CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Pope’s speech | Middle East peace talks | Found stolen Cro. passport | HR on economic crisis |
Presidency on Pope’s visit | Bulldozer initiative | Housing credits revision | Bank robbery in Derventa |
Defence system reform | Milutinovic stays at ICTY | Workers protests in Zenica | Robbery vehicle found |
US on SFOR |
| 2nd stage of Bulldozer proj. | 3 Serbs killed in Kosovo |
Oslobodjenje | Americans do not want to leave BiH to Europe |
Dnevni Avaz | Biber reported assassination attempt against him |
Dnevni List | Presidency seeks meeting of Heads of States in region; Press conference of international organizations in Mostar: It’s not OHR’s job to form Government |
Vecernji List | Follow me with prayer! |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Lijanovici move to Gavrilovic: Pope arrives to third visit to Croatia today |
Glas Srpske | Two days after the robbery of Nova Banjalucka Banka: Small change found and returned; Bijeljina firm “Kurjak”: They chased away the Director; Kristal Banka in Derventa robbed |
Nezavisne Novine | Campaign of the Customs Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo: 33 coffee bars and shops closed; Action of police from Bijeljina and Serb Sarajevo: Arms smugglers arrested; Following the robbery of Nova Banjalucka Banka: Police found the bank vehicle; Employees at Banjaluka Clinical Centre resume strike: Doctors on protest |
Blic | Only one out of 13 robberies solved; They want to receive salaries until 15th in month; Paddy Ashdown: economic crisis is the biggest threat to BiH |
BiH-international community relations | |
US against transfer of SFOR mandate to EU
| Oslobodjenje front page, pg 5 ‘Americans do not want to leave BiH to Europeans’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4, mentioned on the front page ‘Americans against transfer of SFOR to EU’ – The United States are against an European Union initiative to take over SFOR mandate in BIH next year. At the NATO Summit in Madrid, the US representatives justified such the opposition with the security reasons and a fact the most wanted war criminals are still at large. Vecernji List page 21, by S. de Prato, “USA blocked EU military mission in BiH”, Slobodna Dalmacija page 8, by Matko Franac, “NATO will not withdraw from Bosnia yet” also report on the issue. |
SDU: Unacceptable inertness of BiH authorities regarding US blacklist | Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Authorities show inertness toward US list’ – The inertness of current authority structures in BiH with regard to the US decision to freeze properties and ban certain BiH citizens from entering US, is unacceptable, announced the BiH Social Democratic Union (SDU). “Instead of a decisive action to concretely prove the readiness to battle corruption, crime and supporters of war crime suspects, the ruling parties, and primarily some representatives of SDA, SDS and HDZ, are attempting to defend the persons from this list before the public. The determined action of the U.S. administration against the “Balkan evil” has been followed by the unacceptable opportunism of the current authorities, by which the image of BiH is additionally compromised due to individual and partisan interests”, said the party. |
SDP requests OHR to remove all persons from US list | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Nezavisne Novine, page 7, ‘SDP demands removals of those officials banned from entering USA’, Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘They are building empires on some one else’s tragedy’ – After issuing the list of 150 persons who are banned from entering the United States due to participating in war crimes and organised crime in the Western Balkans countries, among which are the citizens of BiH as well, the BiH Social Democratic Party (SDP) stresses that not a single state organisation felt called upon to take relevant measures of removal, investigation and prosecution against tthose persons. SDP therefore requests OHR to remove from public offices all persons from this list. |
BiH Security Ministry receives blacklist | BHTV 1 By Laura Bosnjak – BiH Ministry of Security has received today a list of persons whose assets should be confiscated, due to supporting most wanted war criminals. After many futile attempts to arrest three most wanted indicted war criminals, the United States have decided to seize assets of their financial supporters. Domestic legislation also supports these methods, and concrete steps are expected to be taken soon. BiH Minister of Security, Barisa Colak: “I’m legalist, and I will support not only as a Minister of Security for the BiH laws – either adopted by the Parliament or imposed by the High Representative – to be respected and implemented.” |
