
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 7/3/2006


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 7 March


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

HDZ-CCD Caucus on Constitution

BiH lawsuit against SCG continues

RS Govt. in session

BiH HoR in session

BiH HoR in session

BiH HoR adopts initiative of SP RS

UHSP wants new elections in Mostar

US calls BiH to adopt const. changes

Davidovic in Brussels on SAA

TV news broadcast on 6 March


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Oil leak into Neretva, consequences

Milan Babic committed suicide

Milan Babic committed suicide

Oil leak: the ecologic catastrophe

BiH lawsuit against SCG for genocide

Snow difficulties in BiH

Heavy snowfalls in BiH

Dodik to bring charges against Dixon

World News

Educational workers’ strike in HNK

FBiH House of Rep. passed budget

Indictments against 3 war indictees


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Milan Babic committed suicide

Milan Babic committed suicide

Milan Babic committed suicide

Trial against Gojko Jankovic delayed

BiH vs. SCG trial continued

Regional News

BiH lawsuit against SCG

Merdzo and Mandic sentenced

BiH lawsuit against SCG for genocide

RS CoP on BiH lawsuit against SCG

FBiH HoR in session

War crime indictments confirmed



Milan Babic committed suicide in the Hague prison

Dnevni Avaz

[ITA Director Causevic] Dodik made up debt worth millions

Dnevni List

Merdzo and Mandic sentenced to 1 year in prison (Former HNC offiicials sentenced to 1 year in prison due to abuse of position and powers)

Vecernji List

He committed suicide or he was killed (on death of Milan Babic)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Fabus ‘students’ pass exams in hotel rooms (on controversial faculty from Novi Sad that organizes lectures and exams in Herzegovina )

Nezavisne Novine

Milan Babic committed suicide

Glas Srpske

Milan Babic committed suicide


Milan Babic hanged himself

Vecernje novosti

Noose of a dangerous witness



BiH HoR in session, delays discussion on changes to election law





RTRS – BiH House of Representatives will not discuss the proposed Law on changes and addenda to BiH Election Law, since the BiH HoR Collegium has accepted request of the Constitutional and Legal Commission to postpone this point on agenda owing to large number of amendments filed. The proponents of the law are Momcilo Novakovic (SDS), Elmir Jahic (SDA) and Vinko Zoric (HDZ). At the session of the BiH HoR, the delegate of the SP RS, Tihomir Gligoric, has informed HoR that a mixed Club of delegates, composed of delegates Mirko Blagojevic and Petar Kunic, has launched initiative for dismissal of BiH COM in line with Rule Book on a confidence vote. The Collegium is obligated to include this initiative into agenda of the HoR within deadline of 20 to 30 days. RHB, BH Radio 1 – also reported.

FBiH HoP, RS Govt in session discussing 2006 budget proposals


RHB– FBiH House of Peoples is in session on Tuesday. The chamber should be discussing proposal of FBiH budget for 2006, which was adopted on Monday by the FBIH House of Representatives. RHB also reminds that PDHR, Lawrence Butler, has sent the FBiH HoP a letter urging the chamber to adopt the proposal of law on courts in its original form, as proposed by the FBiH Government, because it is acceptable in that shape. BH Radio 1 – FBiH HoP will also discuss the Law on Allocation of Public Revenues and Law on FBiH Public Broadcasting Service [PBS]. Harmonizing state and entities Laws on PBS is one of conditions for Stabilization and Association Agreement [SAA]. RTRS – RS Government will today discuss the proposed RS budget for 2006.

SAA chief negotiator Davidovic meets EU officials preparing second round of talks

RTRS – Igor Davidovic, BiH Chief negotiator with EU on SAA talks, is in Brussels, where he will hold meetings with the EU officials and discuss the issue of technical details of 2nd round of negotiations scheduled for 17 March in Sarajevo. Davidovic’ Head of Cabinet, Srdjan Vranic, has announced that during resumption of talks, discussions will focus on commencement of technical talks, which will be led by Head of Department for Western Balkans with European Commission for Enlargement, Dirk Lange, on behalf of EU.

US official Di Carlo called on BiH to adopt const. changes

BH Radio 1 – Deputy Assistant US State Secretary Rosemary di Carlo called on BiH political leaders to respect to the deadline [end of March] for adopting constitutional changes, for these could be applied in the October elections, reports Voice of America.


