Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 4 March
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs) |
Prices of oil products to go up | Suspects in sugar affair plead |
Driver from BL prison arrested | Civil service law in RS |
World news | World news |
TV news broadcast on 3 March
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
German & BIH military cooperation | Hays visit to Banjaluka | Delic entered plea |
CoM in session | Humphreys on police reform | |
FBIH Government in session | Gregorian on defence reform | Serbian Govt. guarantees |
FBIH HoP in session | German Delegation visit to BiH | Andan appointment |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Delic entered plea | Covic on indictment against him | Andan new RS Police Director |
FBiH guarantees for pre-trial release | Reactions to Covic indictment | Hays, Humphreys & Gregorian in BL |
SCG guarantees for pre-trial release | Delic entered plea | BIH Defence Ministry report |
Transfer of the ICTY cases to BiH | PDHR Hays in Banjaluka | Interview with general Schook |
Oslobodjenje | Several other investigations being led against Covic; Delic: Honorary court, I am not guilty; Ganic: I am ready to be held responsible for fighting for BiH; Abdic sentenced to 15 years |
Dnevni Avaz | Construction of 40 km of highway may commence; Ashdown expects Covic’s resignation; Government gave guarantees for Delic |
Dnevni List | BiH citizen orders killing of Rase family from Ljubuski |
Vecernji List | Lijanovics: Rise and fall of symbol of entrepreneurship in |
Slobodna Dalmacija | OHR requests resignation: Covic is not giving it! |
Nezavisne Novine | EU: Dragan Covic must tender resignation; Following rebellion at Tunjice: A driver of Correctional Facility Banja Luka arrested; |
Glas Srpske | Beasts ran away from the |
EuroBlic | Covic, it is time for resignation; Dragan Andan is new RS Police Director |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related topics |
Nacional | Features Serbian related topics |
Dani | Dragan Covic in jail, Lijanovic should get ready |
Slobodna Bosna | Indictment against Covic, Tadic, Lijanovics: Sunset of the authorities, opposition and judiciary |
Ashdown announces revision of decisions on remove
| SRNA news agency – Paddy Ashdown held press conference today announcing the possibility of annulling the decision on removals of about 100 officials made by OHR since 1998 to date. “This doesn’t mean they will all be returned, but that it will be estimated whether those officials or the circumstances under which they were removed from public functions have changed,” told Ashdown. |
Suspects in sugar affair plead not guilty | BH Radio 1 – Before the BiH Court, Hugo Santa and Bozo Medic today pleaded not guilty to all charges of the indictment which accuses them of the forging documents, misuse of position and money laundering in ‘sugar affair’. |
Hays in Bihac
| BH Radio 1 – DHR, |
Indictment against Covic, others | |
Hays, Cliff call on Covic to resign
| FTV by Ognjen Blagojevic – The British Ambassador to BiH, Ian Cliff, informed Dragan Covic on the position of the EU countries and Peace Implementation Council regarding the indictment issued against him, under which Covic should resign if the Hayat Asim Beslija – “Moving of an indictment presents a serious process. Persons, who are in executive positions, are expected to resign if charged with criminal activities”, said OHR Spokesperson RHB, BHT 1, RTRS, PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Indictments suppose filing resignation’, pg 5 ‘Covic awaits for BiH Court’s stance’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Cliff: Abandoning position is in accordance with European standards’ by M. Drinjakovic, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Covic receives Ambassador Cliff in farewell visit’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Withdrawal from position is necessary’ by N.N, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘EU: Dragan Covic must tender resignation’ by A. Sisic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 6 ‘Withdraw like Nixon!’, by A. Macanovic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘European Union requests resignation too’, by D. Pasic– also carry Hays and Cliff. |
McNair: Several investigations are lead vs. Covic; Dani speculate all bigger companies in Herz. to be investigated
| Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Several others investigations being led against Covic’ by Az. Kalamujic – The Head of the Special Department for organized crime, economic crime and corruption, John McNair, told daily that in addition to the case for which he raised the charges against Dragan Covic, the BiH Presidency member is a subject of the investigations in several other cases. He did not want to disclose further information. On the charges regarding the Lijanovici tax frauds case, McNair says he expects indictments to be confirmed by the EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Covic, it is time for resignation’ and RSpg 1 ‘Covic to face resigantion’ by Dusanka Stanisic – brings details of the indictment. Dani cover splash, pgs 24-26 ‘It is Covic’s turn, Lijanovics should get ready’ by Dzenana Karup-Drusko – Dani article reads that the investigations BiH Prosecution leads against Covic are also connected to companies Soko, Eronet and Mondo. Dani unofficially learned that the investigations spread to financial dealings which were under the control of ‘the strongest of Croats’, so privatization of almost all bigger companies in Herzegovina, as well as banking transactions in which central role was than played by Hercegovacka Bank, will be investigated. |