Ashdown concerned about risk of economic crisis | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Dnevni List page 3, by S.K., “Salonika Summit Declaration historical document?”, Nezavisne Novine, page 3, ‘Economic crisis may jeopardise peace in BiH’, Glas Srpske page 3, ‘Balkans needs assistance’ Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Economic crisis threatens BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘Reforms must be fast and painful’, Blic, p 7, ‘Economic crisis will endanger BiH’ – Paddy Ashdown, the High Representative and European Union Special Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), said on Wednesday he was seriously concerned about the risk of economic crisis in the country, an OSCE statemant said. “I do not believe Bosnia and Herzegovina will move back into ethnic conflict but I am seriously concerned about the economic crisis that lies ahead of us,” he told the 55 states represented on the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna. Ashdown praised the “sterling work” of the OSCE Mission in Sarajevo in helping to complete the emergence of the country from the post-conflict era. “The OSCE is the unquestioned leader in creating civil society,” he said. “It has incomparably the best network into the grass roots in some of the key areas needed to build civil society.” The OSCE had also played a crucial role in moving forward the defence reform agenda. Ashdown said Bosnia and Herzegovina needed to carry out sweeping economic reform and in particular to rein in spending on the institutions of government, which include 11 duplicated structures for fewer than 2 million people. “Sixty percent of government spending goes on government. No state can survive when it spends so much on governing itself and so little on its citizens.” During an address to a special session of the 55-nation OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Wednesday, 4 June, Ashdown emphasized the close co-operation between the Office of the High Representative and the 800-strong OSCE Mission to BiH. Ashdown said Bosnia and Herzegovina had made considerable progress in the past seven years but this was not yet irreversible. Two key risks to continued progress were the impatience of the international community and the lack of self-confidence of the people of the country in their own ability to achieve change. He urged the international community to remain committed to the country. “Stay with us. Finish the job,” Lord Ashdown said. “To leave precipitately now would be to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” He singled out for praise the OSCE’s current priority role in promoting a thorough reform of the education system, but added that in the year ahead he anticipated an equally challenging role for the OSCE in improving the performance of government, particularly at the local level and making the country more “investor friendly”. “After a year of progress the priorities for me still remain creating justice and jobs: building confidence in the rule of law and underpinning an economy that can generate employment for its own population”, he said. The two priorities were inter-connected, with the need to tackle criminal organizations that worked through corruption and obstructed both the peace process and economic recovery. “We have created the weapons, we have the new State courts and criminal code. The next step is to start locking up some of those who have held Bosnia and Herzegovina to ransom for too long,” he said. Ashdown’s comments were echoed by Ambassador Robert Beecroft, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, who added that reinforcing the work of the Office of the High Representative, consistent with the mandate of the Mission, represented a model of co-operation between international organizations in post-conflict rehabilitation of a country. |
BiH talks with EC about feasibility study | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘BiH preparations for European market’ – BiH authorities have started in Sarajevo today second round of negotiations with the European Commission regarding feasibility study. The study involves 77 questions, mostly from the area of economic reforms. The second round demonstrated European Commission has no formal objections to provided answers, but rather suggestions for advancing reforms especially in the area of economy. David Daly, Council of Europe – Head of West Balkans department: “It’s very important that Bosnia-Herzegovina continues with the reforms, especially reforms in the areas such as privatisation, economic reconstruction, customs, VAT and reforms which will increase tax revenues.” After this BiH authorities have to answer 80 more questions from the feasibility study. Though the process of completing the study was to be finished by the end of the year, EC officials anticipate it will be finished by spring next year. |
