Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 7 March
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
UHSP on Santic disappearance | Increase of oil price as of today | Oil prices to go up |
Danish Parliament Speaker in BiH | Syrian-Lebanon summit commences | Tomljenovic on RS |
ICTY: Perisic to surrender today | Severe weather conditions in BiH | |
TV news broadcast on 6 March
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Snow storms throughout BiH | Ashdown: ‘ | Murder of Risto Jugovic |
Danish Parliament Chair in BIH | Defence reform in BiH | Mladic posters in |
Iranian President visits BIH | Council for vital national interests | Ashdown: ‘ |
Iranian President visits Croatia | Transfer of the ICTY cases to BiH | Perisic’s surrender |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Severe weather conditions in BiH | Severe weather conditions in BiH | Ashdown: ‘ |
Mladic posters in | Snow isolates villages in | Weather problems in BIH |
ICTY trials update | Electricity shortcuts in Foca | Car accident |
Ashdown: ‘ | BiH doctor invited to | Road conditions in BIH |
Oslobodjenje | Invalids to replace Hadzipasic and Nadarevic; RS Railways: Marko Arsenic made a deal with himself; Protection of Trebinje and Vlasenica discriminated also Serbs in RS |
Dnevni Avaz | In dramatic action, police saves a young man [from getting frozen to death]; Osmanovic: SDS and Radicals are taking over police in RS; ICTY: No new indictments from |
Dnevni List | Drugs: BiH is one of main transit centres |
Vecernji List | |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Features |
Nezavisne Novine | Drug-Mafia conducts its trades in cooperation with politicians |
Glas Srpske | Lawsuit of Serbs for property destroyed after |
EuroBlic | More severe measures towards safer traffic: Cash on the road, dots in driving licence |
Vecernje novosti | New feuilleton: Balkans’ network of AL Q’Aeda |
Nacional | Features Serbian related topics |
Danish Parliament Speaker in BiH | RHB at 12.00 – The Speaker of the Danish Parliament, Christian Mejdahl, is on a three-day visit to BiH. He is today scheduled to meet both Speakers of the BiH House of Peoples and House of Representatives, and Chairman of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic. |
Mihajlica: There’s no suport for police reform | SRNA news agency – The president of the Serb Radical Party, Milanko Mihajlica, said that tomorrow’s meetings between HR Paddy Ashdown and heads of RSNA Caucuses clearly show that there is no political will for police reforms in a form of proposal by HR. SRS strongly opposes PRC proposal. |
War crimes / cooperation with ICTY | |
HR: ‘
| RHB, PINK, BHT 1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Ashdown: |
ICTY update, Perisic to surrender today
| RHB, BHT1, Hayat – The main hearings in the cases against Sefer Halilovic, Momcilo Krajisnik, Naser Oric, Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura will continued before the Hague Tribunal on Monday. Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Spy who knows a lot’, mentioned on cover, by Nagorka Idrizovic, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Perisic goes to The Hague voluntarily’ by De.L., Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Perisic in The Hague today’ by D. Jazvic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Perisic travels to The Hague today’ – Former JNA General Momcilo Perisic should leave for the Hague today, March 7. Perisic has been charged with the war crimes committed in the regions of Zadar in |
| PINK – The Chair of the BiH Court, Medzida Kreso, said that there was a possibility for the ICTY cases “Zeljko Mejakic and others” and “Radovan Stankovic” to be transferred to the BiH. Radovan Strankovic has been indicted for war crimes in Foca. Kreso said that at the status conference in the ICTY the SCG Delegation presented neither one valid reason why Mejakic and others case should be transferred to SCG. Hayat – In an statement to Dnevni Avaz on Sunday, Kreso stressed that Court of BiH is the only court in the country authorized for such processes. Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Cases versus Mejakic and Stankovic soon in BiH’ by M. Cubro – carries the similar statement of the Head of BiH War Crimes Chamber, Vaso Marinkovic, who adds that BiH delegation had more arguments to demanding the transfer of the abovementioned cases than the SCG. |
VL: ICTY indictees do not want to stand trials before domestic courts
