Block of BiH. He claims that the dissatisfied members of the HDZ formed this new party, which has expanded the Croat fragment of the political scene in BiH for another extremely right-oriented party. The important issues related to the establishment of this party are as follows, according to the author. The first is that speaking of the Croat electorate in BiH, which is inclined towards right-oriented political option, the electorate has now got an alternative to HDZ, still insufficiently strong to jeopardise the dominant role the HDZ is playing. The second reason is that the leaving of Marko Tokic, Ivan Bacak and their likes from HDZ shows that the politician inclined to opportunism, Dragan Covic, has taken over the full control over the party. |
HDZ on Education Issue | Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8, ‘We shall survive all sanctions’, mentioned on cover, by Darko Juka – Commenting on High Representative’s decision to additionally fine HDZ cantonal boards over failure to harmonise cantonal laws on primary and secondary education with the state-level one, Pero Pavlovic, HDZBiH Spokesperson expresses regret over decision but says the HDZ will undoubtedly survive despite of everything. “In talks with other political parties and IC representatives, we want to reach a solution that would put the sanctions out of force as soon as possible and, at the same time, would meet demands by the IC representatives and contain the guarantees that HDZ has been speaking about all the time”, he says. Pavlovic adds that IC objections refer to some technical issues and that use of language and curriculum are not being brought into question at all. Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘HDZ believes that acceptable solutions will be found’ by M. Drinjakovic – In a statement to DA, Pavlovic says that HDZ will do everything as envisaged to make changes to the laws as requested. Jago Musa, Education Minister in Herzegovina Neretva Canton, stated that in the next two week, which is a deadline to meet obligations, this Canton has only to work on several corrections and making some article more clear. |
SD on Paddy Ashdown’s visit to Zagreb and Belgrade | Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Paddy Ashdown as ‘President’ of region’ by B. Kristo – Commenting on the recent visits that High Representative Paddy Ashdown has been paying to Zagreb and Belgrade, the author wonders as to why the HR is going there when thanks to his protector-like authorities he could resolve in BiH all the things because of which he goes to these two cities. The author also says that the HR goes to Zagreb to ask from the Croatian authorities to persuade Croat representatives in BiH to accept everything that the International Community in BiH thinks of, while the authorities in Belgrade should persuade the Serb authority representatives that BiH is their homeland actually. The author goes on to say that these two capitals are preoccupied with their own problems and therefore the HR’s visits will not give some results. The author concludes the editorial by saying that regardless of motifs and reasons of the HR’s visits to neighbouring countries someone should tell the HR that he is the HR for BiH only and not for the whole region. |
DA says building of crosses in Stolac not yet stopped | Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Order issuing authority for building crosses in Old City still have not reacted’ by F. Vele – The president of Stolac Municipal Court, Zoran Turkovic, confirms for DA that twenty days following the decision by FBiH Chief Urbanism Inspector Danijel Capelj that building crosses in Stolac Old City were illegal, nothing has been changed. Inspector on that occasion demanded from those [apparently unknown] authorities that issued orders for building the crosses to remove them within a month. Turkovic says that “nobody wants to talk about the issue of illegal building in Old City, probably expecting that nobody will answer Capelj’s order.” |
BiH responds on audit report | Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘BiH Presidency responds on over-spending’ – Samir Musovic, Acting Chief Auditor, yesterday confirmed that the financial experts of the BiH Presidency yesterday afternoon forwarded responses to audit report on money wasting at BiH Presidency to the Audit Office for BiH Joint Institutions. |
Audit reports into seven institutions in parliamentary procedure | Dnevni List, pg 6, ‘If legal provision does not exist, there is no punishment’, by Renata Radic – Samir Musovic, acting Chief Auditor, has confirmed to DL that the Office for auditing financial operations of BiH institutions will today send to parliamentary procedure the report on last year’s financial operations of: BiH Presidency, Regulatory Agency for Communications, Standardization and Measuring, State Border Service, BiH Statistics Agency, Election Commission and the Ministries which are located in the joint institutions building. Contrary to practice so far, the reports will be grouped. Speaking of possible sanctions for unconscientious business-running, Musovic says: “In cases in which violations of valid regulations are found, Prosecutor’s Office will consider the need for further procedure. In those where regulations do not exist and lack, Auditing office draws one’s attention for regulations to be adopted, defined and improved”. |
BiH Election Commission | Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Registration of collations for October elections by June 14’ by De. L. the BiH Election Commission issued a press release, which says that they sent yesterday to political parties decisions on verification for participation at the October elections, as well as, blank forms for coalitions if the political parties want to appear at elections in coalition with some other parties. The deadline for submitting of claims for verification of coalitions is June 14. |
Cavic in Israel | Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘”Knight” to Dragan Cavic’; Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Cavic rewarded with decoration “Knight of Holy Grave”’, Blic pg. RS3 ‘Cavic and Israelis on economic cooperation’ by T. V. – RS President Dragan Cavic paid a visit to Jerusalim from June 2 to June 6. He met representatives of Israeli companies that are interested in investing in RS. He also met the President of Israeli Parliament, Reuven Rivlin, to discuss possibilities of economic and cultural cooperation. |
Economic and judicial issues | |
CRA seeks extension of deadline to issue 3rd GSM licence