OHR on HNC Government formation | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Dnevni List front and page 14, by D. Kozina, “It’s not OHR’s job to form Government”, Vecernji List, page 2, by F, “Ashdown in Mostar today”, Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘OHR concerned about non-existence of HNC Government’ – In Herzegovina-Neretva Canton HDZ and SDA have reached an agreement that the Prime Minister and three ministers in the government should be from Croat, four from Bosniak and one from Serb ethnic group. Representatives of Cantonal Boards of the parties in Mostar met behind the closed door and did not make any comments for the public. Avis Benes, OHR Spokesperson in Mostar: “Those we should have expectations from are the parties, since that is what they were elected for and that is their duty. OHR welcomes the fact that parties are working at the highest level towards solving the problem of forming Herzegovina-Neretva government, however we remain reserved until we see concrete names, until we see the process is really progressing and the names are sent to OHR for check.” She announced that High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, was expected to visit Mostar today. |
SEECP Foreign Ministers to meet in Sarajevo on June 9 | Blic, p 7, ‘Dialogue on cooperation’ – The ministers of foreign affairs of the countries-members of the South Eastern Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) will meet on June 9 in Sarajevo and discuss the cooperation in the region, stability and peace, as BiH national coordinator of the SEECP Milovan Blagojevic. He also said that the upcoming ministerial conference is especially important since it will be held prior to the Thessalonica summit, because “the Sarajevo meeting will be a chance for articulation of the authentic interests and priorities in our region”. BiH electronic media and Sarajevo dailies also reported on the issue. |
Editorial: “America, of course!” | Dnevni List (page 6, by Bakir Hadziomerovic) carries an editorial saying that signing of the Agreement between BiH and the USA on Non-extradition of American Citizens to the International Criminal Court caused many disputes, however, it will not disturb BiH seriously. The editorial says that there were many BiH politicians and intellectuals who were criticizing the signing of this agreement and Hadziomerovic singles out an independent intellectual from Banja Luka Dr. Miodrag Zivanovic. Hadziomerovic criticizes Zivanovic’s hypocrisy saying that Zivanovic kept silent when the RS Government presented its shameful report on genocide in Srebrenica and the author reminds that Zivanovic was an Advisor for human rights issues to the RS Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic at that time. |
Economic, social affairs | |
Protocol for Prosperity signed
| BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni List page 5, not signed, “Open up door for domestic resources in the second phase”, Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Roses of the prosperity in the garden’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘Fresh 10 reforms in 60 days’, Blic, p 7, ‘Protocol on prosperity’- On Wednesday representatives of the top State and entity authorities and representatives of the Bulldozer Committee signed the “Protocol for Prosperity”, which marks the successful conclusion of the first phase and beginning of the second phase of economic reforms within the “Bulldozer” Process. At the ceremony held in the Botanic garden of the National Museum, in presence of numerous local and international officials, including the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, the Protocol for Prosperity was signed by BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Adnan Terzic, Chairmen of both Houses of BiH Parliament Sefik Dzaferovic and Velimir Jukic, entity Prime Ministers Ahmet Hadzipasic and Dragan Mikerevic, Chairmen of both Houses of FBiH Parliament, RS National Assembly Speaker Dragan Kalinic and Chairman of the RS Council of Peoples Remzija Kadric, Brcko Mayor Sinisa Kisic and representatives of seven departments of the Bulldozer Committee. The signatories expressed determination to create all necessary conditions for an advantageous business environment in BiH by removing of senseless bureaucratic obstacles, promoting of export and liberating of domestic resources. In his speech at the ceremony, BiH CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic said that reforms within this project are not cosmetic. He indicated examples from the first phase where the tariff reform resulted in enabling the companies for being competitive, which also resulted in greater tax collection that lead to creating of new jobs and better public services. He stressed that foreign companies can now open their business offices on the territory of the entire BiH in only seven days, which will result in greater foreign investments. Terzic