
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 4/6/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Del Ponte met Hadzipasic

Farmers’ protests in BL

Carla del Ponte in Zagreb

Petar Milosevic arrested

Carla del Ponte in Croatia

Municipal elections

SFOR arrested Milosevic

Protest in Banja Luka

Trial of Milan Babic

World news

Session of BiH CoM

Kalinic met Marsicanin

Regional news: Macedonia

LNM to buy BH Steel

Protest in Banja Luka

Croatia/ICTY relations



Indictments against Ganic, Delic, Mahmuljin soon

Dnevni Avaz

Scandal over Kosovo Albanians

Dnevni List

Vignjevic: Pensions will not be increased

Vecernji List

Carla del Ponte fell at Federation Government

Slobodna Dalmacija

Eight people of Bugojno are ICTY suspects

Glas Srpske

The film on mujahedins in BiH showed in The Hague: Jihad in the courtroom

Nezavisne Novine

Pensioners grabbed chickens: People is hungry; Carla del Ponte: The Hague is conducting investigations against Ganic, Mahmuljin, Delic and Alispahic; Illegal grading at the Banja Luka Medical Faculty: Education inspector to make a move


Legija was hiding at Mafia members in Herceg-Bosnia; Education reform: 483 professions were deleted from schools; Pensioners were pushing each other around because of chicken; Indictment against Ejup Ganic too by the end of this year


5000 euros journalism – the price lists of journalists services

Slobodna Bosna

Exclusive: Karadzic’s atomic bomb for Sarajevo 


War crimes/Cooperation with ICTY/PfP

Del Ponte meets with FBiH Prime Minister, ends her visit to BiH














Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje front page, pgs 4-5 ‘Indictments against Ganic, Delic, Mahmuljin soon’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Tribunal conducts investigation against Ganic, Delic, Mahmuljin’, Blic, pg. RS2 ‘Indictment against Ejup Ganic too’ by J. Dusanic mentioned on cover ‘Indictment against Ejup Ganic too by the end of this year’, Vecernje novosti, pg. 17 ‘Arrests must take place’, Vecernji List, front and pg 3 ‘Carla del Ponte fell at Federation Government’, by Dejan Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 3 ‘The Hague conducts investigations against Mahmuljin, Ganic and Delic’, by D. Pasic, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Indictments against general Delic, Mahmuljin and Ganic by end of year’, by M. R.,Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘The Hague is conducting investigations against Delic, Ganic, Mahmuljin and Alispahic’, FENA – The Chief Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal, Carla del Ponte, on Thursday held talks with FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic. “This was my first meeting with the Federation officials and I have received information on what the Federation can do to help strengthen the cooperation with the Hague Tribunal”, said Del Ponte after the meeting. According to Del Ponte, Prime Minister Hadzipasic assured her that he would do his best to strengthen the capacities of BiH in the field of improving the cooperation. Hadzipasic said that the relevant BiH institutions together with the Entity bodies must coordinate and unify activities in fulfilling their commitments “in order to finally put an end to the ‘story’ about the most wanted indicted war criminals, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic”. When asked whether investigations had been conducted against the former member of RBiH Presidency, Ejup Ganic, war commander of RBiH Army Rasim Delic and war commander of the RBiH Army Third Corps, Sakib Mahmuljin, Del Ponte confirmed this, and specified that these investigations were in progress and should be completed by the end of the year.  The meeting with Federation Prime Minister concluded the visit of the Chief Prosecutor to BiH. During her two-day visit, Del Ponte met with a number of top BiH and entity’s officials, and she visited the Memorial Centre in Potocari, where she paid her respects for the victims of genocide in Srebrenica.

In the statements for Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, Ganic and Delic said it was just about speculations saying they did not feel guilty.

Editorial criticizing work of ICTY

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Stories about butchers and victims in BiH’ by I. Glibusic carries an editorial on the results of the last visit that ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte paid to BiH. The author also deals with the ICTY as an institution and he is very critical of its work. Among the other things, the author says: “Many people have been witnesses of work, partiality and even strange decisions of the ICTY when war crime trails are in question. Real criminals are living normally in BiH, while, in many cases, innocent people are in The Hague because of them only due to the fact that they used to be prominent officers or officials in BiH. Having in mind the fact that it has really become obvious that the ICTY is means of political pressure against the states from the territory of former Yugoslavia then it is impossible to expect justice from the ICTY.”   

Statement of Day: Del Ponte

Dnevni List pg 2 carries in its ‘Statement of Day’ ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte as saying: “Some people in the RS authority are helping Karadzic.”

