Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (13,00 hrs) |
US presidential elections | Bush claims victory | RSNA session |
New victims in | RSNA in session | BL students requests to RS Govt |
Bin Laden on Bush | Iraqi official killed | US presidential elections |
Del Ponte to meet NATO Council | Sports | World news |
TV news broadcast on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
All Soul’s Day in BIH | The HR addressed RSNA | The HR addressed RSNA | Savo Todovic case transfer |
Nikolic met gen. Leakey | | War victims support HR | HR in RS NA |
HR in RS NA | USA-BiH relations | US presidential elections | RS pensioner’s protests |
Reaction of BL Bishop | Capljina driver in | Tax evasion case | Session of RS NA |
Oslobodjenje | RS has been violating Dayton Agreement for nine years |
Dnevni Avaz | Ashdown: Arrest Karadzic and Mladic |
Dnevni List | Europe interested in delicate issues |
Vecernji List | Croatian Consulate in Mafia’s villa |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Highway from |
Glas Srpske | Trouble changes rate |
Nezavisne Novine | Paddy Ashdown on cooperation of RS with the Hague Tribunal: several weeks for arrests; Presidential elections were held in |
Blic | RS must arrest war criminals as soon as possible; No money, no asphalt; Pensioners are dissatisfied: out in streets again seeking for a raise |
Vecernje Novosti | Features Serbian related titles |
Belgrade’s Nacional | Features Serbian related titles |
US Elections
| BH Radio 1 News at 1200 by Samira Krehic – US President George Bush leads the White House race, and while both candidates are still for votes to be counted, Republicans have already told supporters they are convinced the president has won re-election. Results for |
RSNA discussing Budget execution
| BH Radio 1 News at 1200 by Brana Markovic, ONASA – RS National Assembly has continued with the regular session today in |
Del Ponte to brief NATO Council today on former Yugoslav countries cooperation with ICTY | Herceg Bosna Radio News at 1200 – Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla del Ponte will inform NATO’s Council today about cooperation of former Yugoslav countries with the ICTY. She is also supposed to meet NATO’s Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and EU HR for Security and Common Policy Javier Solana. |
Party for BiH’s Halilovic says sale of BiH telecoms to foreign state companies must be prevented | Herceg Bosna Radio News at 1200 – BiH Minister of Civil Affairs Safet Halilovic stated that it must be prevented that foreign companies purchase the most precious resources that BiH possess. As en example, Halilovic stated a claim that HT Zagreb has come in possession of an important part of telecommunications sector in BiH without a single KM invested. |
Political developments | |
Ashdown addresses RSNA
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHT, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover page, pg 3 ‘RS has been violating Dayton Agreement for nine years’ by ONASA, Dnevni Avaz cover page ‘Ashdown: Arrest Karadzic and Mladic’, pg 3 ‘RS has yet a few weeks to arrest Karadzic and Mladic’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Change of Constitution depends on Serbs’, mentioned on front, by NINA, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘RS has been violating Dayton and BiH Constitution for 9 years already’ by B. Stevandic and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 ‘You swear to Dayton and you are violating it by yourselves’ by A. Macanovic, FENA, ONASA – High Representative in BiH Paddy Ashdown warned the deputies in the RS National Assembly on Tuesday that this BiH entity had not been meeting its international obligation to cooperate with the Hague tribunal for nine years. He stressed that whether BiH were to draw closer to the EU and NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme depended on this cooperation. The High Representative said that almost a decade after the war, BiH was at the door to a better future, that it could become a part of a modern Europe, a member of the EU and NATO, which could contribute to a safer future for everyone in the region. “Whether this door will be opened or closed depends on one issue which is being resolved here in Banja Luka,” Ashdown said, stressing that this issue was whether the RS authorities could turn around the nine years of non-cooperation with the Hague tribunal over the next few weeks. He noted that for nine years the RS had violated the fundamental provisions of the Dayton Agreement, which the existence of the RS and peace depended on. Nezavisne Novine, cover ‘Paddy Ashdown on cooperation of RS with the Hague Tribunal: several weeks for arrests’ and pg. 3 ‘Several weeks left to arrest war crimes indictees’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic, pg. RS2 ‘Respect Dayton and Constitution’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Fulfill Hague obligations’ by G. Dakic, Vecernje Novosti, pg. 4 ‘No excuses for the Hague’ by Sl. Pesevic and M. Labus also reported on the HR address. |
