
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 7/11/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 7 November


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

Incidents in France and Germany

EU Foreign Ministers mtg

Igman Initiative mtg started

FBiH HoR on Enegropetrol

FBiH HoR on Energopetrol today

Violence in Paris

 TV news broadcast on 6 November


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

World news

EU to discuss EC recommendations

Decision on SAA negotiations

Igman initiative session

Igman Initiative session in Sarajevo

Cavic on BiH SAA chief negotiator

FBIH HoR session announcement

BiH poultry industry suffers losses

SCG negotiations on SAA

EU Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting

Feature on Banja LukaUniversity

Igman initiative session commenced


NTV Hayat  (19,00 hrs)

FTV  (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Igman Initiative session in Sarajevo

Igman initiative session in Sarajevo

EU Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting

Feature on foreign donations to BiH

Marovic and Mesic visit Sarajevo

Cavic on Chief SAA Negotiator

World news: riots in France

Brussels meeting on Const. changes

Igman initiative session

World Assoc. of Diaspora session

Meeting on tolerance in Balkans

RS POW on Ashdown



Bosnians should change Dayton Agreement by their own

Dnevni Avaz

Croatian President Mesic: Third Entity in BiH not logical

Dnevni List

Vrankic denies journalists of information

Vecernji List

Fake invalids on Croatian budget

Slobodna Dalmacija

Croatia related headlines

Glas Srpske

Franjo was torching, Alija was encouraging

Nezavisne Novine

BiH should withdraw the lawsuit against SiCG


They are looking for a job while they are working illegally

Vecernje Novosti

Serbia related headlines



EU Foreign Ministers to approve start of SAA talks with BiH


BH Radio 1 Elvir Bucalo – EU Foreign Ministers started their meeting in Brussels, which is expected to result with an approval of the EC’s recommendation for opening the SAA talks with BiH. The report commented that instead of the verbal support for this recommendation, the Ministers would adopt the list of concrete measures and approve the recommendation. This will include approving the mandate to the Olli Rehn to commence the talks as soon as possible. Reporter also comments that the EU now clearly indicated the readiness for the new step in a BiH integration process which will also mean intensified contact between Brussels and Sarajevo

RHB also announced the session and likely confirmation of EC recommendation for start of SAA talks with BiH.  

Joint statement on DPA not to be singed by Marovic, Mesic, Tihic


BH Radio 1 Amir Suzanj – The joint statement prepared at the Igman Initiative gathering of 140 NGOs from the region over the weekend which underlined a need for changes to the Dayton Peace Agreement will not be signed by the BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic, SCG President Svetozar Marovic and Croatian President Stipe Mesic as previously announced. The document will not been signed as the statesmen did not agree on its principles. Reporter comments that the gathering indicates that the changes to the DPA are still being viewed differently by the countries in the region.

RHB also reported on the Igman Initiative meeting.

FBiH HoR discusses Energopetrol, workers support FBiH Govt


BH Radio 1 Maida Alic – The extraordinary session of the FBiH House of Representatives dedicated to the issue of Energopetrol co-capitalization has commenced this morning. The session was convened at the request of the HoR’s delegates opposing the decision by the FBiH Government to chose INA-MOL Consortium as a partner in co-capitalization of 67% of shares, with 11 % of shares owned by share holders and 22% by FBiH. More than 100 workers of the company gathered in front of the Parliament’s building supporting the Government’s decision. They announced filing charges against the FbiH Parliament if HoR fails to support the decision and demanding resignation of the Government.

RHB also announced the session.