Feral Tribune on visit of del Ponte to Bugojno, RS’ cooperation with ICTY

Feral Tribune, pg 34 ‘The Bugojno Wall’, by Ivan Lovrenovic – talking about the recent visit of the Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, to Bugojno, Lovrenovic says the pictures aired by the Federation of BiH TV spoke more about frame of mind of BiH citizenry than any political rhetoric we have been hearing lately from both domestic and international officials. In this context, Lovrenovic says the del Ponte, when she was leaving the building of Bugojno Municipality, came across a shocking image: two walls of women and men, gathered at two opposite sides of the same street. On one side the Bugojno Bosniaks and on the other the Bugojno Croats, each with their own symbols, each with pictures of their missing people, each with their own books about sufferings. “The picture infallibly speaks about everything that’s important – two sides, polarized in the same trouble which is – the same”, concludes Lovrenovic.  Furthermore, speaking about the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown’s, statement that the RS would be the responsible if BiH is left outside of Europe (failure to join the PfP), Lovrenovic says that many analysts believe that the sudden change of Ashdown’s rhetoric against the RS and Radovan Karadzic has nothing in common with any principles, adding that Ashdown, who is absent from political life of BiH, “which is so unlike him”, is in fact “finding a scapegoat for the ever so evident failure of reforms he thunderously announced, and for which he claimed to have found good partners in nationalistic authorities, both in the FBiH and RS”.

Dani analyses on Karadzic arrest

Dani pgs 18-19 ‘Arrest of Karadzic – a token of a future of his oeuvre?!’ by Emir Suljagic – Referring to the statement by ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte given in Banja Luka, when she said that for the first time she noted political will to arrest Radovan Karadzic. This analysis compares the ‘casual’ IC attitude on Karadzic’s arrest in the past [noting the biggest mistake for BiH was that his arrest was not a condition in previous occasions such as admission to the Council of Europe] and current situation. The first difference is the fact that the ICTY is about to complete all its investigations and cease its operations, therefore Karadzic’s arrest has to happen as soon as possible. Secondly, the RS authorities for the first time see the connection between his arrest and ‘survival’ of the entity. “Under the real pressure from the West, Radovan Karadzic became the stake for legalizing what he worked on for years,” says the author noting that now RS leadership realize that if they are to keep RS and their positions they have to arrest Karadzic. In that case, “without Karadzic at large, outside of BiH RS will be considered as Dragan Cavic likes to present it: as more stabile part of BiH, which will preserve the myth about its creator who sacrificed himself for Srpska!”

SB: Oil Refinery given for a bomb to destroy Sarajevo in ‘95


Slobodna Bosna cover ‘Exclusive: Karadzic’s atomic bomb for Sarajevo’, pgs 28-31 ‘In 1995, Karadzic order from Oman a bomb to destroy Sarajevo, in return he gave him Bosanski Brod Oil Refinery!’ by Suzana Sasic – Referring to the recent media reports that Austrian-Liberian company Orbal Marketing Service LTD claimed a mortgage on Brod Oil Refinery, magazine argues that documents on it were in Sokolac Basic Court, and that RS Government hides the real truth about the case. Apparently, Radovan Karadzic in 1995 made a contract with one of the leading arms dealers in the world, Nikolas Oman, to purchase vacuum bombs of huge destruction power in order to destroy Sarajevo and win the war. Article gives detailed account of the events around this affair, and updates. 

Magazines on admission to PfP and war crimes indictees

Slobodna Bosna pg 4 ‘Partnership for Ulcer’ editorial by Senad Avdic – Author considers wide range of issues related to possible BiH admission to Partnership for Peace in June at NATO summit in Istanbul. On a condition for arrests of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, author blames both local authorities and the IC, especially SFOR, for not doing so years ago when NATO forces numbered 50.000. Avdic also reminds of the statement by US Ambassador Clifford Bond [in which he stressed that the appointment of Risto Zaric ,Chief of RS intelligence, to the OSA was inappropriate] noting that this further emphasized IC hypocrisy on the issue of arrests, but also wonders why US Administration did not prevent this as it used to do in the past in similar cases. He condemns Chairman of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic for his statement that it was illogical for BiH to become PfP members state as long was war crimes suspects were at large, noting that Tihic must be the first leader in modern history to lobby against his own country. Avdic concludes that the problem is not existence of RS, but its resistance to democratization. Dani pg 17 the Barometer column – mark Bond’s statement as very good move. On pg 7, ‘Personality in focus’ column, Dani bring same critical estimation of Tihic’s statement.