| Vecernji List pg 3 ‘The Hague indictees do not want to go to Sarajevo’, mentioned on cover ‘The Hague indictees do not want to go before domestic courts’ by D. Jazvic says that most ICTY indictees would not like that the ICTY transfers their cases before BiH or neighboring countries’ courts. According to unofficial information, the biggest number of indictees will oppose the transfer of their cases at the Status Conferences. VL source close to the lawyers of a few ICTY indictees learnt that many of them are afraid that the things, which were happening at the beginning of the ICTY work (allegedly, the ICTY indictees who were the first ones who stood the trial in The Hague were sentenced to longest prison terms). |
DA: No more indictments from ICTY
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘There will no more new indictment from the Hague’, mentioned on cover, by Sead Numanovic – According to DA, the ICTY will complete its investigations after making public the indictments against Ramus Haradinaj, current president of the Kosovo Government, and Ljubo Boskovoic, former Macedonian Police Minister. This is expected to happen in the next few days. As for other possible cases and indictments [according to the speculations of the circles close to the ICTY, there could be 12 relevant to BiH], they would be transferred to local judiciary. DA concludes all this doesn’t mean that the Tribunal is to close before Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Maldic are apprehended and processed. |
Ratko Mladic’s posters appear in
| BHT 1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Posters with criminal Ratko Mladic in Belgrade’ by Srna, Oslobodjenje back page ‘Mladic in Belgrade’ by Onasa, Nacional pg 2 ‘Posters with the picture of Ratko Mladic’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Ratko as Chief-of-Staff’, Vecernje Novosti pg 3 ‘Mladic salutes from posters’ – Posters with the photo of Ratko Mladic saluting with the message “Chief-of-Staff” appeared Sunday in the centre of Belgrade. |
GS op-ed critical of IC regarding its accusations that SR Army was hiding Mladic in Veliki Zep
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Forced laws’ by M. Dzepina – The author is critical of conduct of the international community in regard to its accusations that RS Army had been hiding Ratko Mladic at Han Pijesak facility last summer. She describes the behaviour of IC in one sentence: “I am not interested in the truth, I know who is right!” She concludes that IC reached the verdict on the basis of alleged evidence, noting IC did not want to disclose evidence even after Joint Commission of both Houses of BiH Parliament adopted report of BiH Defence Ministry, denying claims Mladic was at Han Pijesak. The author notes international organisations and its officials are aware of the fact they cannot be held responsible for anything before any local judicial institution. |
NN op-ed critical of organized farewells of PIFWCs departure for Hague | Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘We are still at war’ by Sead Fetahagic – The author is critical of the organised farewells organised to war crime suspects departing for the Hague, regardless of their ethnic background. In regard to departure of Rasim Delic to |
Police and defence reforms / security issues | |
Becirbasic: First phase of defence reform completed, further progress blocked
| PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Through the Hague to Brussels’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘The first stage of defence reform completed with the adoption of the law’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Enactment of Law on Defence marks end of first phase of defence reform’ – BiH Deputy Defence Minister Enes Becirbasic told FENA that the first phase of defence reform has been completed with the adoption of the defence law at the state level, adding this should have ensured BiH’s accession to the Partnership for Peace. However, Becirbasic added that this was prevented by two things – a full cooperation with the ICTY, and a need to accelerate process of filing up the MoD, Joint Staff and the Operational Command. “We are bringing the process of hiring staff to an end. We have already ensured a large number of candidates for filing positions in the MoD through the agency, as well as by transferring professional personnel, and this process will soon be completed”, Becirbasic said. About cooperation with the ICTY Becirbasic said that these activities are “somewhat outside our authority” and that “other institutions are responsible for this”. |
Osmanovic: SDS and Radicals took over full control over RS MoI