Political Developments/Reforms

Igman Initiative session started in Sarajevo


RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Neighbouring cooperation based on non-interference of the others’, Dnevni List, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Establishing new relations’, by Danka Polovina-Mandic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Needs of citizens overgrew the Dayton’ by N. Krsman, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Establishing new relations’ by D. S., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dayton has expired’ by N. Z. – The 11th session of Igman initiative started in Sarajevo on Sunday afternoon. Igman Initiative is basically NGOs movement aimed at normalization of relations between BiH, SerbiaMontenegro and the Republic of Croatia. Main topic of the meeting “Ten Years After Dayton – Next Step in Co-operation” will be further improvement of relations amongst the three states. On the first day of the session participants have been harmonising text of a joint statement/declaration. Statement proposal says that the Dayton Peace Agreement secured the main objective, which was to stop the war and set prerequisites for peace stabilisation process. Igman initiative representatives also underline that the DPA has to be changed due to its inability to respond historical and political reality, adding that the DPA should be harmonized with EU principles. President of the BiH Forum of Democratic Alternative Sejfudin Tokicspeaking of the BiH parties who declarative stand for the EU future of BiH said that “They should support the stand of NGO’s forming the Igman initiative, in order to fully harmonize the BiH constitutional organisation with the EU standards, so our country could have the functionality, necessary to become both NATO and EU member.” Statement proposal also demands the neighbouring countries to put an extra effort and help finding the suitable solutions. Civic Committee for Human Rights President, Zoran Pusic stressed that the public opinion towards NGOs’ initiatives has significantly changed in last ten years. “We believe that DPA did end the war in BiH, but it did not provide the lasting and righteous peace. So, it is not questionable whether it should be changed or not: it is an historical document, and unfortunately in many aspects the time has passed it by”, stated Aleksandar Popov, member of the Centre for Regionalism from Novi Sad. Reporter comments that initiative also stands at the point that every country from the ‘Dayton triangle’ should be responsible for the acts within their internationally recognized borders with the continuation of co-operation. Initiative stresses the need of IC institutions’ presence in BiH, with clear plan for changing their mandate. Harmonized ‘Joint statement’ should be signed on Monday by the Igman initiative representatives, Croatian President Stipe Mesic, SCG President Svetozar Marovic and BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic.

SCG, Croatian Presidents Marovic and Mesic arrived in Sarajevo: Bosnians should change Dayton Agreement by their own


FTV, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 3 ‘Bosnians should change Dayton Agreement by their own’, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘Mesic: Third Entity in BiH not logical’, pg 3 ‘Mesic: The time has come for change of Dayton’ – SCG President Svetozar Marovic and Croatian President Stjepan Mesic arrived in Sarajevo on Sunday. Both presidents made statements for media at the SarajevoAirport on initiatives for constitutional changes in BiH. Marovic said: “At one moment the Dayton Peace Agreement has for sure been the best solution, it ended war, violence and it meant the beginning of peace. Of course, there is no ideal agreement, but the great, historical agreement is the agreement that ends that kind of evil. (…) Of course, change of DPA is an issue that Bosnian peoples should deal with. It is not our job to interfere, although the role ofSCG is specific in a way, in terms of its Dayton position. We think it’s the matter for Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats in BiH, and they will know what solution is the best.” Mesic said: “DPA was necessary, it stopped the war in BiH but didn’t fully set all the state mechanisms. Entering Euro-Atlantic integrations as well as the functioning of the system itself, which is the strategic aim of BiH, cannot be reached without further development of DPA (change to the Dayton Constitution). All the BiH peoples should agree on that further development.” Answering journalist’s question to comment on idea of creating the third entity in BiH, Mesic sadi: “I don’t see much logic in that. If someone says that RS played its role in BiH functioning as a state, and that RS should be abolished, and at the same time requests the third entity, that doesn’t make sense to me.”