Srebrenica Commission

Blic, pg. RS2 ‘Ashdown awaits for the report’ by J. D. – The preparation of the final report on the work of Srebrenica Commission is currently in progress and will be forwarded to RS Government by the end of this week, as the Commission confirmed yesterday. The Commission could not confirm whether the new report will arrive to OHR within a deadline – June 11. They say that it is ‘up to the RS Government to make the next move’. OHR Spokesperson Vedran Persic yesterday stated that ‘OHR expects the report and will give its opinion on it after it is thoroughly reviewed’. Persic could not comment on what would happen if the deadline is not respected.

SD on war crimes against Bugojno Croats

Slobodna Dalmacija, front and pg 19 ‘Eight people of Bugojno are ICTY suspects’, by Josip Senda – The daily learns from reliable sources that when it comes to war crimes committed against the Bugojno Croats, the ICTY investigators are questioning in capacity of suspects the following persons: Mesud Duvnjak, a wartime public prosecutor, Semir Rustenpasic, commander of Green Berets from Bugojno, Meho Sadikovic, the first commander of ‘Stadion’ prison camp, Nisvet Gasal, the second commander of ‘Stadion’ camp, currently an employee of the Bugojno Police, Mursaib Kukavica, commander of all guards in Bugojno, Enes Sijamija, wartime commander of Bugojno Police, Elvedin Huseinspahic Ado, a watch commander, and Sabahudin Gazic, a watch commander. According to SD, Gazic told the investigators that in his presence, one Midhat Nuhefendic, currently the secretary of Red Cross in Bugojno and aforementioned Sijamija killed two Croats, who are registered as missing persons, namely Vinko Ivankovic and Marijo Subasic.

NATO Spokesperson on BiH admission into PfP

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘NATO expects new step of BiH regarding cooperation with The Hague’ – James Apathurai, NATO Spokesperson, yesterday stated that nothing has been definitely decided as yet regarding the BiH admission into PfP. He said NATO now expects to see BiH make next move towards fulfilling the most important criterion, which would be a transparent cooperation with The Hague Tribunal.

He also said that eventual non-admission of BiH into PfP might discourage reform forces in BiH and this would be a pity! However, he stressed the cooperation with The Hague Tribunal is the key pre-requisite.

Update to trial of Hadzihasanovic and Kubura in The Hague

Glas Srpske cover page story ‘Jihad in Court room’ – At the trial against former officers of the Bosniak Army of BiH, Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura before the Hague Tribunal, charged with war crimes committed in Central Bosnia, the Prosecutors yesterday showed the propaganda film of mujahedins  on “holy war”, the jihad. The film emphasises that “it was a war against Christianity ion BiH, in which the entire West took part. The holocaust against Muslims was planned.” Sarajevo media also covered the issue.


Economic/social affairs

Farmers’ protests in Banja Luka
















BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 2 ‘People is hungry’; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Import causes headache’, Oslobodjenje pg 10, mentioned on cover ‘Import only what we do not have’, Blic, pg. RS1 ‘Free chicken’ by Nedeljka Breberina mentioned on cover ‘Pensioners were pushing each other around because of chicken’, Vecernje novosti, pg. 19 ‘Rush for chicken’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 16 ‘Grab a chicken or two’ by A. Macanovic– Yesterday’s protest of farmers of RS, embittered over refusal of RS Government to succumb to the proposal of BiH CoM on quotes for tax-free meat import, turned into the general assault at chickens, according to NN. Several hundreds Banja Luka pensioners grabbed the frozen chickens, which RS farmers were distributing in front of RS Government building during yesterday’s protest.

Vladimir Usorac, President of RS Association of Farmers, said: “We did not know that this people really does not have anything to eat.”

He promised the Association would be giving chickens in the near future again, at the Banja Luka Main Square.

Separate from RS Government building with a police cordon, farmers sent a message to RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, and Ministers to stop refusing the proposal by BiH COM.

The posters, the farmers were carrying, were: “To stop smuggling over Drina?”, “Why MP’s do not think with their heads?”, “Why did you let “Perutnina Ptuj” to make our destiny?” and “Until when we will be giving meat?”.

According to NN inset, Goran Radivojac, Spokesperson of RS Prime Minister, stated that the RS Government is of the view the farmers’ protests were unnecessary, because there are institutions within the system through which these issues could be resolved. He said: “We are of the opinion that the protests mark representation of partial interests.”