also announced the forming of an urgent reform team comprising young experts from the BiH CoM, which will directly inform him on each of the next 50 reforms. He also presented his action plan within which the first 10 reforms to be forwarded in parliamentary procedure would be presented in 60 days. Representative of the Bulldozer Committee Mevlida Kunosic indicated that the problem in BiH is the existence of numerous administrative levels and absurd legislation, unclear and unsustainable compensations, which is why the BiH economy is not giving the results it should. Federal Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic said that his government has confirmed its determination for significant reform with its conduct over the past 100 days, as well as with its Working programme for 2003. He said that the measures that are taken or planned to be taken by the FBiH Government are directed, among other things, towards protection of domestic production, creating of conditions for better interest rates, stimulating of export, connecting of import with export, stimulating of agricultural production, intensifying of production and expenditure reduction. On this occasion Hadzipasic called on the international community to joint the campaign “Let’s buy domestic products”. RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic regards the second phase of Bulldozer Process as the “second round for accepting new truths”, pledging that his government would do everything to make this battle as short as possible. After the signing ceremony signatories of the Protocol planted roses in the Botanic garden naming this part “The Garden of prosperity”. According to BHTV 1 poll, citizens don’t quite understand what is all this about. [Poll: 1st citizen: “It’s reform – but something completely obscure.”; 2nd: “I don’t care. I know I can’t do or change anything.” 3rd: “I don’t know.” 4th: “I don’t know.” 5th: “I don’t know.”] Though most citizens don’t know what kind of reforms are in question, the next stage of Bulldozer process dialogue is expected to be expanded to include representatives of labour unions and other representatives of the social sector. |
Housing loans for veterans | FTV – The final list of persons to receive housing loans credits for veterans was made, but the Steering Board of the Foundation for Provision of Housing Loans for Veterans must correct noticed irregularities. Loans were approved for those not eligible, so the review deadline and the final certification of the list was extended. Nezim Catic, President of the Foundation’s Executive Board: “Responsibility lies with the Cantons. You cannot have us waiting for months to get your lists and then give us incomplete lists about who used loans.” Dnevni Avaz on pg. 2 publishes two articles on the issue: ‘Veterans embittered over behaviour of the Foundation for provision of the loans’, Veterans got Tihic’s support for the adoption of the Veteran’s Law’. The newspaper’s Commentary of the Day by Armin Zeba pg. 3 ‘Gaming with veterans’ is also dedicated to the issue. Zeba concludes that a shameful performance of the heads of the Foundation for Resolving Veteran’s Housing Issues is just a logical follow-up to anyway inappropriate behaviour toward the veteran’s population. |
Ploce Port issue | Dnevni List (front and page 7, by S. Vidic, “Agreement on Ploce Port on hold, Bar Port in game”) and Vecernji List (page 3, by gk, “New proposals on Ploce Port”) carry that BiH and Croatia postponed resolving of the agreement on free passage through Ploce Port and Neum again. Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, says the resolving of this issue is being postponed indefinitely and that the situation in Croatia does not encourage the BiH authorities that this issue could be resolved soon. Terzic added: “For this reason we had to look for an alternative. I used my visit to Serbia and Montenegro and talked with Prime Minister Djukanovic as to how to come to the position that BiH uses the Bar Port over the long term.” Member of the BiH Parliamentary Board for Foreign Policy, Seada Palavric, stated that BiH needs both ports. DL says that during this week Terzic will phone Croatian Prime Minister, Ivica Racan, in order to make the issue of the Ploce Port and final resolving of this issue topical again. |
Bijeljina firm “Kurjak” staff chase away director | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘They chased away Director’ – Around 50 employed at the Bijeljina Textile Factory “Kurjak” yesterday chased away the Director, Milova Bojic, from the facility and decided that noone is to enter the facility until the Executive Board of the factory holds the session. Dragan Gajic, Vice President of Kurjak Syndicate, told the press that they chased away the Director because the staff could no longer put up with his approach towards the firm and the staff as well. |