War crimes

Former Croatian Serb leader Babic commits suicide in his ICTY detention cell












RHB– Former Croatian Serb leader, Milan Babic committed suicide in his cell at the UN detention unit in Scheveningen. Babic had been sentenced by the ICTY to 13 years in prison for crimes committed against non-Serb civilians in the so-called ‘Republic of Serb Krajina’ in eastern Croatia. Babic, President of Krajina (first an “autonomous region” then a “republic”) later foreign minister and prime minister, was found dead in his cell at 18,30 hrs on Sunday, March 5. Authorities soon confirmed cause of death was suicide. He was a key ally of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic but later testified against him at the tribunal. Ten days ago Babic completed his testimony in the case against former president of Republic of Serb Krajina Milan Martic. He also testified against Bosnian Serb leader Momcilo Krajisnik. PINK– “The Tribunal President Fausto Pokar has ordered an internal inquiry in accordance with the Tribunal Statute”, said Alexandra Milenov, ICTY spokesperson. RTRS – RTRS says the incident could damage reputation of the detention prison. BHT 1, FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 3 ‘Milan Babic committed suicide in the Hague prison’ by Asim BeslijaDnevni Avaz pg 19 ‘Milan Babic heng himself in Scheveningen’ mentioned on cover, not signed, Vecernji List cover pg splash “He committed suicide or he was killed’ and pgs 2 and 3 ‘Milan Babic hanged himself or he was killed?’ by G. Jungvirt, Dnevni List pg 22 ‘Babic hanged himself in Scheveningen’, mentioned on cover ‘Babic hanged himself’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 3 ‘The Hague: Investigation on suicide of Milan Babic in his cell’ by H,Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘Milan Babic committed suicide’ by D.Risojevic, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Milan Babic committed suicide’ by G.K., EuroBlic cover pg splash, pg 4 ‘Milan Babic hanged himself’ by Tanja N.Djakovic, Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘Noose of a dangerous witness’ by E.Radosavljevic – also covered.

Association of Serbs from Croatia : Babic committed suicide because of burden of his conscience; VL: speculations Babic was killed


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Milan Babic committed suicide’ by G. K. Inset ‘Burden of conscience’, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Milan Babic committed suicide’ by D. Risojevic Inset ‘Burden of conscience’ – Association of Serbs from Croatia on Monday assessed Milan Babic committed suicide because of burden of his conscience due to false testimonies he had given during processes that are being carried out before the Hague Tribunal. The Association says Babic’s suicide is a proof his testimonies had been extorted, therefore cannot serve as evidence in procedures before the Hague Tribunal. Vecernji List cover pg splash “He committed suicide or he was killed’, pgs 2 and 3 ‘Milan Babic hanged himself or he was killed?’ by G. Jungvirt – VL also says that speculations according to which Babic was killed by former members of secret services because of his testimony against former Serb officials indicted by the ICTY already appeared in Serbia.

Main hearing in BiH against SCG lawsuit continues before ICJ; BiH team presents evidences on paramilitary forces from Serbia and financing of the RS from Belgrade


Hayat by Asim Beslija, The Hague – BiH legal team on Monday continued to present evidences before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague in an effort to prove SCG is responsible for the genocide committed in BiH. Member of BiH lawyers’ team Magda Karagianakis talked about paramilitary forces from Serbia, which took part in ethnic cleansing, killing and rape of non-Serb population in BiH. She emphasized that numerous documents prove that volunteers from Serbia were members of those paramilitary formations, such as ‘Scorpions’ or ‘Red Berettas’, which committed crimes in BiH. Karagianakis stated that Serbian Ministry of Interior played an important role in ethnic cleansing, because it trained, controlled and provided those paramilitary formations with necessary equipment. Tuesday is the last day for the BiH team to present its arguments. After that, SCG lawyers’ team will have seven working days to present their arguments. FTV, RHB, PINK, BHT1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Arkan’s men under same command as the Army’ by Nagorka Idrizivic, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Genocide in BiH financed with Belgrade money’ not signed, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Serbian MoI organized Arkan’s troops and Scorpions’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Para-military units were under command of Serbian MoI’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Key role of para-armies’, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Serbia to defend tomorrow’ by A.B. – carried similar reports.