FTV: Talks on constitutional changes to continue in Brussels next week


FTV Sinan Saric – Approaching 10th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement and next year’s elections, BiH parties have accelerated their activities in negotiating constitutional changes, comments the presenter. Representatives of SDS , HDZ, SDA, PDP, SNSD, Party for BiH, HNZ and SDP should agree on final proposal of BiH constitutional changes in Brussels next week. Parties should also oblige to their implementation. It has been foreseen (by a proposal) that BiH should have one president and that BiH Government should replace the Council of Ministers. Constitutional changes should also bring changes in how the elections for the BiH House of Peoples are carried out. It should be possible that the representatives of all the peoples could be elected in both entities, unlike the present practice, which prevents Serbs to be elected in FBiH, while Bosniaks and Croats cannot be elected in RS. Reporter comments that present practice was anyway not in accordance with BiH Constitution, questioning the purpose of this change ten years after the war. Reporter speculates that not much could be predicted based on the officials statements made so far, which he assumed to be the strategy of the USA , who have been the initiators of this meeting. Reporter further says that the part of strategy is to avoid discussion on possible interior altering of BiH, adding that could be seen as the award to RS politicians for supporting the strengthening of the state institutions.

SDA’s Kadric: Abolishment of entities is only rescue for Bosniaks and Croats


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Abolishment of entities is only rescue for Bosniaks and Croats’ by Aj. Delic – Chairman of the RS Council of Peoples Remzija Kadric stated that the BiH Constitution should be changed thoroughly and that BiH should be de-centralized. He stressed that entities should be abolished since this is the only rescue for Bosniaks and Croats. Commenting on the statement given by RS President Dragan Cavic who said that ‘it can be talked about constitutional changes only under condition that all negotiators give a written statement that the RS is indisputable’, Kadric said that this statement shows to what extent the constitutional changes can be damaging especially for Bosniaks.

SNSD: BiH does not need single president


BHT, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘BiH does not need the President’ by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Everything was said’ by Z. Ma. – SNSD considers that constitutional changes in BiH are possible only on the basis of consensus of all three constitutive peoples. This party reminds that they have sent their declaration on constitutional changes to all relevant political parties in BiH and presented it to public. SNSD’s position is that it is not time for BiH to have one president instead of three-member presidency, but they are not against change in the way of election of presidency members. This also relates to possible increase in number of delegates in BiH Parliament. SNSD’s representative Nebojsa Radmanovic confirms that members of this party will participate in the meeting on constitutional changes that will be held in Brussels .

SPRS’s Djokic: talks on const. changes should be launched and held publicly


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Publicly on the Constitution’ by E. G. S.SPRS President Petar Djokic stated over the weekend that the talks on changes to BiH Constitution must be launched finally, but the talks should be held publicly. He also announced SPRS would support such constitutional changes that would be agreed upon by all three peoples and that would include RS as a constitutional category.

EU Foreign Ministers today to approve start of SAA talks with BiH


RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Talks with EU might start in mid December’, mentioned on cover ‘Talks with EU are start of new reforms’, Vecernji List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Negotiations between BiH and EU on December 17’, by Vlatko Ivankovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Europe prepares negotiating platform for BiH’ by N. K. – EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will decide (approve) on Monday on beginning of negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with BiH, it was announced on Sunday in Brussels after meeting of BiH Presidency Chair Ivo Miro Jovic with EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Javier Solana. The European Commission gave its recommendation for beginning of SAA negotiations with BiH on October 21 this year. Solana confirmed that, as of Monday, there won’t be any more obstacles for scheduling the date of beginning of SAA talks. The talks are to start in mid December. Solana warned that now Sarajevo and Brussels must work in coordination, emphasizing that the European side will do everything to fulfil promise and obligation to support BiH in the process of European integrations. Solana expects from BiH persistence in reforms, in order to have faster and qualitative process of integration. Jovic invited Solana to attend the BiH Parliamentary Assembly session to mark tenth anniversary of Dayton scheduled for December 17 in Sarajevo. Solana said he would like to come to Sarajevo on the occasion. It is expected that Jovic will meet ojn Monday EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn. This meeting is to be held after announcement of decision on beginning of SAA talks, which means that the discussion will focus on concrete issues regarding negotiations.