VL says OHR has taken part in ‘directing’ indictment against Covic
| Vecernji List, pgs 4-5 ‘Indictment from OHR’s pen’, by Zoran Kresic – The daily claims that the OHR has taken part in “directing” of the indictment against Dragan Covic. VL carries a facsimile of a part of minutes (dated on |
DA: Ashdown told Colak that Covic should resign
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘If BiH Court confirms the indictment, Covic has to resign’ by F. Vele – DA learns from HDZ leadership that the HR Paddy Ashdown told HDZ President Barisa Colak he expects Dragan Covic to resign in case BiH officially confirms the indictment against him. In a telephone conversation with the HR on Thursday, Colak said that the pressure being applied against Covic was not fair and allegedly he informed on his personal stance that Covic should not resign. However, the HDZs stance on the issue will be known only after the session of the HDZ Presidency, following the confirming of the indictment. According to DA, while |
SD: Covic will not resign
| Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 6 ‘OHR requests resignation: Covic is not giving it!’, by Zlatko Tulic – The author notes that knowing Dragan Covic and his character, together with some information coming from persons close to Covic, it is most likely that he will not be resigning even if it means the risk of being removed by the High Representative for BiH. |
Covic waits for
| FTV, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘HDZ is not for resignation of Dragan Covic’, by B. Kristo– Member of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, will decide on what to do about the indictment issued against him only after the Court of BiH officially confirms or non-confirms indictment, stated Presidency public relations department. While making this decision, Covic will primarily consider interests of BiH in light of the law, international and especially European standards and practise, same source stated. |
HDZ tells Covic not to resign
| FTV, BHT1, Hayat, Dnenvi Avaz pg 2 inset ‘Marinovic calls on Covic not ot give up’ by F.C., Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Dragan Covic should not resign’ by Onasa, Dnevni List, pgs 6-7 ‘Lijanovici get the support, Covic requested to resign’, by Arijana Beus, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘HDZ is not for resignation of Dragan Covic’, by B. Kristo, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘HDZ will call on Covic not to resign’ – The member of HDZ BiH Presidency, Ivica Marinovic, said that the party will call on Dragan Covic not to resign. HDZ believes that despite the indictment against Covic, he is to be regarded innocent until proven otherwise. “OHR and… Ian Cliff’s urging for resignation of Dnevni Avaz pg 2 inset ‘Pavlovic: this reminds of lynch’, Dnevni List, pgs 6-7 ‘Lijanovici get the support, Covic requested to resign’, by Arijana Beus, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Withdrawal from position is necessary’ by N.N, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Pero Pavlovic: Atmosphere of lynch is being created’, by F– HDZ spokesperson Pero Pavlovic told FENA on Thursday said that an atmosphere of lynch has been created even before the indictment against Dragan Covic has been confirmed. |
Tadic: I will not tender resignation until I hear view of BiH CC judges
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘I will not tender resignation until I hear the view of Judges of BiH Constitutional Court’ by H.O. – Mato Tadic, President of the BiH Constitutional Court, in a statement to DA says that he would not “undertake any actions until the judges with the BiH Constitutional Court give their view on the issue, meaning I will not withdraw from the position of the president of the supreme legal institution of the state.” The view of BiH CC’ judges will be made known to Tadic sometime middle this month, when the plenary session of |
Covic’s lawyer and Lijanovic claims process staged
| Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Covic’s lawyer and Lijanovics claims that process has been staged’ by A. Omeragic – Dragan Covic did not want to comment to the OHR’s stance regarding his possible resignation, and said only he still has not received the indictment. However, his lawyer, Josip Muselimovic, said Covic should not leave his position despite the charges. As for the BiH Court, it is not yet sure when exactly justices could voice their stance on the indictment, and judge Vlado Adamovic explains that the in this case most probably some international judges and BiH Special Department will bring de decision. Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic, one of accused brothers, stated that the entire process is staged. Hayat, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 6, mentioned on front ‘Lijanovics: Process is politically motivated’, by D. Ivankovic– also brings that Lijanovic company claims the entire issue has political background. RTRS – brings both Muselimovic and Lijanovic. Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Lijanovics: Rise and fall of symbol of entrepreneurship in |
Reactions by BiH politicians