EuroBlic interview with HR Ashdown
| EuroBlic, cover ‘RS must arrest war criminals as soon as possible’ and pgs. RS4-RS5 ‘Srpska must urgently arrest war criminals’ by Marija Jandric – High Representative Paddy Ashdown gave an interview to EuroBlic emphasizing the importance of arresting of war crimes indictees as soon as possible. HR Ashdown stated that EuroBlic article carries three insets: ‘Srebrenica is no longer my task’ – HR said he did not see the Srebrenica report and he also said it is up to the Commission for Human Rights of the BiH Constitutional Court to decide whether the report is satisfactory. ‘Politicians are spending two thirds, 35% remains for citizens’ – HR commented on spending of public revenues in BiH by saying BiH cannot survive if it spends 65% of its revenues for the needs of the authority while only 35% of revenues remains for satisfying needs of citizens. ‘Security is in mandate of SFOR’ – asked to comment on the fact that BiH does nothing to oppose terrorist groups in BiH, HR Ashdown has stated he was responsible for peace stabilization while SFOR was responsible for security issues. ‘I think you should ask COMSFOR to give an answer to this question – it is his job, not mine’, HR Ashdown said. |
HR: I do not know what will happen to RS
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘I do not know what will happen with RS’. ONASA – Answering the questions of the Republika Srpska National Assembly delegates, High Representative Paddy Ashdown said in |
Reactions to HR RSNA speech
| RTRS carries reactions of some politicians regarding Tuesday’s HR Paddy Ashdown’s address to RSNA. RS President Dragan Cavic stated that the time has come to show whether RS is fulfilling commitments towards ICTY. “It would be good if all those indicted would realise that we are entering a phase of complete institutional delicateness. They should realise it and surrender. At the end of the day RS NA has made a resolution and called all war crime suspects to surrender. I am reminding them that it is a general political position, position of parliament and all political parties in it. It is my personal position and position of those who understand the political ambience we are in and what political and institutional consequences for RS can be created by qualifications that are very certain today. We heard those qualifications from HR again and they are that RS is not fulfilling international commitments”, says Cavic. Ivan Tomljenovic RS Vice President says that he was pleased with Ashdown statement regarding constitutional changes and the fact that they should/could be made only by agreement from all 3 people. RS Prime minister Dragan Mikerevic says that the main task is to confirm the entity by the end of the year and adds that it will be confirmed by fulfilling international obligations. RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic according to RTRS reporter was not in the mood to comment Ashdown’s statements. Milorad Dodik SNSD Chairman says that Ashdown hasn’t made any new statements and objectively cooperation with ICTY is the most important obligation at the moment. Tarik Sadovic SDA representative in RS NA says that they are pleased with the impression HR made since he hasn’t left any dilemma related to BIH and RS future. Velimir Sakan PDP representative says that institutions have realised their positions now and that they will do what is necessary in order to fulfil their commitments. Borislav Bojic SDS representative says that there is not institution to complain to when HR makes a certain decision. He adds that he expects the report of Venice Commission on violation of human rights by HR. Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3 ‘RS can expect sanctions again’ by V. P. – Borislav Bojic, the Chairman of SDS Caucus, has assessed that the HR has openly warned executive bodies of their obligation to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal and he said there is no time for waiting. RS Deputy President Adil Osmanovic has said that RS could expect imposing of sanctions if it continues with non-cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Osmanovic has accused RS MoI of being the most responsible for the lack of cooperation with ICTY. Marko Pavic (DNS) thinks sanctions against RS are possible but he emphasised that ‘Ashdown should not point sanctions against RS and its people but he should point it against politicians who have accepted obligations and failed to fulfil them’. Slobodan Popovic, a delegate of SDP at RSNA, has stated that the cooperation of authority with ICTY is an obligation that must be fulfilled by the end of the year. Velimir Sakan, PDP delegate at RSNA, has expressed his hope that the international community would have enough understanding for circumstances under which the Law on cooperation with ICTY is being implemented and he added that the authority has understood the warning of the High Representative that RS must not be an obstacle to this cooperation. |
