
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 6/11/2005


TV news broadcast on05 November, 2005


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

3 killed in hand grenade explosion

Gregorian on Defence Budget

3 killed in explosion in Novi Grad

Investigation vs. 2 terrorist suspects

Topcagic on SAA negotiations

Paravac on violence in B. Petrovaxc

Big cross in Mostar damaged

Preparations for SAA negotiations

Damaging of cross in Mostar

Monastery in Jajce

ITA on VAT registration

HR’s decision reward for SDS?


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Explosion in Bosanski Novi

3 killed in explosion in Novi Grad

Gregorian on defence budget

EU on SAA negotiations with BiH

Scholarship for Gradacac students

3 killed in hand grenade explosion

No monetary inflation

Gregorian on defence budget

Weapons found in Bijeljina

Employment surpluses in BiH

Central Bank on inflation rate

Security situation in B. Petrovac



Three young people lost loves, two persons seriously injured

Dnevni Avaz

Army will be unified by the end of 2007

Dnevni List

One president leading the state

Vecernji List

Bomb killed three young people

Nezavisne Novine

Bomb takes three lives


Comments on HR’s rehabilitation of 23 officials

HR’s decision to lift bans represents support for Cavic and reward for SDS?




BH TV 1 – HR Paddy Ashdown decided to lift bans from participating in political and public life for 23 persons, mostly SDS officials. This decision represents reward for SDS and this party’s efforts in cooperation in latest reform processes. According to some analysts, Ashdown is trying to strengthen the position of Dragan Cavic before the party elections. Former RS President Nikola Sarovic believes that the pardons for some SDS officials is the sign that other SDS members can also hope that their constitutional rights are going to be respected. Political analyst Igor Gajic believes that Ashdown’s decision is going to be very useful for Cavic, who plans to regain the major authority within SDS. SDS Electoral Session is going to be held on November 10th. It can be expected that Ashdown is going to lift more bans for SDS officials loyal to Cavic until that day.

HR lifts ban on participation n political and public life for 23 persons


RTRS – HR Paddy Ashdown decided to lift a ban on participation in political and public life made earlier against 23 persons. Most of those who were pardoned are former SDS members. One of them is former SDS Deputy Chair Slobodan Saraba. Saraba stated that this decision is in away returning faith in justice. Another former SDS official Milan Ninkovic from Doboj stated that he is pleased that he is not on the list of pardoned and added that he would never accept to be pardoned upon suggestion from SDS Chair Dragan Cavic. Reporter comments that they tried to reach Cavic during the day but without success. OHR Spokesperson Sanela Tunovic stated that the list was made after consultations with ICTY and other international institutions.

Local politicians comment on HR’s decision to lift ban on 23 officials


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Bosic: Ashdown is trying to amend some injustice’ by D.Bojanic/N.Krsman Mladen Bosic, SDS Vice President, stated that HR’s decision on rehabilitation of 23 officials is not a pardoning but instead an attempt “to amend some injustice inflicted upon people from political scene”. He further said: “It is evident here were no evidence to remove them, because if there had been such, they would have been faced with the court.” He expressed expectation Paddy Ashdown would make further “amends of injustice” before he leaves. Krstan Simic, SNSD Caucus Head, is of the view that HR’s decision did not contribute to stability at the political scene of RS. Svetozar Pudaric, SDP of BiH Secretary General, is of the view that “Ashdown’s decision is another indicator of weakness to strengthen state authority that would tackle the problems.” Beriz Belkic, Party for BiH official, says it is hard for him to give any comment upon HR’s decision, since he is not aware of HR’s arguments.  Sefik Dzaferovic, SDA Vice President, is of the view HR acted in line with arguments, noting he could not give any further comment on latest decision. According to daily, HDZ officials were out of reach Saturday, so it could not get view of this party on the latest HR’s decision (lifting ban of 23 officials).


Preparations for SAA talks

Comments following publication of Draft Document on Police Reform Directorate: Ivanic and Simic




Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Ivanic will not vote if he does not get a green light of Cavic and Dodik’ by D.Risojevic Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, stated he would not vote for the proposed Draft document regarding establishment of Police Reform Directorate (which was published by some media Saturday – see OHR R-up 0511) unless Dragan Cavic and Milorad Dodik gave green light to it, since they took part in preparation of Agreement on Police Reform and should know best whether the proposed document is in line with the Agreement. Krstan Simic, Head of SNSD Caucus, stated that Draft Document published in media does not correspond to political Agreement on police reform, stressing it would be desirable if entities Parliaments voted on Draft Document, since entities will be those implementing police reform. According to daily, BiH COM is expected to take a stance on proposed Draft Document at its session this Thursday.