| Dnevni List, pgs 6-7 ‘Lijanovici get the support, Covic requested to resign’, by Arijana Beus – Commenting on the indictment, the author argues whilst many associations issued open letters and press releases defending the Lijanovics, nobody stood up in defence of Dragan Covic, not even his own party, the HDZ BiH. President of the SDP Main Board, Karlo Filipovic, believes the BiH Prosecution had the ground to raise the indictment, expecting Covic to resign until the matter has been settled. Member of the SDS Main Board, Momcilo Novakovic, stresses that nobody can be above the law and that everyone must behave like that, irrespective of the office one is working in. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Withdrawal from position is necessary’ by N.N. – Nevenka Trifkovic, PDP Main Board member, is of the view that it is a matter of personal determination of Covic and Tadic whether they would tender resignations or not, since charges are still to be proved. Beris Belkic, member of Party for BiH Presidency is of nobody is above the law. Mirsad Kebo, SDA Vice President, |
NN, Dani supportive of indictment
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Functioning of a legal state’ by Josip Blazevic – The author is positively writing about the most recent indictment case against Covic, Tadic and Lijanovic brothers, saying that: “If there is a grounded suspicion some abuse was done, substantiated with statements of protected witness and – as claimed in press circles – documentation and recorded conversations, then it is a logical and regular way for Prosecution to file an indictment with the court. And it is on those indicted to defend themselves.” Dani pg 7 ‘Dragan Covic’ – “Seeing Dragan Covic off behind the bars will mark the turning point in untouchable position of masters of serious war and post-war crime which, until now, were successfully protected by the positions,” reads the article. |
SD notes Croats are always subject of investigations | Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14 ‘Indictment is shaking foundations of the state’, by Zlatko Tulic – The daily argues that the indictment against Dragan Covic and others will for sure cause changes in the BiH Presidency, BiH Constitutional Court, FBiH Parliament, probably in the HDZ and Radom za Boljitak party and in a number of companies that are linked with Covic and the Lijanovics. The author also notes that a mere spectator cannot escape an impression that it is only the Croats in BiH that create problems, citing the cases of Croat self-rule, Hercegovacka bank, corruption in companies and governments and now the Constitutional Court, as if the other two peoples do not have “big-wigs” worth looking into. |
War crimes | |
Hays: ‘Karadzic and Mladic are part of Belgrade Mafia’
| RTRS, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Karadzic and Mladic are part of Belgrade Mafia’, by NINA, M. B., Vecernje Novosti pg 15 ‘A part of mafia’, Nacional pg 2 ‘Karadzic and Mladic have been and remained part of mafia’ by Beta, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Going back in order to return’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Karadzic and Mnladic are behind organised crime’ by S. Gojkovic, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Mladic and Karadzic are part of Belgrade’s Mafia’ by O. Vukovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘To reduce size of Governments in BiH by July 1’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 15 ‘Karadzic and Mladic are Mafia bosses’, by A. Macanovic– |
Delic pleads not guilty
| BHT1, RTRS, FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Your honor: I am not guilty!’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘General Rasim Delic pleaded not guilty’ by DA reporter from The Hague Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Delic does not feel guilty for charges’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Rasim Delic: I am not guilty’ by Beta, Vecernje Novosti pg 15 ‘I do not feel guilty’, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Rasim Delic does not feel guilty for charges’, by Hina, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8 ‘Rasim Delic does not feel guilty’, by H– General Rasim Delic pleaded not guilty in his initial appearance before the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague on Friday. Delic is charged on the basis of command responsibility with crimes against Serbs and Croats in |
FBiH Govt guarantees for Delic
| Hayat, BHT 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘FBiH Government gave guarantees to Delic’ by A.O., Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Government gave guarantees for pre-trial release’, mentioned on cover ‘Government gave guarantees for Delic’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Guarantees for temporary release given’, by D. P. M., Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘FBiH Government’s guarantees for Delic’, by D. Pasic – The FBiH Government on Thursday’s session has issued the guarantees for the temporary Delic’s release. PINK – “The Ministry has made proposal on a base of the conclusion under which the Government should issue guarantee for temporal release of General Delic”, said FBiH Minister of Justice Bojana Kristo. |
Perisic to surrender