Ashdown meets with RS President, Prime Minister
| BHT, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Mikerevic: We will fulfill requests from The Hague by the end of the year’, FENA – RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic said on Tuesday in Banja Luka that in the next few weeks it will be possible to establish comprehensive cooperation with the Hague tribunal provided that all the authorized organs grasp responsibly the threats coming from international circles. After the meeting with High Representative Paddy Ashdown, Mikerevic emphasized that the warnings about the need for the RS to intensify cooperation with the ICTY were “realistic and that concrete results have to be achieved”. “For nine years the RS has not defined its political orientation and commitments stemming from the BiH Constitution and the Dayton Agreement which relate to cooperation with the Hague tribunal,” Mikerevic said and added that the RS has until the end of the year to show that the entity is fulfilling its obligations. He said that this was the most important task and that the RS will consolidate itself by fulfilling its obligations to the ICTY. RS President Dragan Cavic and RS Minister of Internal Affairs Darko Matijasevic also held talks with High Representative Paddy Ashdown in Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Certain responsibility of RS authority bodies’ not signed – After the meeting with High Representative Paddy Ashdown held in Banja Luka on Tuesday, RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic stated that they talked about meeting of crucial RS obligations ‘when the HR realistically stated clear tasks ahead of the RS authorities and all RS authority bodies must be held accountable when meeting of the obligations towards the ICTY is in question’. Glas srpske pg. 2 ‘The task of all tasks’ by G. D., Nezavisne Novine pg. 3 ‘RS has time’ also carried Mikerevic’s statement. |
Osmanovic’s statements
| BHT, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘RS MoI responsible for lack of cooperation with The Hague’, FENA – Vice President of RS Adil Osmanovic accused on Tuesday the RS Interior Ministry of being the most responsible for lack of cooperation with the ICTY. Osmanovic told journalists it would not be realistic to expect that the situation changes in the next few weeks i.e. that the RS starts cooperating with the ICTY. He also noted that he was happy with HR’s speech before the RSNA on Tuesday, foremost in the part that spoke about the responsibility of the RS institutions regarding failure to implement the DPA. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Karadzic’s police will not arrest criminals’ by E. Sarac – RS Vice Presidents Adil Osmanovic and Ivan Tomljenovic meet with entity Ministers of Internal Affairs, Mevludin Halilovic and Darko Matijasevic, today in Banja Luka. They will discuss the possible solution to the issue of lack of staff members belonging to one of the constituent peoples. “Judging from the way things stand currently, it is as if these were two ministries of the independent countries. I hope that Police reform commission will come to final solution which, in my opinion, is only possible to be establishment of the police at the state level,” says Osmanovic and adds that a Bosniak or Croat at the position of Police Director would mean appointing professional without a burden of war years. |
Women – Victims of War
| FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Ashdown finally realized who protects war criminals’, FENA – Women – Victims of War Association calls on all NGOs in BiH to give their support to the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, “in order to materialize promises of the smaller BiH entity, and enable return of victims, witnesses and families of the killed ones to pre-war places of residence”. “We give full support to the High Representative to use powers from his mandate and sanction those who obstruct arrest of war criminals”, reads a press release issued by the Association today. Association also claims that the HR has finally realized that the RS is refusing to cooperate with the ICTY, by which it endangers the future of BiH. |
NN op-ed on HR’s speech, cooperation with ICTY