RS CoP discusses BiH lawsuit vs. SCG, deputies present clear but very different stances; RSNA Speaker Radojicic says Assembly will not discuss against discuss lawsuit


Hayat by Milijana Kos, ATV Banjaluka – On Monday, the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) discussed the issue of the BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide. As expected, delegates have conflicting stances on this issue: however, while Bosniak and Serb Caucuses in the RS CoP have very clear stances on the proceeding, Croat Caucus seems to have nothing to say. In the light of later, CoP Deputy Chair Pejo Krnjic stressed the court deals with the case, adding there’s no need to further increase of tensions. As for the stance of the RS National Assembly, it discussed the lawsuit twice, in 1999 and 2003, both times concluding it was illegitimate. Newly appointed RS NA Speaker Igor Radojicic confirmed on Monday that RS NA would not discuss this lawsuit again, as previous conclusions were legal documents representing a position of the Assembly. Bosniak Caucus agrees it is not up to the RS to make any decisions regarding the BiH lawsuit against SCG. “RS should not further politicise this issue. It has been politicised enough during last 13 years, and I think that it is time for this [practice] to finally stop”, stated RS CoP Speaker Remzija Kadric. “If this is the BiH lawsuit, and if all peoples are constitutive and all citizens equal, then they should all be asked whether they want this lawsuit to be continued and completed”, concluded CoP Deputy Speaker Miroslav Mikes. RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Confronted stances on lawsuit against SCGnot signed, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Opposite positions about lawsuit’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘BH suit against SiCG is not acceptable for RS’ by V.Popovic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Legitimacy without verification in Srpska’ by Tijana Veselinovic, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Suit is illegal’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Opening the wounds from the past’ by G.D. – carries statements of Radojicic and Mikes

FTV ’60 minutes’: BiH team under pressure to settle out of court on lawsuit against SCG


FTV current affair program ’60 Minuta’By Arijana Saracevic Helac – Commenting the main hearing before the International Court of Justice in the case of BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression/ genocide, FTV says that according to the unofficial sources, BiH team is under great pressure to settle outside of courtroom. Allegedly, Serbian PM Vojislav Kostunica and President Boris Tadic offered two years ago the abolishment of RS in return for a settlement in the lawsuit. Member of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic stated that there could be no valid discussions on any settlement, stressing that BiH legal team is not authorized to bargain.

BiH to get law regulating financial position of ICTY fugitives and their aides; BiH HoR to discuss it on Tuesday


Hayatby Snjezana Mulic – Eleven years after the end of the war, BiH is to get a law that regulates the position of ICTY fugitives and their aides. The name of the draft law, which representatives in the BiH House of Representatives should discuss on Tuesday, is the ‘Law on the use of temporary measures toward persons who are indicted, but not within the reach of the Hague Tribunal, and those who help The Hague indictees’. According to NTV Hayat, this law should have been adopted a long time ago, but the Serb representatives were against it. However, things changed after the definition of those who help the Hague indictees has been modified. “This law is now completely in accordance with the law on criminal procedure and BiH crime code. On the other hand, it also satisfies the European standards related to persons indicted for war crimes, their property and the property of their helpers”, explained Momcilo Novakovic, Serb representative in the BiH HoR. If adopted, the law should prevent ICTY fugitives and their aides from using checks, notes, bank deposits, securities, certificates, dividends and investments.

DA op-ed: Hard to build peaceful future without verified historical facts

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Insane thesis from Belgrade’ by Husein Orahovac – Commenting recent reactions from official Belgrade, which says that the peace in region could be threatened by the BiH lawsuit against SCG, editorial repeated stances that it is hard to build peaceful future without officially verification of historical facts.


Budgets, finances and other economic issues

FBiH HoR passes 2006 budget, which is against IMF criteria







Hayatby Lejla Gutlic – At the extraordinary session of the FBiH House of Representatives, deputies adopted the proposed FBiH budget for 2006 in amount of approx. 1.13 billion KM, four million KM more than the initial proposal. FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic explained that these additional funds are intended for three cantons – Podrinje, Livno and Posavina Cantons – to stimulate an employment of disabled persons. Since FBiH Budget had to be adopted in urgent procedure, Hadzipasic announced at the beginning of HoR session that he would not accept amendments to the budget; therefore, all the amendments have been rejected. SDP representatives abstained from voting. FBiH Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic stressed such enlarged budget is not in accordance with criteria of the International Monetary Fund, but “at this point we believe it is much more important for us to show understanding for social categories”. Hadzipasic reminded that the law on allocation of public revenues is still waiting for the FBiH Constitutional Court to decide on the request by the Croat Caucus in the FBiH House of Peoples to assess whether it is in violation of the Croat vital national interests. RHB, PINK, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘F BiH budget amounts to BAM 1.14 billion’ by R.Cengic – carried similar reports.