FBiH Minister Vignjevic says increase to pensions is unlikely


Herceg Bosna Radio, Dnevni List, front and pg 5 ‘Vignjevic: Pensions will not be increased’, by Sanja Bjelica, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘FBiH Government will ensure regular payment of pensions’ – The FBiH Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Radovan Vignjevic, held a brief meeting with the new leadership of the FBiH Pension/Disability Fund (FBiH MIO/PIO), including the FBiH Director, Nadir Kovacevic, acting Deputy Director, Ivan Rogic, and President of Steering Board, Milenko Obad in Mostar yesterday to talk about the most topical issues the new leadership will have to face. According to Minister Vignjevic, he informed the leadership about positions of the FBiH Government regarding insurance related issues, noting that the Government is foremost interested in securing pensions in timely manner and completing new organization of the (FBiH MIO/PIO) administration, which would cut administrative costs from current 5 to 2,8 % of overall revenues. Asked whether one can expect an increase to pensions, Minister Vignjevic stated should the collected revenues allow the increase, he hoped that the new leadership could take adequate measures, adding: “I think this is not the moment one could announce an increase to pensions”.

DL on issuance of 3rd GSM licence: HT Mostar to get the licence

Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Croat telecommunications Mostar are getting third GSM licence’, by J. Petrovic – Noting that the FBiH Government yesterday supported efforts of the HT Mostar (Croat telecommunications Mostar) in getting the 3rd GSM licence in BiH, the daily carries the FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic, as confirming that the FBiH Government has received a memo from the HT d.d. Zagreb (Croatian telecommunications of Zagreb), which proposed a solution to the situation related to issuance of the 3rd GSM licence. In a nutshell, the HT d.d. Zagreb proposes a possibility of transferring its share in the ‘Eronet’ onto the HT Mostar. “By doing this, the HT Mostar would have a stake in Eronet, and HT Zagreb would increase its stake in HT Mostar amounting to its share in Eronet’, says PM Hadzipasic, adding that considering that the Municipality of Grude also has a stake in ‘Eronet’, the State-owned capital in ‘Eronet’ would have the majority. PM Hadzipasic also stated that it was likely that the HT Mostar would receive the 3rd GSM licence. DL also reports that the FBiH Government has formed a commission comprising of representatives of competent FBiH ministries and FBiH Privatization Agency, the aim of which is to analyse the proposal of the HT d.d. Zagreb.

Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Federation Government requests 3rd GSM licence for HT Mostar’, by Zoran Kresic – notes that the FBiH Government yesterday supported the HT Mostar in efforts to get the 3rd GSM licence. FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Support to HT Mostar’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘HT Zagreb Proposes that Eronet and HT Mostar apply for GSM license together’ also reported on the issue.

On succession to former socialist Yugoslavia’s property

Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Gold for payment of severance pays to soldiers’ by F– VL carries that gold that BiH received on the ground of succession to property and obligations of former Yugoslavia will go at the joint account of BiH, entities and the Brcko District. BiH Minister of Finances and Treasury Ljerka Maric stated that these funds have been planned in the budget for this year and they will be used for payment of severance pays to soldiers and employees in entity customs offices that will lose job due to the establishment and filling in of places of work in the Indirect Taxation Administration. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Money from sale of gold for severance pay’ also carried the statement.

BiH Trade Union postpones general strike

Vecernji List pg 2 ‘General strike postponed for 90 days’ by eme and Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Trade Union postpones general strike scheduled for June 17’ not signed – The Crises Headquarters of the Independent BiH Trade Union decided to postpone for 90 days a general strike that has been announced for June 17 and to freeze the initiative for the removal of the Federation of BiH Government. This decision was passed after the Crises Headquarters took into consideration demands related to changes and amendments to Law on Bankruptcy.

SDHR Wnendt visits Bijeljina, asks for assistance to returnees

Dnevni Avaz pg 15 ‘Wnendt requested Ljubojevic to provide more assistance to returnees’, Blic, pg. RS9 ‘Poverty makes return to Bijeljina more difficult’ by Lj. Lj., Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘OHR is dissatisfied with the integration of returnees’, ONASA – The Office of the High Representative (OHR) is dissatisfied with activities of the municipal administration in Bijeljina related to the reintegration of returnees and creation of conditions for a sustainable return of Bosniaks and Romanies, Senior Deputy High Representative Werner Wnendt said on Thursday. During his visit to Bijeljina, SDHR Wnendt visited the Association of Citizens “Povratak i odrzivi opstanak” (Return and Sustainable Survival), whose representatives informed him about difficult position of returnees and discriminatory relation of local authorities towards non-Serb population. The meeting was also attended by head of the Bijeljina municipality Dragomir Ljubojevic, who justified returnees’ claims with difficult economic situation and a big number of displaced Serb population in the area of the municipality of Bijeljina. Addressing reporters after the meeting, ambassador Wnendt emphasized that the OHR expects the local authorities to implement decisions of the BiH Constitutional Court on the equal constituent status of all three peoples. According to Wnendt, the OHR will continue monitoring work of the municipal authorities. He said he would soon again visit Bijeljina to get informed about the efficiency of work of the municipal administration.