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Now or never’ by Aleksandar Sekulic – The author starts the article regarding the failure to arrest war crime suspects by saying that “promises and convictions, wishing and willing, attempts and intentions are terms which definitely have a different meaning than in the hilly Balkans”, noting that some concrete actions and results are the sole thing international community accepts and respects. He notes HR’s message Tuesday was rather clear, and it remains to be seen whether the RS NA MP’s acknowledged the meaning of his speech. He emphasises that the so far failures of RS authorities to fully cooperate with the ICTY have classified them as unserious partners. He adds that our representatives are aware of the responsibility, but they just do not want to do anything, waiting for somebody else to do their job. He also refers to the so called patriots, i.e. war crime suspects, stressing if they were true patriots, they would have gone to |
European Parliamentarians in BiH
| Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Support to BiH on its road to European integration’,Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Raguz: They came to encourage us on our European path’ by H.H., Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 5 ‘Europe is interested in delicate issues’ by D. Polovina-Mandic – Delegation of the European parliament, lead by Doris Pack, has arrived to Sarajevo to meet with BiH parliamentarians. They held the meeting with speakers and deputy speakers of BiH House of Representatives and House of Peoples. Speaker of the BiH HoR Martin Raguz stated after the meeting that BiH parliamentarians welcomed the visit of the delegation which was briefed on the current situation and ongoing reforms. Doris Pack stressed that all countries that the delegation cooperated with successfully integrated to BHT – Chair of European Parliament’s Office for Relations with Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Transfer of authorisation from OHR to BiH authority is important’ by M. Cubro also covered the issue. |
Oslobodjenje interview with US’ Bradtke
| Oslobodjenje cover, pg 10 ‘Elections will not change US politics towards BiH’ by Antonio Prlenda – In an interview to Oslobodjenje, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Robert Bradtke says that US policy towards BiH will not be changed after the elections regardless of the results. Asked about possible problems between EU and NATO once the SFOR turns its mandate to EUFOR, Bredtke answered: “I am certain there will be none. We have discussed these two missions with NATO and EU for long time… This will be carefully planned operation where very experienced officers will cooperate.” |
BiH state officials held a meeting
| Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘They decided to improve cooperation’ by M. Cubro – The officials of the BiH Presidency, BiH COM and both Houses of BiH Parliament held a meeting in Sarajevo Tuesday, when they agreed to improve their cooperation in order to fulfil requirements for admission into PfP, EU and also to implement the Mid-term Development Strategy. According to press release issued by BiH Presidency after the meeting, “the collocutors agreed there is a need to improve mutual cooperation and organise meetings, which would contribute to fulfillment of mutual goals.” |
Economic/social issues | |
Dokic, Terzic on construction of highways in BiH
| Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash ‘Highway from Herzegovina to Banja Luka’ and pg 12 ‘Modern highway from Herzegovina to Banja Luka’ by Z. Rerig – Commenting on the situation that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditions announced loan amounting to 50 million KM for welfare programs in BiH by the fact that the BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) gives up the plan on self-financing construction of highways in BiH, BiH Minister of Traffic and Communications Branko Dokic stated that he believes that negotiators will have enough arguments to defend the BiH CoM’s decision on this issue. Chairman of the BiH CoM Adnan Terzic stated that he fully supports Dokic’s stand that the BiH CoM will not give up its decision. Dokic also said that there is a big interest of the |
Journalists request zero VAT rate for print media
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Zero rate for print media’, ONASA – The BiH Coordination of Journalist Associations issued a statement on Tuesday, calling on the BiH House of Representatives to adopt the amendments to the draft law on value added tax, thereby securing a zero tax rate for printed media. The statement read that the acceptation of the BiH Finances and Budget Commission’s proposal for 17% VAT for printed media would be a direct attack against the publishing industry and would result in the closing of certain publishing houses. “Most European countries have accepted a zero or reduced VAT rate for printed media,” it added. The Coordination said that, if the proposal is adopted, it will call on journalists to boycott political and all other activities of authorities, and will ask for support from the International Federation of Journalists, Council of European Publishers and journalist associations from the world. Nezavisne Novine, pg. 10 ‘They ask for a zero VAT rate on print media’ by V. I., Glas Srpske, pg. 4 ‘Zero rate for printed media’ uby D. M. also covered the issue. |