FBiH HoR passed budget proposal but no distribution of payments until the law on allocation of revenues is passed


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘2006 Budget proposal passed’ by S. Sehercehajic – Even though 2006 budget foresees transfer of means for war disabled veterans [KM30 million] and subventions for negative VAT effects [KM25 million], the FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated that there would be no payments from the budget until the FBiH Law on allocation of public revenues is passed.  FBiH Finance Minister Dragan Vrankic stated that there is about KM200 million on single account of Indirect Taxation Administration intended for FBiH, but distribution of means is not being conducted. Vrankic also brought into question payments of other budgetary beneficiaries if issue of the vital national interest of the proposed Law on allocation of public revenues is not solved soon. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Passed budget for 2006 of KM billion and 139, 6 million’ by A. Hadziarapovic, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Questionable payment of pensions to wartime invalids’, by Mensud Zorlak, Vecernji List, pg 6 ‘Finally adopted’, by f – also carries Hadzipasic as saying if the FBiH Constitutional Court does not decide on the Croats’ request regarding the invocation of vital national clause related to allocation of revenues soon, it could jeopardize the payment of February pensions to military invalids.

ITA Steering Board to analyse revenues in 2005, but claim that Dodik lawsuit has no grounds


Hayat – Steering Board of the BiH Indirect Taxation Administration decided to carry out the analysis of the revenues made in 2005, in order to establish whether the accusations from the RS against the IAT were justified or not. RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik earlier stated that ITA owes between 30 and 40 millions KM to the RS, and announced that the entity authorities would file charges against ITA Steering Board Chair Joly Dixon. BHT1 – On the other hand, the Board cays that the lawsuit would be groundless. RS PM Dodik explained that he spoke to Dixon: “He explained to me what I did not understand; the Steering Board had brought a decision how to allocate the means in 2005. According to the decision, ITA owes to the RS between 30 and 44 millions KM.” In late February, the former Finance Minister, Svetlana Cenic, also criticised ITA claiming it owes 37 million KM and called on the RS authorities to file charges against ITA. On the other hand, the FBiH Finance minister and member of the ITA Steering Board Dragan Vrankic says that the allocation of revenues was respected, and that the lawsuit would be ungrounded. Dodik has also announced lawsuit against the ITA Director Kemal Causevic. PINK, FTV– reported.

RS PM Dodik:Responsible persons are ITA Steering Board members and Director Causevic


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Dodik also holds Causevic responsible for halting payments of tax incomes for RS’ not signed – The RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik told the press conference on Sunday that the RS Government would demand the responsibility of the Chairman of the Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] Steering Board, Joly Dixon, because of the decision to halt payments gathered through indirect taxes to the RS. Dodik stated: “For such condition responsible persons are Dixon, ITA Director Kemal Causevic and members of the ITA Steering Board.”

Secretariat of ITA Governing Board: Governing Board Chairman Dixon has no comment


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dixon has no comment’ by D. V. M. – The Secretariat of ITA Governing Board has stated Chairman of ITA Governing Board Joly Dixon has no comment on the statement of RS PM Milorad Dodik who announced he would file criminal denunciation against Dixon if ITA fails to pay back 37 million KM to RS [see OHR BiH Media Round up March 6]. The Secretariat stated Dixon is currently in Brussels and will return to BiH on Wednesday.

ITA Director Causevic: RS received 140 million KM more than the previous year


Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Dodik made up debt worth millions’, pg 2 ‘In 2005 they received 140 million KM more than the last year’ by F.C. – Responding to accusations of the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik who claims that Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] owes the RS sum of 30 million KM, ITA Director Kemal Causevic stated that ITA fulfilled decision of Steering Board on allocation of indirect taxation for 2005. Causevic said that ITA collected 260 million KM more than previous institutions, adding that RS received 140 million KM from that amount. Causevic also pointed out that this is the first such complaint so far, although ITA was submitting monthly and quarterly reports.

ITA Steering Board member Vrankic: RS is not being owed anything


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS is not being owed anything’ by S.S. – Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] Steering Board member Dragan Vrankic told daily that ITA scheduled meeting for Friday to set the complete analysis for work in 2005 in order to respond to the claims of the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. Representatives of entity finance ministries will also be present at the meeting, said Vrankic, adding that there is no basis for accusations: “Firstly, the RS cannot be owed. I think that these data to which RS representatives refer are not reliable. And regarding the possible lawsuite against [ITA Steering Board Chairman Joly]Dixon, that is a story for little kids… They have no arguments. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Steering Board would discuss accusations from RS’ by Fena – also announced.