Update to Med Faculty dispute


Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 4 ‘Inspection to make a move’ – Milenko Luzajic, RS Chief Education Inspector, yesterday confirmed that the RS Education Inspection will review serious accusations of Dr Jasminka Nikolic from Banja Luka Medical Faculty. (Nikolic accused Professor Sanicanin with this Faculty of giving grades from the subject of biochemistry in an exchange for financial compensation.)

Luzajic said that the future measures would be within the stipulated authorities of the inspection.

Update to audit report into BiH Presidency financial dealings


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘They exceeded the anticipated budget for a million BAM’ – Judging by the audit report into financial dealings of BiH Presidency members, this institutions has exceeded its planned budget for BAM 1 million in 2003.

Ljerka Maric, BiH Minister of Finances and Vault, said that in February this year, she asked from BiH Presidency to prepare annual report, which should include information related to additional money allocated to this body. She also confirmed that the explanation she demanded has never been provided to her.

OHR on Telekom Srpske

RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Incompetent officials kept’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Old story of “Telekom”’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Persons not settled accounts with corruption appointed to senior posts’, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Old members in Supervisory Boards again’ by I. Tabucic – Kevin Sullivan, OHR Spokesperson, yesterday expressed dissatisfaction of the OHR over the most recent decision of the Telekom Srpske Share-holders Assembly which re-elected four out of five members of this Body.

Sullivan said: “This suggests that “Telekom Srpske” and RS Government, which is its biggest share-holder, are not serious in intention to tackle abuses, which cost the citizens over millions BAM.”

LNM is new strategic partner in BH Steel steelworks

FTV, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘LNM Company is new strategic partner in BH Steel steelworks’, by Miso Relota – The FBiH Prime Minister, Ahmet Hadzipasic and FBiH Minister of Industry, Izet Zigic, informed journalists that the LNM Company has been given the advantage to become the majority owner of BH Steel steelworks in Zenica. Hadzipasic explains that the LNM has been given the advantage to strike a deal in the next 30 days to enter the company as the majority owner, by seizing 51% of ownership. PM Hadzipasic added should some problems occur in the process, other bidders would be given a chance to enter negotiations. Minister Zigic stated that he expected that the deal with the LNM would go through, and that the BH Steel would be hiring 4.600 workers in the next two years. Oslobodjenje pg 6 and Dnevni Avaz pg 4 also reported on the issue.


Political developments/education

BiH CoM session








Herceg Bosna Radio, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘A new draft law on customs tariffs sent to the parliament’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Draft law on execution of criminal sanctions adopted’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Proposed Law on sanctions’ implementation set’, Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Criminal legislature also applicable on foreigners’ by E. Mackic and Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Real estate in Trsteno for sale’ by Z. Rerig, FENA – The BiH Council of Ministers defined on Thursday the proposal of the law on executing criminal sanctions. This law will be forwarded to the BiH Parliament to be discussed in shortened procedure. BiH Minister of Justice Slobodan Kovac told a press conference after the session that the law defines the implementation of criminal sanctions handed down by the BiH Court. “This law allows the use of such sanctions against foreign nationals if the sanctions have been issued in BiH and their implementation is not incompatible with international agreements. The law also defines the implementation of court decisions of other countries if this issue is not regulated otherwise by international agreements”, Kovac said. The BiH Council of Ministers also defined the proposal of changes to the BiH customs tariff law, which will be sent to the BiH Parliament to be discussed through shortened procedure.

Tihic meets Humphreys

Oslobodjdenje pg 7 ‘Chris Patten to attend Old Bridge opening ceremony’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Chris Patten’s coming to Old Bridge opening ceremony confirmed’ by Nina, FENA – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic met Delegation of the European Commission in BiH Head Michael Humphreys in Sarajevo Thursday. Humphreys confirmed that EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Chris Patten would arrive for the Mostar Old Bridge opening ceremony on July 23. They also discussed the fulfilment of conditions for starting talks on signing the Stabilisation and Association agreement with the EU, the BiH Presidency stated. Tihic stressed that efforts of BiH authorities are focused on carrying out set tasks in order to ensure that BiH moves closer towards European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

‘Terzic requested abolishment of visa regime’

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Terzic requested abolishment of visa regime’ – BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Adnan Terzic sent a letter to EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Chris Patten on the problems of EU visa regime for the BiH passport holders. Terzic asks for liberalisation of the EU visa regime for the BiH citizens emphasizing the progress made in BiH in the area of security in the past years. He particularly mentioned implementation of the CIPS project, results achieved in fight against illegal immigration and a fact that not a single case of terrorism has been reported in BiH in the past period although the country was constantly facing accusation of alleged links with international terrorism. 