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘SDS and Radicals took over the complete control over RS MoI’, mentioned on cover ‘SDS and Radicals are taking over police in RS’, by E. Sarac – The RS Vice President, Adil Osmanovic, in a statement to DA, claims that by appointing Dragan Andan to the position of the RS Police Director, SDS and Radicals took over the complete control over the RS Interior Ministry. “I expect EUPM, OHR, BiH CoM and BiH Presidency to react [to Andan appointment] because the political violence directed by SDS and SRS… has to bee stopped. I expect the breaches of the decision on constituency of peoples, respected in all other police institutions except in RS MoI, to be stooped. Osmanovic concluded that Andan’s appointment is the evidence that the RS MoI is an exclusive institution of only one people. “This is anther firm proof that the police reform must be completed as soon as possible and entities’ MoIs to be abolished,” concludes Osmanovic. |
EuroBlic int. with Humphreys: Politics needs to be removed from police
| EuroBlic RSpg 4 ‘Politics needs to be removed from police’ by Nedeljka Breberina – In a page-long interview, Michael Humphreys, Head of EC delegation to BiH, promotes police reform, saying that “police reform is one of important conditions for commencement of Stabilisation and Association Agreement of BiH to EU. I hope that local officials, especially those from RS, would acknowledge that proposed reforms do not undermine anybody – neither RS as an entity nor any of its institutions. Instead, the aim of police reform is to organise a police structure able of efficient acting, fighting against organised crime and serving the entire community.” He does not want to speak about details of police reform (regarding authorities to remain with entity Interior ministries, downsizing). Furthermore, he notes the state institutions are also responsible for failure to fully cooperate with the ICTY, noting State Borer Service plays an important role in this segment. |
US report on Balkans: Drug-Mafia conducts its trades in cooperation with politicians
| Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Drug-Mafia conducts its trades in cooperation with politicians’ by Snjezana Karic, Dnevni List cover pg splash ‘BiH is one of main transit centres’ and pg 33 ‘BiH does not produce drugs, however, it is on ‘Balkan route’ by N. Dedic – Articles carries a part of US State Department report on drugs control and fight against crime in BiH in 2004, which, among other, reads BiH has become regional crossroad for transport of narcotics between east and west and size of its drugs market is increasing as well. Report further reads: “Trades in narcotics remains an integral part of an influence of organized crime and ethnic extremists who operate thanks to silent consent of corrupted political officials.” The report warns the cooperation between law enforcement agencies and prosecutor are mostly of informative nature and joint actions against trades in drugs are seriously limited with legislative bureaucracy. |
SDA, SBiH criticize SNSD’s call on demilitarization
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Only the country with an army can enter PfP’ by E. Sarac – Following the announcement of SNSD that the party will continue with the public campaign to demilitarize BiH, SDA Vice President Seada Palavric wonders whether the party uses this issue to make it more political, especially since it is not possible to talk about the admission to the Partnership for Peace program and demilitarization at the same time. The President of Party for BiH, Safet Halilovic, stresses that existence of professional army is a condition to join NATO. |
Vecernje Novosti feuilleton on alleged AL Q’Aeda presence in the Blakans | Vecernje Novosti cover pg splash ‘Balkans network of Al Q’Aeda’, pg 33 ‘Terror of white spectre’ by Dragan Dzamic – This feuilleton brings statement of Josef Bodanski, Director of International Strategic Studies Institute and expert for terrorism, regarding presence of AL Qaeda members in the Balkans’ states (previously reported on several occasions in media). He warns of upcoming terrorist attacks in |
Economic and social issues | |
Oil prices in BiH to be increased
| BHT1, RTRS, PINK – Starting from March 7, oil price will be increased for 3 to 7 pfenings per litre. According to the Chair of FBiH Oil Distributors Association, Muhidin Alic, prices of oil will increase due to increase at the world market. Dnevni AVaz pg 4 ‘As of tomorrow, the oil more expensive in RS too’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘As of today, oil more expensive’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Oil prices to go up’ – According to the Chair of RS Oil Distributors Association, Vukasin Vojinovic, prices of oil will increase in RS will be increased for 5 pfenings. |