| RTSR, Hayat, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Guarantees for Gvero and Miletic proposed’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘SCG Council of Ministers: Guarantees for Perisic, Miletic and Gvero’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Momcilo Perisic goes to the Hague on 7th March’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Perisic goes to The Hague as well’ – ICTY confirmed that it raised an indictment against JNA general Momcilo Perisic but wouldn’t confirm the details of the indictment. Serbian Government and Perisic confirmed that the indictment was received and that he will surrender on 7th of March. Serbian Government will offer guarantees pretrail temporary release of Perisic, Gvero and Miletic. |
Ganic on speculations that ICTY issued bill of indictment against him
| Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘I am willing to be held accountable for having fought for BiH’ by S. Kurtovic – Commenting on the media speculations that Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla del Ponte will bring the bill of indictment against him next week, former member of the Republic of BiH (RBiH) Presidency Ejup Ganic stated: ‘Together with other members of the RBiH Presidency I am willing to be held accountable for the fact that Sarajevo Gorazde, Bihac and other towns under siege did not have destiny of Srebrenica.’ He added that so far he has not received any signals that the bill of indictment will come from |
On transfer of ICTY cases to BiH courts
| BHT 1 Boris Grubesic – The Court of BiH President, Medzida Kreso, and the Head of the BiH Prosecution Special Department, Vaso Marinkovic, presented before ICTY Council arguments for taking overthe cases against Zeljko Meakic and others indicted for war crimes in Prijedor’s concentration camps, Omarska and Keraterm. The goal of the Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘ |
BHT 1 ‘Posteno govoreci’: Is RS Judiciary prepared for processing of war crimes’ cases?
| BHT 1 “Posteno Govoreci” current affairs programme – Magazine analyses whether the RS’s Judiciary is prepared to take over the responsibilities for processing of war crimes impartially, reminding that just recently the Court in Banja Luka has set 11 police officers from Prijedor accused for murder of Catholic Priest and his parents free. Milorad Novakovic, Chair of the BL District Court, and Zoran Lipovac, Deputy District Prosecutor, claim that they are fully prepared and equipped both technically and staff wise, adding all cases will be treated equally regardless to nationality and ethnical background. Branko Peric, Chairman of BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council said that he believes that they are prepared and that all preconditions for war crimes’ trials have been established. On the other hand, Milorad Dodik, President of SNSD thinks otherwise: “It is not disputable that there are many weaknesses in the court of lower stances and it is obvious that judicial reform wasn’t successful, regardless to the fact that some from the International Institutions, who have implemented that job, are bragging with it. I think that we didn’t get what we asked for”. |
BiH parliamentary commission endorses MoD report on Mladic
| BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘To remove weaknesses in control over BiH armed forces’ not signed, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Report supported’ – Joint Commission for defence and security of both Houses of BIH Parliament adopted the report of BIH Defence Ministry which does not verify the dwelling of Ratko Mladic in military premises near Han Pijesak. The report does confirm that 13 000 KM was paid to Mladic from 1999 to 2001 and that 6 persons from RS Army were included in that payment. RS MoD sent a request for investigation against these persons to Prosecution. |
RTRS int w/ Schook: priority to eliminate PIFWCs support network
| RTSR by Pero Simic – Commander of NATO forces in BIH general Steven Schook stated in an interview for RTRS that RS cooperation towards ICTY is still a concern since it is based only on the voluntary surrenders. He also adds that one of priorities for better cooperation with ICTY is elimination of support networks to war crime suspects. “I feel that there are people within RS institutions that are providing support [to war crime suspects]”, says Schook. Asked about recent allegations of Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte that NATO is not interested in arrests of war crime suspects, Schook stated that NATO cooperation with ICTY is excellent. He also stated that he is not aware about the contents of the documents that Del Ponte is threatening to publish if Mladic and Karadzic are not arrested and added that he will meet with her next week. |
Srebrenica Commission received list with even 24 000 names | Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Srebrenica Commission received list with even 24 000 names’ by E. Sarac – According to a well-informed source close to the RS Government, the RS Ministries of Defense and Interior handed over to the Srebrenica Commission even 24 000 names of former members of the RS Army and RS MoI units which were fighting in the area of Srebernica, Zepa, Zvorinik, Bratunac and Vlasenica. The source added that these lists are nothing new for the Commission since this is about the personal documentation of the Bratunac Brigade and Drina Corps that The Hague investigators have gone through many times. According to the source, a few thousand names of the persons who directly or indirectly took part in the Srebrenica massacre might be in the report which will be handed over to the OHR and |
Police and defence reforms | |
Humphreys meets Cavic, Stojicic urging police reform