Merdzo, Jahic, OHR on harmonization of cantonal education laws


Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘HDZ-SDA Coalition does not expect new sanctions’ mentioned on front, by Nermin Bise – President of the Cantonal Board of HDZ in Canton 7, Josip Merdzo, speaking about the harmonization of the cantonal education law to the State Framework law on education, whose deadline for harmonization expires today,  expects that there will not be a need for sanctions against the parties in power in the Canton 7. Merdzo says: “We have had intensive talks with representatives of OHR and OSCE these days and I think the reasons because of which the financial sanctions would have been imposed are now removed. There have been re-phrasing of certain sentences to the mutual satisfaction. Having in mind that all three peoples, in other words all parties supported such law in our assembly, I think there should not be sanctions”. Merdzo adds that because of today’s session of HDZ Main Board in Bugojno, some issues cannot fit in the deadline imposed by the IC, which expires today. DL goes on to say that it has learned that there were different opinions in relation to the harmonization of the law between the Cantonal Board of SDA in Canton 7 and Mostar SDA. Apparently, Mayor of Mostar and President of SDA in the city, Hamdija Jahic, warned representatives of the OSCE and OHR that the harmonization had to be consistent with the State law. “It is the position of the City Board of SDA that changes and amendments to the laws on elementary and secondary educations in HNC must be in line with the State Framework law. The law in the HNC, which was recently adopted, is not completely in harmony with the Framework law”, stated Jahic.

An inset in the above article, under title ‘OHR confirms announcement of sanctions’, carries an OHR spokesman, Mario Brkic, as saying: “Political parties that do not enable harmonization of cantonal education laws to the State law will face sanctions”.

Session of HDZ Presidency in Sarajevo

Dnevni List, back pg ‘Main Board is adopting new directions of work of party today!?’, by Miso Relota – The Presidency of HDZ BiH held a meeting in Sarajevo late yesterday. However, DL learns that the Presidency discussed the future work of the party in next one year, which will be elaborated before the HDZ Main Board by the HDZ President, Barisa Colak, in Bugojno today. DL reminds that the HDZ Presidency recently adopted a strategy of pre-election activities, which will also be presented to the Main Board today. DL notes that Colak has nominated Vlatko Medjugorac a new Secretary General of the party, he too has to be confirmed by the Main Board.

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Law on Educations still represents a problem’ also reported on the session.

Kalinic meets with Serbian presidential candidate Marsicanin

RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘New bridges of cooperation’ – Dragan Kalinic, RS Parliament Speaker, yesterday in Banja Luka met with Dragan Marsicanin, presidential candidate of Democratic Party of Serbia. Kalinic expressed expectation that Serbia would finally get its president, which should ensure its economic development and prosperity.

Kalinic further said: “We discussed improvement of economic and cultural relations. We concluded that the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations has not been used in a proper manner.”

He added the meeting also discussed the issues of dual citizenship and Election Law, which would ensure RS and BiH citizens to vote in Serbia and Montenegro.

Marsicanin said that this visit is not of solely protocol purposes, stressing that: “As a President, I would support the establishment of a single economic space and dual citizenship, because it is in our interest and in the interest of Republika Srpska.”

Kalinic and Marsicanin yesterday also visited the Banja Luka Temple of Christ the Saviour, which is still under construction.

Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Pressures against Srpska’ – Dragan Kalinic, RS Parliament Speaker, yesterday said that the RS has never been faced with a more serious political situation than now, and that it has never been exposed to numerous pressures and attempts of its de-legalisation.

He told the press in Banja Luka yesterday that he had informed Vojislav Kostunica, Serbian Prime Minister, of this day before yesterday.

He said: “The RS destiny mainly depends on its citizens and authority, the behaviour of the international community in BiH, but also on the behaviour of Serbia and Russia, that are also signatories of the Dayton Peace Agreement and that cannot allow being non-interested in stability and safety in the Balkans, the future of BiH and accordingly RS.”

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘RS has never been in a more difficult situation’, Oslobodjenje pg 4, Vecernje novosti, pg. 5 ‘Always the same problems’ by M. Labus also reported on the meeting and carried Kalinic’s statement. 

Oslobodjenje on coming session of BiH-Croatia Inter-State Council

Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘On Port of Ploce, transit through Neum informally!?’ – The daily learns that the BiH Presidency members will not officially talk with their Croatian hosts on Monday on the long standing disputes between the two counties related to the use of the Croatian Port of Ploce and transit through BiH costal town of Neum. However these issues will be discussed informally.

