
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 3/12/2005


TV news broadcast onDecember 2, 2005


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

McElhaney on Constitutional changes

BIH CC on internal debt

Price increases due to VAT

CoE on BiH obligations

Andrun in custody

OHR on obstructions by RS authority

Covic on inner division of HDZ

PDHR and SDHR on RS Government

Crisis of RS Government ahead?

Cavic visits Busovaca

US Ambassador in BL

Update on “Energopetrol”


NTV Hayat  (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

CoM is session on Thursday

OHR on obstructions by RS Gvmnt

OHR warns RS Government

CoM on CRA funds

Reactions from RS on OHR claims

Bukejlovic responses to OHR

Terzic, Leakey, HR on EU/BIH forces

McElhaney visited RS NA

McElhaney, Stojicic on Const. change

SIPA employed new staff

Update on foreign currency savings

Const. Court on old foreign savings



Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic at Belgrade Institute for Security

Dnevni Avaz

Large setup of Ahmet Hadzipasic

Dnevni List

Euroherc to be returned to its real owners [Croatian police action confirmed acts of abuse of office in Euroherc]

Vecernji List

Search at security agencies

Nezavisne Novine

Agreement on changes to the Constitution by March

Glas Srpske

First convict, then accuse?


Constitutional changes/ SAA talks/reforms

PDHR Butler and SDHR Ney: RS Government is obstructing adoption of 11 reform laws















TV Pink, BHT1, TV Hayat, FTV, RTRS – At the press conference held on Friday in Sarajevo, PDHR Larry Butler and SDHR Martin Neystated that the RS Government is obstructing the adoption of 11 reform laws. They also stated that OHR would no longer impose solutions. Instead, OHR will hold the Office of PM Pero Bukejlovic responsible for present negative situation. According to OHR, by blocking these laws, the RS Government itself is endangering the process of EU integration. PDHR Larry Butler stated thatthe Government of RS is moving in exactly the wrong direction and it is causing the problem, instead of fixing it. The RS Government refuses to, or actively obstructs the adoption of the Council of Europe endorsed guidelines for writing history and geography text books, the harmonization of the State High Education Law with the Bologna process, the adoption of the Law on Obligations, the adoption of the State Framework Law on Conflict of Interest, attempts that allow the state to coordinate and develop agricultural policies, the adoption of the state Law on Pharmaceuticals, the establishment of a Consumer Ombudsman, the transfer of banking supervision to the State level, allow the state to issue bonds to settle debts for frozen foreign currency savings, sign a Transfer Agreement on defence with FBiH, and the adoption of the remaining ITA Laws. SDHR Martin Ney emphasized that the adoption of this legislative is the responsibility of the RS Government, and not the international community. Ney and Butler warned the RS citizens that they are going to be the ones who will suffer the consequences for the acts of politicians who are not working for the interest of people.

Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover RS Government is putting obstacles to reforms and is blocking European path of BiH’ by N. N., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘A ramp for reforms’ by N. Zelenovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, announced on cover ‘Prime Minister Bukejlovic and RS Government are sources of greatest obstructions’ by S. Numanovic, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘RS politicians on the path of electoral suicide’ by Mensud Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘OHR: vote and punish authorities’ by eme, Oslobodjenje pg 2, announced on cover ‘RS again obstructs BiH on European path’ by A. Omeragic – also reported.

FTV comment: what the IC today calls a problem, has always been a partner of IC


FTV Sinan Saric – OHR believes that the problem of RS Government can be solved by changing of the attitude of the electoral body. “We must rely on the electoral body. The question is: how are we going to enable the electoral body to think in a critical way and to take their interests in their own hands”, explained Ney.  The reporter very ironically commented that the situation wasn’t very much different even in times when RS Government was not lead by SDS . Reporter also commented that the international community didn’t use the opportunity to strengthen the positive forces in RS, adding that what today is being called a problem, has always been a partner for the international community.