Inspectors closing business premises in Sarajevo Canton | Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 5, ’33 objects closed’ – Tac inspectors of the Sarajevo Canton yesterday sealed off 33 objects, in which the trade was not registered in legal manner and where taxpayers did not issue bills at cashier. The increased control at the bars and shops in Sarajevo Canton is a part of the action called “Demand the bill – take the bill”, which has commenced two days ago and will last until 13 July this year. Sarajevo dailies also reported on the action. |
Banja Luka medical staff protest | Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 9, ’Doctors on protest’; Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘No giving in’ – The employees of the Banjaluka Clinical Centre yesterday held a protest in front of the medical facilities at Paprikovac Hospital, Surgery Clinic and Psychiatric Facility. They sent a message saying that they will resume the strike, noting that deadline for fulfilment of their demands is 15 June. |
OHR on Fatnicko Polje tunnel construction | Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Bill to Republika Srpska’ – Sonja Pastuovic, Spokesperson of the OHR Regional Office in Banjaluka, yesterday stated that OHR has not banned further works at Fatnik Polje tunnel, stressing that Republika Srpska authorities signed the agreement with contractor, EFT. By saying this she transferred the responsibility onto the Republika Srpska Government. |
Inspections at Republika Srpska pump-stations | Nezavisne Novine, page 2, ‘Inspectors detected fuel of bad quality at gas-stations’ – Out of 100 pump-stations, which the inspectors inspected throughout Republika Srpska, the bad quality of fuel was detected at eight pump-stations. As Republika Srpska Ministry of Energy and, Economy and Development confirmed yesterday, the observed disharmony of the fuel mainly refers to “inappropriate percentage of the sulphur and ignition point”. The Ministry announcement did not list the pump-stations, where bad fuel was sold. |
Zvornik pensioners announce signing of a petition for removal of the RS Government
| Vecernje Novosti, p 20, ‘Petition for removal of the Government’ – Pensioners of Zvornik will initiate signing of a petition for removal of the RS Government unless the Government engages more actively in solving of the pensioners’ problems in the next two months, as announced by Spasan Milosevic, the President of the Zvornik Municipal Association of Pensioners. Approximately 4,500 pensioners live in the area of Zvornik and their average monthly pension is 100 KM. |
“Lijanovici” threaten to move to Croatia
| Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 18, by Dinko Pasic, “Lijanovici move to Gavrilovic”) – “Lijanovici” Meat Industry of Siroki Brijeg’s Executive Manager, Damir Leko, told journalists on Wednesday that the “Lijanovici” moved some of its facilities to Croatia, namely “Gavrilovic” Meat Industry, two months ago and started a production of some “Lijanovici” products there. Furthermore, Leko stated the company would transfer all its facilities to Croatia by end of 2004 if customs related policy in BiH is not changed in favor of meat producers. |
Defence reform | |
Commission on Defence Reform held its first session
| Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Slobodna Dalmacija page 19, by Blanka Magas, “Three armies spend much, give little”, Vecernji List (page 3, by E. Medunjanin, “BiH joining NATO is in sight too”, Dnevni List, page 8, by Fena, “Army too big economic burden for BiH”, Nezavisne Novine, page 6, ‘Commission proposes laws for military reform in BiH’; Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Commission makes rules’, Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘Three armies spend a lot, give a little’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Membership in NATO in sight as well’, Blic, p 6, ‘Lots of expenses, little benefits’ – Commission on Defence Reform held its first session in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Commission’s task is to create solution for legal environment for establishment of the civilian control over BiH’s armed forces by the end of September. Chairman of the commission James Locher stressed that present defence structure has served its purpose but it is old and should be changed. Two armies spend a lot of money and give so little and these uneconomical situations should be solved. This commission will recommend defence system that will overcome these failures, said Locher. BiH Presidency held session today expressing support to the annual meeting of the countries in the region. Presidency adopted report of the Chairman Borislav Paravac on summit on stabilisation and association in Ohrid. Members of the BiH Presidency launched an initiative to return properties of religious communities in BiH. |