SB on constitutional amendments

Slobodna Bosna pgs 5-9 ‘Instead of essential constituency, nationalists only satisfy forms by appointing ikebanas: Radivojevic and Grahovac in FBiH, Kvaternik and Tomljenovic in RS!’ by Danka Savic and Nidzara Ahmetasevic – “Not insisting on implementation of the Constitutional amendments on April 2002 is the biggest strategic mistake of Paddy Ashdown’s administration,” reads SB carrying claims by newly formed BiH NGO, Central for Analysis and Information [CAI]. The report makes evaluation of Paddy Ashdown work in BiH, and notes that OHR officers did not even hide the fact that they don’t consider implementation of constitutional amendments providing equality to all BiH citizens as a priority of Ashdown’s mandate, further accusing both Ashdown and BiH authorities to obstructing amendments. The article outlines details on the implementation of constitutional amendments and comments form some of leading BiH politicians.  



SBS marks its fourth anniversary










Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Ensure full safety of BiH borders’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Tihic: Prevent war criminals from crossing border’, FENA – The BiH State Border Service (SBS) is marking its fourth anniversary. On the occasion of June 6 – the Day of BiH DGS, a ceremony was organized on Thursday at the Police Home in Sarajevo with attendance of the BiH officials, members of the diplomatic corps in BiH, representatives of EUPM and other international organizations, and numerous guests. In addressing the participants of the ceremony, BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic emphasized that DGS is certainly one of the most successful BiH projects, which was mutually implemented by BiH authorities and representatives of the international community. The structure of the service, he added, is the forerunner of forming the other security institutions at state level (SIPA, OSSA). “The State Border Service is a multiethnic, professional and decentralized state institution, which had accepted the European standards of working and organization even before the Law on DGS was passed”, said Tihic, adding that this service is the best in the entire South-east Europe. Tihic expressed hope that in the upcoming process of reforming the police structures in BiH, DGS would provide a greater contribution to enhancing the overall security in BiH, and insure preconditions for fully controlling the state border, including the disabling the war criminals from illegally crossing the border. Stating that BiH Presidency would provide full support to DGS, Tihic expressed gratitude to the international community, especially the EUPM and donor countries, on their support in equipping and structuring the Service. DGS currently employs 1.963 officers, and in accord with the adopted organizational model, the Service should have 2.453 members.

High Representative Appoints Members of BiH’s Single HJPC

Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Ashdown appoints 16 members of HJPC’, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Members of BiH HJPC appointed’, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Members of BiH HJPC appointed’ – The High Representative on Thursday appointed 16 members of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). Nine of the 16 appointments have already served with the HJPCs. In a letter to Prime Minister Adnan Terzic the High Representative explained that he has made these appointments to ensure a “seamless transition to the newly established Council while at the same time guaranteeing continuity of membership, a continued international presence, geographical coverage, gender balance and ethnic representation based on the 1991 Census. I have also, where possible, chosen candidates from the short lists supplied by those domestic institutions that will, in future, elect the members of Council.” The appointed HJPC members include: Alma Tiric, Prosecutor’s Office of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Stevan Savic, Supreme Court of Republika Srpska, Marica Vucetic-Zelenbabic, Doboj District Court, Mirza Jusufovic, Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Danka Vucina, Attorney, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Slobodan Stanisic, Attorney, Republika Srpska, Branko Peric, Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Medzida Kreso, Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ljiljana Filipovic, Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Amor Bukic, Prosecutor’s Office of Republika Srpska, Mladen Jurisic, Mostar Cantonal Court, Sladjana Milojkovic, Tuzla Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office, and Snjezana Petkovic, District Prosecutor’s Office Banja Luka. The High Representative also appointed Michael O’Malley (Prosecutor, United States), Malcolm Simmons, (Judge, United Kingdom) and Sven Marius Urke (Attorney, Norway) as international members of the HJPC, each serving a term of one year, also from 3 June 2004. In accordance with the provisions of the HJPC Law, two further appointments are to be made to the HJPC, one by the BiH House of Representatives, and one by the Council of Ministers. The Law establishing a single HJPC was adopted by the BiH Parliament on 21 May. Under this new Law the single HJPC is responsible for hearing disciplinary procedures against Judges and Prosecutors, and for making appointments as judicial vacancies arise. Establishing a single HJPC is one of the preconditions that BiH must fulfil before the European Commission will enter into negotiations with BiH for a Stability and Association Agreement.