DL: EUFOR controls import and traffic of oil through BiH
| Dnevni List pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘Smuggled fuel at new prices’ by N. Bise carries that EUFOR has been controlling import and traffic of oil through BiH for a longer period of time. DL says that according to their reliable information this action was launched after the information about import of fuel of bad quality to BiH were collected. The source believes that competent officials in inspection and border services and police, who are probably corrupted, know what is going on. |
BiH Farmers demand CoM to protect agriculture in BiH, establish state Ministry
| PINK Aida Doric – The FBiH Government says that thanks to the new law on agriculture the main terms of agricultural policy would be defined for the first time in 10 years. While officials believe that the law could be implemented at BiH level as well, Farmers request establishment of the state Ministry of Agriculture. “I would be glad if the Ministry would be formed at BiH level, in order for a clear and substantial agricultural policy to be established, the one which would serve the farmers. This is only one entity and there is possibility for the RS to adopt another law, and it would have to be coordinated at BiH level, and I am afraid that the processes would take long time”, said the Chair of BiH Farmers Association, Ranko Bakic. Unless Chair if the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, does not adopt the state measures to protect the BiH production by March 10, Bakic says that new protests are going to be organized, on March 11. RTRS – also announces the protests. |
BiH military veterans to seek resignations of Hadzipasic and Nadarevic
| Oslobodjenje, front pg splash and pg 7‘Invalids remove Hadzipasic and Nadarevic’, by A. B. – BiH Association of wartime military invalids will request the resignation of the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, and FBiH Minister for Defenders’ Issue, Ibrahim Nadarevic, in case the FBiH Government decides to give in to pressures of the World Bank and decrease the compensations to the military invalids and members of families of deceased. The President of the Association, Safet Redzic, says: “Lobbying for the adoption of the law, they were saying it was possible to secure the money for its implementation. What we are only asking for is that the law be implemented! Or they should leave”. Redzic also noted that one could not rule out organization of demonstrations. Box entitled ‘BiH is protectorate’ carries the West Herzegovina Canton Minister for Defenders’ Issues, Zdravko Beslic, as suspecting that the WB will not give up on its terms and that Hadzipasic and Nadarevic cannot change what the WB has ordered. “BiH is a typical protectorate of the IC”, says Beslic. |
Oslobodjenje on alleged illegalities in RS Railways
| Oslobodjenje, pg 6, mentioned on front ‘Marko Arsenic made contract with himself’, by V. Zivak – Reports that Marko Arsenic, one of directors in the RS Railways, made a contract back in 2002 with the ‘Telma’ Company, whose owner he is, thus damaging the RS Railways for 82.241 KMs. According to the daily, this is one of allegations contained in four criminal reports that former workers of the RS Railways and railways inspector in the RS Government, Milan Kikovic, have submitted to the Doboj County Prosecution. On basis of the reports, an investigation is being conducted against Arsenic, the current director of RA Railways, Sreten Telebak, and commercial director of the RS Railways, Srecko Saran. Kikovic says Telma did not have the certificate to carry out the works stipulated in the contract and the report also notes that Arsenic was aware of the issue of conflict of interest. Oslobodjenje also learns that former workers of the RS Railways have requested the BiH Prosecution to take over the case because Prosecutor Izudin Berberovic has not completed the investigation even after six months. Box entitled ‘Ivanic denies involvement’ notes that although former workers accuse Mladen Ivanic of being involved in estimation of funds in the RS Railways, together with Nikola Spiric and Pero Bukejlovic, Ivanic denies any involvement. |
DL: Decision on Eronet case at end of March
| Dnevni List pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Supreme Court to confirm verdict of |
VL on issue of Mostar budget: Who will pay back Kuwaiti loan?
| Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Mostar will not be paying back Kuwaiti loan’ by M. Relota carries that there are many problems when the Mostar city budget is in question, however, the biggest problem for the Croat side is paying back of the Kuwaiti loan. VL says that according to a person close to the International Community, HR Paddy Ashdown promised that Mostar will not be paying back this loan but the Federation of BiH or that |
HR welcomes BiH’s bid for Special Olympics | Hayat, PINK, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘An evidence BiH is successful at the international level’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Special Olympics – BiH’s success’- Welcoming news that the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games Bid Committee will announce that Sarajevo, and BiH, have been chosen to host the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games, the HR, Paddy Ashdown, said “this is a magnificent achievement which shows that BiH can succeed internationally.” He added, “the Special Olympics, if well organized, can bring much needed investment and promote BiH internationally as a tourism destination.” |
Judicial issues | |
Lawsuit against FBiH for destruction of property after DA before
| Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘They demand BAM 100 million’ by S. R. T. – The article claims the value of Serb property, destroyed in the Federation of BiH after the Dayton Agreement was signed, exceeds 100 million KM. This amount refers only to Serb property for which compensation was demanded through |
SDA on RS Law on executive procedure
| Oslobodjenje, pg 8, mentioned on front ‘By protecting Trebinje and Vlasenica, they discriminated Serbs in RS too’, by Az. Kalamujic – SDA MPs in the RSNA believe that the Law on changes and amendments to the law on executive procedure, which has been adopted by the RSNA, is destroying the newly established basis of a modern rule of law in BiH. According to the Chair of the SDA Caucus in the RSNA, Tarik Sadovic, the Serb ruling and opposition parties wanted to protect municipalities of Vlasenica and Trebinje, but in reality they protected all heads of municipalities and the RS from consequences of criminal behavior towards the RS citizens. Sadovic notes the private property of the RS citizens, foremost of the Serbs who are majority in the RS, has been put into discriminatory position with this law. He notes that in case the law is not denied before the RS Council of Peoples, it will fall before the |
Serb refugees sue FBiH because of damage caused by Mujahiddins on their property
| Dnevni List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘FBiH sued because of damage caused by Mujahiddins’ by NINA, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Lawsuti against FBiH because of Mujahiddins’ by V. Rupcic carry that Nestor and Branislav Ristic, Serb refugees from a village near Zavidovici, filed a lawsuit against the Federation of BiH demanding compensation (about 232 000 KM) for the damage that members of El Mujahidd unit committed on their property. |
Colak: Covic and Tadic are innocent
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘HDZBiH doesn’t think about the new person in BiH Presidency’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Covic and Tadic are innocent’ by Onasa, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Covic and Tadic are innocence’ by ONASA – The President of the HDZ, Barisa Colak, state he is certain that BiH Presidency member Dragan Covic and the Chair of the BiH Constitutional Court Mato Tadic are innocent on the accounts of the indictments accusing them for the alleged participation in tax frauds in Lijanovici company. Colak underlined that the HDZ will “take clear stance” if the indictments get to be confirmed by the |
DL op-ed says issue on Covic raised purposely at time of talks on constitutional changes
| Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Decision to be passed during this week’ by |
NN interview with Jerko Ivankovic: ‘Indictment against us is a political installation’
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Indictment against us is a political installation’ by P. Klincov – The article brings a half-page interview with Jerko Ivankovic, President of the Supervisory Board of Company “Lijanovic”, where he reiterates the indictment brought against four members of Ivankovic-Lijanovic family over customs frauds is a political installation. He is of the view the indictment is just an integral part of the campaign, which ahs been run against his family and company for a long time. He brings few elements proving the indictment is installation, claiming: “One of those is that four brothers from Ivankovic family have been charged, although only two had been directors. The world practise and local legislation does not stipulate possibility of pressing charges against share-holders or owners, since they cannot be held responsible for the firm management. A witness has no single valid argument for his claims, and I believe this would be determined before the Court.” He once more stresses Dragan Covic had not provided any benefit to “Lijanovic” company. |