BiH Farmers announce blocking of border crossings, and preventing of Mostar Fair from taking place if BiH Minister Doko doesn’t fulfil their demands


RHB – Association of the BiH farmers announced the blockade of the border crossings and prevention of the Mostar Fair being held in April. In a short statement for RHB, Chair of the Association Ranko Bakic explained: “This fair is all about promoting imported goods, instead of promoting domestic products. We want to show BiH authorities once again that we disagree with their politics. We have already informed BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Dragan Doko that the fate of this fair is in his hands: if he accepts our demands about introducing obligations to agricultural products from neighbouring countries, then we will block neither the border crossings nor the fair in Mostar”, stated Bakic. PINK, BHT1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Blockade of economic fair in Mostar’ by M.K.S., Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Blockade of the whole Mostar possible as well’ by Srna, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Destiny of protest in hands of Minister Doko’ by D. Polovina-Mandic -carried.

RS Syndicate supports RS Govt. in announcement regarding audit of privatisation process


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Support to audit of privatisation’ by SRNA  – Milos Bozic, Chair of RS Syndicate for traffic and communication said that this syndicate supports RS Government in audit of privatization. The Syndicate asks from RS Government to bring Law on social care of employees and free access of syndicate to privatizations.  EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Nobody should be sacked’ by Mirna Soja – Bozic said that Syndicate demands from RS PM DOdik to ensure that not a single employee of “Telekom Srpsker”, “Poste Srpske” and “Zeleznice RS” is sacked, since Syndicate assesses it would be realistic all employees are kept at work.

RS Association of farmers demands from RS PM to annul decisions former RS Min. of Agriculture made on concessions

EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Concessions beyond Law’ by Mirna Soja – The RS Association of farmers will demand from the RS Premier, Miloard Dodik, to annul eight of ten decisions on allocations of concessions, which former RS Minister of Agriculture, Goran Perkovic, signed last week. According to President of Association, Vladimir Usorac, the concessions were allocated in illicit manner.

HR: information technology could brings foreign investments


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Information sector is a great chase for BiH’ by T.L.– In a statement for DA, High Representative Christian Schwarz- Schilling who would lead BiH delegation of small and medium businesses in IT Fair in Hanover, said that sector of information technologies could bring foreign investors, but only if BiH continues to develop business environment. Swarz-Schilling stressed that this ectr in BiH is still in development, but underlines that installment of computerized system for registration of companies is foreseen for the April, which would be one of the topics of the meetings in Hanover .  


Political issues

If RS Govt adopts budgets, RSNA to hold extraordinary session; Speaker Radojicic meets French Ambassadors






FTV – If the RS Government accepts the Budget for 2006, the RS National Assembly will hold extraordinary session to discuss the issue, says the RSNA Speaker Igor Radojicic. He met with the RS NA Collegium and Council of Peoples in order to discuss efficiency in work of legislative bodies and cooperation between the RS Government, RS NA and Council of Peoples. It was agreed that the laws which could cause difficulties in terms of vital national interests to be submitted to first be submitted to the Council of Peoples. Radojicic also met with French Ambassador to BiH Henry Zipper De Fabiani, who said that that he came to Banja Luka in order to be introduced to changes which recently took place. “We expect the International Community to BiH and France to support us in strengthening our institutions, especially on our way to the EU and Stabilization and Association Agreement negotiations”, said Radojicic. De Fabiani welcomed the fact that the RS contributed a lot to BiH’s path to the EU in terms of legislature. Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Assembly session next week’ by O.V. – Announcing the RSNA session next week, Radojicic stated he expects intensive communications and cooperation between the Assembly and that Government. RTRS – carried announcement on special session. Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Necessity of BiH’s integration into Europenot signed , Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Aid on European path’  – also carried on meeting.

DA: New RS MoI replaces seven Chiefs of Departments in police administration, only RS Pol Director Andan remains


Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Minister Cadjo replaced all seven heads of administration’ by E.Sarac – Daily learns that newly appointed RS Interior Minister Stanislav Cadjo replaced all seven heads of police administration in this entity. Cadjo removed RS MoI chief of cabinet Zoran Glusac and appointed Stevo Ivetic at this position. He also informed seven heads of administration that they are in the technical mandate as of that moment [journalist did not specified the date] and that they can submit their resignations in written during the day. Removed officials are chief of police administration Nijaz Smajlovic, chief of crime-police Dragi Milosevic and other heads of departments Mladen Petrovic, Vaso Sevarika, Indira Rogic, Zeljko Rogic and Uros Pena. Daily also learns that Cadjo would probably replace five heads of Public Security Centres “so his party leader [Milorad] Dodik could reach full control over the Ministry.” Inset ‘From Matijasevic’s crew only Andan remained’ – Cadjo did not replace RS Police Director Dragomir Andan, whom he has no procedural right to replace. Daily alleges that if Andan does not “adulate” he would be replaced trough a wider procedure by and Independent Board and RS Government.