Ivanic says BiH to join Partnership for Peace by the end of this years pr early next year | Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘BiH in Partnership for Peace next year’ – BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic told RS Radio on Wednesday that BiH would become a Partnership for Peace member by the end of this year or early next year and added that reform of the armed forces is the condition for the accession of our country to that program. Commenting on the participation of BiH representatives at the meeting of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers in Madrid, Ivanic said that participation of BiH is such and important meeting is a positive sign that our country is firmly on the road towards Euro-Atlantic structures. He confirmed that replacement of NATO troops by European forces was not discussed in Madrid and that NATO would decide on this issue next year at the earliest. The two-day meeting of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers in Madrid, in which BiH is taking part for the first time, ended yesterday. |
Republika Srpska soldiers learning English | Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Continuation of English language course in Republika Srpska Army’; Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Soldiers learn English’ – Ian Cliff, British Ambassador to BiH, yesterday announced that he will soon sign a memorandum on continuation of the project “English language training in Republika Srpska Army until 2005” with Milovan Stankovic, Republika Srpska Defence Minister. Cvetko Savic, Head of Republika Srpska Army General Staff, yesterday met with Cliff, whose Government is the founder and donator of this modern training centre. |
RSNA expected to discuss defence reform today | Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Budget be discussed’ – Republika Srpska National Assembly is expected to resume the session today and take the final stance on the defence reform in BiH. The MP’s are also expected to discuss the issues related to economic policy and proposal on energy status for this year. |
Crime | |
Avaz: Biber reported assassination attempt against him
| Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 3 ‘Biber reported an assassination attempt against him’ – The newspaper learns that in the evening on May 9 this year, the two unidentified young men in a black BMW tried in the Sarajevo downtown to deliberately cause a traffic accident by pushing the vehicle driven by BiH Trade Unions Association President Edhem Biber on a tram. Biber reported the case/assassination attempt to the FBiH Interior Minister Mevludin Halilovic. |
Update to robbery of Nova Banjalucka Banka | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Small change found and returned’; Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 3, ‘Vehicle found, but no trace to money’ – The police found and returned the vehicle of “Seat Ibiza” make to Nova Banjalucka Banka, following the robbery of this bank two days ago. Only the amount of 7 thousand KM in coins, along with all documentation, was found in vehicle and also returned to the Bank. The vehicle was found in the passage between underground garages in the street of Sime Matavulja, which is only a couple of hundred metres away from Banjaluka downtown and Nova Banjalucka Banka. According to police information, police heard few interesting information from the tenants in the building of Sime Matavulja, which may be of great assistance to further investigation. Both cars, which robbers used during the robbery “Volkswagen” and “Audi 80” were stolen in Prnjavor and Gradiska respectively. |
Bank in Derventa robbed | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Kristal Banka robbed’ – The branch office of Kristal Banka in Derventa was yesterday robbed off KM 160 thousand. Two unidentified and armed persons in disguise entered the Bank premises at 14:20 hrs, when only the bank clerks were in the Bank. |
Arrest of arms smugglers in Republika Srpska
| Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 2, ‘Arms smugglers arrested’ – Joint action of the police from Bijeljina and Serb Sarajevo resulted in the arrest of V.S. (31) and S.M. (32) from Vlasenica, who were arrested at the moment of transportation of a large quantity of weapons. Namely, the police found 11 submachine guns, 1 automatic rifle, and 12 ammunition magazines. The detainees intended to sell the arms in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The police investigation established that V.S. and S.M. bought the arms from B.S. from Han Pijesak, who was also arrested. Criminal charges for illegal production and trade in weapons are to follow. |
Other political issues/developments | |
BiH Presidency session