VL brings details on witness in Lijanovici case
| Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Z.N. talked with Lijanovics wired’, mentioned on cover ‘Witness was wiretapping Lijanovici’ by Z. Kresic carries that according to the source from the BiH Prosecution, the bills of indictment against Croat member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic, owners of ‘Lijanovici’ company etc. has been grounded on the cooperation of witness Z.N., who decided to report this case to the police after owners of ‘Lijanovici’ had not paid him a fee for ‘the information’ coming from the court (VL explains that a mother of the witness works in the Federation of BiH Supreme Court). According to the same source, the witness was wired two times while he was talking with one of the ‘Lijanovici’ owners about certain deals and the BiH Prosecution made the bills of indictment on the ground of these talks. |
Political issues | |
Comments on HR’s announcement on audit of removal decisions
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Teaspoon full of justice’ by E. G. S. – An announcement of HR Paddy Ashdown that he would re-consider decisions on removals of officials reached by OHR in the period of time between 1998 and 2003 has left several open questions, according to GS. It is still not known why decisions on last-summer removals would not be re-considered. It is also not known whether people on whom decisions would be changed would be in a position to continue with court cases they have brought before the |
NN op-ed on HR’s announcement on audit of removal decisions
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘New marionettes of OHR’ by Mirza Cubro – The author refers to the latest announcement of HR Paddy Ashdown that removal decisions would be reviewed. The interesting segment of the statement, according to the author, is the fact that announcement on rehabilitation of removed officials does not exclude the possibility of seeing new removals of officials. The author questions the need for new removals, bearing in mind HR stated BiH institutions were strong and democratic. The author concludes by noting that HR has not decided to rehabilitate removed officials because “BiH institutions are strong”, but instead to place some of them to leading positions and hence hold them in his hand. |
DA says Brcko facing crisis as Djapo hasn’t fulfilled promises given to HDZ, SBiH
| Dnevni Avaz Monday pg 5 ‘Mirsad Djapo still did not fulfil promises given to HDZ and Party for BiH’ by E. Razanica – DA learns that the current authorities in Brcko District are faced with the serious crisis due to failure of Mayor, Mirsad Djapo, to fulfil his promises given to political parties that supported his election. Among others, Djapo was supported by HDZ, which in turn expect the position of the Deputy Mayor and the Party for BiH was promised to take up the position of the second Deputy Speaker of the Assembly. Djapo allegedly at the time of giving promises, had a signal from OHR that Brcko District Supervisor, Susan Johnson, will change the Statute that would allow two Deputy Speakers of the Assembly and a Deputy Mayor. Instead, on Thursday’s meeting with the parties, Johnson proposed them to independently take their stances on the changes of the Statute. |
PINK on establishment of Council dealing with VNI
| PINK by Ljubisa Davidovic – The HR Paddy Ashdown recently sent an official letter to the |
Comments on Mihajlica’s initiative for reducing authorities of RS CoP
| EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Interest abuse or deliberate blockade’ by Rajna Radosavljevic-Nedeljka Breberina – The article brings comments following initiative of Milanko Mihajlica, President of the RS Serb Radical Party, regarding the changes to BiH Constitution to redefine the rights of RS Council of Peoples. Mihajlica is of the view that Bosniak delegates abuse the position of Council of Peoples by frequent launch of proceedings for protection of vital national interests (VNI). Stanko Pivasevic, SDS MP at RS NA, agrees that Bosniak officials raise the issue on protection of VNI, adding that something needs to be done about it. Desanka Radjevic, Head of SDS Caucus at RS NA, is of the view that rights of CoP should be revised. Velimir Sakan from PDP is of the view rights of CoP need to be defined more clearly. Slobodan Popovic from SDP of BiH, is of the opinion this issue is too big to be raised “ad hoc”. Tarik Sadovic from SDA is of the view that chances for seeing this initiative pass is reduced to zero. Miroslav Mikes, Co-Chairperson of CoP says this initiative would not get parliament majority so easily, not to mention verification at CoP. |
VL int with Tomljenovic: ‘There is less and less of RS everyday thanks to IC’ | Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Herceg Bosna should not have been abolished’ by M. Vasilj carries an interview with RS Vice President Ivo Tomljenovic who says that disappearance of the RS has been envisaged in |