NN: Following demand of RS PM Dodik, Assistants to Ministers in RS Govt. tendering resignations


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Assistant to Ministers tender resignations’, announced on cover ‘Majority of assistants to Ministers at RS Government tendered resignations’ by P.K.-G.G. – Daily reads that majority of assistants to Ministers at the RS Government have tendered resignations in line with demand made by Milorad Dodik, RS Premier. Government says that depending on individual assessments into performance of each assistant and secretary, decision on their future engagement would be made. Daily lists names of assistants and secretaries to each Ministry. According to inset ‘Department Heads at RS MoI tendered resignations’, all department heads at the RS MoI have tendered resignations following arrival of new minister. Stanislav Cadjo, RS MoI, Monday stated that their resignations are “in the phase of consideration” and have not been accepted as yet.

VL: Appointments of Croat ministers in new RS Govt is farcical, argues they are not genuine Croat representatives


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Croat ministers defending RS’, by Dejan Jazvic – the article argues that the appointments of three Croat ministers to the new RS Government, who have been appointed by the SNSD (Anton Kasipovic, Education), PDP (Slaven Pekic, Agriculture) and SPRS (Predrag Gluhakovic, Trade), the parties which are labeled by VL as “parties that fiercely defend survival of the RS”, illustrate the unequal status of the Croats in the entity, and by this, VL argues that the Croat parties cannot appoint their own ministers/representatives. According to Croat member of BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic, this confirms the farce called the ‘constitutional status of peoples that was imposed in constitutional changes from 2002’, which were imposed by former HR, Wolfgang Petritsch, and Jovic argues that ministers in entity and state governments must be ‘authentic representatives of peoples’ and that there should be equal number of ministers from lines of all 3 peoples in all the entity and state governments.

SDS Cavic to meet CoM Chair Terzic to discuss withdrawal of SDS ministers


RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘They are leaving Council of Ministers’ by N.Z.  Dragan Cavic, SDS Leader said that next week he would talk to the BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair Adnan Terzic about withdrawal of the SDS Ministers from CoM. Cavic said that expects all SDS personnel to resign and respect party stance. Cavic announced that those who oppose this decision might be excluded from the party.

SDS ’ Novakovic: SDS personnel at BiH COM to file resignations


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDS personnel to file resignations’ by V.Popovic Momcilo Novakovic, Head of the SDS Caucus at the BiH HoR Monday confirmed that that all SDS personnel at the BiH CoM will file resignations, bar Minister of Justice Slobodan Kovac, since he will not act in line with this decision of SDS Main Board. He also said that SDS will not demand from Borislav Paravac, Serb member to BH Presidency, to resign since he was elected through direct elections. Mladen Ivanic, BH Foreign Minister, Monday stated that survival of BiH COM will depend on decision of SDS, that announced withdrawal of its ministers, adding: “Apart from SDS, another crucial factor is SDA”, noting that BiH COM cal leave, as far as he is concerned.

HDZ spokesperson Relota: HDZ accepts compromise solution if BiH would remain 1 election unit/ SDP Limov: Everyone should have right to elect and be elected


Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Covic and Brkic changed opinion’ by D. Pusic – HDZ spokesperson Miso Relota stated: ‘We accept a compromise solution if BiH would remain 1 election unit. If it was insisted on the direct election of the BiH Presidency we demand that BiH was 1 election unit. This is about the destiny of the Croat people.’ Relota also believes that the Venetian Commission’s opinion would be in accordance with the HDZ proposal. SDP representative in the House of Peoples Tomislav Limov said that SDP believes that discrimination should be abolished when the election of the BiH Presidency is in question and that everyone regardless of his religion, nationality etc. should have the right to be elected and the right to elect. DL also says that they failed to get the opinion of HNZ on this issue.