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘RAK demands extension of deadline by 12 July’ by F. Vele, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘RAK demands 12 days for licence award’, Dnevni List, pg 2, ‘Postponement of decision on 3rd GSM license demanded’, mentioned on cover, by J. Petrovic, Vecernji List, pg 4, ‘Both Eronet and HT Mostar submitted applications for granting 3rd GSM license’, by Dejan Jazvic and Slobodna Dalmacija, back page, ‘Both HT Mostar and Eronet submitted applications’, by M. Landeka – Amela Odobasic, the Regulatory Agency for Communications (RAK) Spokesperson, says that both candidates for the owner of the 3rd GSM license have submitted their requests and documentation, yet she leaves space open for a possibility for a request for additional documents to be submitted during the process of considering the applications. As for the FBiH Ministry of Traffic and Communication’s request to RAK to extend the deadline, she says RAK did not find it necessary to allow for extension as both candidates had submitted documentation. Odobasic adds that RAK has sent a memo to the BiH Council of Ministers in order for it to extend the deadline for passing the decision on the 3rd GSM license until 12 July. She will not speculate on what would happen if Croatian Telekom in Zagreb makes a deal with FBiH Government on transfer of 49% of share in Eronet onto Croat Telecom (HT) Mostar but said that RAK would declare itself on the situation if it occurs. |
On HT Zagreb’s offer to transfer Eronet shares onto HT Mostar | Dnevni List, pg 2, ‘Platform for negotiations with HT Zagreb being prepared’, not signed – DL finds out from sources close to the FBiH Government that the Commission the FBiH Government formed at its last session (consisting of representatives of FBiH Ministry of Traffic and Communication, HT Mostar, FBiH Finance Ministry, FBiH Public Attorney’s Office and FBiH Privatisation Agency) finds HT Zagreb’s offer to transfer of 49% of share in Eronet onto HT Mostar acceptable so a platform for the negotiations is being prepared. Commenting on this, Robert Gavranovic, director of Herzegovina Osiguranje, one of Eronet majority owners, says the proposal must first be presented to other co-owners. |
ITA gets seat in Banja Luka | FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘ITA moves into new premises in 90 days’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Roof by the end of year’, Blic, pg. RS1 ‘5,200 square meters building for tax officials’ by N. B., Dnevni List pg 18 ‘ITA in new premises in 90 days’ not signed – The Contract on purchasing the premises for the BiH Indirect Tax Authority with the selected best bidder Construction Company “Vrbas” Laktasi and the Nova Bank from Bijeljina was signed in Banja Luka on Monday. RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic told a press conference that signing of the Contract is the first step towards insuring that ITA in the next 90 days disposes with adequate premises, which is an important prerequisite to functioning of this important financial institution. ITA Director Kemal Causevic welcomed the Contract signing, and commended the efforts taken by the Entity Government to insure that the Authority receives adequate premises in the next 90 days. Causevic expressed hope that the employees of the Indirect Tax Authority will be working in the new facility in September. FTV comments that with ITA seat in Banja Luka, the city becomes financial district of the country. |
Kasumovic appointed to ITA Governing Board | Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Fuad Kasumovic appointed to a member of Governing Board’ by F.C. – BiH Council of Ministers appointed Fuad Kasumovic as a member of the ITA Governing Board. DA learns that Kasumovic has been appointed to the second position in the Board, which – informally – was reserved for a Bosniak representative. Kasumovic was previously a strong candidate for the position of ITA Director, and DA comments that the representative of the international community did not allow his appointment. |
ITA Director: BiH will have a single economic space | Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘BiH will have a single economic space’ – BiH ITA administration Director Kemal Causevic said in Banja Luka Monday that the single economic space is inevitable and that it would certainly be created. He confirmed that the Administration completed the work on creating a singe account for the distribution of revenues. He reminded that the ITA’s Steering Board adopted the law on payments to the single account for the distribution of revenues and forwarded it to the BiH Council of Ministers. Causevic expects the BiH Council of Ministers to discuss this issue in the third week on June and that the law should go into effect on January 1 next year. |
Trail of Hercegovacka Bank suspects | BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Today decision on demand to exempt judge Boland’ by A. Nezirevic – The BiH Court will hold a session today to decide on demand filed by defence attorneys for Hercegovacka Bank defendants – Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce, Miroslav Rupcic, Ivica Karlovic and Ivan Sevo – to exempt judge Bernard Boland from the further procedure. Last week, lawyers demand Boland’s exemption, arguing that he had also appeared as the judge in pre-trail proceeding when deciding on the accounts of indictments. |
Mikerevic: We will not give up on Mrakovic agreement | Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘RS Government will not give up on Mrakovica Agreement’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘RS Government will not give up on implementation of Mrakovica Agreement’ – Dragan Mikerevic, RS Prime Minister, yesterday stated that the RS Government would not give up on the implementation of the Mrakovica Agreement, because this Agreements contains three conditions which BiH must fulfil in order to sign Stabilisation and Association Agreement. At the press conference in Banja Luka, he said: “RS Government will insist on full realisation and implementation of the entire Agreement.” He further said that F BiH failed to accept the Agreement out of political reasons. He further added: “The deadline for the implementation of the Agreement has been prolonged.” On this he added that owing to this prolongation, the fulfilment of conditions from the EU Feasibility Study, regarding the creation of a unified oil market, would also be prolonged. He concluded: “RS Government will not make any decision, which would be against the interests of BiH. This delay in implementation shows certain fear from the establishment of a unified oil market in BiH.” |