Topcagic on SAA negotiations


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘To establish structure of negotiating team’, TV PINK, BH TV 1, NTV Hayat – Director of BiH Direction for European Integrations Osman Topcagic said that for qualitative negotiations of BiH on SAA with the EU demand determining of exact structure of negotiating team, even though it is still unknown who will be the Head Negotiator. Speaking for RTRS, Topcagic emphasised that in ten areas that SAA embraces, wider circles of people that will work on preparing of negotiations, will be composed of 50- 100 associates, which will work in divided working groups, in charges for certain areas, while Head of these working groups will be members of the negotiating team.

Preparations for SAA negotiations


TV PINK – Preparations for opening of negotiations on SAA between BiH and the EU have already started by agreements on BiH negotiating team, but beside inevitable political issues that BiH will have to deal with, economic issues will be of great importance. Experts warned that SAA will have negative impact on BiH trade, which already started with Free Trade Agreements with regional countries; but at the same time BiH will have access to pre-associating funds and can count on EU’s support to BiH economy, especially in agricultural areas. Trade Expert Emir Djikic explained that Companies that survive the competition from SCG and Croatia will certainly become competitive in EU market.  Head of Bulgarian Negotiating Team Alexander Boshkov offered few advices, stressing that BiH will have to be careful in addressing to certain bodies, adding that political issues are discussed with EU members, while progress in SAA negotiations are the matter of the EC.  Boshkov emphasised the importance of privatization ending, stressing that this can’t be done without reconstruction of economy in BiH, adding that withdrawal of state structures from the companies’ structures is the way toward secure and functional trade economy and that IMF appraises on this field are more importance then of the EC.

VL on preparations for SAA talks


Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Hundreds of experts for talks with EU’ by Eldina Medunjanin – Without providing any specific information, the author notes there has not still been reached any agreement regarding structure of the negotiating team, presupposing that a team for preparations of talks would consist of around 100 people, according to some announcements from BiH Directorate for European integration.

OHR on selection of chief negotiator


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Election of chief negotiator is a matter for local authorities’ by FENA, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Selection is a matter of local authorities’Commenting on rejection of Igor Davidovic of nomination for BiH chief negotiator, Sanel Tunovic, OHR Spokesperson, Saturday told FENA that the issue of selection of chief negotiator is clearly a matter for the domestic institutions. She noted that European integration is a question of such essential importance for BiH that it should treated as a project for the whole of BiH, and it should be above issues of a party-political, Entity or ethnic nature.

DL op-ed on selection of chief negotiator


Dnevni List op-ed pg 2 ‘All our negotiators!’ by Danijela Kozina – Writing about selection of chief negotiator of BiH on SAA talks with BiH, she is skeptical about seeing BiH politicians reach any sort of agreement on this issue, stressing that bearing in mind talks are to commence in December, the BiH politician would be thrilled if International community appointed a sort of “provisional senior envoy of BiH for EU” until they reach some sort of the agreement on the issue.

EU Foreign Affairs Ministers to meet on Monday


RHB, BH TV 1, FTV – EU Foreign Affairs Ministers are meeting on Monday in Brussels . They should give their approval for recommendation to European Commission for start of procedure regarding negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement with BIH.

Oslobodjenje pg 7, announced on cover ‘Green light for talks with BiH?’ by FENA Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair, on Saturday said he had no information on agenda of EU Foreign Ministers’ session. He noted that Ministerial recommendation on launchment of talks with BiH has not been finalized as yet, but still represents extremely important step.

DNS judges Cavic due to appointment of Chief SAA Negotiator


RTRS – DNS has judged RS President Dragan Cavic regarding appointment of Chief Negotiator regarding Stabilisation and Association Agreement. DNS Chair Marko Pavic stated that this appointment is one of Cavic’s delusions since he imposed the issue of Chief Negotiator as if he received a mandate from someone that the CN must be from RS.

Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Cavic hid that Terzic is chief of team’ by SRNA, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Cavic accepted Terzic should be head of negotiating team’ by SRNA– Pavic also said: “By accepting that chief negotiator should be from RS, Cavic has automatically accepted that negotiating team chief should be a person, with whom Cavic was in agreement all the time, and that is BiH COM Chair, Adnan Terzic.” Pavic also said that RS President hid the fact chief negotiator is just an administrative member of the team, while chief of negotiating team is to lead it.


Other political issues

DL announces Brussels meeting from 11 November on constitutional changes




Dnevni List cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘One president leading the state’ by Z.Jukic/I.Glibusic – The presidents of eight strongest political parties in BiH have agreed that following upcoming elections in BiH, BiH should get one President. This was confirmed to daily by a member of the Working Group, which was engaged in drafting new constitution of BiH. Daily also announces Brussels session from 11 to 14 November, which is to hear views of members of this Working Group (formed by EU and USA) and define the shape of new constitutional provisions. According to daily, the Presidents of the following BiH parties will take part at Brussels session: HDZ, HNZ, SDP of BiH, Party for BiH, SDA, SDS, SNSD and PDP. Daily notes that Brussels session will not discuss the issue of abolishment of entities. Miso Relota, HDZ Spokesperson, confirmed Dragan Covic will take part at this meeting.

