
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 7/11/2004


NTV Hayat (18,55 hrs)

BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Football incident in BL

Human trafficker arrested

Case of dead Ukrainian girl

Future of Privredna Bank

Customs office in Gorazde

Impure water in Breza

Human trafficker arrested

Ecologists on HE Plants

Interview with Hadzipasic

Terzic on his resignation

Public tribune on census

New Director- RS Telecom

Feature on Postanska bank

Privredna Banka issue

Dodik on Serbian Govern. 

Issues in DIP Kozara



SCG’s Rasim Ljajic: Srebrenica report introduction to apprehension of Mladic!?

Dnevni Avaz

Split inside veterans’ association: Assembly removed Focic

Dnevni List

Terzic : I did not submit resignation beacause of whim

Vecernji List

Features Croatia related headlines

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines


Features Serbian related topics

Vecernje novosti

Luka Karadzic arrested


Features Serbian related topics


Political developments/reforms

Terzic says he would not withdraw resignation if VAT law as proposed by CoM is not adopted





BHT, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Terzic: I am asking for support to reforms’The BiH Council of Ministry (CoM) Chair Adnan Terzic have no intentions to withdraw his resignation unless the political parties from the ruling coalition do not support reforms’ policies of his Government.He stated this for BHT after coming back from Abu Dhabi. In other wards, he demanded adoption of the Law on VAT in the text proposed by the CoM. The BiH presidency will decide on his resignation at the session on Monday. “I would not speculate on what will happen or what will Presidency decide. We will meet on Tuesday with the representatives of the parliamentary majority and Presidency to discuss the issue.” stated Terzic.

Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Terzic: I did not submit resignation because of whim’ by D. Polovina-Mandic – Commenting on his resignation, Terzic stated: ‘The fact is that the current BiH CoM does not have adequate support of the parliamentary majority and I simply cannot occupy the position of someone who can have that support. BiH is not in the position that it can wait but we have to move further with even more radical reforms.’  

SDA’s Tihic and Kebo on Terzic’s resignation


Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Terzic: I did not submit resignation because of whim’ by D. Polovina-Mandic – Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic stated that the BiH Presidency will not accept resignation of Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic. Tihic added: ‘I believe that there is no a single serious, political force and politician in this parliamentary majority who would like to cause crises in the work of the BiH CoM at the moment… This should be a lesson to both, the BiH CoM and the parliamentary majority, and I believe that we shall come out stronger from the whole situation.’ DL carries in an inset under headline ‘Kebo: Terzic’s resignation is moral act’ not signed BiH Minister of Refugees and Displaced Persons Mirsad Kebo as saying that Terzic’s move is amoral act, which will urge all those who participate in passing of political decisions to give it lot of thought.

Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘BiH Presidency will not accept Premier Terzic’s resignation’ also carried Tihic and Kebo’s statements. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Terzic’s resignation should not be accepted’, mentioned on cover ‘We will not accept the resignation’ – Interview with Tihic in which he said that he expected a consensus among the BiH Presidency member on non-acceptance of Terzic’s resignation. 

VL on reason for Terzic’s resignation/HDZ MP Sopta on VAT issue


Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Amendment of SDA’s representative Fatima Leho pulled Adnan Terzic down!’ by Z. Kresic – VL says that the only reason for resignation of Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic is the amendment on two VAT rates offered by SDA representative in the BiH House of Representatives Fatima Leho. VL also carries HDZ representative in the BiH Parliament Ruza Sopta who says that HDZ representatives did not vote at all on the proposal of SDA representative Seada Palavric (she submitted an Amendment in order to annul the Amendment proposed by Leho). Sopta added: ‘We are much more concerned about distribution of money from the joint account.’ According to Sopta, the representatives did not get clear arguments in order to support Terzic’s proposal. 

Tihic on behaviour of SBiH


Dnevni List pg 2 ‘SBiH shifts its problems on FBiH Government’ by D.P.M. – Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic judged the decision of Party for BiH (SBiH) according to which SBiH Ministers will not participate in the work of the Federation of BiH Government for the time being, as an attempt of the SBiH to shift their problems, emerged as a consequence of their results achieved at the local elections, on functioning of the FBiH Government.

Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Terzic’s resignation should not be accepted’, mentioned on cover ‘We will not accept the resignation’ – Interview with Tihic a part of which is the statement on behaviour of SbiH Ministers.

Hadzipasic on crisis at FBiH and state level


TV Hayat – FBIH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic was theguest of CD (TV Hayat Saturday’s prime time news edited and hosted by Senad Hadzifejzovic). Hadzifejzovic wants to know whether the latest events in BIH are a part of a conspiracy. He refers to crisis in the FBIH Government, lack of money in RS Government, resignation of CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic and various investigations regarding state and cantonal judges performance. Hadzipasic says that these things are not accidental since reforms are going in the right direction and someone is not pleased with that. When asked whether someone is making the moves from the shadow Hadzipasic responded that people who do not want to see BIH in EU are behind all these matters. Reporter asked what will happen if Ministers from Party for BiH (SBIH) leave the Government, and Prime Minister answered that the Government will not fall apart since it is not national or party-related and added that he would be more worried if SBIH leaves the government at all levels. Reporter wants to know are there any personal interests when it comes to the large-scale privatisation processes and Prime Minister answers that personal interests are everywhere and that even the Government is not immune to the influence of some lobbies or individuals. Hadzipasic concludes that there are lobbies in BIH that are fighting for the interest of other states rather than the interest of BIH and its companies.

Public debate on census in BiH held in Sarajevo


FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘Registration of citizens and not peoples’Opinion of most of the participants in the public debate entitled “Census – Implementation or Delay”, held in Sarajevo on Saturday, is that population census cannot be done by 2006. The debate was organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary and Postgraduate Studies of the Sarajevo University . The population census presents extremely complex job and it has to be prepared as good as possible, in order to get data precise as much as possible. It will take at least two years to make preparations, while about 20 000 000 KM are needed for the implementation of the process. Implementation of Annex 7 of the Dayton peace agreement presents policy aspect of the whole issue. Still, great number of persons has not returned to BiH. European Commission believes that the census has to be conducted on the region level. UN decided that the census should be done in 2010 in the whole world, and it recommended BiH, as well as other states in the region, to do the same.

SNSD’s Spiric on police reform


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Certain political circles blackmail RS’ not signed – Commenting on the course of the police reform in BiH, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Nikola Spiric said that High Representative Paddy Ashdown, RS President Dragan Cavic, RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic and BiH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic are talking about this issue behind the closed door, however, this issue is not discussed in public.


Economic/Social affairs

High Representative to announce PBES Measures today





BHT, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Ashdown to announce his decision today’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Decision on Privredna Banka today’ by NINA, ONASA – High Representative Paddy Ashdown will, at an extraordinary press conference in Sarajevo on Sunday, announce his Decision on the future of Privredna Banka Eastern Sarajevo (PBES), the OHR said in a press release issued Saturday. PBES Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson on Friday announced that the bank’s obligations exceed its assets and that the bank is insolvent. The Provisional Administrator has found that the majority owner of the bank, Momcilo Mandic, extended large loans to his own companies, which were never repaid. Robinson recommended that PBES’s license be revoked and that the bank be declared bankrupt.

BiH Central Bank Governor Nicholl backs Robinson’s recommendation


BHT, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Nicholl supports Robinson’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Revocation of license to banks violating rules is a normal step’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Nicholl supports recommendation of Toby Robinson’ by NINA, ONASA – Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) Peter Nicholl backs the recommendation of Privredna Banka Easters Sarajevo Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson that the Banks’s license be revoked and that the Bank be declared bankrupt. Nicholl considers that revoking of license to insolvent banks or banks breaching rules is a normal step in order to exclude them from the banking system and that such moves should be taken frequently, the CBBH’s press office said in a statement issued on Saturday.