| Dnevni List (front and page 5, by Fena, “Presidency seeks meeting of Heads of States in region”) and Slobodna Dalmacija (last page, by D. Pasic, “Second sub-regional meeting of Heads of state proposed”) carry that during its yesterday’s session, among other things, the BiH Presidency sent a proposal for holding of the 2nd sub-regional meeting of Heads of States of BiH, Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia. The BiH Presidency tasked the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intensify activities for the preparation of this meeting. Also, the Croat member of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, expressed suspicion that that the basic agreement between Vatican and BiH will be signed before the Pope’s coming to BiH and added that the proposal of this agreement is being reconsidered by the BiH Council of Ministers. Sarajevo dailies also reported on the issue. |
Interview with Deputy Mayor of Mostar Beslic | Vecernji List (page 5, by Zoran Kresic, “I see Mostar as capitol of Federation of BiH”) – an interview with the Deputy Mayor of Mostar, Ljubo Beslic, in which he mostly speak about the current situation in Mostar. Questioned to present his view about what could happen in the future once the process of Mostar restructuring has been finished, Beslic says he is expecting a situation in which Mostar becomes the administrative centre of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) including a possibility of Mostar becoming the FBiH capitol. Asked about the work of the Mostar Commission, Beslic says the Commission is divided when it comes down to the principles presented by the High Representative for BiH and subsequent interpretation of the principles. More on the Mostar Commission by Beslic: “The High Representative, Mister Ashdown, established the Commission and, for sure, he is the supreme authority in the State and is the only one who has the right to interpret his principles. I think that’s clear to everyone. But, some are trying to buy time by initiating doubts about something which is perfectly clear and optimum as a solution for the joint future of Mostar” |
Other issues | |
Education reform
| Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘New rules applied as of next year’ – Gojko Savanovic, Republika Srpska Minister of Education, and his counterpart from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zijad Pasic, yesterday in Banjaluka signed the Memorandum on Understanding, related to the mutual core of the curriculum. The signatories of this agreement were also the Ministers of Education from ten Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko District, and Deputy Head of OSCE Mission to BiH, Zipper Fabiani. Dnevni List page 5, by Onasa, “BiH signs Bologna Declaration on September 3”. |
Hambarine mine field case | Nezavisne Novine, page 8, ‘A bomb found’ – Team of Republika Srpska de-miners yesterday found two unexploded explosive devices (bomb M-57 and anti-aircraft armour bullet of 12.7 mm calibre) near the primary school in the settlement of Hambarine (Prijedor municipality). According to Sretko Marjanovic, the team of deminers has so far inspected around 1,700 square metres of the area, out of the total area of 2,700 square metres around the Hambarine school. The inspection of the grounds is to complete by Wednesday next week. |
President of FBiH RTV Council sent open letter to OHR, FBiH Government and media | Dnevni List (page 4, by M.R., “Kukic: We are not satisfied with division of property of former RTV BiH”) carries that the Federation of BiH RTV Council demands from High Representative Paddy Ashdown to re-examine proposal of the decision on liquidation of RTV BiH, which envisages that 98% of property of Public Company RTV BiH is to be transferred to Public RTV Service BiH and only about 2% to FBiH RTV. The open letter sent to the OHR, FBiH Government and media and signed by President of FBiH RTV Council Slavo Kukic says that this practically means that FBiH RTV does not have property. Sarajevo dailies also covered the issue. |
Vjesnik says SBS’ Mihalj resigns | Vjesnik (page 10, by Alenko Zornija, “Resignations is BiH border service because of irregularities”) – reports that one of three Directors of the BiH State Border Service (SBS), Tomislav Mihalj, resigned from the office early this week after as a result of an information leak that said the BiH Office for Revision detected most irregularities within the SBS. Regarding the information leak, it stated that Mihalj, when applying for the job, submitted a very suspicious diploma of the Banja Luka Law School, a degree that he allegedly completed in 1996. Journalist’s comment to the whole issue is that one can hardly believe the international organizations in BiH, and IPTF and Jacques-Paul Klein in particular, were not aware of the irregularities. In that context, Zornija says the international organizations used the information to “woo” people to work in the interest of the international community in BiH. |