SFOR arrested retired RS Army colonel in Modrica

Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS Army retired officer arrested’; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Petar Milosevic arrested’, Blic, pg. RS2 ‘SFOR arrested former Colonel of RS Army’ by M. J. – RS Army retired Colonel, Pero Milosevic, was arrested in the night between Wednesday and Thursday at his apartment in Modrica. SFOR soldiers, with an assistance of the police, arrested him and, according to unofficial information, he is detained at “eagle” base near Tuzla. Milosevic’s family believes the reason for this arrest is the recent apprehending of Jovo Simikic and Nikola Stjepanovic from Modrica, who have been apprehended because of illegal possession of weapon. Dnevni List pg 16 ‘SFOR carried out another action in Modrica’ not signed, Vecernji List ‘Colonel Milosevic responsible for illegal weapon?’ by bs and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘SFOR continues with arrests’ by B. Jelic also reported on the arrest. According to the dailies Milosevic was arrested under suspicion that he was involved in the activities that are against the Dayton Peace Accord. SFOR spokesperson Jon Thurlow confirmed that Milosevic is being connected to the case of illegal weapon that has been revealed recently.

US Government warns its citizens BiH still risky country

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Violence and mines ‘threaten’ tourists’ by D. Polovina-Mandic and Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Americans on guard in BiH’, mentioned on cover, ‘Americans on guard in ‘dangerous BiH’ ‘ by Z. Kresic, Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘Americans called on to be cautious when traveling to BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘US citizens warned of raise of crime in Sarajevo’ – The dailies report that the US State Department informed its citizens that BiH is still ‘a risky country’ for traveling and warned that there is a possibility of sudden political violence and unrest like the ones that broken out during the recent attempt to arrest ICTY indictee Radovan Karadzic. VL says that such warning of the US Government is consistent with the announcements of ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte and NATO’s Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer that SFOR and RS authorities might start action whose purpose would be the Karadzic’s arrest. DL says that the OHR did not want to comment on the US warning, not even in the context of a possible, negative impact that this warning might have on the BiH tourism, that that the High Representative has been promoting all over the world.

Terzic on state-level security structure

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘State MoI will not be established’ – Adnan Terzic, Chairperson of BiH Council of Ministers, yesterday stated that the BiH Ministry of Security will be in charge of all police forces in BiH after police reform in BiH completes. He said: “The process of establishment of an experts’ team, which will be in charge of preparing necessary laws and police programme, is currently ongoing.”

He also said that the state Ministry of internal affairs will not be established, because the Ministry of security already exists at the BiH level, whose authorities would be expanded.

According to NN, the experts’ team will be formed following the return of Paddy Ashdown from a trip.

Colak on non-recognition of the UNMIK-issued passports

Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 8 ‘Scandal over Kosovo Albanians’ – BiH Security Minister Barisa Colak announced to make a direct contact with UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in order for the problem of banning Albanians from entering BiH with Kosovo International Administration-issued passports to be solved.

Update to Matanovic case

Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Trial against Prijedor policemen to resume on 17 June’ – The Banja Luka District Court yesterday confirmed that the trial against 11 Prijedor policemen charged with illegal detention of Catholic Priest Matanovic and his parents in 1995 will resume on 17 June before this Court.

Update to Bogdan Vasic case

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Detention extended against Vasic’ – Jasmina Gafic, BiH State Prosecutor, yesterday confirmed that the BiH Court Criminal Council chaired by Nedzad Popovac, yesterday extended detention against Bogdan Vasic for 30 days. Vasic has been suspected of having produced synthetic heroin from acetic acid anhydride.

Hercegovacka Banka case

Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Jelavic case was taken away from judge Adamovic’ by Z. Kresic and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 6 ‘Jelavic at court today’, mentioned on cover, by Z. Tulic – The dailies report that today suspects in the Hercegovacka Banka case Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Rupcic, Miroslav Prce, Ivica Karlovic and Father Ivan Sevo will declare themselves before the judge for previous hearing, Bernard Boland, on charges for the abuses in the establishment and work of Hercegovacka Banka. VL carries that according to their anonymous source from the BiH Court, judge Vlado Adamovic was supposed to be the judge for previous hearing in the aforementioned case, however, according to someone’s order Boland became the judge for this case. According to the same source, the case was practically taken away from Adamovic and Adamovic protested against it. VL explains that such development of events was made possible due to change of legislative on BiH Court and Prosecution that was adopted ad hoc for this case in March. VL also says that such legal precedent happened in the ‘Leutar case’ before, when a protected witness was introduced.  SD carries on the same case that according to the BiH Law on Criminal Proceedings after the bill of indictment has been confirmed the judge for previous hearing is obliged to determine detention, extend it or terminate it and this did not happen in the case of Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic and according to the author, therefore, the three of them have been detained illegally after the bill of indictment was confirmed.