SDP leader Lagumdzija on VAT
| Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Increase of prices and social tensions follow’, mentioned on front, by De.L. –Law on Value Added Tax should be adopted at the session the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, which is to take place on Thursday. On the eve of this session SDP President Zlatko Lagumdzija sent a letter to all associations of farmers, food producers, publishers etc. and all those who will be affected the most by the aforementioned law, to express their stands and as many arguments as possible during tomorrow’s session. |
GS on VAT rate
| Glas Srpske cover page story ‘Trouble changing the rate’ by D.V.M. – Commenting on the conclusion of the BiH Commission for Finances and Budget (at BiH House of Representatives) regarding the two-rated VAT system, Ljiljana Milicevic, member of the Commission, said that if Governments of RS and F BiH undertake measures for assistance to socially most vulnerable categories of population, one-rate VAT system will be discussed, since there would no longer be a need for a zero VAT rate (for food and groceries). She noted that as economist by profession, she agrees that a single VAT rate is the best solution, noting such rate would be an attack against the poorest population without adoption of a social programme. Branislav Stojanovic, President of RS NA Board for Economy and Finances, is of the view that a single VAT rate to all products is the best and the simplest solution, stressing: “The proposed limit of BAM 50 thousand on a yearly basis on taxes should be cut down to 20 thousand, and deadline for tax return should be cut from 60 to 30 days.” Drago Corluka, Assistant to ITA Director for Tax Sector, is of the view that social issues cannot be settled through establishment of a VAT system, noting that a single rate is the only positive solution. |
Vrankic on refused IDA loans
| Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Representatives refused favourable loans’ by I. Glibusic – DL says that Federation of BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic expressed concern about the fact that at the session of the FBiH HoR held last Friday representatives refused to give consent for 3 loans. According to the Ministry of Finances, these were very favourable loans of the International Development Association. Vrankic added that due to such decision of the FBiH HoR, the FBiH budget will lose about 33 million KM in this year and 54 million in the next fiscal year. |
OHR on sales tax law
| Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Adopt laws on sales tax’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Another OHR’s appeal to state Parliament’ by D.P.M., Nezavisne Novine pg. 8 ‘To adopt laws on sales taxes and excises as soon as possible’ by Onasa, Glas srpske, pg. 4 ‘On taxes as soon as possible’ not signed,FENA – The BiH Council of Ministers on October 12 adopted the Excise Tax Law and Sales Tax law, which are absolutely essential in removing a key obstacle to BiH’s economic recovery, and it is therefore imperative that they are placed before the BiH Parliamentary Assembly without any further delay, the OHR said on Tuesday. “Ideally the assembly should debate the laws in the next two weeks”, the spokesperson for OHR, |
Dnevni Avaz: HR will impose FBiH Law on Internal Debt? | Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘High Representative will impose the FBiH law on internal debt?’ by A. Basic – Mate Franjcevic, Chair of the Croat caucus in the FBiH House of Peoples, stated that if FBiH HoP on Thursday adopts the proposal of the Law on FBiH Internal Debt in the form proposed by the FBiH Government, the Croat caucus will initiate process to assess its constituency before the FBiH Constitutional Court. HoP Speaker, Slavko Matic, the Government has not yet submitted its stance on the amendment proposed by the Croat caucus, which refer to old currency savings and pensions which stayed blocked at the accounts of former Mostar Pension Fund in the Hercegovacka bank. DA learns from the source close to government that there is a high possibility for the High Representative Paddy Ashdown to intervene if the Law fails to be adopted. “We appeal on the Parliament to show that it is truly capable of leading those its presents and to immediately adopt the Law which will launch the process of responsible fulfilment of the promises given to citizens several years ago,” commented OHR spokesperson |