RS President Cavic says he will nominate Chief SAA Negotiator in the course of this week


BHT, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Negotiator must meet expectation of other two peoples as well’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Negotiator will be known this week’ by V. D., EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Cavic: CoM appoints the negotiator’ by V. M., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Larger influence of youth’ by M. B.  – RS President Dragan Cavic stated on Sunday that he would deliver official proposal on BiH chief negotiator with EU on Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) to BiH Council of Ministers Chair, Adnan Terzic, during this week. Cavic said that his belief was that chief negotiator should have been candidate from opposition parties. Since opposition parties rejected to give their proposals/nominate their candidates, explains Cavic, now he has to choose the right person for this task. He also said that this person must satisfy expectations of not only Serb people, but also expectations of other two constituent peoples in BiH. 

SNSD leader Dodik: let Cavic take the responsibility


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik: Let Cavic take the responsibility’ – SNSD President Milorad Dodik on Sunday stated SNSD supports the decision of Igor Davidovic to reject the nomination for chief negotiator and he noted RS President Dragan Cavic had already ‘taken everything to his hands’, which is not good for RS.

SPRS Djokic: Cavic wants to get rid of Cenic

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Cavic wants to get rid of Cenic’ by Srna – According to SPRS’s Petar Djokic, RS President Dragan Cavic has nominated RS Finances Minister Svetlana Cenic for the position of chief negotiator in order to vacate her position for an obedient personnel.

DNS leader Pavic criticizes Cavic over the appointment of chief negotiator on SAA


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Terzic will be chief’ by S. S. – DNS President Marko Pavic stated in Zvornik on Saturday that the party has many remarks on moves of RS President Dragan Cavic with regard to the appointment of chief negotiator on talks on SAA. ‘By accepting to have the chief negotiator from RS, we automatically accept to have a person with whom Cavic had been reaching agreements the entire time at this position – which means this would be CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic. Pavic also thinks it is unacceptable that the constitutional changes in BIH are being discussed in European towns and he notes that BiH citizens should present their stance on constitutional changes through a referendum.

RS PoWs say Ashdown has made damage to Serb people


BHT, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6, mentioned on cover ‘They are accusing Ashdown of dictatorship, making damage to Serbs’, Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Ashdown violated human rights through many decisions’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘We can hardly wait for you to leave’ by P. K., EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘POWs sent a message to Paddy Ashdown saying they have had enough of policy of force’ by R. Radosavljevic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Neither jobs, nor justice’ by D. Momic – RS Association of Camp Inmates/Prisoners of War said in an open letter to the High Representative Paddy Ashdown that he severely damaged the Serb people in BiH during his mandate, and that his numerous “anti-constitutional” decisions will have to be re-evaluated/reviewed. In its letter, this association accused Ashdown of innumerable violations of human rights of Serb people and for open supporting the Bosniak side.

Brussels: HDZ delegation to meet with Martens/Jovic to meet with Solana and Rehn


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Covic took to Brussels documents on elections’ by A.O. – The HDZ delegation led by HDZ President Dragan Covic went to Brussels where they will meet with the leadership of the European People’s Party (EPP). Osl. learns that Covic took with himself documents about the HDZ Convention, which should persuade EPP President Wilfred Martens that the elections for the HDZ President was legal. HDZ spokesperson Miso Relota confirmed this information to Osl. and added that the HDZ delegation would attend the meeting of the EPP Political Department on Monday (today). The article also carries that Chairman of the BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic, who is a member of the aforementioned HDZ delegation, should meet on Monday (today) with high-ranked European officials Javier Solana and Oli Rehn in order to talk about the beginning of the negotiations on SAA. Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Stronger cooperation with European People’s Party’, by Vlatko Ivankovic also covered the issue.