RS Government denies OHR’s claims;

RS President Cavic: solution should be found;

SNSD’s Simic: reforms were result of IC pressure;

DNS: IC’s remarks represent fiasco of Bukejlovic’s Govt


FTV Sinisa Mihailovic, RTRS, RTRS by Sinisa MihajlovicCommenting the OHR’s remarks RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic said it is not true that his Government blocks the reforms and these claims were groundless. Bukejlovic said that the RS Government took active part in all the reforms, including the procedures for adopting Law on Obligations, High Education Law and Law on Defence. Bukejlovic responses by saying that the RS Government could not be the only responsible party since RSNA has the final word regarding these issues. Bukejlovic said it is not a coincidence that these remarks came at the same time as the initiative for replacement of RS Government. After talking with Bukejlovic, RS President Dragan Cavic said that a solution that serves the interests of both RS and BiH should be found. SNSD’s Krstan Simic said that the previous reforms were result of IC pressures and were not expressing the will of the authorities. DNS, who set initiative for RS Government removal, thinks that the remarks of IC represent fiasco of Bukejlovic’s Government, and it would not produce the crisis but the recovery of RS. SNSD said they would wait for reactions from PDP, to take the final stand regarding Government removal. PDP said they have not been happy with the work of Government, and that this was a reason for they have gone to the opposition. Reporter comments that Bukejlovic has no intention to dismiss the Government. Commenting these allegations, Cavic said that such a move would destabilize RS institutions. Cavic sent a word to other parties to look for the majority in the Parliament. Cavic said: “There is no any kind of problem for me regarding cohabitation. It is clear that if this Government is removed by some other parliamentary majority, SDS will not participate in forming some other Government, SDS will for sure be in opposition, both here and in BiH Council of Ministers.” Cavic said that there is no need for crisis at the moment when serious issues are coming the way.

TV Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover RS Government is putting obstacles to reforms and is blocking European path of BiH’ by N. N., inset ‘Government: there are no obstructions’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Critics without reason’ by Z. Markovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘RS Government rejects accusations’ by Srna, Oslobodjenje pg 2, announced on cover ‘RS again obstructs BiH on European path’ by A. Omeragic inset ‘RS Government rejected accusations’ report RS Government denied OHR’s claims

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Laws for the laws’ sake’ not signed – carries Simic’s statement.

TV Pink – Also carries statement of member of SNSD Krstan Simic, whoalso commented on the recent crises in the RS Government and said RSNA delegates have agreed that it wouldn’t be wise to block the work of legislative and executive governments since it might reflect badly on the RS status in the process of Constitutional changes.

RS NA Chairman Stojicic: RS NA never rejected any reform solution presented by RS Govt

FTV – Commenting the OHR’s statement on RS Government and its obstructions of reform processes, President of RS National Assembly Dusan Stojicic stated that RS NA has never rejected any reform solution proposed by RS Government. He added that RS NA has had enough political capacity to adopt suitable solutions even for greatest problems.

Ambassador McElhaney met RSNA Speaker and Heads of RSNA Caucuses: warnings regarding RS Govt’s failure to improve implementation of reforms should be taken seriously


RHB, TV Pink, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Washington wants reforms’ by Z. Markovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘On constitutional changes next week again’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘To resolve issue of cooperation with the Tribunal’ by FenaUS Ambassador Douglas McElhaney while visiting Banja Luka, stated that the warnings issued by PDHR Larry Butler and SDHR Martin Ney regarding RS Government’s failure to improve implementation of key reforms and de-block process of BiH’s European integration, should be taken seriously. US Ambassador promised his help in finding the solution for this issue. McElhaney said he already spoke to PDHR Larry Butler on that issue. McElhaney said he expects greater improvement regarding BiH constitutional changes, stressing that this could already happen the next week, when the talks eventually continue. At the meeting with RSNA Speaker Dusan Stojicic and the heads of caucuses, McElhaney discussed recent Washington talks. Commenting problem of terrorism and recent Sarajevo arrests, McElhaney said it is hard to isolate issue of terrorism and attach it to one country. McElhaney said that BiH couldn’t become EU, NATO or even Partnership for Peace member before Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are imprisoned. McElhaney said that arresting Karadzic and Mladic is the top priority for USA. McElhaney also visited Catholic Schooling Centre in Banja Luka.

Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Agreement on amendments to the Constitution by March’ by D. Risojevic – carries an interview with US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney on issues in line with the above reported statement.

RS NA Chairman Stojicic: we have possibility to define amendments to Constitution by March 2006


RTRS – After the meeting with Ambassador McElhaney, RSNA Chairman Dusan Stojicic said: “I think that we, in consideration of positions of United States and most of domestic politicians, we have a possibility to define the BiH Constitution amendments in such of short period, until March. These amendments would be the essence of the agreement regarding these three issues – BiH Presidency, BiH Council of Ministers and BiH Parliament.” Stojicic said that he and McElhaney have not discussed the concrete solutions to the constitutional amendments, expect the deadline which would be March 2006.

HDZ’s Covic: there are attempts to divide HDZ to weaken it in negotiations on constitutional changes


RHB, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Scenario aiming at breaking the party is ongoing’ by N. N., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Scenario aiming at breaking HDZ is ongoing’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Hundreds of Croats will be accused soon’ by fHDZ President Dragan Covic stated that there is an attempt to divide HDZ through a special scenario, whose authors are from BiH but also from abroad, in order to weaken HDZ in the negotiations on constitutional changes and on the eve of the next year’s elections. RHB explains that in this way Covic commented on the situation within HDZ and he called on unity of HDZ. He also said that during the last weeks he was present at HDZ public forums on constitutional changes all over BiH and according to him establishment of the third, Croat entity was proposed at all public forums apart from the one in Zepce.

Ivanic attended meeting on negotiations on SAA held in Macedonia , discussed liberalisation of visa regime, aid to BiH in reform processes


TV Pink – The informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Macedonia on the negotiations on Stabilisation and Association Agreement with EU has been continued on Friday. BIH was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic. Ivanic stated in the telephone interview that they have mainly discussed the issue of liberalisation of visa-regime as well as the issue of financial help to the reform process in BIH. Ivanic stressed that the current help in 60 million euros is insufficient in comparison to the enormity of the process.

Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Countries of the Balkans are asking for liberalisation of visa regime’ by N. N., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Ivanic proposed liberalisation of visa regime to Ursula Plasnik’ by Srna, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Larger financial help is needed’ not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Liberalisation of visa regime is needed’ not signed – also reported on the meeting.

Alternative High Representative Pejakovic: OHR too is responsible for failure of reforms


Dnevni list pg 8 ‘OHR too is responsible for failure of reform’ by Nina – Alternative Presidency BiH issued a public statement pointing out that the statements coming from OHR on that the Government of RS has not managed to realize key reforms are one more “mere phrase”. “Just a mere statement on the situation will bring nothing to BiH citizens. It is perfectly clear to us the RS authorities have not made key reforms, as the federal and state failed to as well”, says the statement. Alternative High Representative to BiH Josip Pejakovic stated all failed reforms in this state are a failure of OHR as well, as should be treated in this way.


Other political issues

BHT1: will RS Government have support of majority at next RS NA session; comments by RS parties








BHT1 Zoran Sarenac – After the sharp criticism of RS Government by the opposition parties, it is not clear if RS Government is going to get the support of majority at the next session of RS NA. SDS still claims that RS Government is going to continue with its work and fulfil the obligations set by the international community. According to DNS, the latest statements of the OHR on RS Government and its obstructions to the adoption of necessary reform legislation is a clear sign that the vote-on-confidence is going to be launched at the next RSNA session. DNS’ Drago Kalabic stated that the Government definitely doesn’t have the support of majority. Krstan Simic from SNSD accused the RS Government of not wanting to face problems. Commenting the Friday’s press conference of the OHR, RS NA President Dusan Stojicic emphasized that most of the laws listed by OHR have already been passed by RS NA. Borsilav Bojic from SDS is confident that a solution for all problems is going to be reached at the next RS NA session. RS PM Pero Bukejlovic already said that he is not going to resign, despite of all criticism against his Government.