| PINK, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Humphreys did not even get promises’ not signed,Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Priorities are The Hague and police reform’ by V.P., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘The door is open’ – Chief of the EC delegation to BiH, Michael Humphreys on Thursday met with the RS President Dragan Cavic and RS National Assembly Speaker Dusan Stojicic to discuss the negotiations on Stabilization and Association Agreement. Humphreys stressed a necessity to improve the cooperation with the ICTY, and to carry out the police reforms. He said he believes that a solution should be coordinated on ground of three principles: authorities at the state level, functional police that would be based on technical, not political principles, and eliminating politics from the police. FTV, RTRS – Humphreys admitted that he did not receive clear promises from the RS officials that this issue would be resolved, but added that there is determination to find a compromise on the issue of police reform in the segment concerning constitutional solutions. |
Hays says police reform necessary
| PINK by Ljubisa Davidovic – While visiting Banja Luka, the PDHR RTSR, RHB – also covered |
Adnan nominated for position of RS Police Director
| RTRS, PINK, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Dragomir Andan new Director of RS Police’ by O.V., Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Dragan Andan proposed for RS Police Director’ by J.S., Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Dragomir Andan the new Director of RS Police’, by M. B., EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘Dragan Andan is new RS Police Director’ and RSpg 3 ‘Dragomir Andan waiting for two confirmations’ by R.R.; Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Dragomir Andan proposed as RS Police Director’ by D.R., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Andan closer to seat’, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 14 ‘Andan nominated for Police Director in Republika Srpska’, by A. M.– Chief of the Public Security Centre Istocno Sarajevo, Dragomir Andan, has been proposed for new RS Police Director. Chair of the Independent Board in charge of nomination of RS Police Director, Ilija Lukic, said that Andan was nominated by majority of votes. The proposal is going to be sent to RS Government in order to conduct nomination procedure. Last week, Andan said that in case of being nominated, he would pay special attention to cooperation with the ICTY, improvement of security and fight against crime. BHT 1 by Boris Gagic – Andan announced previously that important issue to him is preservation of the entity’s MoIs, says reporter, adding that having in mind this is a priority for the RS MoI, Darko Matijasevic’s, Andan is the person that minister would gladly accept. |
FBIH HoP rejected amendment on decertified police
| FTV by Azra Pasukan Buljina – On Thursday, the FBiH House of Peoples adopted the proposal law on the internal affairs, but without the amendment on the decertified police, which was endorsed by HoR. The amendment allows decertified police officers cleared by the court to keep/return their jobs or be employed in police structures. “Since the law is adopted in different versions, it will now go to the commission for harmonisation and then we will see what will happened and which proposal will be accepted”, said FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Halilovic. RHB, PINK, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Lawyer’s tariff to the amount of average salary’ by A. Basic, Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Amendment to Law on internal affairs rejected’, by D. Kozina – also reported. |
On mtg Gregorian with Stojcic and Sakan
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Proffesionalization of Army priority in defense reform’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Chairman of commission seeks support for continuation of process of defence reform’, by M. B., Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘BiH has failed to fulfil three conditions for PfP’ by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Key in agreement’ by M.Ma. – Rafi Gregorian, Chairman of the Defence Reform Commission, in |
Judicial, economic and political issues | |
RTRS on Trebinje/Alijagic case; Alijagic announces new process
| RTRS Report by Bozidar Stajcic – Reporter comments that the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples has vetoed the amendments to the law on RS internal debt thus complicating the situation in Trebinje even further. Head of Trebinje municipality Dobroslav Cuk feels that Bosniak national interest was not endangered by the amendments to the law on executive procedure, which postpones payment in the war damage compensation case of Alijagic brothers. He expressed hope that international community will get involved so the matter can be resolved. SNSD feels that blockade of these amendments represents further agony for municipalities Trebinje and Vlasenica. About 550.000 KM were transferred to Alijagic’s account so far. Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘RS Council of Peoples used for private interests’ by V.D. – also carries. EuroBlic RSpg 4 ‘Alijagic: A new court process’ by V.M. – Salij Alijagic has announced a new court process. Namely has announced he would file a lawsuit against Momir Sarenac, professor, and Dusan Popic, expert associate at the Public defenders office,for slander. Popic claims Alijagic’s claims are ungrounded, hence he has no grounds on basis of which he could file a lawsuit. |