VL interview: Maric on HR’s decision to rehabilitate him, situation in HDZ


Vecernji List, pg 6 ‘It is stupid to offer third entity when Serbs have half the state’, by Zdenko Jurilj – Carries an interview with Stipe Maric, who has been recently rehabilitated by the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown. (NB: Maric was head of Mostar’s Municipality South-west). Maric does not talk much about the HR Ashdown’s decision, however he argues he is not returning to executive authorities. On top of this, Maric says the HDZ has to undergo ‘cleansing’ of people who are detrimental to the party’s reputation and organize itself on the eve of constitutional changes. (NB: Although Maric does not mention any names, it is clear that he is criticizing the current HDZ leadership (Dragan Covic and his associates), because he says the HDZ should not be led by people involved in privatization-related malversations)

Source close to SDS: HR to rehabilitate 16 SDS officials, NN publishes names, Cavic claims he has no information on the issue


Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Rehabilitation for another 16 SDS officials’ by V. Popovic – A source close to top of SDS claims HR Paddy Ashdown will, in the following month, rehabilitate another 16 SDS officials he had removed in June and December last year. The source claims the list of rehabilitated politicians might be presented by next HR, instead of HR Ashdown. Inset ‘Names of 16 SDS officials’ – carries possible list of names of SDS officials that might be rehabilitated. Inset ‘Cavic is not aware of rehabilitations’ – SDS President Dragan Cavic on Sunday rejected claims of individuals that he had compiled the list of people to be rehabilitated. He also noted that he had no information on any possible rehabilitations.

NN on issue of rehabilitation of politicians by OHR


Nezavisne Novine, pg 7 ‘Cavic’s list’, by Predrag Klincov – Commenting on the recent decision by the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, to rehabilitate 23 persons, most of them coming from the SDS, the author argues that the OHR should have presented evidence on them ‘endangering the peace process’ to the BiH judiciary in the first place, which is the reason why the public in BiH sees the HR’s move as ‘petty politics’. The author also reminds of the statement by Milan Ninkovic, a former SDS official from Doboj, who stated it is the RS President, Dragan Cavic, who is pulling all the strings, which triggers the author to ask why rehabilitate the 12 SDS officials at this moment and why not rehabilitate other removed officials, especially because HR Ashdown had stated that the officials in question would be rehabilitated when Karadzic and Mladic are in The Hague.

HR reaction to M. Portillo’s statement: ‘Progress of BiH is unbelievable’


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Progress of BiH is unbelievable’ by P.K. – High Representative Paddy Ashdown expressed disagreement with ‘the dark and dreary image’ of BiH that ICMP Commissioner Michael Portillo has given to ‘Sunday Times’ recently. Reacting to this statement the HR also judged that it is unbelievable how much BiH has progressed since the nineties. 


Economic/Social Affairs/Education

BHT story on Srpske Sume affair


BHT Zoran Sarenac – Appointment of Stojko Blagojevic to position of Executive Director of RS public forestry company “Sume RS” is paid with 100,000 KM that came from lumber camp “Ribnik,” reports BHT. According to “Sume RS” management, money was shared between four members of the commission for appointment of the members of the company’s management. In spite of the fact that Blagojevic was third on the candidate’s lists, commission members voted for him.  Blagojevic is a PDP member. BHT sources say that certain international companies are also involved in Blagojevic’s appointment. His appointment is still not confirmed by the “Sume RS” General Manager Vlastimir Topalic, but it is already subject of interest to the RS Prosecutor’s Office, comments reporter. BHT visited lumber camp “Ribnik”, whose director Milisav Macanovic assisted in gathering 100,000 KM through sale of 1500 cubic meters of beech, for Blagojevic’s appointment. They found staff under order of director Macanovic not to talk about this issue, said reporter. While applying for this position, Blagojevic delivered false documentation, since he attached confirmation that there is no court proceeding against him issued in Doboj, while there is indictment against him filed by Banjaluka’s countyProsecutor’s Office. Besides Blagojevic, 17 other managers of lumber camps in RS won’t stay on their positions, whose names are mentioned in the report of RS Chief Auditor Bosko Ceko report. Removals are expected on Thursday, when it is expected that provisional administration will take over management of “Sume RS”. Reporter says that Banjaluka’s office of the OHR is involved in this case, whose Head Graham Day, who owes to Blagojevic for adoption of the law on concessions in “Sume RS”, in favour of US consortium “Balkan America,” whose main representative is former US Ambassador to BiH, Tomas Miler. According to BHT sources, Day is subject of investigation of OHR’s anti-corruption team.