RSNA did not accept changes to PIO Law
| FTV, RTRS, EuroBlic, cover ‘Pensioners are dissatisfied: out in streets again seeking for a raise’ and pg. RS3 ‘Out in streets to get pensions’ by Tijana Veselinovic, Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘To keep the old path’ by D. Zec and R. Skondric, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 3 ‘No increase of October pensions’ by Agencies – RS National Assembly hasn’t accepted the Government’s information on situation in Pension Invalid Disability Fund. Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘To keep the old path’ by D. Zec and R. Skondric, inset ‘Payment’ – RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic said changes to the Law on pension-disability insurance should be applied, by which approximately 9,000 pensioners who have returned to FBiH and who are receiving their pensions from RS budget, will be allowed to ask for their rights in FBiH. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Fulfill your Hague duties’ by G. Dakic – According to GS inset “Sanctions”, following his speech, HR responded to some MP’s questions. Responding to question regarding decision of BiH Human Rights Chamber raised by Ruza Nikic fromPensioners Party (that pensions should be paid out from the place where they earned it), HR made a suggestion pensioners should address HRC and inquire what sanctions should be imposed against Government of F BiH in order to see this decision respected. He said: “My job is to ensure sanctions are properly implemented.” Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Mikerevic: FBiH authorities are not willing to take over payment of pensions’ not signed – Addressing representatives in the RS National Assembly on Tuesday, RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic stated that he does not have impression that the Federation of BiH authorities are willing to take over the obligation to pay pensions earned in this entity and thus implement the Human Rights Chamber’s decision on this issue. |
RS pensioners announce protests
| BHT, EuroBlic, cover ‘Pensioners are dissatisfied: out in streets again seeking for a raise’ and pg. RS3 ‘Out in streets to get pensions’ by Tijana Veselinovic – Chairman of Association of RS pensioners Rade Rakulj announced that pensioners are going to block bridges and borders, due to the refusal of RS National Assembly representatives to adopt conclusions, which would improve pensioners’ status. |
Update to the construction of | EuroBlic, cover and pg. RS1 ‘No money, no asphalt’ by Tijana Veselinovic – RS Minister of Traffic and Communications Dragan Solaja has stated he has sent a request to BiH Ministry of Finances and treasury to unblock funds for the construction of Banja Luka – Gradiska highway, ‘otherwise consequences RS and BiH would suffer would be disastrous’. |
Police reform | |
Oslobodjenje on police reform
| Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘RS consistently against unified BiH police’ by Antonio Prlenda – The article also refers to the meeting of the Police Reform Commission which resulted in the declaration expressing readiness of all members to suggest a unified police structure by the end of this year under political state supervision. In this light, author says that RS Interior Minister, Darko Matijasevic, has presented the platform for the police reform in BiH which envisages further existence of the RS MoI. “OHR has decided to restrain from further public comments until the Police Reform Commission publishes final results of its work at the end of this year,” stated OHR spokesperson |
Mehmed Zilic on police reform
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Solana and Paten told us clearly that unified police is a condition for BiH’s entrance to EU’ by M. Kukan, mentioned on cover ‘Investigation into Jozo Leutar’s assassination to be renewed’ – Following the four-day meeting of the Police Reform Commission in Brussels, Mehmed Zilic, internal affairs advisor to Bosniak BiH Presidency member, says that over 20 members of the Commission – expect RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic and RS Police Director Radomir Njegus – have all agreed with the concept of single police forces. He adds this police “would be better equipped and trained for joint activities in the region of entire BiH. It envisages the joint cooperation of SIPA, State Border Service which would be within Security Minister and under which there would be regional police structures without entities and cantonal MoIs.” Zilic adds that this police structure would be organized in accordance with the 1991 census, in five regions of |