VL on constitutional changes: SDA’s Tihic and SNSD’s Dodik created pact at expense of Croats


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Agreement between two at expense of the third’, by Miro Bosnjak – argues that the ongoing process of constitutional changes has gone into crisis because the SDA and SNSD leaders, Sulejman Tihic and Milorad Dodik respectively, “made an informal pact at the expense of the third party”, i.e. the Croats. According to the author, the Tihic-Dodik agreement would turn the Croats into minority in the Bosniak-controlled FBiH, whilst the Serbs would preserve their statehood embodied in the RS, which is a concept unacceptable to the Croats to the extent that they (Croats) for the first time reached a consensus about a political issue – that they do not want such a state. To illustrate the Croats’ unequal status, the author underlines they are the only people that are invoking the vital national clause since they get regularly outvoted in parliamentary procedure.

Preliminary stance of Venice Comm. on const. changes to arrive today


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Preliminary stance of Venice Commission is expected today’ by A.Malagic – The Special Representative of Council of Europe Secretary General Tim Cartwright stated for daily that preliminary stance of Venice Commission on three offered possibilities for electing BiH Presidency members should be issued by end of Tuesday. During the talks on constitutional changes, representatives of seven BiH parties could not agree on this issue, and they requested opinion of Venice Commission which of three offered possibilities is the most acceptable with regard to human rights. Cartwright stressed that this body “only give recommendations, and sovereign states accept it or not.

SDP’s Lagumdzija: SBiH’s Silajdzic is using constitutional changes for pre-election political games


FTV current affair program ’60 Minuta’ by Bakir Hadziomerovic – Featuring on recently reached agreement on constitutional changes which was sent to the Venice Commission for the stance on the election of the BiH President and two Vice Presidents, and which was heavily criticized by SBiH, BOSS and SDU, FTV carried out an interview with SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija. Together wit SDA leader Sulejman Tihic, Lagumdzija was accused for high treason by these three parties, and particularly by the founder of SBiH Haris Silajdzic [who was also invited for an interview, but refused to come]. Lagumdzija believes that Silajdzic’s campaign against the present concept of constitutional changes is only his political game and pre-electoral campaign. He also accused Silajdzic of being responsible for homogenization and radicalization of Bosniaks, and emphasized that the process of constitutional changes must be evolutionary, and it can take years to be completed. Lagumdzija announced that the agreement on constitutional changes could be signed by the end of this week.

BiH Chief Negotiator Davidovic preparing next round of SAA talks

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Davidovic talks on details for the next round in Brussels’ by T.L. – BiH Chief Negotiator Igor Davidovic visited Brussels to meet EU officials and discuss technical details on continuation of talks on Stabilisation and Association Agreement [SAA ]. Next round of talks is scheduled for March 17 in Sarajevo .

Social Study proves Austrian sceptical of SEE countries joining EU; Former HR Petritsch: BiH did not develop substantive democracy due to presence of IC


Kurier pg 4 ’Balkan countries in the EU: Great Scepticism’ – Presenting Study of Austrian Society for European Policy and Paul Lazarsfeld Society for Social Research, article carries that Austrians are quite reserved towards associating South European countries to the EU. Only Croatia has a narrow support. There is even scepticism towards Bulgaria and Romania, countries that are about to join EU by 2008. Referring to this, former HR Wolfgang Petritsch said: “It is a paradox that the country that will profit the most, is the most sceptic one.” The Study also carries that citizens of Albania have the greatest, while Croats have the least confidence in the EU, adding that the majority in all the regional countries think that association with EU would bring political stability. Der Standard ‘Albanians hope, Croats doubt’ – Study carries that out of all regional countries BiH citizens have the least confidence in the BiH Parliament and political parties: 37 % think favourable of the abolishment of these institutions. Petritsch says that due to the presence of International Community [IC], a substantive democracy has not developed so far in BiH. Patritsch also added that the reason why Austrians are quite reserved towards enlargement of EU is that they cannot distinguish globalization from “Europeisation”.

UN DP research: 1/3 of BH citizens believes institutions are corrupt


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘One third of citizens believes institutions are corrupt’ by S.Gojkovic – The latest research UN DP (UN Development Programme) has carried out on the sample of 1650 interviewees in November 2005 states that one third of BH citizens is of the view state and entity institutions are inclined to bribe, corruption and office abuse for private purposes.