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Removal – yes, resignation – no’ by Srna – also reports on statement of RS PM Pero Bukejlovic saying RS Government has no reason to resign.

RS President Cavic: RS PM has my support; PDP is creating crisis in RS


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Support to Prime Minister’ by K3 Prnjavor TV station – RS President Dragan Cavic stated RS PM Pero Bukejlovic has his support, but an impression was created in public that there are some deep misunderstandings between them. ‘This Government works honestly and it faces more problems than all other past Governments due to political issues that derive from regional needs of the Agreement on SAA, Cavic stated. With regard to PDP, Cavic said he has an impression PDP is creating a crisis in RS while, at the same time, PDP Minister couldn’t be “chased away” from CoM even if one used force.

PDP’s Ivanic: SDS only thinks of its party interests


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘SDS thinks only about party interests’, announced on cover ‘SDS thinks only about party interests, never about interests of RS’ by V. Popovic – in an interview to NN, PDP leader Mladen Ivanic stated PDP has decided to break the coalition with SDS because SDS only thinks about its party interests, never about interests of RS. He claims PDP will not change its decision on becoming an opposition party and he invites on SDS to remove PDP from CoM because PDP will not and do not want to withdraw from CoM.

RS deputy President Osmanovic: it would have been the best for BiH if Bukejlovic’s Government had broken apart

Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘It would be the best for BiH if Bukejlovic’s Government broke apart’ by E. S. – Deputy RS President Adil Osmanovic has stated it would be the best for BiH if Bukejlovic’s Government broke apart, because this Government is extremely right-oriented and works on the detriment of BiH. Inset ‘RS MoI is controlled by politically powerful persons’ – Osmanovic says RS MoI is under the control of politically powerful persons who oppose police reform and transfer of entity competences to state level.

SNSD’s leader Dodik: RS autonomy strongly secured, Serbs no longer dream about joining Serbia


RTRS, Nezavisne novine pg 6 ‘Kosovo status without influence on RS’ by Reuters, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Serbs might ask for independence if RS position is put in jeopardy’ by ReutersIn his interview with Reuters, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that BiH Serbs do not dream anymore of leaving BiH and joining with Serbia. This is because the RS autonomy in BiH is strongly secured, said Dodik, adding that if position of RS was endangered, some BiH Serbs could possibly use the same argument for autonomy as Kosovars.

RHB journalist: firms from Croatia hardly have chance to buy a firm in BiH, “someone” still at war, this time not with guns, but with money


RHBIvica Simunovic – Commenting present inter-state border trouble between BiH and Croatia, editor ironically speak about foreign war ships sailing into ‘great harbour of Neum’ as part of ‘somebody’s’ pressure. He further continues commenting politics in economy, taking Energopetrol case as a good example where ‘somebody’ is ready to destroy it rather than to sell it to buyer from neighbouring state. Editor comments in an ironical voice that “personal interests are obviously connected with that kind of irrational patriotism”. Comment goes further and says that strong firms from Croatia who dominate the region hardly have any chance to buy a firm in BiH, and that ‘somebody’ is obviously still at war, not with guns but this time with money. Comment ends with statement that ‘somebody’ wants to destroy Aluminij-Mostar.