Podzic to DA: Single army in BiH by the end of 2007

Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash, pg 5 ‘Army will be unified by the end of 2007’ by E.Sarac – In a statement to daily, Sifet Podzic, Lieutenant General and BiH joint Joint HQ Chief, says that the BiH Armed Forces unit, a part of Coalition forces in Iraq, which is taking part in destruction on non-exploded devices, actually represents “a BiH entry ticket to PfP. We found what NATO wanted. Furthermore, defence reform is proceeding as planned. We will have unified Armed Forces of BiH by the end of 2007.”

Oslobodjenje op-ed on Dayton


Oslobodjenje op-ed pg 9 ‘Anniversary’ by Senka Kurtovic – The author is critical upon latest statement Richard Holbrooke gave regarding Dayton Agreement, noting he should not be criticizing now something he has been advocating ten years ago. She also notes the upcoming Igman meeting between senior officials of BiH, SiCG and Croatia would show where many issues currently “stand”. On separate issue of BiH chief negotiator with EU, she observes Svetlana Cenic is known as tough negotiator, when negotiating for RS side, concluding she should maybe be given a chance to negotiate for BiH interests as well.

Changes to the law on BIH citizenship soon in BIH Parliament


RTRS – Changes to the law on BIH citizenship will soon be discussed in BIH Parliament procedure. These changes should enable the audit of all decisions regarding awarded BIH citizenship in the period from 1992 until the law is adopted. A Commission will be formed that will have the right to revoke the citizenship if it determines that it is illegally gained. BIH Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs Zoran Tesanovic stated that he tried on 2 occasions to form such a commission but without success. BIH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic stated that he also tried to raise that issue but according to him it was always politicised. He added that thanks to the international pressure this issue will be resolved once and for all. OHR Spokesperson Sanela Tunovic stated that OHR was asked to offer technical help which it did.  The Commission is supposed to determine regularity of awarding BIH citizenship 6 months after the law is adopted.


Security incident

Shooting incident near HR;’s house at JablanicaLake



Vecernji List pgs 2-3 ‘Shot in the house of P. Ashdown’, announced on cover ‘Ten bullets in Ashdown’s house’ by Robert Soldo – Daily reports on shooting incident, which took place near the hosue of HR Paddy Ashdown Jablanica lake on Friday night. It also reports that Jusuf Maksumic (24) from the village of Spiljani near Konjic admitted Monday morning that around 21:00 hrs Friday night he shot around ten bullets from his pistol “Browing” while driving at the back seat of his BMW with his colleague. He justified himself by saying he had an argument with his girlfriend and shot in the area.



3 persons were killed from a hand grenade explosion in Bosanski Novi






RTRS – Haris Lojpur, Danijel Juric and Nada Vejnovic were killed on Friday night in Novi Grad from a hand grenade explosion. 3 other persons were also hurt in this incident. Spokesperson of PSC Banja Luka Rade Mutic stated that Lojpur and Juric were playing with the hand grenade when it exploded. RTRS reporter unofficially found out that Lojpur and Juric were under influence of drugs.

Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘Bomb takes three lives’ by D.Kovacevic/D.Risojevic, Vecernji List cover pg splash ‘Bomb killed three young people’, pg 8 ‘Bomb killed two men and a girl’ by Zeljko Grgurinovic,Dnevni Avaz pg 23, announced on cover ‘Three young people died in bomb explosion’, Oslobodjenje cover pg splash ‘Three young people lost loves, two persons seriously injured’ by Besima Kahrimanovic, Dnevni List pg 13, announced on cover ‘Game with a bomb resulted in tragedy’ by M.Maric,RHB, TV PINK, BH TV 1, NTV Hayat, FTV – also report.

NN interview with Mate Granic: Izetbegovic offered Tudjman division of BiH


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8-9, announced on cover ‘Izetbegovic oiffered Tudjman division of Bosnia’ by Marko Roknic – In a lengthy interview to daily, Mate Granic, former Vice Premier of Croatian Government and Croatian foreign minister for years, speaks about his book recently published on developments in the region during and after the war. He also elaborates on claim related to Zagreb Agreement from 1992, whichw as signed by Alija Izetbegovic and Franjo Tudjman, according to which Croatian Army was allowed to enter BiH territory and help Croats in BiH to defend themselves from Serb invasion. He also speaks of several meetings between Tudjman and Izetbegovic on possible division of BiH.

BH TV 1 comment on Chomsky re. Srebrenica statements


BH TV 1 – AbdulahSidran comments the statement of Noam Chomsky who denied the Genocide in Srebrenica inviting on evidences of General Louis McKenzie, who is here called as war criminal who is not indicted, Sidran stressed that BiH authorities should react on this and invite Chomsky to visit all mass-graves where Bosniaks are buried.