DL: Minister Vrankic does not allow tax bodies to talk to press without his consent


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Vrankic denies journalists of information’, by Ivana Rozic – DL got a confirmation from the spokeswoman of FBiH Tax Administration, Amela Mulavdic, that journalists cannot get information about the work of tax bodies without prior consent of the FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic. Mulavdic explains that journalists can still address the Tax Administration, however it is down to the Ministry who and when will make a statement for the press. According to the president of Association ‘BiH Journalists’, Amela Rebac, the law on access to information, which stipulates that an official has to reply to a journalist’s question within 10-15 days, is not good anyway.

Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Attack on freedom of media’, by Tanja Dragic – The author criticizes the current law on access to information in general and particularly Minister Vrankic, who is allegedly very hard to get hold of for a comment.

VL: Fake HVO invalids enjoying pensions from Croatian budget


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 2 ‘Fake invalids on Croatian budget’, by Miroslav Vasilj – VL learns from an anonymous source in the Croatian Government that the said Government is in possession of a document that shows that 29 former members of HVO are beneficiaries of invalid/disability pensions that are being paid from the Croatian budget although they are not invalids at all. Additionally, an investigation has established that 33 former HVO members are receiving the pensions both from the Croatian and FBiH budget. The source hopes such practice will stop once the Croatian authorities sign a corresponding agreement with BiH authorities.

FBiH MoI’s spokesman: FBiH Govt’s decision to decrease police’s salaries belittles work of police


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Government belittles work of police by decreasing salaries’, by Mensud Zorlak – According to the spokesman of FBIH Interior Ministry, Robert Cvrtak, the decision by the FBiH Government to decrease salaries of ‘uniform’ police by 12% “belittles values of police officers”. “It will affect the attitude of police officers during the work”, says Cvrtak. According to the FBiH Government’s decision, the salary will decrease from 436 to 385 KMs, which is according to DL ‘a catastrophic decision’.

VL feature on increase of mandatory reserves in BiH Central Bank


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Suffocation of domestic banks and merchants’, by Milan Sutalo – According to the Governor of Central Bank of BiH (CB BIH), Kemal Kozaric, the recent decision of the CB BiH to increase the level of mandatory reserves commercial banks have to keep in the CB BiH, will not have an affect on price of money (loans) in BiH, since BiH banks already do not have enough of safe clients. On the other hand, an anonymous source from a foreign bank that operates in BiH believes that foreign banks will not be forced to raise interest rates on their loans because their HQs have enough money, however this will not be the case when it comes to BiH banks, which will be forced to increase the rates. Furthermore, VL contacted several economic experts, who say the ultimate goal is to speed up the shutting down or take over of domestic banks.

VL: ‘Magros’ being sold to suspicious buyer from Saudi Arabia


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Sarajevo likes Saudi capital the most’, mentioned on front ‘Sarajevo sold Magros to Saudis’, not signed – Talking about the sale of ‘Magros’ company of Sarajevo, which will be according to the Sarajevo Cantonal Privatization Agency’s decision sold to the Saudi Arabia-based ‘Shiddi Trading’, VL says the whole scheme is rather suspicious given that the last year’s bid of Canadian/Croatian businessman, Ciril Zovko, was much better than the ‘Shiddi Trading’s’ bid. The article also notes that the ‘Shiddi Trading’ is being represented by Serif Patkovic, a former commander of 7th Muslim brigade of BiH Army, which is according to VL known for its recruitment of mujahiddin from Arab countries. VL also notes that unofficially it is some senior SDA leaders, including Bakir Izetbegovic, who are standing behind the company. Inset ‘Company was subject to anti-terrorist investigation’ notes that ‘Shiddi Trading’s’ sister company from Wales, namely ‘Alshaddi International’ was subjected to police investigation following the terrorist attacks in London.