Seminar on implementing laws on financing political parties commences in Sarajevo


PINK, Oslobodjenje pg ‘Financing of parties is more of a political issue’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘American model’ by N. Z. – Five-day seminar “Implementation of Laws on financing of the political parties” began and the President of BiH Election Commission, Branko Petric, said that financing of political parties is not only a financial but also a political and democratic issue. The organizers of the seminar are BiH Election Commission, OHR and IFES from Washington. The Head of the Audit Department of US Federal Election Commission, Joe Stolz, has stated there are no great differences between the way of financing of political parties and control of this process in BiH in comparison to American system.

BiH Presidency Chair Tihic in Brussels meets NATO, EU officials


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Albert II pleased with progress in BiH’, mentioned on cover ‘Tihic: Belgium king Albert II delighted me’ by A.Malagic – Daily reports from Brussels where BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic met with Belgium officials. Article also carries announcements that Tihic will meet representative of Belgium Senate Anne-Marie Lizin and EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on Tuesday, and NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana on Thursday.


Trial, security and judicial issues

Ex HNC PM Merdzo and ex HNC MoI Mandic sentenced to 1 year in prison due to abuse of position and powers






Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 19 ‘Merdzo and Mandic sentenced to on 1 year in prison’ by N. Dedic carries that before the Cantonal Court in Mostar former Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Prime Minister Josip Merdzo and former HNC Minister of Interior Dragan Mandic were sentenced to 1 year in prison due to abuse of position and powers. Namely, back in 1999 Merdzo signed the tender on making the contract with a security service agency that would secure the HNC Government building and Mandic proposed to choose security service agency ‘Redarstvenik’ since it mostly employed policemen who lost job at that time. For this purpose 66 000 KM were transferred to ‘Redarstvenik’ and the decision is disputable since it was passed without majority of Ministers’ votes. Also, according to the law only police and not a private agency could secure Cantonal institutions. Vecernji List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘1 year in prison to Merdzo and Mandic’ by R. Soldo also carries that 757 308 KM in total were paid during 2000 in this way. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz ‘Josip Merdzo and Dragan Mandic sentenced to a year each’ mentioned on cover by F. Vele, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Merdzo and Mandic sentenced to year-term imprisonment’ by Agencies – also reported.

HJPC: Dodik’s announcement on new Special Prosecutor’s Ofice could threaten efficiency of RS judiciary


FTV current affair program ’60 Minuta’ByDragan Stanimirovic – Commenting on appointment of new RS Government and new RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, reporter commented on Dodik’s plans which presented in his exposé [for more details see BiH Media Round-up March 1], especially on the part in which he announced establishment of the Special Prosecutor’s Office to deal strictly with the organized crime. Chair of BiH High Judicial and Prosecution Council Branko Peric believes that such judicial body might be a threat to the efficiency of RS judicial system since the courts and prosecution offices already work under very bad conditions.

PDHR Butler urges FBiH HoP to support legislations regulating minor offences


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘To accept Government’s proposal on courts’ by Fena – The Principal Deputy High Representative, Larry Butler, called on the FBiH House of Peoples (HoP) to support legislation at their session Tuesday that will modernize the way in which BiH deals with minor offences, OHR said. “Asking the FBiH taxpayer to maintain 71 minor offence courts as a separate structure to the existing court system is unacceptable,” said Butler noting that “some of these courts barely have enough cases to keep their employees occupied, and yet the court system throughout the FBiH desperately needs investment in infrastructure and technology that will speed up the application of justice.”

US Department of State’ Report: BiH is becoming bigger market and transit node for smuggling in narcotics


Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘BiH is becoming bigger and bigger market and transit node of narcotics’ by D.Rs.-S.G. – The Report the US Department of State presented Monday reads that Bosnia and Herzegovina is becoming bigger and bigger market and regional node for smuggling in narcotics. The Report reads that in spite of the increasingly better cooperation between the bodies in charge in BiH, the results in the fight against drugs lack, since that cooperation is not coordinated well. One of the reasons for this is political division at all authority levels.

NN op-ed: the story on liberalization of visa regime is not realistic at the moment

Nezavisne novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Small concessions and great lies’ by Mirza Cubro – The author notes EU Foreign Ministers might decide this week to approve relaxation of visa regime for BiH citizens, however, local politicians are skillfully turning the term “relaxation” into the term “liberalization”. The author notes the story on liberalization of visa regime is not realistic at the moment since EU countries have no intention to abolish visas for BiH citizens in next several years from several reasons, primarily because of fear from allowing suspicious persons linked with crimes to enter their countries. The author concludes by saying BiH citizens will be able to travel to EU countries without visas only after the state develops a system in which the rule of law would be respected.