Dizdarevic condemns RSNA postponing payouts of war damage compensation
| RHB, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Attack on equality of RS citizens’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Right on private property brought in question by unconstitutional law’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘RS has violated European Convention on human rights’ by Agencies– The President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH, Srdjan Dizdarevic, deems that the RS National Assembly has violated the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms by passing the Law amending the Law on the Executive Procedure on February 28 and that this law is unconstitutional. |
Humphreys on the law: ‘Protection of vital national interest should not be abused’
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Protection of vital national interest should not be abused’ not signed – Commenting on the initiation of the vital national interest issue by Bosniak deputies in the RS Council of Peoples concerning the Law on changes and addenda to the Law on executive proceedings, which will prevent the unblocking of the Trebinje Municipality budget, EC Delegation Chief, Michael Humphreys said that Trebinje needs to be allow to function and that the vital national interest issue needs to be reviewed by the relevant council with the RS Constitutional Court as soon as possible. He also said that it needs to be ensured that the vital national interest issue is not abused, but that it is used for purposes for which it has been introduced. |
Hays: government must be reduced
| FTV – PDHR Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Politics should take distance from economy’ by D.V.M. – Hays on economy. |
Sentence to Abdic reduced | Oslobodjenje pg 11, mentioned on cover ‘Sentence against Abdic reduced from 20 to 15 years’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 8, mentioned on front ‘Sentence to Firket Abdic decreased’, by Hina, Vecernji List, pg 12 ‘Sentence to Abdic reduced from 20 to 15 years’, by S. P., Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 4 ‘Sentence to Fikret Abdic reduced from 20 to 15 years’, by H – The Supreme Court of Croatia has reduced the sentence to Fikret Abdic, from 20 to 15 years imprisonment for the war crimes that had been committed in the so-called autonomous province of ‘Zapadna Bosna’ (western Bosnia) between 1993 and 1995. Abdic had earlier been sentenced by the Karlovac county court to 20 years imprisonment in July 2002. |
Toby Robinson to sue 60 minutes
| Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Toby Robinson sues FTV’, by Dejan Jazvic, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Eronet shareholders will lodge complaint with FTV and RAK’, by NINA – The Provisional Administrator for Hercegovacka Bank, Toby Robinson, and domestic shareholders in ‘Eronet’ announce they will lodge a protest with the FTV and Communications Regulatory Agency (RAK) because of claims made during the FTV’s ’60 minutes’ show (for details see OHR BiH Media Round-up, March 1, 2005). Robinson claims the FTV published untrue and slanderous claims. |
Update to filling of positions at RS Constitutional Court Council for protection of vital interests
| Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Veto on all possible things’ by N. Diklic – The most recent announcement of Mirko Zovko, President of RS Constitutional Court, that the Council for protection of vital national interest would be formed soon, has been received with great relief in political circles. Namely, the Serb officials in RS (Desanka Radjevic from SDS, Momir Malic) are of the view that establishment of the Council would prevent other two peoples (Bosniaks and Croats) from “blocking the work of the legislative power in RS’. Furthermore, the Bosniak officials (Ramiz Salkic) share the view the Council would give legitimacy to their demands. |
DL op-ed on Ashdown’s statement regarding BiH as a black hole
| Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Black hole’, by Marko Karacic – Commenting on a statement by Paddy Ashdown, who stated two days ago that BiH could become a black hole if the situation in the country does not get better, the author wonders whether the HR was mistaken and whether he was talking about some other country, claiming that majority of BiH citizens believe that BiH is and has been a black hole for the past ten years. “How else to assess the situation in the country in which 100.000 pensioners receive pensions that amount to less than 200 KMs, in which the passport of the country you live in is valid no-where and in which you first have to read the Criminal Code to realize whom the people vote for”, claims the author. |
SB: Frenchman to replace Ashdown?
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 24-26 ‘Ashdown’s departure – countdown has started: Frenchman will be Ashdown’s successor’, mentioned on cover ‘Frenchmen replace Ashdown’ by D. Savic carries that for months, international, diplomatic circles have been talking informally about a possible candidate who would replace HR Paddy Ashdown at the end of this year. SB also says that, allegedly, the PIC has already told Ashdown to restrain from passing any big decisions in the next 6 months. SB says that their collocutors claim that |