DL op-ed: preparation of field for next HR through rehabilitation of politicians


Dnevni List op-ed pg 2 ‘Hope dies the last’ by Ivana Rozic – the author claims it seems no person care Croats are the eldest people in BiH and notes Croats in BiH are in unfavourable position. Regarding the most recent decision of HR on rehabilitation of politicians, the author comments OHR is slowly changing its course of acting, which can be interpreted as preparing of field for the next HR, which should have less authorities than HR Paddy Ashdown. Therefore, as the author concludes, the new HR most certainly will not have the authority to remove politicians who mention, in a positive context, the third entity.


Economy/VAT/old foreign currency savings

BiH Constitutional Court : legislation on old foreign currency savings of entities and Brcko District are unconstitutional




FTV, TV Pink, BHT1, TV Hayat, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘New law for old foreign currency savings’ not signed, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘To adopt state law on old foreign currency savins in three months’ by Srna, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘To adopt laws on old foreign currency savings’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Verdict on old foreign currency savings’ by dja, Oslobodjenje pg 2, announced on cover ‘Publishing sector freed of paying VAT’ by Az. K., Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘The state was ordered to adopt law’ not signedBiH Constitutional Court finds that the laws on old foreign currency savings in entities and Brcko District are not in accordance with Article 3 of BiH Constitution. Therefore, the Court decided to ban the article of laws on internal debt, which refers to the old foreign currency savings. The Court ordered BiH Council of Ministers to pass a framework law on frozen old currency savings on state level within three months. The Court also decided to adopt several appeals of citizens regarding the frozen foreign currency savings.

BiH CoM adopted amendments to VAT law: zero tax rate for press and publishing sector


TV Hayat, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Books and press freed from paying VAT’ by M. Cubro, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Taxes to avoid books and print media?’ by N. Z., Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Publishers and print-makers should be freed of paying VAT’ by S. N., Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Books and print media without VAT’ by Dejan Jazvic– BiH CoM adopted amendments to Law on VAT that will foresee zero tax rate for press and publishing sector including books, newspapers, and magazines, scientific publications etc., as Advisor to BIH CoM chair Bojan Zec Filipovic confirmed. The proposal now must be forwarded to the ITA Steering Board for further procedure. ITA Steering Board will discuss this proposal on 13th December.

F BiH PM asked HVB Bank to prolong activation of mortgage of Energopetrol for another month


TV Hayat, BHT1, FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Decision on mortgage next week’ by M. Rener, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Bank will present its stance on mortgage next week’ by M. K., Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Activation of mortgage on “Energopetrol” gas stations to be prolonged’ by A. Av. – FBIH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic asked from the HVB Bank to prolong the activation of “Energopetrol” mortgage for another month. As the reason for such the request, FBIH Govt stated that by that time it will have agreed on the strategy for co-capitalisation by potential partner INA/MOL corporation. The bank stated that they would decide on this issue within the course of next week. Reporter reiterated the case of “Energopetrol”.

Petroleum expert Tukulj: the story on HVB Bank and activation of mortgage on “Energopetrol” is a large setup


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Large setup of Ahmet Hadzipasic’ and pg 2 ‘The story on HVB bank is a large setup’ by M. Kukan – Petroleum expert Aziz Tukulj claims the claims saying HVB Bank would activate mortgage claims on “Energopetrol” is a large setup, saying that the mortgage cannot be a problem because it is easy to find another bank to accept the obligation to pay back the loan to HVB Bank. He opposes to sale of “Energopetrol” to INA/MOL. He is concerned over persistence by which F BIH Government tries to realise its interntions and finds it strange that RS authorities are silent about this issue. [note: Tukulj does not mention Hadzipasic in his statement].


War crimes/judicial proceedings

Toby Robinson new witnesses in “Croat self-rule” case




TV Hayat, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘There was no coordination among army’ by A. D., Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Prosecutor Drew Engel asked from Toby Robinson to testify’ by S. T., Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Toby Robinson is possible witness’ by Erna MackicThe prosecution in the trial against former F BIH Defence Minister Miroslav Prce and former F BIH Army Vice Commander Dragan Curcic in the case of “Croat self-rule” for the abuse of power and subverting the military power has presented the list with more witnesses. Among the witnesses are Toby Robinson and former member of BIH Presidency Beriz Belkic. Belkic took the witness stand on Friday talking about the time when HVO left VF Army.