Law on Internal Debt issue


Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Mioc asked that Law does not get support’, mentioned on front, by I. Glibusic – President of the HDZ-HNZ-CCD Coalition in the Federation of BiH House of Representatives Ivan Madunic announced filing of a lawsuit to the BiH Constitutional Court in order to judge constitutionality of the Law on Internal Debt in the FBiH. Madunic added that according to the opinion of the aforementioned Coalition this Law violates a basic human right and that is a right on property. President of the Association of Owners of Old Foreign Currency Savings Frano Mioc says that all his efforts exerted in order to prevent adoption of this Law were in vain. He also said that he expected support of Croat Ministers and MPs since they are aware that most owners of old foreign currency savings are Croats. Mioc added: “However, MPs are under pressure of Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays who instead of protecting our rights violates them systematically.’  

Update on Eronet issue


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Audit of procedure is being demanded before Supreme Court’ not signed – President of the Eronet Supervisory Board Robert Gavranovic stated for DL that at the last session of the Eronet Supervisory Board it was decided that Eronet lodges an appeal to the BiH Court because of the decision to issue the third GSM license to HT Mostar.

Split inside FBiH veterans association


Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 4 ‘Assembly removed Focic’, Oslobodjenje pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Mehmed replaced Mehmed’ – The FBiH Association of Demobilised Soldiers (veterans) held an extraordinary session in Srajevo on Saturday. The participants decided to remove President of the Association Mehmed Focic from the post and appoint Mehmed Sisic as his replacement. Focic however said that the delegates had made an illegal decision since the Assembly had not been prepared in accordance to the Statute and with participation of representatives from all Cantons.  


Cooperation with ICTY/Crime/Legal proceedings

SNSD’s Dodik says Serbian government not interetsd in apprehension of war crime suspects


RTRS, BHT – President of SNSD Milorad Dodik claims that Serbian Government and PM Vpojislav Kostunica are the largest problem for RS and fulfilment of its international obligations, because they are not interested in apprehension of ICTY indictees. Dodik is participating at the meeting of political parties, members of the Socialistic International, which is being held in Bucharest and where it was pointed that Bulgaria and Romania are making progress toward EU Integrations, opposite to SCG and BiH.

Oslobodjenje: Srebrenica Report introduction to apprehension of Mladic!?


Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 3 ‘Srebrenica Report introduction to apprehension of Mladic!?’ by Edina Kamenica – The latest polls conducted in Serbia and Montenegro show that there is less and less number of citizens supporting non-extradition of Ratko Mladic. According to Rasim Ljajic, the Chairman of the SCH National Council for Cooperation with ICTY, a total of 48 percent of interviewed SCG citizens still oppose extradition of Mladic. Ljajic emphasises that support to Mladic has started to fall especially after drafting the RS Government’s Report on Srebrenica. Ljajic believes that Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica would be happy to extradite indicted Bosnian Serbs.

SNSD’s Spiric on RS cooperation with ICTY


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Certain political circles blackmail RS’ not signed – Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Nikola Spiric warned that the RS suffered big damage because of non-cooperation with the ICTY. He stressed that the fact that Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are still at large has urged some political circles to blackmail the RS. Spiric also stressed: ‘A threat to the RS does not come from Sarajevo or from High Representative Paddy Ashdown but it comes from incapable authority in Banja Luka.’  Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Incapable government in Banja Luka the biggest threat to RS’, FENA also carried the statement.  

Karadzic’s brother arrested in Serbian capital


Vecernje Novosti pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Luka Karadic arrested’ by D.S., FoNet Serbian Independent News Agency – Serbian police have arrested Luka Karadzic, brother of The Hague Tribunal indictee Radovan Karadzic. Luka Karadzic was arrested on the basis of a Montenegrin arrest warrant and he was immediately taken to the prison in Spuz. His daughter Rada told Belgrade ’s media that the arrest had nothing to do with the Hague Tribunal and that her father had received a 30-day prison sentence in Montenegro for an unrelated offence (illegal shooting at a wedding ceremony).