SDP on police reform
| Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Reform for police only!?’ by NINA – SDP issued a press release in which they express their stand when the police reform in BiH is in question. According to the press release, SDP stands for a unified police structure at the BiH level with clearly defined competence, depoliticised police, which does not serve any party and which respects law and serves BiH citizens. |
Judiciary/legal proceedings/corruption | |
Dnevni Avaz: Investigation into Jozo Leutar’s assassination to be renewed
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Solana and Paten told us clearly that unified police is a condition for BiH’s entrance to EU’ by M. Kukan, mentioned on cover ‘Investigation into Jozo Leutar’s assassination to be renewed’ – Mehmed Zilic, internal affairs advisor to Bosniak BiH Presidency member, comments to the recent demand by the BiH Presidency member, Dragan Covic, to renew the investigation on the murder of former FBiH Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Jozo Leutar, by saying he agrees. “I would love to see all relevant law enforcement to launch new investigation and to solve the murder of Leutar… Media speculations on Leutar murder which included me and my associates hurt me a lot, and they were not correct,” said Zilic. |
TI presented report on work of Centre for Legal Assistance
| Dnevni List pg 4 ‘6 charges because of corruption’, mentioned on front, by E. Mackic, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Inspectors are most inclined to receive bribe’ by E. Medunjanin and Slobodna Dalmacija pg 12 ‘Report corruption by phone’ by Z. Tulic – The Transparency International (TI) BiH presented a report on the work of the Centre for Legal Assistance in the struggle against corruption on Tuesday. According to TI spokesperson Srdjan Blagovcacni this centre has received over 2500 reports during the last 8 months and the aforementioned Centre filed 6 charges to competent Prosecutions. |
Update on Eronet issue
| Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 ‘Tony Robinson suspicious about court’, mentioned on front, by B. Kristo – SD says that Hercegovacka Banka Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson stated for FTV that they will lodge an appeal to the Supreme Court with regard to the latest decision of the Cantonal Court in Mostar about return to Eronet shares to HT Mostar. She added that the result of their appeal will be positive since the Supreme Court has already passed the decision in their favour in this case. Commenting on this statement, legal representative of HT Mostar in this case Plameko Custovic stated that Robinson is wrong since the Supreme Court’s decision, that she is talking about, refers on registration of the contract on transfer of shares on companies Alpina Komerc and Hercegovina Osiguranje and not on the contents of the contract. Custovic added that the decision of the |
Update to Mandic case
| BHT, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘Pleading on guilt tomorrow’ by A. Durmo – BiH Court has confirmed the indictments against Aleksandar and Drazenko Mandic and Dragoslav Popovic, who are accused of embezzlements in case of “Privredna banka” in Eastern Sarajevo. |
Miscellaneous | |
TV Hayat to broadcast Bairam prayer at Begova Mosque
| BHT, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5, mentioned on cover ‘TV Hayat to broadcast Bairam prayer at Begova Mosque’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4, FENA – The leadership of the BiH Islamic Community has approved the request of Independent TV Hayat to broadcast live coverage of the Bairam prayer from the Gazi Husrev-Beg Mosque in Sarajevo on Saturday 13 November 2004. As reported by MINA (Muslim News Agency], the Islamic Community expects TV Hayat to carry out all necessary preparations in cooperation with the responsible Community’s services in order to provide a satisfactory level of coverage for Muslims domestically and in the Diaspora. |
VL: Croatian Consulate in
| Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 17 ‘Croatian Consulate in Mafia’s villa’ by B. Stevandic, D. Miljus – VL says that the villa in Banja Luka settlement Borik in which the Croatian Consulate is placed is owned by Veljko Cejic who was arrested about 10 days ago because of falsifying documents for car registration. Commenting on this situation, General Croatian Consul in Banja Luka Ivan Lepoglavec stated that they have signed a contract with Cejic in 2001 and this contract is valid 10 years. According to Lepogalvec, they have no intention to annul this contract and they demanded from Cejic to authorize a person to whom the Croatian Consulate will be paying rent. VL also says that Cejic is suspected of being a member of Mafia dealing with cars. |