Sarovic, Govedarica and Bjelica transferred to detention in Doboj


BHT1, Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘First convict, then accuse?’ by Z. Domazet, inset ‘They were transferred to Doboj’ – Mirko Sarovic, Milorad Govedarica and Milovan Bjelica, who are suspected of embezzlement in Privredna banka East Sarajevo, have been transferred to detention in Doboj Prison. According to unofficial sources, they were transferred to Doboj because there are no more free detention cells in BiH Court ’s detention prison.

Lawyers criticise decision ordering detention for Sarovic, Govedarica and Bjelica


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘First convict, then accuse?’ by Z. Domazet – carries statements of several lawyers criticising the decision of judge Malcolm Simmons, by which he had ordered detention for Sarovic, Govedarica and Bjelica, saying the judge should have rejected Prosecutor Johnatan Rattel’s appeal for detention because it was filed several hours after the legal deadline expired.

OSL: RS leadership negotiates on surrender of Karadzic and Mladic who are already accommodated at the State Security building in Belgrade

Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Karadzic and Mladic at the Institute for security’ by E. K. – The article quotes a source who claims he had seen the entire RS leadership and their hosts in “Jugoslavija” hotel in Belgrade on Thursday evening. They allegedly met to negotiate surrender/arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, who are, allegedly, already accommodated at the building of State Security in Belgrade.



Ashdown, Leakey and Terzic agreed on forming task force to coordinate efforts in fighting crime

TV Pink, TV Hayat, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘To ensure mechanisms for fight against organised crime’ by FenaChairman of BIH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic, High Representative to BIH Paddy Ashdown and EUFOR Commander David Leakey agreed on forming a task force that will come up with a proposal on finding better mechanisms for coordination of BiH and EU Security Forces in fighting the crime.

EUFOR raided private owned security firms to determine whether they work in accordance with DPA


TV Pink, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Nine security agencies were raided’ by Sn. K., Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘EUFOR members raided “Redarstvenik”’ by F. V., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘EUFOR raided security firms’ by Arijana Beus, Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Raid at security agencies’ by Robert Soldo, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Control of the work of security agencies’ by fenaDuring the EUFOR search at several private-owned security agencies in BiH to verify whether these agencies work in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement, there were no incidents confirmed EUFOR Spokesperson Jem Thomas. He also stated that the actions will be continued as long as it is not determined that these agencies work in accordance to the DPA and they will be carried out with support of the police. He stated they have checked weapons these agencies are using in their work, equipment and licences.

Mektic: illegal citizenships will be annulled


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Illegal citizenships will be annulled’ by Srna – BiH Deputy Security Minister Dragan Mektic stated on Friday that illegally acquired citizenships, indoctrination of the part of population through the extreme religious fanaticism and abuse of certain number of humanitarian organizations are the key problems that could lead BiH in relation with international terrorism. He stated BiH must be more efficient in depriving of citizenship the persons who had acquired it in an illegal manner.



Task Force for development of Law on High Education in BiH agreed on principles of future Law

Nezavisne Novine pg 12 ‘Principles of future law were agreed upon’ by M. Rener – The Task Force, in charge of developing a draft law on high education in BiH by December 9, agreed on principles of the future law, as according to the Chief of Cabinet of BiH Minister of Civil Affairs and member of the Task Force Srdjan Arnaut. The Task Force members agreed three agencies should be established at the state level – one for development of high education, second for information and the third for issuing of certificates and accreditations.

Snjezana Bozic appointed new RS Education Minister

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Bozic is Education Minister’ by M. F. – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic appointed Snjezana Bozic as RS Minister of Education and Culture, and informed the RS National Assembly about this appointment, the RS Government’s Public Relations Bureau stated on Friday.