Source close to SDS: Miladin Gligoric candidate for RS Education Minister


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Miladin Gligoricis candidate’ by V. P. – Election unit of five SDS offices will today forward a list of two names of candidates for the position of RS Minister of Education to SDS President Dragan Cavic, RS PM Pero Bukejlovic and Head of SDS Caucus at RS NA Borislav Bojic, as according to a source close to SDS. According to the source, the current RS Minister for Energy, Economy and Development, Miladin Gligoric, will be nominated to the position.


Crime/Legal Proceedings

Kostunica: There are no pressures, SCiG itself wants to extradite Mladic


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘There are no pressures, SCiG itself wants to extradite Mladic’ not signed – Talking to Greek newspaper ‘Tovima’ Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated that there is political will for extradition of ICTY indictee Ratko Mladic in Serbia and that authorities want this issue to be resolved as soon as possible. Asked whether due to today’s (Monday) beginning of negotiations with the EU an increase of the pressure exerted against Belgrade has been expected, Kostunica said: ‘We are exerting pressure against ourselves since we are very well aware that resolving of the Mladic issue is one of the Serbia’s obligations towards the International Community in order to join the EU and other organizations.’   

SiCG Foreign Affairs Minister Draskovic: BiH should withdraw lawsuit against SiCG


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pgs 4-5 ‘BiH should withdraw the lawsuit against SiCG’ by Divna Vidakovic – In an interview to NN, SiCG Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Draskovic has stated that the entire Balkans must join EU, and he believes any solution can be reached in the region, but only with consent of all states concerned. With regard to state borders between SiCG and BiH, Draskovic thinks an agreement on correcting the border at certain spots should be reached, which should be followed by a pause after which teams of the two states should meeting again and agree on possible revision of “Avnoj” borders. With regard to the lawsuit of BiH against SiCG, Draskovic says he hopes BiH Parliament would reach ‘the only reasonable decision to withdraw the lawsuit’ noting that the two countries should reach an agreement according to which all persons that were issuing orders and executing crimes should stand a trial. He added that the lawsuit had not been brought against SRS, JUL or Slobodan Milosevic but against Serbia, while at the same time Serbian citizens were protesting against the war, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and they were striving to overthrow the regime that existed in Serbia at the time. He also commented on Montenegro status, SAA talks of SiCG with EU ad Kosovo status.

GS: Rajic’s admitting on involvement of Croatia in BiH war was nothing new


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Franjo was torching, Alija was encouraging’ by N. G.GS reads the admittance of Ivica Rajic that Croatia had participated in the war in BiH was nothing new and notes that even the legal representative of BiH, Sakib Softic, stated in August last year that that International Court for War Crimes committed in former Yugoslavia thinks it is not disputable that Croatia had committed the act of aggression and partial occupation in BiH.

International Institute for Strategic Studies: ‘Harkat ul mujaheddin’ has its people in BiH as well

Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘ ‘Harkat ul mujaheddin’ has its people in BiH as well’ by D. Ra. – The report of the International Institute for Strategic Studies from London says that Pakistani Islamic and  militant unit ‘Harkat ul Mujaheddin’  is also present in BiH where it has its people.

BiH security structures could not comment on US and British media reports about connection between recently arrested terrorists with BiH


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Police without information’ by D. Mu. says that none from the BiH security structures could officially confirm or deny on Sunday the US and British press reports about connection between BiH and the recently arrested persons suspected of planning terrorist attacks. NN quotes SIPA spokesperson Admir Katica who said that he could not comment on these press reports and he added that even if he wanted to check these reports it is hard to do it on Sunday. NN reminds that the investigation has been launched on three persons recently arrested in London and according to ‘Newsweek’ the main base of the network that these terrorists belonged to was in Sweden at first and then it was transferred to BiH.  

Commemoration for killed RS soldiers was held in Zvornik

Vecernje Novosti pg 8 ‘Traces of barbarian acts remained’ by P. Vasovic and D. Gajic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Glodjansko brdo is eternal warning’ by S. Savic – a commemoration for 121 RS Army soldiers who were killed 13 years ago by BiH Army members near Zvornik was held on Sunday.